Death's Dirty Demands

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Death's Dirty Demands Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “You’re going to need me to get my pants off before you can suck me.”

  “What’s the rush?” She tugged off her shirt showing the plain black lace bra he’d given her. This was a side to Brianna he never expected to see so early on. He liked it and didn’t want it to stop.

  Once again she stood before him clenching and unclenching her hands. He wasn’t going to do anything to encourage her actions. This was going to be all her.

  “There’s no rush. I’m here for you to do whatever you want.” Every other woman he’d have them on the bed and fucking them by now. This was different. This was Brianna, and he wanted her to enjoy this time as much as he did.

  “You’re right.” She opened and closed her hand then bent down to grab his hands. This had to be one of the strangest things in his life. Not once had he let a woman take the lead in the bedroom. She pressed his hand to her naked stomach.

  He kept his hand still and stared at her, waiting.

  “I’m not going to do anything, baby. This is you all the way.”

  “I want you to touch me,” she said.


  “I want you to touch my breasts.”

  “Tits, baby. Call them what they are, and in this room, they’re tits. There’s no room for anything else. They’re tits. My tits.”

  “Please, Death, touch my tits.”

  The arousal intensified. Running his fingers up her stomach, he kept his gaze on hers, refusing to back down. This was what they both wanted, craved. He was going to give her exactly what she asked for and not anything else.

  Death crept up, cupping her breasts that were covered by the lace. She gave a groan of frustration.

  “What?” he asked.

  “More, I need more.”

  “Then take your bra off. Remember, Brianna, you control all of this. Not me. This is all you.”

  She groaned, but he watched as she removed her bra. Her large tits spilled out of the cups, and she flung the bra to the side. The sight of her naked flesh was more than enough to drive him to distraction.

  It took all of his control not to grip his cock and tug her to the bed.


  He’d never been a man known for his patience, taking what he wanted when he wanted it.

  She’s different.

  Brianna was different. He didn’t need to rush to be with her. She didn’t know how turned on he already was and they’d only been together a few short days. He’d been hooked from that first kiss.

  Cupping her naked tits, he ran his thumb along the tip. “Like this, baby. You want me to touch you like this.”

  “Yes.” She looked down at where he touched her then to his gaze. “I want more.”

  “What do you want?” He pinched her nipples drawing a little bite of pain only stopping when she had enough.

  “I want you. I want everything you can give me,” she said, moaning.

  “You want my mouth?”


  “Then ask for it.”

  “Death, I need your mouth. I need your lips. Please.” Before she finished speaking he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on the hard bud. She tasted fucking perfect. With his other hand, he gripped the flesh of her ass still covered in the jeans. When he first saw those jeans he’d thought they were hot with the way they molded to every curve of her body. Now, he hated the offending fabric. He wanted her naked, exposed, and ready for his cock.


  He was going to have to get used to that word. There was no chance of him forgetting himself. This was a side to Brianna he hadn’t anticipated seeing so early. What had he done to draw her out? He wanted to know for future as he liked seeing her cheeks flushed with arousal. The needy look in her eyes would stay with him for a long time.

  Moving to her other nipple, he sucked the hard bud into his mouth, groaning at the taste of her skin.

  “Please, Death. I need you.”

  Licking between her breasts he circled each bud in turn. “I’ve got you, baby.”

  She cupped his face, pulling him away. Before he could protest her lips were on his and he was discovering a side to Brianna that he was loving.

  Brianna’s tongue plunged inside his mouth, and he met her tongue with his. Seconds later she pulled back, panting.

  “Take your pants off,” she said.

  “I thought we weren’t rushing?”

  “I changed my mind.” She tugged him to his feet.

  Death chuckled going to the buckle of his belt.

  Her gaze followed his movements. He loved having her eyes on his body. The arousal in her eyes was strong. Death wanted her to always look at him like that.

  A knock at the door interrupted their moment.

  “Dinner is going to be served soon,” Pussy said, calling through the door.

  “Fuck off,” Death said, growling the word out to him.

  Brianna glanced behind her looking as if the door was going to open at any minute. When he saw the handle being tried, Death lost it. Charging past her, he opened the door wide enough so Pussy only got to see him.

  “Get the fuck out of my room,” he said.

  “Are you doing the hanky-panky with the lovely redhead?” Pussy asked.

  Glaring at him, Death was close to killing the bastard. “If you still want to father children with your woman, get the fuck away now.”

  “What? I was only being kind to you. God, anyone would think I’m trying to irritate you. I was being nice. Brianna, tell him I was only being nice,” Pussy said.

  “Oh God,” Brianna said.

  “Fuck off.” Death slammed the door closed, promising all kinds of hell when he got his hands on Pussy. His cock came before killing Pussy. Spinning around after locking the door he found Brianna sitting on the bed, laughing.

  “Is he always like this?”

  “Pussy’s an asshole of the highest order. Bastard pisses me off.”

  At least she was laughing at Pussy’s antics and not pissed by what he was doing. Standing in front of her with his belt open, Death stopped her from laughing.

  “What do you want me to do now?” he asked.


  When Pussy first started knocking on the door, she didn’t know what to do. She was a little pissed off as he’d invaded the excitement of being with Death. Now, she stared up at Death, her man, and wondered what she should do.

  Reaching out, she let her own desires take over rather than her fears. She didn’t want to be controlled by fears. Death was the first man she’d ever wanted to be with. If she let her past fears control her, she wouldn’t be able to move on to have a future.

  She pulled the zipper down then dragged the jeans down with her.

  His pants went down, and she was surprised to see he wasn’t even wearing any underwear. The hard length of his cock sprang free, facing her. The tip of his cock was leaking pre-cum. The tiny droplet glistened in the light in the bedroom. She licked her lips, curious to know what his flavor would be. She wanted him, badly. In fact, she’d never wanted a man like she did Death.

  Wrapping her fingers around his length, she gripped him tightly.

  “Fuck, that feels good.” He kept his hands at his side as she worked the length of his cock.

  The more she worked the length the more pre-cum leaked out of the tip. With every jewel oozing out, she wanted to lick him, to taste him. In her mind she remembered the look on his face as the club whore gave him undeniable pleasure. She didn’t want him to think of getting a blow job or anything else without thinking about her first.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked. Glancing up the length of his body, she gave no answer. She didn’t wear any bra or top, only wearing a pair of jeans. The entire experience was erotic, and she wanted it to last as long as possible. “The look in your eye, I want to keep it there. You look like you want to devour me.”

  “I don’t want any other woman to think they can touch you. You’re mine. You don’t belong to anyone els

  She didn’t have a clue where this sudden possessive instinct came from, but she wasn’t going to share him with any other club women.

  He was going to be all hers.

  “Don’t you worry, baby. I’m not the sharing kind of man. Some of the other brothers liked to do it once, but not me. I’m happy with one woman.”

  Brianna saw the truth in his eyes. Squeezing his shaft, she lowered her lips to the head and sucked on the tip. The salty taste of him hit her tongue, making her moan. He tasted so damn good. Exploring the tip, she swallowed all the pre-cum that exploded in her mouth.

  “That’s it, Brianna. Moan for me.”

  His hands were clenched by his sides. She knew all about the struggle of what to do, and so she took his hands, placing them in her hair.

  “Touch me,” she said, releasing his cock. She needed his hands on her as much as anything else. The desire he’d built inside her was not going to go away. Her nipples had always been sensitive to the touch. With him this close to her, it was only increasing.

  Death sank his fingers into her hair, tightening in the strands.

  “Your mouth is so damn good.” He let out a little growl, pumping his hips into her mouth.

  She opened her mouth a little wider to take more of him inside. The pleasure increased inside her.

  “I want to lick your pussy, Brianna. Will you let me?”

  Pulling away from his cock, she stared up into his eyes.

  “I’ll make it feel so good. You’re not going to know what hit you.”

  Could she do it? She’d be completely exposed to him.

  The other night you were completely exposed to him and he made it so good.

  She nodded her head, knowing she’d give him anything and all he needed to do was ask.

  “Get on the bed.”

  “I still want to give you pleasure.”

  “I want those fantastic lips wrapped around my dick, baby. It’s not going to change what I want.”

  Brianna lay on the bed where he asked her to. Her head ended up on the pillows while the rest of her was open for him. Death tugged his shirt off, removing his jeans completely and kicking off his boots. She watched him as he removed her boots then her jeans. She was naked apart from a small patch of material covering her pussy.

  “This looks so fucking sexy. I’m going to remove it with my teeth.”

  She giggled, thinking how silly he was. There was no way he’d ever be able to remove the material with his teeth. The very idea was ludicrous.

  “Never underestimate me, Brianna,” he said. “I can prove you wrong more than once.”

  Raising a brow, she didn’t say anything. There really was no need to offer him up a challenge he’d never be able to complete.

  “Don’t believe me?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she rested her hands beside her head. “Prove it.”

  What had happened to her? There was a time when she’d be completely terrified of the challenge he offered.

  The other women. You can’t let him go with other women.

  She didn’t want to lose her place by his side. It was selfish and stupid, but it was something she was going to have to live with. When it came to Death, she was utterly jealous of someone else getting his attention.

  His fingers skimmed up the outside of her thigh, working up to get to her pussy. He didn’t touch her panties with his fingers. Death withdrew his touch from her, moving to lie flush on the bed.

  “I want to touch you as well,” she said, meaning every word she spoke.

  “You will get a chance, baby. For now, I’m going to prove to you that I can take these panties off you without any help from my hands.”

  He gripped the tops of her thighs and opened her legs wide. She moaned at his touch, watching his gaze wander down her body to rest directly over her pussy. “You don’t see what I do, baby. I see how beautiful these red curls look, wet and slick from your cream.”

  “How can you see them? I’m wearing panties.”

  “I see them.”

  She giggled, loving the way he was making her feel.

  “Okay, I’ll believe you.” She didn’t, not one bit.

  His lips went to the inside of her left thigh, making her freeze up. In the next second she felt his tongue on her thigh going up to her pussy. He was sticking to his own rules as his hands glided up her body to cup her breasts. Death pinched her nipples as his tongue teased the lace of her panties.

  Brianna gasped as his tongue slid underneath the material, gathering the fabric up in his teeth. She bit her lip trying to contain her groans of pleasure at his touch.

  He moved the fabric out of the way and tugged. The flimsy fabric snapped away from her body. She looked down to see the material in his mouth like that of a dog with a bone.

  “I told you,” he said, taking the material out of his mouth. He threw the offending item away, smiling at her. “Now, I can really see your pussy.”

  “You couldn’t before?”

  “No, but I sure could fucking imagine it. I can tell you, baby, the sight in front of me is nothing like I imagined. It’s so much fucking better.” He opened the lips of her sex, spreading her wide.

  Brianna cried out as his tongue flicked over her clit, driving her crazy with need. He moved down, plundering her cunt, fucking her as if his fingers were a cock. She gripped the blanket beneath her for something to hold on to. Nothing felt steady to her anymore. There was no control in her actions. This was what it meant to belong to Death, to be controlled by the pleasure of his mouth.

  “Let me hear you scream for me,” he said.

  She gave over to the pleasure he was creating, letting him hear everything he was doing.

  You should be licking him now.

  “I want to taste you.” It was hard for her to talk to him as he was creating the most amazing pleasure with her body.

  He glanced up at her. “Are you sure?”

  The blonde giving him a blow job entered her mind. “Yes, I’m totally sure.”

  Death changed positions so that she was facing his cock. The tip was still leaking pre-cum, and she missed the taste of him in her mouth.

  “I’m going to lick you, and even when you come the first time I’m not going to stop.”

  She doubted he’d give her multiple orgasms. There was no doubt he’d at least give her one, but multiple, not a chance. She didn’t believe he was capable of such a feat.

  Brianna didn’t say anything to contradict what he said. If he believed he could give her multiple orgasms, who was she to contradict him?

  She gripped his length once again, pulling up to take him inside her mouth.

  “Fuck.” The curse exploded out in the air, echoing off the walls, thrilling her with its ferocity.

  Circling the head, she sucked him into her mouth, loving the taste of him on her tongue. She’d never get bored of this. His tongue attacked her clit, causing her stomach to clench at the orgasm drawing closer. Her stomach grew tighter as he circled her clit. The tightening ball of need exploded inside her, making her desperate for him. Two fingers fucked inside her, tipping her over the edge into bliss.

  Brianna sucked more of his dick into her mouth, moaning as he hit the back of her throat. It didn’t stop there as she took more of him, swallowing him down. Her orgasm drew her to the edge, wanting to take Death along with her.

  “I’m not going to last,” he said.

  She didn’t care. Death pushed her into a second orgasm as she claimed her first from him, swallowing down his load. Brianna listened as he grunted out his pleasure. She was more than pleased with her victory.

  He pulled out of her mouth, turning around to collapse beside her.

  “Fuck me, baby. I’ll never look at another woman’s lips again.”

  Smiling, she snuggled up to him. She was more than happy for him to stick with her.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later and the snowstorm that had been threatened for the course of D
ecember had finally hit. It was five days until the big day, and Death was fucking excited. He’d not been this excited since he was a little boy. The clubhouse looked like a bunch of cartoon characters had been at it. Usually it would have bothered him to have the clubhouse looking like a fun house. This year, after Gonzalez, Ashley, and all the shit that had come to them, Death found it refreshing to be inside. The kids were lapping it up, but now, they were only taking necessary trips out to the town. It was far too dangerous to be risking your life for a quick trip. There was a large list stuck to the refrigerator for them to add to. No one was leaving until the last of the items were finished. He didn’t mind. It was fun being around the clubhouse with Brianna. The men, including Dick, had all backed off. None of them were trying to take her away from him, which he was more than happy about.

  He’d fight every single one of his brothers, even Devil, if one denied her in his life. Devil had the right to stop one of the women becoming an old lady. He had almost done it to Sasha. If it wasn’t for Pussy then Death doubted if Devil would have allowed it.

  There was no tension in the air, and it made for an enjoyable living. While the mornings were brilliant, his nights were fucking amazing. Brianna didn’t like the thought of another woman giving him what she couldn’t. He hadn’t been lying to her as he didn’t mind waiting for what he wanted. They’d not fucked, but they’d done a lot of touching, exploring, and bringing each other to orgasm. Over the last week he’d gotten her used to being naked around him. She’d finally slept naked against him the night before last. He wouldn’t let her wear any clothes in bed anymore. This morning he’d woken up to find her curled up around him. His dick protested at the close contact, being so close to her and not being able to touch.

  This morning when she’d woken up to see the state that she’d put him in, Brianna had brought him off with her hand, watching his white cum spill onto his stomach. He’d been totally surprised as she rested his spent cock on his stomach. She’d whispered good morning to him, leaving the bed and him in shock.

  Not to be outdone, Death had gone searching for her in the shower. He didn’t let her leave until he’d brought her to two orgasms, one with his fingers, the other with his mouth.


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