Princess to Pleasure Slave 24: Fallen Valkyrie Edition

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Princess to Pleasure Slave 24: Fallen Valkyrie Edition Page 2

by Amanda Clover

  This is incredible, she thought. Like the exhilaration of battle!

  Her epiphany was punctuated with the shuddering ecstasy of her orgasm. Her body arched against the casks and she clenched Kenek’s head between her toned thighs. His tongue furiously assailed her clit and his face grew red as he gazed up from her cunt. She grasped his shaggy head and bucked against him, too lost in the pleasure to be ashamed of such a display. It was only as her pleasure receded that she was struck by guilt for behaving nothing like a pure Valkyrie.

  “Enough,” she gasped, pushing Kenek from between her thighs. “Stop!”

  “Enough for you, Valkyrie, but I am only just beginning.” He stood up, grinning and wiping her raunchy juices from his beard. His fat fingers unbuckled his belt and untied the string of his trousers. Even before he had them down, Sigrid’s gaze fell upon the huge bulge of his manhood.

  He lowered his trousers, slipping them beneath the fat hose of his cock, and this released the tension and allowed his manhood to stand erect from his hips. His cock was like a bludgeon with a purple cap, moisture glistening at this tip and thick veins texturing his swollen shaft. He looked at her with wild lust in his eyes as he worked his hand from the furry base of his cock to his glistening tip.

  “You are not sticking that thing inside me,” said Sigrid and she slammed her knees together.

  “Take off your armor,” he says. “Show me your ripe breasts.”

  She was not certain why she obeyed this man and his demand, perhaps the madness brought on by his damnable tongue. She opened the clasps along both sides of her armor and the golden breast plate separated. The back slid onto the casks. The caught the front and lowered it gently away, revealing her sweat-saturated and nearly sheer linen tunic. The fabric clung to her ample breasts and did nothing to hide the swollen pink buds of her nipples. Her soft mounds heaved with each excited breath she drew through parted lips.

  “Glorious,” laughed Kenek. “Perhaps I will reconsider worshipping Noden.”

  Any angry response formed on Sigrid’s lips, but he pressed atop her, kissing the words away and driving his rude tongue into her mouth as his oafish hands cupped her breasts. His kiss soon wandered from her lips to her heaving mounds. He squeezed her breasts, kissed them, and licked her tender nipples. The Valkyrie gasped and swung her blonde braid as she tossed her head.

  “Ohhh,” she moaned as he suckled at her breast like a hungry tot. His mouth popped loose of her supple flesh and he moved to her other nipple. As he sucked, his hand moved along his cock and she felt it rubbing against her thighs.

  He lifted his head from her breasts, looked into her eyes and took her with a single stroke. Her blue eyes went wide and she shrieked in shock as Kenek claimed her innocence. A hot trickle of blood over her ass signaled the violence of his act. Tears welled unexpectedly in Sigrid’s eyes. She whimpered as he pulled back his cock and thrust it into her again.

  “A virgin,” he groaned. “Been ten years since I’ve had my cock in a virgin. Gods… by Noden… you are tight.”

  “Ohhhh!” She whimpered as he kissed her shoulder and slammed his hard cock into her. His soft belly pressed against her toned abdomen. Her breasts shook with each stroke into her stretched pussy. The sharp pain of her deflowering faded into a throb. The growing pleasure of each of his thrusts was undeniable. His weapon was sheathed within her steamy cunt and she liked it. By the Forever King, she loved it!

  She kissed him with relish, working her hips beneath him to take his thrusting cock deeper. His pace quickened. Sweat dripped from his flushed face and he pulled back from the kiss. He held Sigrid’s hips and met her gaze as his huge cock slid in and out of her stretched pussy. He was gasping for air, not use to such vigorous exercise. She clamped her legs around him and worked her whole body. Instinct guided her motions. A deep flush spread from her throat down to her bouncing breasts.

  She gasped, “It feels… huge…”

  “You’re so tight is why,” he groaned. “Are you ready, Valkyrie? Ready for the seed of a man? I’ll shower you with it!”

  “What?” She gasped, not understanding his meaning.

  He took three more ragged thrusts into her clutching cunt and pulled out with a sudden slurp. She felt as if she had just lost a part of her body as her inner walls clutched and closed around nothing. Kenek stood above her, stroking his purple-headed cock. His face looked as if he was grievously wounded and he let out an agonized groan. Sigrid was about to ask him if he was dying when suddenly white liquid began to spurt out from his cock. It splashed against her face, into her open mouth, and lashed her heaving breasts in a warm glaze. She tasted saltiness on her lips and wondered what was happening.

  “Your seed,” she realized aloud. She had heard it said and read it in books. She had never imagined what it might look like. The man released his seed as messy milk. She scooped some up and tasted it. The salty flavor was not very good.

  “Oh-ho-ho,” he laughed. “By Noden, you are amazing, Valkyrie.”

  “And you have made a mess of me,” she observed.

  “So I have,” he admitted. “I will fetch you a towel and draw you a map to the temple of Noden.”

  He returned from a downstairs area of the tavern with a reasonably clean towel, a grease pencil and a scrap of parchment. Sigrid mopped at her slime-splashed curved and began to dress. Kenek worked on the map, glancing up at her occasionally to admire her beautiful body. He had just finished the map and she was just lacing up the halves of her breast piece when both heard a girlish scream from the bar.

  “Leila!” Sigrid grabbed her sword and the map and headed into the main room of the public house.

  Several of the patrons had gathered around Leila and pushed her back into a corner. She was up on a bench, kicking at them as they grabbed at her legs. One of the men was holding Leila’s short sword.

  Sigrid roared with righteous fury and leapt at the men.

  “Don’t kill them!” Kenek shouted from behind her.

  At the last moment, she flipped her rune sword in her hand and struck the nearest man with the grip of her sword. His jaw cracked and he spun to the ground. He overturned a table and scattered several drinks in the process. Sigrid snatched Leila’s sword from his hand, gripped it by the blade, and began swinging both weapons and the men.

  Leila’s attackers fell one after another, until Sigrid finally reached a man who had drawn his own sword. He had hard eyes and face scarred in several places.

  He pressed the tip to Leila’s throat.

  “Stay back, winged bitch,” he snarled. “I know how to use this blade and I will cut your friend open before you have a chance to swing on me.”

  “You fool,” said Sigrid. She took a step closer and the man pressed the tip of the blade harder to Leila’s throat. A drop of blood formed beneath the blade and Leila whimpered with fear. Her wide, golden eyes pleaded Sigrid for help.

  A wooden club struck the man behind his ear. He slumped to the side and the sword fell harmlessly from his fingers. Kenek lifted the club to strike him again, but the man was out cold. The barkeep met Sigrid’s gaze and shrugged.

  “Come, Leila,” said the older Valkyrie, taking Leila’s hand. “We leave now. We have a map.”

  “We’ll get you bitches!” Shouted one of the men Sigrid had knocked to the floor.

  Kenek gave the man a good kick in the side and called out, “Safe journeys, Valkyries.”

  Sigrid and Leila left the village behind and made their way slowly across the volcanic landscape with its interludes of green grass, snow, and hydrothermal pools too hot to even approach.

  The sky above only became grayer and the rain became colder. Leila shivered as her breath began to steam in the worsening chill. Sigrid trudged ahead of her. The older Valkyrie inspected Kenek’s crude map for the third time. The mountains the barkeep had labeled as “The Skivandrs” were still many hours walk in the distance. It was there, upon the tallest peak, that a lone temple to Noden survived with a small gr
oup of acolytes tending to the shrine.

  Sigrid knew that her young companion would not make it before the real cold of night settled upon them. There were no towns between them and the mountains, but she knew she had to find them some shelter. She spotted a crumbling farmhouse near a geyser of steam from one of the thermal pools. The planks were stained with mineral deposits from the blowing steam, but it seemed far enough away that it would be safe.

  “There,” said Sigrid. “We will shelter there until the morning and continue our journey.”

  Leila only nodded, her chin shaking as her teeth chattered together.

  The Witch’s Room

  Sigrid approached the collapsed timbers of the farmhouse with her rune sword in her hand. The side of the farmhouse closest to the geyser sported bright orange, yellow, and blue deposits of strong-smelling minerals. These seeped from the horizontal beams and formed multicolored stalactites that reminded Sigrid of chromatic dragon’s teeth. She supported Leila with one arm as they passed beneath the dripping timbers and into the intact portion of the farmhouse.

  Most of this was musty with mildew and too wet and cold to provide much shelter. However, a staircase was partially intact and Sigrid mounted the protesting stairs and climbed to a single enclosed room. The door could be closed, the roof was intact, and the wreckage of the rest of the house shielded this part from the geyser’s spray.

  “Up here,” said Sigrid, helping Leila up the stairs and into the room.

  There was some shelter from the cold, but little other comfort to be found in the small, dark room. The two Valkyries took off their armored breastplates and huddled together in only their tunics and skirts. Sigrid wrapped Leila up in her arms and the young Valkyrie nuzzled against the soft warmth of Sigrid’s breasts. That warmth was reciprocated by Leila’s breath.

  Sigrid wanted to get up to keep watch, but she did not want to disturb Leila. Sigrid curled her wings around Leila to help keep in their body heat. Before long, they had lulled each other into a desperate sleep.

  Sigrid dreamed of Jotun laughing. She imagined Valheim overrun with giants and Noden caged before the celebrating monsters like some pitiful human prisoner. She awoke and barely suppressed a scream.

  Something moved through the wreckage of the farmhouse’s lower level. There was a guttural voice, barely more than a whisper, and the clank of metal against metal. Feet shuffled on the stairs. Sigrid shifted Leila aside and reached for her sword.

  “What is it?” Leila asked, waking up as she was moved.

  Something yipped and growled on the stairs. The door burst open just as Sigrid got to her feet and held up her sword. She raised it just in time to deflect the spear that was thrust into the tiny room. The stone-tipped spear impaled the wall and Sigrid swung her blade at the creature that had thrust it at her. The kobold was a few inches shorter than her, with a dog-like snout, but red, scaly flesh like a reptile. Its yellow eyes narrowed and it leaped out of reach of her swing.

  The kobold’s companions flanked Sigrid. She tried to turn her blade and parry, but a thrown net entangled her rune sword and a kobold yanked it from her grasp. She was driven back into the room by blows from two kobolds wielding clubs. She grabbed for her shield, but the brutes knocked her from her feet and she went over onto her back on the musty floorboards. Leila stood her ground, deflecting a few swings of their clubs with her sword, but they overpowered her and another kobold jammed the young Valkyrie in the abdomen with the blunt end of his spear. She doubled over and her sword fell from her fingers.

  Sigrid counted at least four of the scaly beasts crowding into the room. She kicked and fought with them as they grabbed at her legs and tore at her blouse. Their sharp fingernails left bloody scratches up to her thighs and tore her tunic to ribbons. She had no time to think of modesty. She turned over and grabbed for her shield. The kobolds took hold of Sigrid’s wings and dragged her out of the room. Leila followed a moment later.

  The kobolds surrounded them. The scaly brutes snarled and kicked at Sigrid and Leila. Their clothing was torn completely off as the kobolds roughly fondled their bodies. Leila cried out as one of the larger kobolds began fucking her hairless quim with his fingers. Another kobold lashed Leila’s small breasts and pink nipples with a long purple tongue. Sigrid met their yellow-eyed stares and did not cry out as they violated her with fingers, squeezed roughly at her breasts, and pulled at her hard nipples.

  “Get it over with,” snarled Sigrid. “Rape us. Kill us. Be done with it, you beasts.”

  “No raping or killing today,” said a cool, clear voice with the accent of a highland elf. “Not without my permission.”

  The kobolds stepped away from the Valkyries and lowered their gaze to the ground. Leila tried to cover her nudity with her hands. Sigrid ignored her nakedness and resisted the urge to lash out with her fists at the nearest kobolds. Instead, she stood rigid and glared at the tall, voluptuous figure that stepped into the ruins of the farmhouse.

  Leila recognize the buxom woman who entered at once. She had taken her to be a human during the battle of Valheim, but up close there was no mistaking her long, pointed ears nor her strange eyes. The witch who cast them down into mortal realm was a gorgeous, pale-skinned highland elf with a cruel expression on her delicate features. She stepped over a bit of rubble, drawing attention to her high-heeled boots, long legs, and the black gown she wore that seemed to cling to her like a second skin made of shimmering silk. The witch's more than ample breasts jiggled with each step and Leila felt a strange heat growing in her loins as the witch drew closer.

  "You should have waited for me where I cast you down, Valkyries," said the witch, tossing her silky black hair and casting her violet gaze from Sigrid to Leila. She pouted out her lower lip and leaned forward to brush a drop of blood from Leila's trembling face. "Oh, my, young one, you look so very cold."

  "Back, witch!" Sigrid snarled and placed herself between Leila and the tall elf.

  "Yes, mighty Sigrid," said the witch, stiffening as her face twisted with contempt. "The immortal warrior so mighty she was cast down to this cold place by a witch and caught huddling in a rotten house by a pack of kobolds."

  "You may have made me mortal, witch, but I can still take your pretty head from your shoulders." Sigrid's hands clenched into fists and her bare, scratched breasts heaved with her breathing.

  "You will not touch me with sword or with hands," snapped the witch. "I am here to bring you to the King of Giants. Jotunheim awaits."

  With a whirl of her black cloak and a flash of violet magic, a dark portal opened above Sigrid, Leila, and the witch. Before the older Valkyrie could even move, the whirling darkness fell upon them. The rotten farmhouse disappeared and was replaced with the red, volcanic glow of the cursed realm of the giants.

  "Welcome to Jotunheim," laughed the witch, gesturing to the massive cavern with its crude city built on two scales. Red-eyed kobolds swarmed around them. Sigrid knew that these were deathborn, the fallen kobold warriors enshrined in Jotunheim as their reward for dishonorable battle and rapacious behavior. They took hold of the naked Valkyries, snarling and laughing triumphantly.

  "Take them to the depths!" The witch commanded. "I will notify Jotun of their arrival."

  Sigrid cried out with fury, lashing out at the armored kobolds. Leila tried her best to do the same. Kicks and punches seemed to do no harm to the red-eyed kobolds. The two Valkyries were seized by the implacable deathborn and taken from the great hall of Jotunheim. They were dragged down the cursed stair that spiraled into the earth and brought to the depths, where the prisoners and trophies of Jotun and his giants where kept.

  In this unhallowed jail, the tunnels echoed with the crack of whips, the moans of the tormented, and the bestial cries of rutting giants. They passed cells where humans, dwarves, elves, and even the godborn nephilin suffered under the rapacious giants, the growling deathborn, and various grotesque torture implements.

  Moans of pleasure wafted out from salon of red silk and
spicy perfumes. Strapping kobold eunuchs guarded the entrance to this region of the depths with crossed halberds. It was a brothel for the mind-broken prisoners to service their giant and kobold masters. Such a fate seemed even worse to Sigrid than that suffered by the men, who were doomed to be boiled or baked and devoured in great feasts, only to be reborn immortal in the cursed prison.

  Sigrid knew well the horrors that might await them in the depths beneath Jotunheim. For Leila, it was all new, and the slender Valkyrie sobbed and stared in wide-eyed fear as their journey revealed each atrocity. She tried to reach out and take Sigrid's hand, but the deathborn stood between the two Valkyries and denied them any solace.

  The deathborn marched Sigrid and Leila - dragging the younger Valkyrie when necessary - into the solitary cells of the depths. Sigrid fought desperately to stay with Leila, but blows rained down on her shoulders and back and the two Valkyries were separated. Leila moaned in despair as she was dragged off down a winding tunnel through the red rock and Sigrid fought to the last as the deathborn forced her into a tiny cell. She kicked at the door and beat her fists against the black iron bars as she was sealed inside.

  "I will find you, Leila!" She shouted and her voice echoed down the tunnel. "Never give up faith! Never break!"

  Leila was already too far away to hear the words from her sister. The deathborn had given up trying to drag her and were carrying her with one red-eyed kobold hold each of her limbs. Her braid of blonde hair dragged against the rough stone and her petite body tensed and released as she tried to escape their grasp. Unlike the rapacious kobolds of the mortal realms, the deathborn were well disciplined and seemed to take no notice of Leila's naked flesh.


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