Institute of International Education (IIE), 277
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 341
International Association of Machinists, 162
International Literary Bureau, 119
International Literature, 158
International Writers Union, 158
Irele, Abiola, 397
Ish, Jefferson, 39
Italian Renaissance, 275
Ives, Marion, 138
Ivy, James, 366
Jackson, Blyden, 317
Jackson, Helen, 481, 485
Jackson, Jesse, 63
Jackson, Marrilla and William, 71
Jackson, Perry B., 122
Jacob Reed’s Sons, 100
Jahn, Janheinz, 475
Jailbreak (film), 107
James, C. L. R., 209, 212, 431, 465
Janeway, Elizabeth, 205
Janken, Kenneth, 184
Jefferson, Thomas, 14
Jellife, Rowena and Russell, 128, 138, 145
Jenkins, Bud, 65
Jet, 346, 431, 436, 468
Jett, Ruth, 214
Johnny Apollo (film), 145
Johnny Got His Gun (film), 150
John Reed Clubs, 150, 298
Johnson, Andrew, 186, 270
Johnson, Clarence, 151
Johnson, Hall, 154, 156
Johnson, Hugo, 223–24, 226–27
Johnson, James Weldon, 19, 220
Johnson, Jean Lucinda [Plater/Himes]:
affair with Himes, 72, 73–74, 114–15, 116, 121, 360
breakup with Himes, 272–73, 274, 281, 290
career successes of, 178–79, 233–34, 257
and divorce, 340–41, 343, 363, 379, 455–56, 494, 496
and finances, 128, 139, 267, 270, 271, 273, 366
friendships of, 232
in Himes’s writing, 117, 134, 187–88, 205, 226–27, 307, 312, 488
jobs held by, 115, 131, 139, 142, 143, 258, 259, 264, 267, 271, 272
in Los Angeles, 147–48, 153, 164, 167, 178–79, 191, 197, 202
marriage to Himes, 115–16, 126, 174, 184, 187, 210, 248, 249, 258, 260
and Plater, 74, 116
and Thompson, 333, 340, 343
traveling with, 134, 222, 235, 263, 266, 267
Johnson, Lyndon B., 452
Johnson, Margot, 260, 266–67, 270, 275, 314
Johnson, Polly, 183, 278
Jones, James, 292, 431
Jones, LeRoi (Baraka), 430–31, 467, 474, 482
Black Fire, 477
Jones, Theresa Estelle [Himes], 118, 265
Joyce, James, 344
Finnegans Wake, 253
Julius Rosenwald Fund:
closing of, 277
directors of, 138, 169
and Ellison, 189, 283
and Himes, 138, 169, 173, 174–75, 177, 178, 181, 197, 198, 199, 203, 204, 221, 229, 232, 235, 236
mission of, 138
Kafka, Franz, 324
Kanaga, Consuela, 160
Kansas, migration to, 19
Karamu House, Cleveland, 128, 134, 136, 138
Katzenjammer Kids, 67
Katz, Sam, 127
Kazantzakis, Nikos:
The Last Temptation, 382
Zorba the Greek, 382
Kazin, Alfred, 365
Kelley, Ishmael, 353, 387
Kelley, William Melvin, A Different Drummer, 406
Kemp, Arnold, 479
Ken, 126, 127
Kennedy, John F., 398, 439, 452
Kenyon Review, 353
Kerwin, Joseph, 81
Killens, John, Youngblood, 306
Kimball, Richard, 422
Kimbrough, Jess, 149, 158, 376
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 212
assassination of, 473, 474
“Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” 442
Kinloch, John, 149, 151
Kinsey, Alfred, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, 261, 268
Kirk, Roland, 439
Kishur, Gideon, 119
Kitt, Eartha, 297
Klonsky, Milton, 243–44
Knopf, Alfred A., Inc., 136, 138, 481
accounting practices in, 247–48, 269, 271, 429
and Himes’s dunning for money, 257, 270, 341
and Himes’s memoirs, 446
Himes’s missed deadlines with, 260, 269
and Immortal Mammy, 234–35, 257, 371
and Lonely Crusade, xiii, 232, 238, 239, 245, 257, 313, 341, 423, 432, 436, 446
and Yesterday Will Make You Cry, 225, 227, 234
Knopf, Blanche, 149, 224, 228, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238, 257, 265, 269, 341
Koshland, William, 341
Kostroff, Larry, 436
Kreisler, Fritz, 35
Krim, Seymour, 426
Kristallnacht, comparison with U.S. race riots, 166
Ku Klux Klan, 423, 426
La Ciotat writers colony, 360, 394, 461, 462
La Dolce Vita (film), 403
Lafuite, René, 413, 416
Lamming, George, 366
The Castle of My Skin, 344
The Immigrants, 344
Landis, James, 469
Laney, Lucy, 31–32
Lardner, Ring, 100
Lardner, Ring, Jr., 155
La Série Noire, 329, 372, 379, 381, 383–84, 389, 396, 411, 412
Lawrence, Seymour, 446
Lawson, John Howard, 150–51
Lazareff, Pierre, 416, 417, 425, 426, 428
League of American Writers, 149, 150, 151, 155, 291
Lederman, Ross, 152
Lee, Don L. (Haki Madhubiti), 479
Don’t Cry, Scream, 378
“Understanding but Not Forgetting,” 462
Le Figaro, 416
Lehmann-Haupt, Christopher, 487
Le Monde, 350, 354
Lenin, V. I., 175, 229, 244, 306
Le Revue de Paris, 416
Les Lettres Françaises, 383, 443
Leslie, Joshua, 353, 397
Les Temps Modernes, 351, 456
Lester, Julius, 479, 487
Levey, Stan, 148
Levin, Dan, 129, 279, 287
Levin, Meyer, 104, 152
Levine, Joseph E., 422
L’Express, 365, 393
L’Humanité, 354
Libération, 354
Liberty, 92
Licavoli, Thomas, 83
Liepman, Ruth, 395, 408
Life, 283, 310, 385
Lincoln, Abraham, 48
Lincoln Institute, Jefferson City, Missouri, 19, 20–26, 120
Literary Guild, 309
Littauer, Kenneth, 119, 152, 334, 336–37
Little Caesar (film), 258
Locke, Alain, 63, 234
Lockhart, Calvin, 424
Lomax, Phil, 468–69, 471, 477
Lonardo, Angelo, 68
Lonardo, “Big Joe,” 68
escape from, 314, 316
Himes and Packard in, 443, 474
Himes and Thompson in, 307–9, 311–14
Himes’s return visit to, 331, 332–33
race prejudice in, 308, 311, 319, 333
London, Jack, 91
London Prison Farm, 105–6, 110, 287
Los Angeles:
African American writers in, 190
black migrants in, 177
Communist Party in, 149–50, 420
Himeses’ move to, 145, 147–67
Japanese citizens removed from, 157
police brutality against blacks in, 420, 457
racial discrimination in, 148–49, 154–56, 160, 172, 179, 202
racial tension in, 148, 153, 165–66, 184, 235
Watts riots in, 457
Los Angeles Museum of Fine Arts, 164
Los Angeles Sentinel, 156
Los Angeles Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, 174
Los Angeles Times, 157, 457, 487, 494
Lothman, Daniel, 70
Luccioni, Roger, 462
Henry, 250, 283, 288
Lucy, Authurine, 354
Lumumba, Patrice, 404, 405, 446
Lunquist, James, 495
MacArthur, Douglas, 250
Mademoiselle, 138
Madhubuti, Haki (Lee), 378, 462, 479
Magic Bow, The (film), 156
Mailer, Norman, 292, 426
The Naked and the Dead, 260
Major, Clarence, 479, 486, 488
Malabar Farm, 139, 142–46, 170, 222–23
Malartic, Yves, 272, 292, 293, 304, 324, 326, 327, 331, 350, 366, 373
Malcolm X, xiv, 417–20, 430, 446, 449–53
antiwhite stance of, 418, 419, 423, 457
assassination of, xv, 453, 454, 474
biography of, 567
and Himes’s writing, 418, 450
and media, 418, 420, 425, 426, 428, 487
and Nation of Islam, 417–18, 419–20, 449, 453
and revolution, 419–20, 427, 449
threats to, 449, 451, 453
Himes and Fischer in, 387–89
Himes and Thompson in, 314, 315–16, 318–19, 322, 324–27
Malone, Robert, 39, 43
Malraux, André, 439
Malraux, Clara, 439
Manhunt, 342
Marable, Manning, 567
Marble, Henry, 338
March on Washington (1963), 438
Margolies, Edward, 494
Marinoff, Fania, 452
Marshall, Thurgood, 182, 266
Martin, Gertrude, 317
Martin, John A., 29
Marx, Karl, 208, 306
Marxism, 190, 228, 288, 333, 362, 397, 447, 450, 452
Mason, Ann, 183, 186
Mathieu, André, 437
Matthews, Mrs. Edward, 186
Matthiessen, Peter, 354
Maude, Chester’s abandonment of, 66, 89
Maugham, Somerset, 139, 383
Mayfield, Julian, 451
Mayfield Road Gang, 68
Mboya, Tom, 332
McBride, Mary Margaret, 239–40
McCall, Nathan, xiv
McCarthy, Joseph, 297, 321
McCormick, Ken, 216, 225, 334, 481
McCoy, Horace, They Shoot Horses, Don’t They?, 259
McDaniel, Eluard, 150, 160
McDaniel, Hattie, 155
McDermott, Pat, 82
McMahon, Walter, 76
McPherson, James Alan, Hue and Cry, 479
McWilliams, Carey, 172, 220–21, 232
Meldrim, Peter, 14, 16, 19
Melville, Herman, 230
Mencken, H. L., 228
Meredith, James, 426
Merlin, 361
Meyers, Eddie, 353
Mezzrow, Mezz, 387, 409
M-G-M, 154, 156, 199, 460, 483
Micha, René, “The Parishioners of Chester Himes,” 456
Michael Arthur Films, 413
Michaux, Lewis, 418, 419, 428, 433
Militant, The, 242
Millau, Christian, 395, 399, 402
Miller, Arthur, 207
Miller, Henry, 295, 323, 329, 353
Miller, Juanita, 164, 177, 187, 190
Miller, Loren, 149, 151, 160, 164, 190
Miller, Samuel, 75–76, 486
Miller, Warren, The Cool World, 424
Milliken, Stephen, 495
Millionaires in Prison (film), 145
Mills, Florence, 173
Millstein, Gilbert, 286
Minué, Roche, 322, 388
Missouri, migration to, 19–20, 38
Mitchell, Loften, 488
Mittwer, Mary Oyama and family, 157, 173
Modern Language Association, 32
Monroe movement, North Carolina, 423
Moody, Pearl, 126
Moon, Bucklin, 182, 184–85, 189, 436
and Carver Award, 185, 199, 200
The Darker Brother, 185
and Himes’s writing, 192–93, 196, 197, 200, 201–2, 204–5, 215, 216, 224, 228–29, 277–78
Primer for White Folks, 186, 200, 204
“Slack’s Blues,” 196
Moon, Ella, 112
Moon, Ellen, 26
Moon, Henry Lee, 26, 51
breakup with Himes, 206, 209, 210
and Communist Party, 151
early career of, 118
and FDR’s campaign, 181–83
and Himes in New York, 179, 180–81, 202
and Himes’s writing, 116, 117, 120, 170–71, 204, 244
influence of/Himes’s use of, 55, 118, 120, 131, 163, 169, 170, 179, 206, 209
and Mollie, see Moon, Mollie Lewis
social connections of, 94, 120, 168, 187, 188, 190, 212, 402, 408
and social issues, 118, 125, 127, 131, 202, 244
travel to Russia, 151
in Washington, 118, 131, 134, 168
Moon, Joe Hubbard, 26, 56, 204
Moon, Leah Himes, 10, 11, 24, 25, 26, 50–51, 54, 55, 56, 111–12, 146–47
Moon, Mollie Lewis:
connections of, 163, 169, 186, 187, 202, 266, 293
Himes’s battle of words with, 205
and Himes’s writing, 204–5, 352, 355, 357
marriage of Henry and, 118, 134–35
socializing, 134–35, 169, 180, 183, 184, 186, 190, 191, 202, 204, 212, 266, 278, 293, 357, 381
and Urban League, 168–69
Moon, Rodney “Roddy,” 11, 24–25, 26, 50–51, 54, 73, 111–12, 203
Moore, Carlos, 446–47, 448, 449–52, 453, 567
Morrill Act, and land-grant colleges, 13
Morrison, Allan, 431
Moten, Fannie, 25
Motion Pictures Producers, Los Angeles, 423
Motley, Willard, xiv, 240–42, 260
Knock on Any Door, 237, 241, 246, 266–67
Moumié, Félix, 405
Moutet, Karin, 407
MOVE, 476
Muhammad, Akbar, 446
Muhammad, Elijah, 446
Muhammad Speaks, 419
Muldrew, Mattie, 232
Muntu religion, 475
Murphy, James and Joseph, 93
Mystère, 391
Mystery Writers of America, 477
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People):
and civil rights activism, 186, 418, 420
and Congress, 356
and FBI, 188, 386, 423
formation of, 17, 50
and Hill, 408–9, 423–24
Himes condemned by, xiv
and Himes’s writing, 163, 166, 168, 423
Monroe movement, 423
and public relations, 154–55, 483–84, 492
stereotypes fought by, 160, 163, 202, 423–24
and Supreme Court, 151
and White, 18, 155, 183, 202, 357
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita, 408
Nasser, Gamal, 449
National Book Award, 283, 288, 355
National Citizens Political Action Committee, 182
National Labor Relations Board, 423
National Memorial Bookstore, 418
National Negro Business League, 15
National Negro Congress, 214
Nation of Islam, 417–18, 419–20, 449, 453
Neale, Larry, 488
Nedeau, Maurice, 326, 331
Neely, Sandy, see Himes, Joseph Sandy
Negro Caravan (anthology), 158–59
Negro Digest, 224, 239, 474, 478
Negro Story, 174, 189, 196, 197
Negro Writers Guild, 103
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 161
Nesbitt, Jacob, 81
Neurological Institute, New York, 435–36
New American Library (NAL):
and Cast the First Stone, 330, 345, 347
and End of a Primitive, 326, 329, 330, 337, 341, 371
and Freeman, 342, 345–46
and Himes’s finances, 331, 341–42, 348, 371, 388
and If He Hollers Let Him Go, 218, 345, 441
Mamie Mason, 370–71
in My Life of Absurdity, 495
and The Primitive, 341, 345, 347–48, 353, 371, 441
and The Third Generation, 312, 315, 321, 330, 348, 441
and Weybright, 312, 321, 326, 329, 330
Newark, New Jersey, riots in, 467–68, 474
New Leader, 250
New Masses, 132–33, 189, 242–43, 282, 287, 342
New Prospect Hotel, 278
New Republic, 213, 240
Newsweek, 239, 469
New York City:
Algonquin Hotel in, 239
Four Freedoms crowd in, 185
Harlem riots, 443–44, 448
Himes’s move to, 179, 180–81, 227, 274
Himes’s return to, 334–36, 428, 430, 432, 482
history of black life in, 425–26
Sugar Hill, Harlem, 180–81, 183
syndicated drug sales in, 418–19
Theresa Hotel in, 134, 227, 233, 266, 417, 425
New Yorker, The, 239, 476
New York Herald Tribune, 240, 392, 408
New York Public Library, 207, 220
New York State Women’s Reformatory, 271
New York Times, 127, 200, 205, 207, 215, 239, 258, 286, 288, 317, 318, 396–97, 457, 459, 460, 477, 483, 487
New York Times Book Review, 117, 285, 314, 464, 486–87, 494–95
Niagara Movement, 17
Nichols, Lewis, 396
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 181–82
Nixon, Richard M., 321
Nkrumah, Kwame, 332, 451
Non Partisan Council for the Abolition of Discrimination in Military and Veteran Affairs, 186
North Carolina College for Negroes, 264–66
Nouvelles Littéraires, 330
Nugget, 436
Nyobé, Ruben Um, 398
OAS (Organisation de l’Armée Secrète), 426–27, 447
Obelisk Press, 323
Oberlin College, 22, 70, 90
O’Brien, Edward, 134
O’Connor, Flannery, 253
October in Paris (film), 439
Office of War Information, 154
O’Hara, John, 239, 293
Butterfield 8, 259
Ohio Guide, 125, 127, 135
Ohio Industrial Commission, 110
Ohio National Guard, 83, 85–86
Ohio National Guard Armory, robbery in, 74
Ohio State Penitentiary, Columbus, Ohio, 76, 77–90
census taken in, 83
convicts with disabilities in, 80–81
electric chair in, 78, 82, 87, 93–94
escape attempts in, 82, 86
fire in, 84–85, 87, 88, 89, 103, 136
guards in, 82–83, 86, 89, 92
Himes’s parole from, 106, 108, 109, 110, 126
Himes’s prison writing, xi, xii, 79, 81, 87–89, 90, 91–97, 98–108, 122, 140, 141, 144, 159, 169–70, 174, 218, 280, 484
Himes’s uniqueness in, 79–80, 104–5
isolation chamber (“the hole”) in, 80, 84, 86
laws expediting parole, 89
prisoners as authors in, 91
prisoner uprising in, 85–87
prison life in, 78, 80, 82–83, 105
prison reform in, 85–86, 87
racial segregation in, 78–79
Chester B. Himes Page 67