Halloween with the Hunk: A Lumberjack Romance (Holiday Studs Book 1)

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Halloween with the Hunk: A Lumberjack Romance (Holiday Studs Book 1) Page 3

by Jewel Killian

  “Off,” I said again, motioning downward.

  Landon smiled at me. “Yes ma’am,” he said dropping his pants to the ground.

  “Oh my... fuck, Landon, that’s... um.” I stared at the massive tent in his black boxer briefs.

  “It’s why I had to make sure you were good and warmed up,” he said as he dropped his boxers as well.

  Holy shit. It was even bigger than I thought! I scooted to the edge of the bed and he stepped right between my knees. “You know,” I said staring up at him and running a finger up and down the underside of his velvety cock. “I wanted to start with those lips of yours and work my way down that fucking rock hard chest. But this,” I said grabbing the base with my fist, “this is too tempting to pass up.”

  I licked the very tip of his head, watching as his eyes closed and a tiny shudder rocked through his shoulders. Then I put the whole head in my mouth, sucking on it like it was my favorite fucking popsicle.

  Landon grumbled, burying his hands in my hair. He didn’t force my head any further down, he just rested them there, letting me do all the work.

  “Fucking hell, Cass,” he said as I put as much of him in my mouth as I could, which wasn’t all that much. I slid my fist up and down the length I couldn’t get in my mouth and hoped I could make him come as hard as he made me. “Shit, honey, you’re gonna have to stop.” Landon stepped back, pulling himself out of my mouth. “Keep that up and I’ll finish without getting to feel that tight little pussy around me.”

  His words brought back all the weight and tension to my lady-parts— all the heaviness he’d relieved three times already. I felt myself flooding for him. Again.

  I was going to have to wash the damn sheets before I left.

  “Get on the bed,” I said. He cocked an eyebrow at me but didn’t move. “Now,” I said.

  Landon shook his head and laid on the bed, cock bobbing as he did. I straddled him like he’d done to me and slowly, very slowly lowered myself onto his cock.

  Oh my god! I’d never been stretched so far or filled so full before. Landon was hitting things and reaching places no one had ever reached before. I couldn’t take all of him, no fucking way in hell was that happening. But I rode enough of him to make his gorgeous baby blues roll up in his head.

  I leaned back, bracing myself against his thigh with one hand and playing with my clit with the other. I’d never been able to get off just with penetration before, although with Landon’s cock it might be a possibility. But I wasn’t going to abandon what worked for me. I rode him, played with myself and got completely caught in the moment.

  I only closed my eyes for a moment before Landon had me on my back. It was so quick, I’m not even sure how it happened, but I went from riding him to being fucked in seconds.

  “You looked so fucking good like that, touching your sweet pussy and riding me, I just couldn’t resist. I have to take you, Cass.”

  My breath caught in my chest. It was the hottest thing anyone had ever said to me.

  He hitched my legs up high and slowly, very slowly guided the rest of his girth into me.

  “Ooooooooooh!” It felt like nothing else, full and tight and fucking divine. Like I was meant to hold that massive cock.

  “I knew you could take it all, honey. Now play with your clit for me. Oh, fuck yeah, that’s it, Cass. You’re so fucking sexy.

  He fucked me, slow and steady, teasing me with torturous strokes right until I was about to come.

  “I’m about to...”

  Landon sped up, ramming me with his huge cock and I came, not from what I was doing to my clit, but from his actual cock.

  Christ, I thought I might die as peak after peak crashed into me. I moaned, screamed and wailed like a banshee. I couldn’t help it.

  I had no idea my body could do that.

  Just as I was coming down, Landon sped up again, fucking me even deeper and harder. His eyes rolled back and just as he growled out an orgasm, I peaked again, screaming and gasping at the ceiling.

  He was careful not to collapse on top of me, even though I’m sure he wanted to. We laid together catching our breath and cuddling as we came back down to earth.

  I curled up against his shoulder. “No one has ever made me come like that before,” I whispered.

  Landon grunted, a sexy, rumble that had I not just had five orgasms, would have gotten me hot. “Cass, no one has ever made me come like that before.”

  I smiled into his chest and dozed for a few minutes before we both decided we needed showers.

  “Jesus Christ you made a mess of me,” I said under the hot spray as I tried to clean myself up. Landon grinned at me like he was proud of it.

  He probably was. Fuck, I’d be proud if I’d gotten a woman so turned on I could fuck her with my massive, nearly-foot-long-cock.



  We showered and then I helped her change the sheets. It was only fair. We totally destroyed them.

  The funny part was this was the point in the evening when I’d usually be making up excuses about early meetings or needing to catch a flight. In fact, I’d prepared a stellar excuse on the way over.

  I looked at her as she smoothed the sheet, small smile tilting her lips. Stellar or not, I didn’t want to use it.

  I didn’t want to leave Cass. I didn’t want this to be a one-time thing. I wanted to know her.

  I wanted her to be mine.

  Once the bed was back in order we both got in. She curled herself in the hollow of my shoulder and I was perfectly happy to let her stay there forever.

  “How long are you here for?” I asked, stroking her dark hair and marveling at how good she felt in my arms.

  “Just until tomorrow. I’ve got a class full of undergrads to tend to on Monday.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “Yeah? Why’s that?” she asked with a smile I could hear in her tone.

  “Because this town, while it may have its faults, throws a great Halloween bash.”

  Cass sighed. “I’d love to stay but I can’t ditch my students, plus I’m pretty sure I’m not going to get any more done on my thesis tomorrow, Mr. Distraction, so I’ll have to squeeze it in during the week.”

  I propped myself up on an elbow to look at her. “Isn’t it early to be worrying about finishing your thesis? It’s only October, last I checked graduations happen in May.”

  Cass nodded. “You’re right, they do. But I’m in an accelerated program. I’m due to graduate at the end of the semester but only if I finish my thesis.”

  “Oh, I see. Do you have an employment contract contingent on finishing early?”

  Cass’s big, dark eyes opened wide. “How did you know that?”

  I smiled at her, eager to adjust her perception of me. “I might look like an uneducated lumberjack from a tiny town but I finished my MBA at twenty-three and made my first million at twenty-four.” I didn’t mention how old I was when I made my first billion.

  Without the help of my parent’s money.

  “Well, handsome and brilliant? Too bad I live six-and-a-half hours away or I’d just have to keep you, Landon.”

  I looked down, embarrassed by how much her words affected me.

  I’d been the guy women came to when they want to get off or needed a sugar daddy for so long. No one had ever made me feel like I had anything more to offer than a big dick or a bank account. No one until Cass.

  I wanted to tell her I didn’t live here. That I was only here to oversee the sale of my grandfather’s property. I wanted to pull her close and tell her I’d gladly be “kept”.

  I wanted to but I couldn’t. I could hardly bear to think about my grandfather’s death, let alone to talk about it. Not yet. I’d been so close to him. He’d always understood my need for physical activity. Whenever I came to his house for the summer, he’d have chores and projects and all kinds of “sweat equity” tasks lined up for me. My father never understood that part of me, always telling me to settle down and sit still
and quit fidgeting. But Grandpa always had and he’d taught me how to deal with it.

  Sure, I could have hired someone to pack up his things and stage the house for showings. I could have paid a landscaper to clean up the shrubs and trim the trees of deadwood. But I wanted to do this. I wanted to be a part of his house, of his legacy one last time before it was sold to someone who would inevitably just hire someone to do the landscaping.

  I wanted to make sure my grandfather’s house looked the way he would have wanted it before I said goodbye one last time.

  Needless to say, I didn’t want to lay all that on Cass. I mean, I’d just had her in almost every way conceivable, but that didn’t mean I wanted to lay all my baggage at her feet.

  “Well, I might just let you,” I said and pulled her into me.

  I’d let her know we could be more than a one-time thing in the morning. But right now, we both need some well-deserved rest.



  It was early when I woke the first time. The hazy orange light of dawn filtering through the blinds told me I needed to snuggle closer Landon and grab a few more hours of shut-eye.

  I did just that.

  When my eyes opened again, I stretched and rolled over to spoon Landon.

  “Landon?” I called when I rolled into an empty spot. I wrapped myself in a sheet and went to the hall. I peeked my head in the bathroom. Empty. “Are you making breakfast?” I called. I ran downstairs, trailing the bed sheet behind me, but he wasn’t in the kitchen either.

  He wasn’t anywhere.

  “He probably just went next door for a change of clothes,” I said before my brain went into over-analysis mode. But the over-thinker in me just had to check. I looked out the kitchen window, heart sinking when I saw the truck previously in the driveway, wasn’t there now. “Okay, calm down. He probably just went to get coffee or something. It’s fine.”

  But what if he hadn’t?

  I shook my head, trying to clear it of the barrage of unwanted thoughts and the mess of feelings that came with them. I had no right to have any feelings whatsoever about him leaving in the morning. He’d clearly been with plenty of women. Maybe this was routine for him. Maybe I was just another conquest and he wanted to get out before the light of day made things awkward.

  It wasn’t like I needed a long distance relationship in my life right now, anyway.

  I sighed and headed upstairs to get dressed. But something nagged at me. Something just didn’t add up. Why would he spend the night just to leave in the morning? I had to make sure his truck really was gone. I opened the front door, hoping with more fervor than I’d like to admit, that maybe he’d street parked it and was heading over now. Instead, I squealed as Edna the neighborhood witch stood on the front porch scowling at me.

  “I knew it, I just knew it,” she croaked, jabbing a gnarled, skinny finger in my direction.

  “Excuse me?” I said, tugging the sheet closer to me.

  “It’s what he does. You know that, right? Any time a pair of tits rents this place, leave it to Landon to come to clean out her pipes.”

  My brow furrowed against my will. “Excuse me?” I said again.

  “Oh don’t play dumb with me. What did you expect? The whole neighborhood heard you screaming like a streetwalker last night. I’d have thought he would have grown out of it by now, but once a whore always a whore, I guess.”

  “Please leave,” I said, feeling my heartbeat in my temples.

  “He does it to everyone. Has them screaming ‘til all hours of the night, then leaves them high and dry. Just thought you’d like to know not to hold your breath waiting for him.”

  “Leave NOW, you crazy old hag!” I yelled and slammed the door in her face.

  I sank to the floor, heart racing in my ears, thoughts spinning in circles. He didn’t seem like the type to just ditch me the morning after. But what did I actually know about men like him at all? The entirety of my male experience can be summed up in two words— math nerds. I sighed, picked myself up off the ground and refused to be sad about the best night of my life.

  “You knew there was no future,” I said to myself, packing up my things as quickly as I could. I needed to get out of this place. “He lives here, you live in New York. Just be happy you had a fantastic night and get the hell out of here before you have to see him again.”

  I shoved my shit in my bags as quickly as I could, packed up the whiskey for later, and got the hell out of that house.

  I pulled out of the cul de sac and didn’t look back.



  Fuck. No. NO! NO! FUCK!

  Her car was gone. The house was empty. I stood on the front porch, two coffees and a bag of donuts in my hands and yelled at my own stupidity.

  “Why didn’t you leave a goddamn note, Landon? Hey, getting coffee, be back soon. That’s all it would have taken.” I stomped back over to my grandfather’s house and slammed a few things until I got my temper under control.

  When I felt marginally more stable I marched right over to Edna’s house. If anyone knew what time Cass left, nosy fucking Edna would. I didn’t even have both feet on her porch before she opened her door.

  “What do you want?” she hissed.

  “Nice to see you too, Edna. Fine day we’re having, isn’t it?” I cooed at her.

  “Oh, cut the bull, you little shit. What do you want?”

  My lip curled at the woman as I barely contained a snarl. “Did you happen to notice what time Cass left this morning?”

  “Oh, are we learning names now? Well, isn’t that nice.”

  I gritted my teeth. “Look you sad, dried up excuse for a Halloween trope! Tell me what time she left and I’ll leave you alone.”

  She pursed her lips at me, the expression twisted in garish since Edna had no teeth. “She left shortly after you did.”

  “And do you happen to know why she left?”

  Edna crossed her arms over her sagging chest. “Because I exercised my neighborly right to inform her of your dubious intentions.”

  I saw red. My fists balled, and jaw clenched so tight I was surprised Edna understood the string of curse words I slung at her.

  Her eyes widened as I called her every name I could think of. She clutched her chest, made a woo-woo hand motion at me and slammed the door in my face.

  I walked back to my grandfather’s house seething.

  “All it would have taken was a goddamn note!” I yelled when I got back inside. I paced the whole first floor, trying to think, knowing my brain wouldn’t cooperate until I’d let off some steam, but still trying to will my thoughts in order.

  I threw the coffee meant for Cass at the sink. It exploded open, spraying the tile and counters. I sighed, knowing I’d have to clean it up later, and headed to the garage.

  I grabbed my work gloves and a hand ax and set my sights on the dead monster of a tree in the backyard.

  A sane person would have gotten a chainsaw. But then again a sane person would have told the woman he wanted to get to know better that he was only going out for coffee. I don’t know how long I hacked away at the tree. But I do know when it finally fell I still didn’t feel any better. I chopped the whole thing down into fireplace-ready pieces and had them all stacked while it was still daylight.

  When it was done, and I could finally breathe again, I started working on a plan to find Cass.



  “What do you mean you left early?” Jeannie asked over the phone. She called just as I’d stepped into my apartment. Just as I was ready to call her. She did that a lot. Jeannie was the best.

  I set down my bags, poured a shot of cinnamon whiskey and flopped onto my couch. “I mean, that sex-on-a-stick lumberjack neighbor fucked me in ways I can’t even begin to explain and then ghosted me in the morning. I had to get out of there before I saw him again.”

  “Lumberjack... do you mean Landon?”

  “Yeah, Landon. The god of men, who made me c
ome so many times in ways I never thought possible and then just left in the morning like it was old habit. I mean, I didn’t expect it to turn into a long distance relationship or anything but he could have at least told me to my face. ‘Hey honey, you were great but I gotta be free’. Something other than a cold bed. ”

  Jeannie sighed. “I’m sorry, Cass.”

  “Did you know? Is that why you made the lumberjack comment in the first place?” That thought, along with many others had been gnawing at my brain the entire trip back.


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