Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 21

by S. W. Gunn

  “False king your powers will not work on my ocean, now drop your sword or force my hand.”

  Daell took another step forward to block his path. All of the Vatune called forth blasts of water, which battered Daell to the ground.

  Astir screamed out, “Daell!”

  She raced to his side as they stopped hitting him with water and knelt down to check him, he was breathing but unconscious. She was furious, but she felt helpless and all alone.

  “Bring them all to the brig.”

  Astir rose to her feet with the fire of a burning sun within her heart and in a voice laced with intense anger she called out, “We will not be your prisoner traitor, either you all back away or I shall bring you all underneath my heel.”

  They laughed at her. Daell stirred awake before he shifted groggily to a seated position.

  “Very well traitors, do not forget this turn.” She said.

  Astir raised her arms and called on every bit of firecrafting that she could muster. Fire burned and swirled about her and Daell as madly as her anger, soon the ship itself began to catch fire. Fear immediately crossed onto the faces of Faramir and his men.

  “Extinguish it!” Faramir screamed.

  Astir would not let him succeed; she pushed harder to burn faster and with an intense fury as the anger in her soul. Their feeble attempts to use their water powers were failing as the fires swirled around her and began to spread in her quarters. Soon the whole ship would be aflame and they could not stop it. Several of them screamed out and began to run away. The room emptied and Astir stopped calling on the flame. Astir could see the utter awe on Daell’s face over her display.

  He rose to his feet and solemnly announced, “We should exit the ship.”

  Astir shook her head as she replied, “No. Once the traitors have run from the ship, I shall extinguish all of the fires on the whole ship. We will free our own men from the brig and then they will sail us through to Bygod.”

  She willed for the fire in their path to dissipate, it followed her command easily. Daell took her arm and escorted her out of the quarters. The deck of the ship was completely empty. Daell released his hold of Astir’s arm and glanced over the side of the ship.

  He turned back to her and stated, “They are now all off the ship Astir.”

  She nodded at him and then extended her palms downward and with a simple thought extinguished every flame on the ship.

  “Daell go down to the brig, it should be two levels down, and release our guards and the handmaidens. I shall go take the wheel until they arrive.”

  He nodded at her and then turned to run down some nearby stairs that led inside the ship. Astir made her way up the top flight of stairs that lead to the poop deck. She was surprised by what she found there, there was one man still standing at his post. It was Kroptugir. He was manning the wheel of the ship, guiding it straight towards Bygod.

  While he continued to look forward he asked, “I assume the Captain has fled the ship like a coward Your Majesty?”

  “Indeed he has, and you are the Captain now.”

  “Yes Your Majesty, where would you like to go?”

  Astir answered, “Take me to Bygod Captain we have much to plan there.”

  With Kroptugir’s guiding the temporary crew, consisting of the Aldarnari guards and Daell, they were able to make it safely to Bygod. Astir instructed the guards there to remain aboard and for Kroptugir to begin instructing them on sailing a ship. She needed to ensure that she had a crew aboard that she could trust. She exited the ship with Daell and her handmaidens and then then boarded the carriage at the docks, which took them straight to the palace.

  Once they arrived at the entrance of the palace Astir noticed that someone at the palace must have known that something had happened, every Aldarnari guard assigned to Bygod was on their post instead of the normal shifts they ran. Astir exited the carriage and began walking into the palace with Daell following closely behind her. Ofriki briskly came out of the front doors of the palace.

  The look of concern on her face was clear as she said, “Your Majesty I am relieved to see that you have returned.”

  “Ofriki we have serious issues that must be resolved. Send a squad of guards to Prudir to collect the Grand Council and their families, have them brought here immediately.”

  Ofriki looked mildly confused but she nodded and quickly ran back into the palace. Astir walked into the palace, with Daell still following directly behind her.

  Daell spoke once they entered the palace, “Your Majesty what is your plan?”

  Astir was not completely sure what she should do. The Vatune captain said that both Hellir and Kunnadi had turned against them.

  Solemnly she said, “We have some time before the guards can bring the Grand Council, so I am going to clean up and change my clothing. I believe after the last few turns we both need a proper bathing.”

  He nodded towards her and they both walked briskly to their quarters. Normally Astir loved the opportunity to spend time with her husband in the bathing tub, but this was different. They both quickly bathed and dressed. After she sat in her chair her handmaidens struggled with her hair, which was not cooperating. She was not surprised due to the recent events of the last few turns. She sighed heavily as they worked. Eventually they completed and she was quickly dressed. She stepped through the doors of the royal quarters and slowly walked down the stairs. Her stomach rumbled from hunger since she had not eaten in some time. Daell walked quietly behind her. He had not spoken a word since they first entered the palace. No doubt he was just as confused and frustrated about the entire situation as she was. They entered the dining hall and both sat in quiet. The Jordling servants quickly brought out the evening meal for them to eat. They ate in silence.

  Chapter 26

  Daell was very concerned for Astir. She did not speak during the entire evening meal, while they walked to the throne room, and even while they sat in the throne room awaiting the Grand Council. Eventually the Grand Council arrived and they were ushered into the throne room. Daell could see the confused looks on the faces of the entire council. Ofriki, Skemmra, Viga, and all of the other councilors were also ushered into the throne room.

  Once the doors of the room were locked Astir spoke, “I need to know who in this room is loyal to me.”

  Daell could hear the subtle undertones of anger in her voice. They all looked quite confused at her words.

  Her mother spoke first, “Your Majesty what do you mean?”

  Astir rose from her throne and began to speak, “A group of villains dared to assault me while I was on the Leid to Heimili and then again on my own ship sailing home.”

  Daell could hear gasps coming from the councilors. Their faces were painted in disbelief.

  Viga next spoke, “Your Majesty what happened?”

  Astir angrily answered, “Eleven Vindiri assassins tried to burn down the inn I was staying in. Once we made our way to the exit, they attempted to fire arrows at us. If it were not for my husband, they would have succeeded.”

  Daell sat quietly. He could hear the whispers between the different councilors.

  “So,” Astir spoke, this time with a much firmer tone, “Which of you are loyal to me? The leadership of both Kunnadi and Hellir has apparently declared independence from Heima. I have people from both cities here within my own council. So I must know if you are loyal to me or those cities.”

  Viga was the first to speak, “Your Majesty I can speak for everyone in this room, our loyalties are to you first.”

  His words were quickly repeated by all within the throne room. Daell knew that they could always rely on Viga, along with each one of his friends. Astir nodded and sat down on her throne.

  Skemra interjected, “Your Majesty I was born and raised in Kunnadi, and I can tell you that I am loyal to you first. The whole situation is very unusual. Seven turns ago I had sent a runner to Kunnadi for some research needed, as part of my position, and my runner was sent back to me. He had no wor
d why. All he could tell me was that all Aldarnari have been evicted from Kunnadi.”

  This was bad news because if the Vindiri had known that the Aldarnari would be loyal to the Queen they must have had removed them as a threat from Kunnadi. Daell had little doubt that the same was true of Hellir. Daell looked up at Astir. She appeared to be quite contemplative.

  After a short pause she leaned forward slightly and stated, “I am open to any suggestions from both the Grand Council and my own councilors.”

  The room seemed to be unsure of the first action to take.

  Viga again was the first to speak, “You Majesty perhaps we should send someone to Heimili and Araedi to ensure loyalty to the crown?”

  Daell felt that was a good idea.

  “Whom could we send on such a mission? I suspect that hazards would await anyone leaving Bygod.” Astir asked.

  “I shall go.” Viga announced.

  Daell knew that Viga would volunteer. Daell had felt that Viga was a smart choice since he was Aldarnari, and a very skilled warrior. Astir seemed upset about the proposition but she said nothing. Daell then realized that he too should go. Having the King personally stride into each city to demand loyalty would be strongly influencing.

  “I too shall go.” Daell announced.

  Astir turned her head sharply towards him and said, “My King I cannot let you go, you must remain at my side.”

  Daell knew his wife would not be happy about his choice.

  Flatly and evenly Daell stated, “Your Majesty I must go, it is the King’s place to shore up support for his Queen in her time of need. If the cities are to take us seriously, we must be there to confront them.”

  A look of concern crossed her face that he recognized from during the Bardagi.

  “I will not allow it.” She said firmly.

  He stood and walked down the steps of the pedestal and then took several steps towards the members of the two councils that stood before her, his back turned to her.

  “You have no choice my Queen. Last evening you have taught me what we must do with those who oppose you.”

  “I am the Queen and my word is final husband.” She replied curtly.

  Daell could hear anger in her voice. Daell lowered his glance to the ground.

  Softly Daell said to her, “I am the only one my love, it must be me to confront these people.”

  He slowly lifted his hands until they were facing his downcast face.

  Daell then continued speaking, “Heima has gifted me with abilities no man, or Queen has. I must do as Heima has said, and even told you, I must defend my Queen.”

  He slowly raised his arms foreword until they extended and even with his shoulders. The ground around them quivered as Daell called on it.

  “I can move Heima herself my Queen.”

  He dropped his arms to his sides, which caused the shaking to stop. Daell spun to look at her.

  She had tears slowly rolling down her face as she said, “I know my love, but my heart cannot live without you. I fear for losing you.”

  Her tears saddened him greatly.

  Confidently Daell stated, “And you shall not lose me my Queen. I am of Heima and she will not let harm come to me until I have finished all that she has tasked of me.”

  Astir looked down to the ground by her feet. Daell could tell she was defeated. He had no doubt that she was going to send him, even though it was against her own desires.

  In a voice that was barely audible she said, “Very well my King, you shall go and represent me to the cities. Leave now and do not return to me until you have reclaimed Heima for me.”

  Daell nodded before he turned to Viga and instructed, “Viga go prepare a carriage and we will leave immediately.”

  With a grim look on his face Viga nodded and said, “Yes Your Highness.”

  Viga turned and walked towards the doors of the throne room. The doors opened as he approached and he exited the room. The doors then closed behind him. Daell walked up the seven steps until he stood directly in front of Astir. She still held her head downcast. He pulled her to her feet and into his arms. He then kissed her with all of the passion he could muster. She returned his kiss with fervor. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes.

  “I shall return once I have completed my tasking. Be strong for me and Heima for we both need you.”

  He turned away from her and walked confidently to the doors of the throne room. They opened and he exited the room.

  Chapter 27

  Astir was heartbroken as she watched Daell leave the throne room. The thought of being without him permanently was crushing. She knew that he was indeed blessed by Heima and that he had a power no other man could ever have, and yet she feared deeply as he left her. Even his confident words were not enough to stop her fears from overwhelming her. She sat in her chair sadly before finally someone within the room spoke.

  “Your Majesty what are your orders?” Ofriki asked.

  Astir sighed deeply. She glanced towards the members of the two councils.

  “We shall reinforce our defenses here and wait on my husband to complete his mission. Once he returns with Araedi and Heimili’s commitment to our side, we shall then deal with both of the wayward cities.”

  Her mother was next to speak, “Your Majesty do you speak of war?”

  Astir nodded and said firmly, “We cannot let their actions stand. Mother they tried to murder your daughter, son, and unborn grandchild. What action should we take?”

  Astir realized as soon as she spoke that she had unintentionally told the entire room that she was with child. Astir looked at her mother first. By her facial expression Astir could tell that she was shocked by the announcement.

  “You are with child my daughter?” She asked.

  “I am mother, I found out before we were attacked,” Astir stood and continued speaking, “But that is not important now. It will do us no good for me to bear an heir to the throne if her throne is not complete. We shall deal with whatever is causing the peoples of Hellir and Kunnadi to wander from my leadership, and then we will worry about my child. For now I wish to begin preparations for whatever may come. Councilor Drottni, please summon your husband. He shall stand in my military advisor’s place while he is gone.”

  Her mother nodded and left.

  Astir continued speaking, “Premier, please have accommodations made for our guests. The Grand Council will stay here in Bygod until the issue has been resolved. Have all of the guards placed on high alert and inform the citizens of Bygod to be wary of those not their own.”

  “Yes Your Majesty.”

  “We shall meet after the morning meal and begin planning.” Astir announced.

  She walked down the steps of her throne and the passed through the group within the throne room. The doors of the throne room opened as she approached and she exited the room through the doors. She walked as quickly as she could through the palace to her quarters. As soon as she was alone within her quarters Astir collapsed to her bed, sobbing uncontrollably. She did not even let her handmaidens assist her in changing for the evening; she just fell on her bed and into tears. Her whole world was finally becoming complete and now it was crumbling beneath her. Worst of all, her husband had left her side on a mission that could cause the end of his life. She cried a while longer before finally climbing out of her bed. She could not face anyone in her current condition, so she changed herself as quick as she could. As she walked to the window in her quarters, she could see the village below. Even though the sun had set, there was quite a bit of activity in the village as they moved to follow her orders.

  She missed Daell deeply, everything about him seemed as though it was designed for her. It brought her back to the words Heima spoke, a man gifted for her. She reached down again to touch her unborn child. Desperately she had hoped that she could find a way to fix all that was wrong in Heima before her heir would be born. She stood at the window awhile longer; the Gjalfur has long since left the docks below and was out of sig
ht. No doubt Daell was well on his way to Araedi.

  There was a knock on her door. Astir had sent her handmaidens away so she turned to the door and began walking towards it. She stopped to grab a kerchief before looking into a nearby mirror. She did her best to rub the application from her face. Her tears had completely ruined the efforts of her handmaidens earlier in the turn and her face was a mess. After a moment of effort, she was able to remove enough of the streaked application to make her appear a little presentable. She dropped the kerchief on a small table and then opened the door to her quarters. It was her mother.

  Apparently her efforts to clean her face had failed. As soon as her mother saw Astir’s face she embraced Astir in a hug. Astir began to cry anew as her mother held her. They stood there hugging for some time without saying a word. Finally her mother broke their hug. She was always taller than Astir by about two hands and Astir suspected she always would be. She looked down to Astir and gently rubbed away many of the new tears that Astir had shed.

  “My sweet daughter.”

  She looked into Astir’s eyes and smiled at her.

  “Take heart my daughter, your husband will complete his task quickly and return to you soon enough.”

  Astir nodded solemnly.

  “Your husband is special, he will succeed.” She continued.

  Astir took three steps back from her mother and turned away from her.

  “You do not know all of it mother.”

  Her mother responded, “What do you mean?”

  Astir sighed. She had hoped that she could properly explain everything Daell had told her without sounding foolish.

  “My husband is unique.”

  “I know.”

  Astir shook her head and then continued, “Mother is more than the small displays he has shown in public.”

  Astir turned back to look at her mother. Her mother looked puzzled.

  “What do you mean Astir?” She asked.

  “Mother he can speak with Heima herself.”

  Her mother’s face shifted to confusion as she said, “I do not understand daughter.”


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