Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 13

by S. W. Gunn

  As Daell pulled himself from his pleasant reverie he noticed the ramshackle pillars that were the gates of his village.

  “Is this it?” Astir asked him.

  “Welcome to Anddyri, home of the King of Heima. I hope you can forgive its humble simplicity, as we do not have the opulence that our Queen is used to.”

  “Oh Daell, I love it. It may need some repairs, but it is quaint,” She smiled broadly at him and then continued, “Besides any place that brought you to me could not be that bad.”

  Daell nodded at her. He was nervous, but he was also quite excited to see his family, he had not realized just how much he had missed them until it was almost time to see them again. The caravan stopped at the marketplace of Anddyri. As they sat for a moment waiting the Captain of the Hamarr approached.

  Once he was standing outside the window of the carriage he said, “Your Majesty I am afraid that we do not know where we are supposed to go from this point in order to arrive at our destination.”

  Daell laughed. How could they know where his father's forge was? No one outside of Anddyri would know such a thing.

  “We shall disembark here,” Daell told him, “From here you are to acquire the entire top floor of the inn there,”

  Daell pointed to the inn before he continued speaking, “You will stay there while I escort the Queen to our destination. You and your men are not to disturb or follow us. We will be staying here for six turns. I wish to carry one bag of my own and the Queen's clothing. Her handmaidens will stay at the inn and we will tend to ourselves. We will return on the sixth turn, and then we will head back to Araedi. Am I understood?”

  The Captain nodded and said, “It shall be as you command Your Highness.”

  He turned and began calling out orders to his men.

  Daell asked, “Your Majesty shall we head to our destination?”

  “My King I love it when you take charge.”

  “Honestly they would just be in the way. You are as safe in my home as you would be in Bygod.”

  “How will I dress myself daily?”

  Daell could easily see the seductive look on her face.

  With a sly smile he replied, “I shall personally serve as your handmaiden while we stay within my family's home.”

  “I accept. Let us go for we have a family to see.” She said with a laugh.

  The door of the carriage opened and she stepped out.

  As he was exiting the carriage Hollurn called out to them, “Your Majesty and your Highness, may I be excused to visit with my family?”

  Astir nodded at him.

  Daell answered Hollurn by saying, “Go and visit your family my friend, I shall see you in six turns.”

  Hollurn nodded at them and then began to escort Skemmra down one of the pathways towards his old home. Daell chuckled when he noticed that Hollurn was once again carrying all of her bags. Picking up his own back, and then his wife’s thee bags that had been designated as necessary, he turned down the pathway towards his old home.

  He was not surprised to see that Anddyri had not changed one tiny bit. The Jordlings of his village stared as he passed though the village. They obviously recognized him, but they were in shock due to his appearance, he was wearing fine clothing with a beautiful woman by his side. Before he had left Anddyri, the idea of the Queen was more mythical than anything to himself and the people of the village. They would have had no idea what she looked like before their visit. Everyone here knew the Queen ruled them, but they lived their lives outside of the entire political arena, and they would continue to do so after he had left in several turns. Daell continued to walk until he spotted his old home. He could see his father working diligently at his forge. Daell stopped. In an attempt to calm himself, he took several deep breaths.

  Astir rubbed him gently on his back and said, “I am here with you Daell.”

  Turning back towards her he nodded as he said, “Come and meet my family Astir.”

  Daell slowly walked towards the entry of his father's forge. His father had not initially noticed him, but as Daell made his way to the entryway he saw him.

  His father paused for a moment and then asked, “Daell? Is that you son?”

  Daell nodded slowly.

  Excitedly his father called out, “By Grunner himself! My son has returned home!”

  He set down his smithing hammer and moved quickly to Daell. As Daell set the four bags down at the entryway of the forge room, his father engulfed Daell in a big hug.

  “I’ve missed you my son.”

  Daell could hear the slight choking in his voice.

  His father then yelled out, “Gaeta and Kelda get out here, our boy has returned home!”

  He could hear screams of excitement coming from within his home. First his mother came running out. His father quickly stepped out of her way and she collided into Daell, embracing him in a hug.

  Between her cries of joy, she said to him, “I’ve missed you dearly son, I feared that something had happened to you these many cycles that you’ve been gone.”

  Next was Kelda, she did not wait to have a chance to hug him. She just wrapped herself into both him and his mother. Their tears had caused him to cry with them. He tried his best to stop himself from crying, but he felt so joyful to see his family again that he could not. After a long hug they finally separated from him.

  His father kindly ignored Daell's tears and asked, “My son, who this is?”

  He was referring to Astir. All of his family turned to look at her. She was wiping tears from her eyes as Daell looked at her.

  Daell stepped away from his family and said, “Yes, I would like to introduce you all to someone special.”

  He glanced to his father, then his sister, and finally his mother. He could tell by the hopeful look on his mother’s face that he was about to make her a very happy mother.

  Daell announced, “This is my wife Astir.”

  His father examined her slowly. It was clear that he was trying to figure her out. His mother and sister immediately encircled Astir.

  His mother spoke first, “My dear it’s a pleasure to have you as a member of our family.”

  She clasped Astir's hands.

  Kelda said to her, “Astir you’re so beautiful.”

  Astir blushed and said, “Thank you Kelda.”

  His father spoke, “So son, would you care to share with your family how you managed to return back to us, so finely dressed, and with lass on your arm? Your poor mother had spent several harvests tryin’ to find you a wife and you leave and then come back with one on your own in a matter of less than a harvest.”

  Kelda chimed in, “And such a beautiful one too father.”

  His father nodded and glanced back to Astir before saying, “Indeed Kelda.”

  Daell said, “Shall we enter our home? I will gladly tell the tale in the dining hall.”

  His father nodded.

  His mother spoke, “Astir my dear, I hope you do not mind the humble condition of our home. We’re but poor folk who toil daily to make a livin’.”

  Astir shook her head and said, “Gaeta.”

  His mother interrupted, “Dear, please call me mother. You’re my son's wife, and are as much a member of the family as my own sons and daughter.”

  “Yes mother, I thank you for being so kind to me.”

  His mother took Astir by her arm and slowly began to guide her into their home. Kelda followed closely behind them. Daell watched them enter. His father wrapped one of his arms around Daell's shoulders.

  He said, “Son I rejoice to see you again, I can’t lie as my heart had grown with concern for each turn that you were gone.”

  Daell turned to look at his father before replying, “I too missed you father, I have tales to share of the many places I have been.”

  “Very well son. Let’s join the women folk and you may spin your tale.”

  Daell and his father collected his and Astir’s bags before they headed into the house.

ter 15

  No matter how hard she had tried Astir could not help but cry when she saw Daell and his family's reunion, it was just so beautiful to her eyes. She even saw his stern looking father tear up. It was clear that they loved him as dearly as any person could love another. As soon as they entered the small dining hall of Daell's old home, she could see that they indeed were quite poor. No doubt they struggled to ensure they had everything that they needed. It was this environment that served as the crucible that forged the greatest man throughout all of Heima. She took in everything that she could. His mother guided her to the largest chair in the room and then set up several blankets in an attempt to make the bottom of the chair more comfortable. Astir easily could see that both Gaeta and Kelda were very sweet women. They attended to Astir with soft affection. His mother left the dining hall and returned with several cups that were filled with water. Astir had to admit that the water was quite soothing, especially since Anddyri was so hot outside.

  As soon as Daell's father sat down he glanced over at Astir and said, “So young lass, before my son begins to explain to his family where he has been for these many cycles, I would like to ask you one question.”

  “Anything you wish Skeid.”

  “Lass, if you are my son's wife then you should refer to me as you do his mother.”

  Astir nodded. She could see that his family was going to accept her readily.

  “Yes father.” She replied.

  He nodded sternly before continuing, “Very well lass, first you need to explain to us your appearance.”

  She did not understand so she said, “I am confused by what you mean father.”

  He rubbed his chin and then asked, “Lass have you had a chance to gaze into a mirror? You are an unusual lookin’ Jordlin’ if I’ve ever seen one.”

  She laughed. It made sense to her now since people of mixed race were extremely rare in Heima. While it did happen occasionally, very few times did people of different races actually marry each other.

  “Father, that is because I am not a Jordling.” She explained.

  His father leaned forward and rested his chin on his hand with his elbow resting on his massive knee. Astir realized that Daell's father was probably as big as the Jordling first mate of the Gjalfur. He looked very much like a much taller and bulkier version of Daell.

  “Well lass, could you explain to me what you are then?”

  She glanced over at Daell and saw that he was trying to muffle laughter by placing his hands over his mouth. Apparently he had been underneath his father's stern questioning before and he seemed to be relishing the view from another position. He winked at her which she responded to by sticking her tongue out at him. Kelda giggled at her and Daell's interaction.

  Astir turned back to his father and said calmly, “Father I am the Queen of Heima.”

  Daell's sister and mother immediately had looks of utter shock. His father however managed to hold his stern visage. He rubbed his chin again.

  “The Queen of Heima eh?”

  “Indeed father, I am the ruler of all of Heima, far and wide.”

  He glanced over at Daell and then back to Astir before stating, “Lass are you sittin’ here tellin’ me that my wayward son has managed to not only find himself a wife, but he went and found the reignin’ Queen of Heima and somehow convinced her to marry him?”

  “No father that is not what I am telling you.”

  He looked very confused.

  “Very well lass. What are you tellin’ me?”

  “Father I am saying that your wayward son defeated three other men in four different events to earn the right to marry the Princess of Heima and thus become the King of Heima and make her his Queen, along with making her fall deeply in love with him because of how wonderfully he was raised by his mother and father.”

  She glanced over at Daell and could see that he had a massive smile on his face. She then looked back at his father.

  He nodded slowly and then said, “This is a tale that I must hear then. Son, stop hidin’ in that corner and come tell your father how you managed to find yourself in such a position.”

  Daell nodded and said, “Yes father.”

  He walked over to the chair next to Astir and sat down, reaching out and gently holding her hand as he sat.

  As soon as Daell held Astir’s hand Kelda said, “Awww.”

  His father spoke again, “Well son, we’re sittin’ on our chairs waitin’ to hear the tale.”

  A loud voice called out from the forge behind them, “Father… father are you here?”

  Astir guessed it was Daell's brother.

  Daell's father yelled out, “Bjard we’re in the dinin’ hall.”

  In a matter of moments another man entered the room.

  As he entered he said, “Father I heard a rumor that Daell had returned.”

  He froze as he entered the room completely and saw his brother.

  His father replied, “Its true son.”

  Daell’s brother very much looked like both Daell and his father. He was built a little smaller than his father but still much larger than her husband. His brother looked both happy and confused; he walked quickly to his brother and pulled Daell off of his chair.

  Hugging Daell he said, “I’ve missed you brother.”

  After he finished hugging Daell he released him and then finally noticed Astir.

  He then asked, “Who’s this brother?”

  The room laughed.

  Finally his father said, “It’s your brother's wife, the Queen of Heima it seems.”

  Bjard looked even more confused.

  “Son, take a seat. Your brother is about to tell his tale.”

  Bjard nodded slowly as he stared at Astir. She was sure that he was very confused about the whole situation and honestly she could not blame him, one turn being a plain blacksmith in a small village, to then discovering that you are family with the Queen of Heima. It could be quite a shock for someone to take. She reached out and took her husband hand with hers again. Daell took a deep breath before he told his whole story; from leaving Anddyri to awaking from his injuries that occurred during the Kostir. Astir saw that his family was entranced from the entire tale. She also noticed that Daell did not mention which events were won by which competitor during the Kostir. She did not know why he did this, but as she suspected that he did it to disguise the fact he won the poetry contest. In fact he had left the implication for his family to believe that he won the foot race. When Daell finally concluded he could see that his family was unsure to say about it all.

  After a long pause of silence, his sister was the first to speak, “That has to be the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard in my life!”

  Astir looked at his father and saw that he appeared quite grim.

  “Well then,” He started, “It would appear that my son has had quite the adventure. Can I guess that he has finished with his adventures and has now chosen to settle down like a proper Jordlin’?”

  Astir laughed before she announced, “Indeed father, we have settled in Bygod.”

  He rubbed his chin again in thought and then asked, “And does he have a proper Jordlin’ forge to work on? I’d hate to see my son not workin’ hard to ensure his wife, now my daughter, has all that she needs.”

  Astir laughed at his words.

  Daell spoke, “Father, my wife is the Queen of Heima. I do not need to provide for her, if anything she provides for me. My position is to serve her and to provide her an heir.”

  Bjard, who looked slightly confused, asked, “An heir?”

  Daell face turned a deep red color. Astir could see that he immediately regretted saying the word.

  His father laughed heartily and announced, “Children Bjard, my son's job is to give his wife children. Son, it would appear that you’ve the easiest job in Heima.”

  Bjard interjected, “And probably the most enjoyable.”

  Daell’s face was still red from embarrassment. Astir even felt heat rising up her colla
r. His father and brother laughed heartily. Astir decided to save her poor husband.

  She stated as calm and evenly as she could, “Father my husband is much too humble. He does so much more in his role as King than he leads you to believe. He serves on my council as the minister of Heima's economy.”

  His father guffawed as he asked, “What’d my youngest son know about economies lass?”

  “He has explored most of Heima and interacted with more of its citizens than most men. He worked directly with those people who run the most basic parts of my economy, including you father. Back in Bygod he also was provided the finest possible education available on that subject and many more.”

  For the first time since they had arrived Astir could see that his father was a bit impressed.

  “I certainly hope that he applies the many harvests of lessons I gave him in blacksmithin’ in some manner.”

  Astir informed him, “He will, I had planned to save this as a gift for his next harvest celebration, but I was going to have a forge installed within the palace grounds for him.”

  She glanced at Daell and could see immediate pleasure at her words. She had known that he longed for the fire of a forge and it hurt her heart to imagine her husband unhappy in some way.

  “Daell, I love your hair.” Kelda commented.

  With the change of subject the family shifted to conversing in a friendly manner about each other. Astir found his sister Kelda to be as warm and caring as her husband. She was obviously deeply interested in both Astir and her clothing as she constantly complimented Astir about her clothing, her hair, her skin and her jewelry. She followed Astir in every conversation that Astir had with any other member of his family.

  Daell's mother stood up and announced, “I must begin preparations for the evenin’ meal, Astir I know it is not part of your usual fare, but I’d love for you to stay for the evenin’ meal.”

  Daell interrupted, “Mother we will be staying here with you in my old room for the next five turns, if you do not mind.”


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