Heima: Challenge to the Crown

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Heima: Challenge to the Crown Page 34

by S. W. Gunn

  Hollurn hugged him again and stated, “You must tell me everything.”

  “I will, but first I must see Astir.”

  Hollurn released him before pointing down the hallway towards the throne room and saying, “She is in the throne room.”

  After the initial shock of his return had faded the Jordlings around them recovered and they began to celebrate loudly. Cheers of joy and soft hugs met Daell as he moved closer to the throne room. The noise of celebration continued to grow in intensity with each step Daell took. He smiled widely at their response as receiving so much love from every person within the palace was overwhelming him emotionally. He struggled to hold his balance as he finally arrived at the doors of the throne room. Interestingly enough the doors appeared to be different than he remembered them. He reached for the metal knocker that was attached to the door. His hands shook mightily as he touched it. His wife was sitting behind this door and here he was, afraid to lift the knocker. He was ashamed to be in his current health.

  Hollurn must have seen his hands shake, he took Daell’s hand and said, “Let me knock for you brother.”

  Daell turned to Hollurn’s smiling face and said, “Thank you.”

  Hollurn lifted the knocker and boldly slammed it against the door three times. It must have been the hardest that any man ever knocked on the Queen’s door. Hollurn took a step back from the door. The door did not open immediately. Daell could not hear through the door with all of the noise behind him. Finally the doors slowly opened.

  Astir was standing in front of a small chair in the center of the throne room, with a dozen other occupied chairs in a circle around her. Daell smiled widely at her. She fell to her knees. Daell could see that she was in shock by his sudden appearance and after another moment she began to weep heavily. He stood there with his eyes locked on her as she cried.

  Viga rose from his chair and joyfully yelled out, “Daell!”

  He quickly ran to Daell and embraced him in a hug. Viga hugged him so tightly that he had some trouble breathing. Daell could see Astir was still on her knees crying. The rest of the people in the room rose from their chairs and encircled Daell. They hugged and patted his shoulder. Daell’s view of Astir was blocked.

  Daell said weakly, “Let me see Astir please.”

  They immediately parted to allow him to see her. She was still on her knees crying as their eyes met again. She was heavy with child and she was more beautiful to Daell than he could ever remember her being. Joy filled his heart to know that he had not missed the birth of his son. Using his walking stick, he slowly walked towards her. As soon as he was standing directly in front of her, he lowered himself down to his knees. It took much of his physical strength to lower himself. He could no longer help himself; he began to cry as uncontrollably as his wife was now crying. He reached his trembling hand out and softly stroked her cheek, smudging tears away as he touched her. Her skin was as soft as he remembered it being. Happiness filled him completely as he touched her.

  She asked, “Are you a dream my love?”

  He shook his head and said softly, “No Astir, I am real and have come home to you.”

  With a confused look on her face she asked, “But how? I was told you perished.”

  “I almost did, but I was saved by my own kind during my imprisonment in Kunnadi.”

  He smiled at her. She reached out her hand and began to stroke his cheek gently. She rubbed his tears of joy away from his face. Daell soaked in the vision of her beauty. He had always heard women who were with child glowed. He remembered thinking when he first discovered she was with child that she was glowing then. That was just a façade. Now that she was heavy with child, she glowed like the brightest beacon in the night’s sky. It made her beauty even more overwhelming to him.

  “My husband I am sorry for my appearance. I have gained much weight and look horrible.”

  He shook his head at her and said, “No my love, you are more beautiful now in my eyes than you have ever been. My dreams these last cycles have been of you, and even now you outshine those dreams.”

  She sobbed heavily at his words and then wrapped her arms around him. He took her into his arms and could not help himself as his tears again flowed freely.

  Astir began to pull herself closer into his arms. Her warm body brought him joy as she touched him. As she drew herself closely next to him, he experienced something new, her large stomach bumped into him. It was an experience that he treasured and felt horrible that it had been denied him. She continued pressing against him until her weight overwhelmed his balance. He slowly tilted sideways and toppled over. She landed partially on his side and partially on the floor. She laughed as they hit the ground, her laughter rang in his ears, and it was just as musical as it had been when he dreamt of her while in that cage. He laughed with her. He laid there with her staring into his eyes. Suddenly Daell noticed that his left leg was becoming slightly wet, which was very confusing. Astir’s face shifted from joy to alarm.

  She then looked at her mother and said, “It is time.”

  It took him a moment, but Daell suddenly realized what she was talking about. It was time for the birth of his son. His stomach turned in nervousness. He had no idea what he should be doing. Astir’s father and brother helped her to her feet.

  Her mother ordered, “Take her to the birthing room and call the nursemaids.”

  Her father and brother lifted her by her sides and quickly carried her through the throne room doors. Her mother, Ofriki, and every other councilor followed behind. Daell shifted to try and rise, he could not get up. His muscles would not allow him to rise. He became very concerned because he knew that he could not miss the birth of his child.

  Hollurn walked up to him and said, “It would seem that someone here is in a pretty rough spot.”

  Daell pleaded to him, “Hollurn, could you aid me?”

  Hollurn shook his head and replied, “I do not know for I was pretty distressed by your absence. It could take me many cycles to recover.”

  Daell laughed and said, “Fair enough Hollurn. Please help me now and I shall let you gain vengeance on me for my poor treatment of you later.”

  “Of course Daell.”

  He bent down and scooped Daell up into his arms in the same manner that Kroptugir had earlier. Daell knew that he would have to regain his strength quickly; he could not allow himself to be carried about like a babe for much longer. Hollurn carried him through the palace and finally to the small room that had been set aside for the birth of the royal children. The room was segmented into two areas. The first was the birthing room, where the Queen would be at while giving birth and the second was a waiting area for any guests. He had found out during his lessons with Fregna that it had been used by every Queen since the palace was built. Hollurn set Daell down in a chair in the waiting area. Daell could hear people through the fabric curtain door conversing. Daell slowly stood, using Hollurn’s shoulder to balance himself.

  “I must be with Astir while she gives birth to our child.” He said to Hollurn.

  Hollurn nodded at him and then mumbled to himself something that Daell could not hear. Daell realized immediately what his problem was. Hollurn did not want to be in the birthing room. Daell had to admit that if it was someone else’s wife in there, he would have been shy to enter as well. Daell glanced around the waiting room.

  He told Hollurn, “Bring a chair into there and place it next to her and then guide me in there, once I am seated, you can leave.”

  Daell could see the immediate look of relief cross his face. Daell had gone through too much to make it here; he would not let his shy friend stop him from being with her. Hollurn guided Daell to one of the chairs and then selected one of the other chairs. He took the chair into the birthing room. He was in there long enough for Daell to assume that he was receiving instruction where to place Daell. He finally returned and again aided Daell to his feet. Slowly he walked Daell into the room. The one time Daell had seen this room was during hi
s explorations. At the time he only saw a large padded chair that was almost body length for a woman within the room. He remembered at the time being curious about the chair, but it had slipped his mind to ask. Now he could see why it was designed that way. Astir was resting her back against the leaning part of the chair and her legs were spread apart widely with a large cloth covering that went from over her legs and back to just below her chest. She was still wearing the top half of her dress. Daell could only see her ankles and feet poking out from the bottom of the cloth that covered her. She turned to him as he entered and smiled weakly at him. The look on her face let him know that she was in pain. The chair Hollurn brought had been set down next to her right side by her shoulder. Daell saw that it would allow him to sit next to her and hopefully provide her comfort. He had no idea what was going to happen next because his mother had never given him any instruction on this subject. His lack of knowledge embarrassed him greatly.

  Hollurn lowered Daell into the chair and almost ran to exit the room. As Daell sat in the chair he looked at her. She was looking at him and smiling as best she could. She reached for his left hand and grabbed it.

  He smiled and said to her, “I love you Astir.”

  She replied roughly, “I love you.”

  A Jordling woman with a cloth mask over her face spoke, “Alright your Majesty, your water has broken and you are ready to begin birthing your child. It is important that you relax and follow the breathing techniques we taught you a cycle ago. Your body will naturally begin the process and whatever you do, do not push until I instruct you. When I tell you to push, you must push with each contraction. Do you understand?”

  Astir barked out an affirmative answer, it was less speaking and more a grunting noise. He had no idea what would happen next, but he hoped that she was not suffering. She began to rhythmically breath, inhale slowly and then exhaling slowly. Daell noticed that she was starting to sweat so reached out with his right hand and gently stroked her hair. He could think of nothing else to do. She looked at him and attempted to smile. Pain was clearly written on her face now. She continued breathing for some time. Daell was uncertain how long they were there waiting while she continued breathing.

  Suddenly Astir started to shake. She violently clinched his left hand. It hurt him immensely, especially in his weakened condition. Astir began to moan slightly, he could see that her pain had intensified but he had a hard time concentrating with her grip on his hand. She would pause briefly and then begin anew. During the short pauses she would release her grip a little, but then would intensify her grip as she began to moan again. Each time she seemed to get louder. Daell was sorely tempted to withdraw his hand from her grip as it now caused him serious pain but he knew she needed him, so he did not. Over time her moans of pain became screams as her pain seemed to increase greatly. Finally the woman wearing the mask yelled for her to push. Astir became even louder and she pushed. Daell strained to ignore his hand, which was screaming almost as loudly as his wife.

  The woman again yelled out, “Stop pushing! Pant as I had instructed you.”

  Astir’s grip on his hand was now constant and brutally painful for him. Even still he doubted that his pain was a much as hers seemed to be. She began making a panting noise like a hundir. She shifted herself on the chair.

  The woman called out, “I see the head! Keep panting slowly, do not push.”

  Two other women moved next to the woman. Daell could not see what they were doing. He continued to look at Astir. She still had a mask of pain across her face. She was still panting as instructed.

  Finally the woman called out, “Push with all you have!”

  Astir began to scream again loudly as she pushed. Her iron grip crushed his hand, he was certain that she had broken it. At this point his hand was numbed from the intense pain.

  It was then Daell heard it, his baby cried out.

  The woman called it, “It is a boy!”

  Her voice seemed to be in shock. Initially he had forgotten, but then he remembered that everyone in the room had expected a girl.

  Daell could hear Astir’s mother say in a confused voice, “What? Did you say a boy?”

  The woman spoke again, “Yes, it is a boy.”

  Daell turned to his wife, tears blocked his vision but he could see that she too was crying. She finally released his hand before she collapsed back into the chair in exhaustion.

  Chapter 43

  Astir was relieved, exhausted, and completely filled with joy, all at the same time. The nursemaid moved the sheet from over her belly and down to around her waist. She then gently placed Astir’s new born baby on her bare belly, just below her chest. Astir could feel his skin against her. He was both warm and soft at the same time. She reached both her hands out to him and gently stroked his small head, which was covered with a tiny hat. She could see his face, he looked like a baby version of her husband, but she saw that he did have her eyes. He was the most amazing thing that she had ever seen, and instantly she loved him dearly. She looked again at Daell. He was staring intently at the small boy.

  He asked, “May I touch him?”

  She laughed before saying, “He is your son, of course you may touch him.”

  Daell tentatively reached his right hand out and slowly stroked the baby’s head, touching his cheeks softly.

  The nursemaid turned to Daell and asked, “Your Highness would you like to hold him?”

  Daell shook his head. Astir was confused. Why would he not wish to hold his son? She looked and saw that the others in the room were equally confused.

  She turned again to him and asked, “Why do you not wish to hold him?”

  “I think my left hand was broken from your grip so I do not think it is safe for me to hold him with one arm, especially in my weakened condition.” He stated solemnly.

  He looked extremely disappointed. She felt he desperately wanted to hold their baby.

  Her mother spoke, “Let me help you hold him, as father should always be the first to hold his child.”

  Astir saw his face immediately shift to happiness. Astir’s mother walked around to next to Daell and gently lifted their baby off of her belly. She brought the baby to Daell and placed him in Daell’s arms. She even showed him how to properly hold their son, making sure to aid his arms while he held their child. He stared intently at their son. She watched him as he held their son for first time. She could not believe it, the Queens of Heima always had a girl first, and yet her husband again had broken another time honored tradition. She laughed. Daell looked up at her.

  “What is funny my love?”

  “You knew our child was a boy?”

  He nodded at her.

  She asked, “Why did you say nothing when I was rambling on about our heir?”

  “I wanted you to have this moment.”

  She laughed again at his response. Everything he did was for her. Even before he had met her Daell was dedicated to her. She felt a deep desire to hold her son.

  “Can I hold him?” She asked.

  Daell nodded at her. Her mother lifted their baby gently and brought him to her. Astir opened her arms and brought their son to her chest. He was beautiful. She slowly started to stroke his small face again. She turned to Daell, he was watching her intently.

  He asked, “What shall we name him?”

  She chuckled because she had spent the last two cycles trying to find a way to honor her husband with a name appropriate for her daughter. She was at a loss of what to name her son.

  Finally it hit her, “Stedi, the anvil for my wonderful husband’s forge.”

  Daell laughed before pausing for a moment and then saying, “As you wish Astir, Stedi Daellsson.”

  Initially he struggled, but he slowly moved his chair as close to her as he could get. She could now see his left hand. It was twisted awkwardly; she must have indeed broken it.

  Once he was closely next to her he said, “This just leaves us with one significant problem my Queen.”

bsp; She looked into his eyes. He wore that smile that told her trouble was on the horizon.

  “What is that problem?”

  “Now we must work on providing you an heir.”

  Astir laughed along with everyone in the small room.

  Items within Heima

  Turn – A day Bakki – a bank

  Cycle – About a month Leid – a roadway

  Harvest – About a year Svass – a thick sweet treat

  Hundir – a dog Marglod - gold

  Melraaki – a white fox Silfur - silver

  Hafr – a goat Eir - bronze

  Kyr – a cow Optar – deja vu

  Hestir – a horse Sodull – a saddle

  Fiskur – a type of fish Braud – a type of bread

  Kottir – a cat Mungat - ale

  Uxi – an ox Mykjask – silk like cloth

  Smali – sheep Kvi - wool

  Scrofa – a boar Bil – chocolate like candy

  Dyr – a wingless dragon Vandur – a curse word

  Hyggja terms

  Kyla – a village

  Lisko – the Hyggja

  Tarkkanakoisuus – the title of the Hyggja wise-man or shaman

  Hallitsija – The title of the Hyggja or leader

  Hevonen – a horse

  Kameli – a camel like creature, only much smaller

  Vuohi – a goat

  Passi – sheep

  Kuninkaalliset – the ruling council of the Hyggja

  Luola – A cavern of the Kyla

  Jumala – the Hyggja god

  Viini – a wine

  Hyvantekija – the title of the savior of the Hyggja

  Suvua – incense smoke

  Thank you!

  Once again I’d like to thank the many people who helped to make the first book and now the second one in the series possible. First I’d like to thank my wife Parneeta. Her constant pushing me to continue writing my different stories helped me immensely. My boys Junior and Spencer with their constant excitement about my books, even if they didn’t really understand them they were always excited at each step. My close friend Antti who was instrumental in helping me continue writing and providing editing assistance throughout. I would personally like to thank each and every person who bought the first book. You’re positive feedback helped convince me that it was important to tell the next step of the story. I’d like to again thank my sister Tina for serving as both positive motivation but also as a beta reader. To all the people who assisted in putting this book together, Johnny Marrow (cover art) and Christian Steihl (map art) I wish to thank you. Lastly I’d like to thank you, the reader, for taking time to read Challenge. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


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