One Urge: Erotica Romance Novella (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

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One Urge: Erotica Romance Novella (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy) Page 3

by Wolfe, Scarlet

  “Damon called Seth, and Seth happened to mention you were stuck at the airport. Anyway, Damon’s on his way to rescue you.”

  I stand straight up from my seat. “What? No! I don’t need rescuing.”

  “Don’t yell at me. I didn’t have any part in this. Seth never dreamed Damon would do such a thing. It’s completely out of character for him.”

  I take a big breath and sit back down, so I don’t lose my seat. “I don’t know why I’m upset. It’s not like he could get here, anyway.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past him. You might not be able to get a taxi out, but it doesn’t mean no one can get there.”

  “Shit. I’m not leaving with him,” I say indignantly.

  “Alayna, you’ll be miserable if you have to stay in an airport for days. What is your beef with him?”

  “Look, we kissed the day of the wedding, and—”

  “You kissed? Why didn’t you tell me?” Felicia sounds very surprised and a little hurt that I’ve withheld this information.

  “I was trying not to make a big deal of it, but the last thing I want is to spend days with the man.”

  “I can understand that, but he’s risking his life and probably the lives of his staff to help you out.”

  “Don’t make me feel guilty. I don’t want his help.”

  “I don’t know the details of what went on between you two, but this is not the time to worry about your pride. He has a penthouse on Fifth Avenue. You’d be living in luxury, so think of it as a vacation.

  “The place is huge from what I hear, and he works a lot, too, so I imagine you’d barely see him. How was the last apartment you checked out this morning?”

  “I put in an application for it. It was much nicer than the ones we looked at, but I’m still not sure about living in the city.”

  “I guess we can chat about it later. I have to run, but um, Seth gave Damon your cell, so he’ll be calling you.”

  “What?” The phone clicks, and I know she ended the call on purpose. That girl got me into trouble with boys every summer at camp. I see nothing has changed.

  I’m daydreaming about what the next several days could be like in Damon’s presence when my cell rings. I practically jump out of my seat.

  Everyone around me glances my way. I’m sitting in a Delta terminal packed with travelers. Every seat is taken. People are on the floor and leaning against walls.

  “Hello, this is Alayna.”


  Dear god that voice of his. “Yes.”

  “This is Damon Lear. I hear you’re stranded at the airport.”

  “Yes, but I’ll survive.”

  “My driver’s pulling up there now, so tell me which gate you’re at. I’m taking you back to my place.”

  “You aren’t going to tell me what to do.” I seriously don’t know who he thinks he is. I mean, he could at least ask.

  “Tell me which gate, Alayna.” He doesn’t raise his voice, but his tone makes it clear I’m not to argue.


  “I’ll be there shortly.”

  Oh, shit. I can’t be near him. I would’ve had sex with him right in that hotel hallway three months ago if I’d been certain no one would’ve seen us. Maybe he won’t try anything. Hell, he might have met the woman of his dreams and fallen in love by now.

  Yeah, right. The man doesn’t need love. He’s wealthy and hot. He can have women every day without the complications of a relationship. Hmm … maybe a sex only arrangement is something I should consider. Not with him, of course.


  I’m snapped out of my trance when I hear the guilty pleasure of my name rolling off Damon’s tongue. I glance up, and there he stands, looking gorgeous as ever in a long dress coat. There’s another man, I’d guess younger than me, standing next to him.


  “Come. My driver’s waiting in a no parking zone.”

  “I don’t understand why you’re doing this.”

  “Alayna. Do you not realize how bad the weather is? Every minute you argue leaves a better chance we won’t make it back to my penthouse. I’m sure my assistant here, Quinn, would like to get home, too.”

  I sigh. He’s attempting to guilt me, and it’s working. Quinn scratches at his blonde hair and looks away. He appears uncomfortable with the fact he was brought into this equation. Standing, I reach down to pick up my suitcase, but Quinn intercepts, grabbing the handle before I can reach it.

  “Thank you,” I say. I’m aware it’d be futile to argue. I try to follow behind them, but only Quinn leads the way. Damon stays right next to me until we reach the car.

  Damn, this is one nice ride. A man begins to exit the driver’s seat, but Damon holds his hand up as he’s opening the backseat passenger door with his other.

  “Roger, I got it. Get in, Alayna.”

  I slide into the seat. He shuts the door and goes around to the other side. Quinn puts my luggage in the trunk before he takes the front passenger seat.

  I look over at Damon. “Are you always this bossy?”

  “Are you always this difficult?”

  “I’m sorry, but this isn’t necessary, and you didn’t even ask if I minded staying at your place.”

  “So, I’m to assume you’d rather sleep in an airport chair or floor with strangers over staying in my penthouse? Do you realize you could be stuck there for days?”

  “Fine. Thank you for helping me.” I stare out the window, and once we exit the airport overhang, I’m shocked over how much snow has already fallen. It takes at least an hour to reach Fifth Avenue. He really did risk his safety to help me out, and I’m feeling bad about it.

  “Will your driver and assistant be able to make it home?”

  “Yes, they’ll make it. They live in apartments I own close by.”

  We pull up in front of what I’m guessing is Damon’s building. Roger comes around and opens the door for me, and I see Quinn getting out my suitcase.

  “Quinn, I’ll take her bag up so you and Roger can get home.”

  “Sir, are you sure?”

  “Yes, and thank you for staying out this late.” Damon takes my suitcase and tells them both goodnight. We get to the door, and an older man opens it for us.

  “Good evening, Mr. Lear. I’m glad you made it home safely.”

  “Thank you, Albert.”

  The lobby is elegant. I’m impressed that it’s even fancier than Seth and Felicia’s building. We get to an elevator, and once inside, Damon swipes a card and hits the highest floor. Neither of us says a word as the elevator moves. The doors open, and I’m surprised we’ve come right off into the foyer of his home.

  It’s incredible. There are cherry floors I believe are clean enough to eat off of. They shine, but what catches my attention most is the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the Hudson River. I can’t help but go to them and stare out.

  Damon’s breath is on my neck, and I feel as if I’m reliving our previous time together.

  “Let me take your coat.” He lifts from my shoulders, slowly lowering it down my back until my arms slip from it. Can this man make everything into a sexual experience?

  “I don’t know why you said the view from the banquet hall was nice. Yours is much better.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the city when I said it was a nice view, Alayna,” he whispers in my ear. “Come with me, and I’ll show you to your room.”

  I’m in deep shit. Turning around, I can’t help but scan his body. He has removed his coat and is in a very nice suit. He doesn’t speak as I follow him down a long hallway. Before he opens a door on the left, I notice there are several closed doors on the right.

  He holds his arm out, so I step inside. The room is luxurious, and I don’t belong in it. I immediately spin around.

  “I don’t think I should stay in here. I can sleep on a sofa.” Although, his sofa probably costs more than a couple months of my rent.

  He smirks and raises a brow. “The sofa.
Are you serious? Do you not like the room because I have others if you’d like to see one?”

  I shake my head. “No, it’s not that at all. It’s … well, it’s too extravagant for me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re staying in here. It’s just a bedroom.”

  I can’t help scrunching my forehead. Damon takes hold of the back of his neck with one hand, appearing uncomfortable. He gazes at me, his look becoming more serious by the second. Stepping closer until we’re inches from one another, he takes hold of my chin.

  “Alayna, I want you here. Please relax. I can’t fathom why you believe you don’t deserve to stay in this room.”

  His hooded gaze is making me hot all over. I can’t help looking at his lips. Those skilled lips I really want on mine.

  “Don’t do that,” he says.

  My eyes dart to his.

  “Do what?”

  “You know what. Have you eaten dinner?”

  “Um, yes. I had grabbed something at the airport before you arrived.”

  “My housekeeper, Margaret, stocked the pantry and fridge well in case I was to be shut in for several days. I wasn’t expecting a guest, so I hope there’s something you’ll like. She’s pretty good at keeping a variety of things.”

  “I’m not a picky eater, and I’d appreciate whatever is available, anyway.”

  He looks at me with frustration, and I’m not sure why. “I don’t normally cook, so please help yourself to anything in the kitchen at any time.

  “There should also be plenty of towels in the restroom. If you need anything please let me know. My room is through the double doors at the other end of the hall.”

  “OK, I think I’ll rest. It’s been a long few days. Thanks again for coming to get me.”

  “My pleasure, Alayna.”

  I watch his eyes fall on my lips before he turns to leave. His fists are tightly clenched as he exits the room. He wanted to kiss me. He told me to stop looking at his lips, so he obviously has no intentions of touching me again whether he desires to or not.

  Maybe the precipitation will stop, and I’ll be out of here by tomorrow afternoon, away from the one man I’m not sure I could resist.

  Chapter Five


  I go straight to my bedroom and pace. I’ve always felt I’d see Alayna again, but I can’t believe she’s not only in New York but in my home.

  Unable to stop fantasizing about that woman for three months, I’ve always believed if I could have my way with her, it would finally stop the haunting dreams hounding me every single night.

  I could possibly have her to myself for several days, so it’s already driving me fucking insane that I can’t allow anything to happen between us.

  Since meeting, I’ve read a few of her romance novels. Seth told me she wasn’t like me in the sexual sense, but I didn’t fully grasp that until I read her sweet, vanilla stories.

  It pained me to get through them, and I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so many times. If her writing is an indication to how she feels in real life, then there is no way she would allow me to do the things I’d like to do to her.

  Other than it being frustrating I can’t touch her, I’m not upset she’s here. Actually, it’ll be nice to have the company, but that’s exactly what strikes me as odd.

  The fact I’ve been unsuccessful at getting her out of my head for three months, and the fact I want her here for conversation are both a first for me. I’ll have to work hard at not tainting her vanilla with something much darker and tastier.


  After tossing and turning most of the night from sexual frustration, I get up at six o’clock. Sitting at the end of the bed, I turn on the television. The news crews are positioned all around the city and are discussing the weather.

  No, please stop snowing. They’re reporting ten inches already on the ground with no sign of it letting up until at least twenty inches fall. The airports are closed and most roads impassable.

  I can’t believe I’ll have to resist Damon for days. Well, that’s if he were to make a move. During my shower, I come to the conclusion if I can act unaffected by him, maybe we’ll become more comfortable with each other in a friendly way, and he’ll be less likely to make a pass at me.

  Why does a part of me feel saddened by the idea of us only being friends? I finish getting ready, gather up my dirty clothes, and seek out the kitchen and laundry room. He forgot to show me around, but I imagine the kitchen is close to the living room.

  As uncomfortable as it is to be roaming around his home, I feel I should cook him breakfast for what he’s done for me. He doesn’t appear to be awake, and I can’t find the laundry room anywhere, so I take my clothes back to my room before I go to the kitchen.

  I’ll cook every meal of the day if I get to do it with these kinds of luxury appliances. I spend awhile finding everything I need and get to work.

  By the time Damon graces me with his presence, or maybe the correct word is “torture” me with his presence, I’ve placed a plate of bacon on the table in the eat-in kitchen, along with biscuits.

  “Good morning. I hope you really meant it when you said I could help myself. I felt the least I could do after you taking me in was make you breakfast. There are scrambled eggs, but if you’d like, I could fry you some instead.”

  I smile at him, trying hard not to ogle his body. He’s wearing a t-shirt with his pajama pants, his oh–so–low hanging pajama pants. His shirt hugs his sculpted muscles, and when he stretches, I have to look away so as not to stare at the ripples owning his abs.

  I can see my friendliness has caught him off guard when he ends his stretch with a lifted brow and broad grin. That sexy ass grin. “Scrambled are fine.”

  “I also made a pot of coffee.”

  “I’m glad someone besides Margaret can find their way around this kitchen.”

  I’m curious how old and attractive this Margaret is. Dammit, Alayna. Really? Jealous of the housekeeper? We both sit at the table and dish food onto our plates. When I reach for the butter, Damon does the same, so our hands brush against each other’s.

  “Sorry, go ahead,” he says.

  I feel my face warming from his touch. It’s going to be a long few days. “I watched the news this morning, and I hope you don’t mind my company. There are at least ten inches of snow on the ground.

  “They don’t think it’ll stop coming down heavily for at least another day, so I’m definitely unable to fly out anytime soon.” I look up and find him gazing at me intently.

  “It sounds like what we want is out of our control.”

  I shift my eyes back to my plate. Damn him and his sexual innuendos.

  “I think I’ll spend my time doing some writing.” When I glance back up, Damon’s still staring at me as he eats a piece of bacon.

  “Don’t you do that every day, anyway?” he asks.

  “Um, I’ve had some writers block for a while now.”

  He smirks. “Why do you think that is?”

  “It’s nothing that would interest you.”

  “Please, share. Being a writer myself, I’d like to hear.”

  “Um, OK. If you really want to know, I was with my ex for seven years. We met right at the beginning of college, and after we graduated, I moved to Missouri for his career.

  “We broke up two years ago, and although I’m very much over him, everything there reminds me of the relationship we had, so I’ve felt less creative since St. Louis was all about him. Actually, he was all about him.

  “Anyway, I feel … stagnant. I’m hoping that’ll change soon when I move here and get a fresh start.” I tear off a piece of biscuit and pop it in my mouth.

  “You’re moving to New York?” he asks, sounding surprised.

  “Yes. It’s why I’m here. I came to check out some apartments, but I’m thinking the city life is not for me.”

  “What ended your relationship?”

  “I’d rather not discuss it.” I get up, uncom
fortable as hell, and scrape my plate before I set it on the counter. “I’ll clean the dishes later. Just leave them in the sink. Can you tell me where the washer and dryer are?”

  “Let me think for a second. I’ve never used them.”

  Now I’m raising a brow, curious to hear how this is possible. “Never?”

  “No, Margaret does my laundry.”

  “Oh. I guess she would.”

  “I believe it’s in the bathroom off the hall. Feel free to use it.”

  “Thank you. I guess I’ll go take care of that.”


  Looking out over the Hudson, I actually entertain the idea that jumping into the freezing water would be less torturous than being subjected to looking at Alayna and her gorgeous body for days.

  Dammit, her curves. She’s not too thin, which I love. That tight, red sweater, and those jeans hugging her hips and ass precisely made me dying to bend her over the kitchen table.

  I have no idea how I’ll keep from seducing her. I know I could if I wanted, seeing through her friendly morning act where she pretended to be unaffected by me. It was bullshit. Total. Bullshit. She wants me as much as I want her.

  It’s very unusual for me not to have showered and dressed by this time, so I go to my room to get cleaned up. I didn’t sleep well knowing she was in the house and probably barely dressed, and I didn’t have to get ready to leave for work, so I wasn’t in a rush.


  When I return to the kitchen about an hour later, I find Alayna doing the dishes. Her back is to me at the sink. I walk up behind her, wishing I could push her against the counter and press my pulsing dick against her ass.

  I’d yank her ponytail of long, red locks back and devour her neck as my other hand reaches around to caress her breasts.

  Fuck. Why again did I want her here?

  “Alayna.” She jumps and spins around, brushing against the front of my jeans.

  “Jesus. Would you please stop getting right into my personal space?” she asks.

  “I was going to wash the dishes since you cooked.”

  “You know how to do dishes?” Her sarcastic tone doesn’t go unnoticed.


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