Mrs Sommersby's Second Chance

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Mrs Sommersby's Second Chance Page 15

by Laurie Benson

  She opened her mouth to once more explain her innocence to him, when he suddenly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her up against his hard chest. His hand rested in the small of her back and the tips of his fingers skimmed the top of her bottom. If she took a deep breath, which was currently impossible surrounded by all his masculinity, he would know because her breasts would press even further against him. Instinctively her hands went to his shoulders and then moved down to curve around his biceps. If he let go of her right now, there was a distinct possibility she would melt into the floor since her legs were turning to jelly.

  The tips of their noses brushed against each other while his breath caressed her lips. Then his hand came up and cupped her cheek.

  ‘I think it’s about time we settled this once and for all.’

  He could settle anything with her right now just as long as he closed that last inch and kissed her!

  Chapter Nineteen

  After all this time, Lane finally had her in his arms—and he wasn’t going to let her go. Lowering his head for that final inch, he claimed her lips with a hungry kiss.

  It was as if he had spent weeks in the desert and she was his last drop of water. He wanted to savour every moment of the feel of her soft lips against his and the way her body melted into his. She kissed him back with a passion that belied her normal refined demeanour. It surprised him for a second before he lifted her up, spun her around and pressed her back against the door—all the while never breaking their kiss.

  She was clutching him with her fingers digging into his arms. He spread his legs and pushed his hand into the small of her lower back bringing her against his very hard length. There was no way to tell if the movement of her lower abdomen against him was intentional or instinctual. He wasn’t about to stop kissing her to ask.

  The need for her was becoming too strong and he let out a low guttural groan. The only place he could lay her down was on top of a pile of coats and he struggled with the notion of stopping their kiss to move them over there. He just wanted to get his hands and mouth on more of her bare skin.

  A soft knock on the door behind her broke into his thoughts and both of them froze. The mixed sound of their breathing was the only thing to break the stillness of the room. She felt perfect in his arms and he wasn’t ready to let go of holding her just yet.

  ‘Someone wants to get in,’ she whispered, sounding as if she thought they might barge in at any minute.

  It took a deep breath to help him gather his voice. ‘I asked the attendant to give us ten minutes. He won’t come in.’ Wanting to prolong holding her for as long as he could, Lane let his hands glide around the curve of her hips that were always hidden beneath her gowns. Now, he could envision what they might look like. It was a foolish move since now he was even harder than he had been a few minutes ago. He didn’t want to, but knew that he had to release her and take a step back, otherwise there would be more knocking.

  She was bound to be able to tell the effect she was having on him. It was very evident with the current strain to his breeches—and his erection would never go down if he continued to watch her as she checked to see if any of her hair had come loose from the pins. Turning away, he stretched his neck from side to side and tried to take a mental inventory of the items in the stockroom at the coffee house in the hopes that would reduce his arousal.

  ‘Are you ready to return to the ball?’ Her voice sounded closer than it should which let him know she was standing right behind him.

  ‘I just need another minute.’

  Thank God she was a woman of a certain age and level of experience so that he didn’t have to explain why. He heard her move away from him and he counted to ten. When he turned to face her, he cursed himself for not counting to twenty.

  He just wanted to kiss her and lay her down on the coats all over again.

  A loose curl hung by the side of her neck and he tucked it within the upsweep of her soft brown hair.

  ‘Can you tell I’ve been kissing you?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, you can. At least I can see it in your eyes.’ He trailed his fingertip along her jaw. ‘Go for a walk with me. I want to leave this ball...with you. I want us to find time to be without eyes upon us and without having to regulate our actions. You and me. Alone.’

  It was what he had wanted for such a long time. She was what he wanted and if he didn’t kiss her again soon, he felt as if he would go mad.

  ‘I’ll need my cloak,’ was the only reply she gave him, aside from a smile that seemed to make his heart double in size.

  They found her cloak and his hat, then slipped out of the room. The vestibule was still empty, aside from the two attendants, and he tipped his head at them, even though they were smart enough to keep their eyes averted from the couple who had managed to sneak away at a public ball. If he had to bet, he would say that he was not the first gentleman who had slipped them some money to take advantage of the very private cloakroom.

  Mrs Sommersby remained silent as they proceeded down the short corridor and out into the evening air, although the rise and fall of her chest let him know their kiss had affected her as well. The soft breeze felt good against his skin and helped to cool some of the passionate heat that was still humming through him.

  ‘Where shall we go?’ she asked, closing the jewelled clasp on her cloak while he adjusted the brim of his hat.

  ‘We could take my carriage to Sydney Gardens to watch the fireworks.’

  She shook her head and a small smile lifted the corners to those lips that he was dying to taste again. ‘I don’t think it would be wise to be alone in a carriage with you right now.’

  ‘And why would that be unwise?’ He eyed her profile as she began to walk beside him down the darkened empty street.

  ‘Because you, Mr Lane, are far too tempting.’

  ‘I’m too tempting? You’re the one who made it imperative that I find a secluded spot in that building so I could finally kiss you.’

  They turned right on the pavement and began heading slowly down the deserted street.

  ‘So where shall we go?’ he asked after they walked in silence for a bit.

  She gave a slight lift of her shoulder. ‘Suppose we walk aimlessly all night long and simply arrive back at where we started?’

  Lane stopped and stepped in front of her. She appeared to study him intently.

  ‘I think we can both agree, we are far from where we started already. We are going somewhere. Why don’t you tell me where?’

  ‘We have just started out on this journey. I think it is too soon to tell.’ Her voice faded in the hushed stillness.

  There was something about talking with her that made him smile. She had a quick mind and it was one of the many things he was finding that he liked about her. ‘Fair enough. I shall let you take the lead.’ He held his arm out to her and they strolled on the street known as the King’s Circus.

  This circular area in town had a round centre-gated garden surrounded by terraced town houses that gave the appearance of one long building. In the dark of the night with the warm lights coming from the buildings, it somehow felt as if they had stepped into a private haven. The roads were deserted at this hour with people already settled into their various evening entertainments. They were free to walk together without curious eyes upon them. However, Lane knew that could change at any moment. If only they could find somewhere completely private. As he looked over at her, he took note that she was very quiet, almost lost in thought, and he remembered seeing her on the dance floor with that well-dressed gentleman and how he sensed the man had angered her towards the end of the dance. Could she be thinking about that now?

  ‘Do you mind if I ask you a question?’

  The sound of his voice seemed to bring her out of her musings and she shook her head.

  ‘Tonight, I spotted you on the dance floor with another gentleman
. While you were dancing it appeared that he said something to upset you. What did he say?’

  He was prepared for anything she was going to tell him, because no matter what it was he was going to find the man after their walk and make him apologise to her. He might even need to beat him to a pulp, depending on what he said.

  She let out a sigh. ‘It is nothing that you would understand.’

  His mind raced with inappropriate scenarios. ‘Why don’t you tell me anyway?’

  ‘There are times being a woman can be very trying. I had given instructions about an investment of mine and found out that those instructions were ignored.’ Her brows drew together and the grip of her hand on his forearm tightened. ‘I know that would never happen had I been a gentleman like yourself. No one would ever disregard your directions.’

  She was right. No one would and if they did, they knew he’d ring a peel over them as soon as he found out.

  ‘Do you normally manage your investments yourself?’

  ‘Yes. I am not some woman whose head is filled with fashion and gossip without room for anything else.’ The statement was made firmly and she was about to remove her hand from his sleeve except he held it there.

  ‘I mean no disrespect. I am just trying to assess your involvement in the decisions that have been made in the past.’

  ‘I have been involved in the decisions from the very beginning. Ten years ago, when my husband passed, our financial condition was less than ideal. After he died, I was free to determine how I wanted to invest my money and soon realised that my instincts were sharp. My decisions turned a profit.’ As if she realised her agitation was being directed at him and that she had been discussing money, which was highly inappropriate in polite company, she looked away. ‘Forgive me. As you can see, I am not one who likes to be ignored.’

  ‘Then let him know that.’

  ‘I will be writing him a sharply worded letter come morning.’

  ‘That’s not good enough. Make your feelings known face to face. Let him see that it is your money and that you will not be placated. State firmly that you will not have them go against your wishes or you will find someone else to handle your affairs. Let him see your anger.’

  ‘Why are you not telling me that I should listen to him? That he must know more than I do about these things because he is a man?’

  ‘Because I believe you are smart enough to know sound advice when you hear it and would not place any investment in danger due to vanity.’

  ‘You can tell that about me?’

  ‘I can.’

  ‘If I show my anger, he will accuse me of being a hysterical female. That is why when I am angry with him I typically write him a letter.’

  ‘Are you planning on sobbing and throwing yourself on the floor?’

  She stopped walking, appearing highly insulted. ‘Of course not.’

  ‘Then let him experience your anger. Do not hesitate. Show him you are strong in your convictions and will not tolerate his interference.’

  They turned on to the pavement that led to the Royal Crescent. This was where Hart was staying and where Lyonsdale was. He scanned the long row of thirty pale stone terraced houses that made up this curved row and tried to recall which one his friends were in.

  ‘Well, I suppose there is no reason for me to return to the Assembly Rooms now,’ she said, as she watched him search out the windows that were lit by the yellow glow of candlelight. ‘I live over there.’ She pointed to the fifth door.

  Well, she must have been very good with her investments if she could afford to live here.

  ‘What of your carriage?’

  ‘As you can see, I am not far from the Assembly Rooms. I walked with some friends. It’s how we do things here in Bath.’

  The smile on her face made her eyes sparkle and he wasn’t certain if her improved mood had to do with not returning to the ball or being close to her house with him. Her bedroom was just over there, possibly behind one of those windows that overlooked the large expanse of lawn and the wooded area beyond where he had encountered her stuck to a bush.

  ‘So, it seems our journey has led us here. What do you think that means?’ He shoved a hand into his pocket and waited—and prayed that she would invite him in so he could kiss and touch her some more. It couldn’t be a coincidence that their walk had led them here.

  ‘I think it means that you are a very lovely gentleman who was kind enough to walk me home. I enjoy talking with you, William.’

  They strolled side by side slowly up to her door and then turned to face each other.

  ‘It’s actually Lane. My friends call me Lane. I never use William.’

  ‘Really? I rather like your name—however, if you prefer Lane, I will call you that.’

  ‘Does this mean you are giving me permission to call you Clara?’

  ‘It seems fitting.’

  ‘You mean since we kissed.’

  It almost looked as if she was blushing, but in the dim light it was hard to tell.

  * * *

  Clara could feel the heat spread over her chest and up her neck. She was not a girl in her first Season. She was a grown woman who had been married—and yet just the mention of kissing him had left her all aflutter and was making her body hot with the need to kiss him again. Their brief time in the cloakroom was just long enough to make her crave the feel of his lips on hers once more—or all night long.

  She had only been with one man in her life and that was Robert. Now, every piece of her wanted to be with Lane. That thought was both exciting and terrifying. It was exciting to imagine what it would be like to roll around the sheets with him and it was a delicious sensation to savour. And she would have, except part of her was terrified to trust her heart again. She knew it was easy to fall for someone who was all wrong for you. Perhaps Lane was all wrong for her? She wouldn’t marry him, so where would this lead?

  The sound of muted barking came through the window near them and a rapid soft pounding could be heard. It was Humphrey, who must have been standing up on the window seat, barking excitedly at Lane. Her wonderful puppy gave her something to focus on that did not have to do with her soft bed and Lane’s amazing kisses. Her old butler, Darby, came to the window, wearing his dark coat and dark stock around his neck. He picked up Humphrey in his white-gloved hands and caught her eye through the wavy glass. She gave him a slight nod and a small smile. The man glanced at Lane before disappearing into the room.

  ‘Thank you again for walking me home.’ She took a step towards the door and removed a key from her reticule.

  ‘It was my pleasure. I take it this is goodnight, then.’ He was waiting to see if she was going to invite him in and she wished with every fibre of her being that she could. But her staff was still up and her neighbours might be watching...and her heart wasn’t ready to commit herself to him that way. It was much too dangerous.

  Placing the key in the lock, she turned to him with an almost bittersweet smile. ‘It is. I wish I could invite you in, but as you saw my butler is about.’

  ‘Yes, I saw.’ He looked down at the ground and did not press the issue.

  The door opened and a black-and-brown ball of fur came charging out, heading directly for Lane’s leg. Humphrey jumped on to his calve and barked at him with his tail swishing back and forth. Lane picked the puppy up into his arms and scratched him behind his ears.

  ‘Forgive me, madam,’ Darby said now from the doorway.

  ‘It’s fine Darby. We know how Humphrey gets when he’s excited.’

  Lane placed him down on the ground and he continued to jump and bark. ‘Stay, Humphrey.’

  The small dog stood as still as he could, shifting slightly on his paws with his tail continuing to swish. He barked a few times and Lane bent down and held his muzzle closed gently between his fingers. ‘Shhh,’ he said while placing one of his fingers on
his other hand up to his lips.

  Humphrey’s eyes widened, but he didn’t try to bark.

  ‘How did you do that?’

  ‘He needs to understand who is in control. He needs to understand that he does not run the household. I could come back to help train him for you,’ Lane continued. ‘I believe I had mentioned it once before.’ He looked up at her from where he was bent over Humphrey, still holding his muzzle.

  ‘I don’t know...’

  When Lane released his hold on Humphrey and stood up, her dog barked up at him. But when Lane shushed him, the dog immediately quietened down. How was it that he had spent such little time with her dog and had made more progress with him than she or anyone of her staff had?

  ‘Madam, if I may. This gentleman might be of some assistance.’

  This would be a perfect way to see him during respectable hours and she really could use the help with Humphrey. ‘Would you have some time tomorrow to work with him?’

  ‘I could be here by two.’

  Inside, she was bursting with excitement at the notion she would be able to spend time alone with him tomorrow. However, on the outside she tried to remain calm and composed. ‘I will see you then.’

  There was a flash of something in his eyes. Was he feeling the same way?

  ‘And thank you for your advice earlier. I will forgo my letter-writing this time.’

  ‘Excellent. You will feel much better afterwards. I assure you.’

  Humphrey dropped his head down to rest on Lane’s foot.

  ‘My dog really does like you.’

  ‘I’d say he has excellent taste,’ he replied, appearing rather pleased with himself.

  The moment standing there at her door with him and her dog had an indefinable feeling of rightness about it. With her back to the door she had no way to know where Darby had gone. If she was certain he was not standing within eyesight of her, she would have reached over and pulled Lane in for a kiss.


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