Morgan, Nicole - Intimate Persuasions [Intimate Temptations 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Morgan, Nicole - Intimate Persuasions [Intimate Temptations 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Intimate Persuasions [Siren Classic] (lit)

  Ann reached around behind her neck and massaged her tense shoulders. “I could use a hot bath. What time is it anyway?”

  Derek held up his hand and squinted at his watch. “Quarter until eleven.”

  Ann sighed, “Well boss man. If you don’t need me anymore, I’m out of here.”

  Derek made a gesture with his hands for her to head out. He also was tired. “I’m out of here too. Hang on and I’ll walk you out.”

  Ann waited for him by the door and they walked out to the parking lot together. She was getting into her car when he stopped her. “It’s later than usual. Maybe I should follow you over to the hotel. You know, just so I can be sure you get home all right. You know with it being Friday night, Quinn will be at the Roadhouse late.”

  She wasn’t sure if they were telling anyone yet. They had only just decided on it that morning. They were going to wait until Sunday to move her things over to his place, because the weekends were always so busy for him at the Roadhouse. But Derek was Quinn’s brother so she figured it was okay.

  “Actually, I’m not going to the hotel. I took a few of my things over to Quinn’s. I’m sort of staying there.” She waited for his reaction. He had already given her the brotherly warning. Would he be okay with this? They got along really well at work, but she knew that when it came to Quinn, Derek was very protective.

  “Staying there? Was there a problem at the hotel?” And he already knew the answer because of the embarrassed way she turned away from him said it all. “Are you two living together now?”

  Ann looked back up at him and nodded. “Yeah, I mean he sort of asked me this morning, and I wasn’t going to, but I just don’t know. It’s soon, I know that, I do. There’s just something about Quinn, he sort of consumes my mind.” She shrugged. “I don’t always think rationally when your brother is concerned.”

  Derek smiled at her. “Nothing you could have said would have mattered more than to me than what you didn’t say.”

  She looked at him perplexed. Sure she knew she was tiptoeing around it, but could she tell him that she was falling for Quinn?

  “Derek, I don’t understand. All I said was that he sort of clouds my mind.” His stare made her feel like he couldn’t be happier. He was Quinn’s brother, and probably thought that he deserved a good woman. Did he think that she was that one?

  His smile only got bigger. “Really? Clouds it huh? Sounds like you got it bad.”

  Ann smirked at him. He was really very nice, but she knew he was getting a kick out of her discomfort. “Very funny. Fine. I’m crazy about your brother. Is that what you want to hear?”

  Derek placed his hands in his front pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels, obviously very pleased with himself. “Yeah, that pretty much covers it. Now come on, I’ll follow you to Quinn’s. It’s late and those dark roads can be pretty dangerous if you’re not used to them.”

  Ann thanked him and closed her door. Starting her engine, she wondered why it was so easy to talk to Derek. Thinking about her past week, she realized just how truly lucky she was. In one week she had found a great job, which she truly enjoyed. She found a sexy and amazing lover! And now she felt like she had an honest to goodness friend in Derek. Suddenly she wasn’t angry at Larry anymore. She was actually grateful for his cheating ways. If he had stayed faithful to her, she might not have met Quinn, and she might not have gotten her job or met Derek. Hmm. Life works in mysterious ways.

  Ten minutes later Ann was getting out of her car. She motioned for Derek to wait before he drove away. She ran over to his window and waited for him to open it.

  “You want to come inside?”

  He was surprised by her question. She had just told him how exhausted she was. “Ah sure, but I thought you were tired.”

  She was. Truth was she was beyond tired. But she felt awkward going into Quinn’s house. Even though she was going to be living there with him, she still felt like she was intruding upon his personal space. Derek was his brother, so if he came in for a little while then it wouldn’t seem so weird.

  “I am, but I don’t think I’ll get to sleep right away anyway. I’m too wound up. We could have a beer or something.” She assumed Quinn kept beer at the house. She’d only been over a couple of times before. And then she had just been in the bedroom, although there was that one time in the bathroom, oh and once in the kitchen, too.

  “Sure, let me just park my truck. I’ll be right inside.” Derek watched her as she walked towards the house. She hesitated for a moment before putting her key in the door. Derek picked up his cell phone and called his brother.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” Quinn asked over the noise surrounding him.

  “Nothing major, but we were busy at the restaurant tonight, so we got done much later than usual. Anyway I followed Ann to your place—”

  Quinn interrupted him. “Oh, she told you? I was gonna tell you myself, I just got busy.”

  “No, it’s cool. She’s nice, I like her, but she seems really nervous. And she asked me to stay. I get the feeling she’s afraid to be alone in your place.”

  Quinn was surprised by his comment. “Really?”

  “Yeah, so I’m gonna go inside. But I think she’s really exhausted. If you find me sleeping on the sofa when you get home, don’t be surprised.”

  Quinn laughed, “Sure man, thanks for helping her out. She…well she matters…a lot.”

  Derek grinned as he opened his truck door. “I know. And just so you know, judging from what she told me, the feelings mutual.”

  “What’d she say?” Quinn was dying to know.

  Derek pretended to make static noises and said, “Oh sorry bro, bad connection. Got to go. Bye.” And he hung up the phone laughing as he walked to the door.

  Quinn hung up his phone and a huge smile formed on his face. She had talked about him to Derek, and it must have been good, otherwise Derek wouldn’t have gotten so much enjoyment out of toying with him. He turned his head to look over at the jerk that had been practically molesting Ann on the side of the road last week. He hated the SOB, but suddenly he felt like buying him a beer. If he hadn’t been such an arrogant asshole, he might not have pulled over to help her and then he wouldn’t be deliriously happy.

  Quinn went back out to the main bar area and watched as the usual crowd had too much to drink and got way too rowdy. On any other night he would have been fine with it. But tonight all he could think about was that with every beer sold it was going to be that much longer until he got to go home to be with Ann. He looked around at all the people still crowding the place, knowing that it would be hours before he would get out of there.

  * * * *

  “So, it looks like we have water or beer.” Ann looked up from the refrigerator at Derek, “So, what’ll it be?”

  “Beer sounds good.” He reached his hand over and grabbed onto the frosty bottle. Twisting the top off, he took a long pull on it. “Aah, hits the spot after a long night at the restaurant.”

  Ann had opted for water and was twisting off her cap, sitting on the breakfast nook stool next to Derek. She sighed before she took a giant swallow. “Yep.”

  Derek raised an eyebrow at her. He knew she was nervous but now she seemed downright terrified. “What’s going on, Ann?”

  She looked at him, “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He gave her a mocking half smile, “Yeah, you do. Look I know we haven’t known each other that long, but, well we see each other every day and I kind of thought we were becoming friends. I mean you’re in love with my brother so—”

  “Woah, what did you say? I never…not once did I tell you…I mean I’ve only known him a week…so I’m not. Alright?” She said matter-of-factly.

  Derek wondered if she realized how much she had stammered through her little speech. “Sure. Sorry, I guess I just assumed. You know seeing as how you’re, what did you say, ‘crazy about him’ and for whatever reason you are nervous as all hell to be here. But hey, if you say you don’t love
him, well then I’ll just tell my bro to quit wasting his time on something that’s going nowhere,” he said it casually as he reached for his cell phone.

  Ann’s eyes widened in shock, grabbing his phone she stopped him from dialing. “You can’t tell him that! What’s gotten into you?”

  Derek laughed at her, enjoying her little dilemma. “I wasn’t really gonna call him. I just wanted to get you to realize that you are falling pretty damn hard for him.”

  Ann dropped her head on the nook’s countertop and groaned. “I know. And because of that it’s not going to last.”

  He bunched his brows together in confusion. “Why is that exactly?”

  She made a sound that might have been laughter, he wasn’t sure. Then she let out a muffled reply. “Because when I fall for a guy, that’s usually around the time he decides that I’m not worth the whole respect and fidelity thing.” She raised her head up and looked at Derek. “So you see, no matter how great your brother is now, I give it a couple of weeks before he starts sleeping with other women and treating me like a door mat.”

  Derek had to bite back his laughter. She clearly didn’t see how ridiculous she sounded and how completely torn up she was. “So, now he’s great and you are not in love with him. But, you are ‘crazy about him’ which doesn’t matter because in a couple of week’s time he will become an asshole?”

  “Pretty much,” Ann said as she reached over and took a healthy swig of his beer.

  Derek nodded, “Yeah, that totally makes sense.”

  Ann knew he was mocking her. “Meaning?”

  He just shrugged, “Oh nothing. It’s just that my brother hasn’t had very much luck with women treating him right. Because of that he’s been sort of skittish when it comes to relationships.” He took the beer back from her and swallowed some. “Lord knows he’s never asked a woman to live with him before. Not to mention insisting that I give one of them a job.” He winced at her expression. Obviously she thought that she got the job on merit, which now she would have, because she was a fantastic addition to the restaurant. The customers absolutely adored her. But the real reason he hired her was because Quinn threatened to have some very essential body parts hurt in a very bad way.

  “He made you hire me?” She should have been more shocked, but she really wasn’t. When Quinn wanted something he usually went for it. “Nevermind. It doesn’t matter. If you don’t want me to stick around, I mean—”

  Derek rolled his eyes at her, “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re a great hostess. And unlike our last one, you help out wherever you’re needed. Heck, for all we know, you were the reason for the booming business tonight.”

  They both laughed. She really did enjoy talking to Derek. He was almost like the brother she had never had. “Okay. But I am sorry he forced you to hire me. Although it kind of makes sense now, seeing as how the interview consisted of asking my name and to me to fill out a W-4. I like it there though. I hope you know that.”

  Swallowing some more of his beer, he nodded. “I do. But enough about the restaurant. Let’s get back to your prince turning into a frog, or in this case, snake theory.”

  “Oh no. It’s not a theory. It’s a proven fact. It’s happened to me, more than once, too.” She pointed out.

  “That sucks, Ann. Us men can be assholes sometimes. How many men screwed you over?”


  Derek was surprised. Quinn told him the other day that she’d only had two boyfriends. He hadn’t said lovers, but it was implied. And to hear that both of those men had hurt her was pretty unbelievable. Especially since she was gorgeous, she had a fantastic personality, and was a lot of fun to be around.

  “Only two? That’s hardly enough to base a pattern on. Maybe it’ll be different with Quinn.”

  Ann played with the label to her water bottle. “I hope it is. I can’t seem to help myself when I’m with Quinn. I can’t ever say no to him, and why am I telling you this?” She got up from the stool in an attempt to hide her embarrassment.

  Derek grabbed her wrist and tugged her back to face him. “Because we’re friends. I like you, Ann, and I know Quinn cares about you. You wouldn’t be moving in here if he didn’t. Just don’t overanalyze it okay?”

  She slumped back down on the stool. “I know you’re right. I just…I mean I liked my other two boyfriends, I even cared about them. But I never felt a connection with them like I do with Quinn.” She laughed. “God. Why on earth am I talking to you about your brother? Doesn’t that make me weird or something?”

  Derek shook his head. “No, it just means you realize a good guy when you see one. Let me be your friend. I care about my brother and I want him to be happy. Just see what happens. Don’t worry about what might or could happen. Just enjoy what you have, all right?”

  She smiled at him. His pep talk made her feel so much better. She reached over and gave him a hug. “Thank you.”

  “Sure thing.” He patted her on the head teasingly. “Now I’m going to head out of here. Are you going to be a good girl and go to bed?”

  She giggled. “Yes, dad.”

  “Good, come on. Lock the door after I leave.”

  She walked him to the door and gave him another hug before they both said they’d see each other tomorrow. Ann locked the deadbolt and turned off the front room lights. She walked into the bedroom and began to get ready for bed. Finally, she felt at ease. For some reason Derek’s words were able to alleviate the stress she felt at the idea of moving in with Quinn. She knew he was right. She should take things one day at a time. And if she was right and Quinn turned out to be a jerk, then at least she would have had this time with him.

  Yeah right. She knew that if Quinn ever hurt her it would be devastating. It wouldn’t just make her hurt and angry like Larry had, it would tear her apart. Because try as she might to deny it, she was in love with Quinn Travis.

  “God help me,” she whispered to herself as she got in bed.

  Hours later, Quinn pulled into his driveway. A flutter occurred in his stomach at the sight of Ann’s little car sitting in his driveway. Ignoring it, he got out of his truck and headed for the front door. Once inside he headed back to the bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway.

  Quinn looked at the angel lying in his bed. Because that was the only word to describe her. She was so beautiful. He had thought so from the first moment he saw her. But every time he was inside of her, every time he came and watched in fascination as she came right along with him, it was like her beauty intensified.

  Quinn started to undress. Normally, after a long Friday night he would have gotten out of his jeans and t-shirt and went to the kitchen in nothing but his briefs and made himself a sandwich. But now, all he wanted to do was get in bed next to her and hold her.

  Sure, he had lain with her many times before. In more ways than one, he thought. But the idea of coming home to her, getting in bed next to her and snuggling her against his body, was sending that warm, fuzzy, fluttery feeling throughout his body. It wasn’t even a sexual need now. It was emotional. He just needed to be near her.

  Quinn quietly got into bed next to her. He intended to snuggle up against her, but as soon as he was lying down, she rolled over and snuggled against him. Oh Jesus. He could feel his heart squeeze with emotion. Damn, he was completely in love with her. One week and he was crazy, head for the hills, out of his mind in love with her.

  As he wrapped his arm around her back to hold her closer, he grinned. He was in love. Was he scared? Sure. Did he care? No way!

  Chapter Six

  Quinn awoke to the feel of sweet delectable lips brushing against his. He smiled without opening his eyes. He grabbed her quickly and laughed when she squealed in surprise.

  “So, you are awake,” she said as she trailed a finger down his chest to parts hidden behind black cotton.

  He opened one eye and squinted against the bright light. He was definitely not a morning person, but for her he could change that. “I’m awake. Care to
see just how awake I am?”

  She reached her hand down and cupped his growing erection in her palm. “Hmm. What do we have here, big boy?”

  He laughed. Big boy had become her little nick name for him. Despite the seriousness that it implied, it was meant as a joke. Because she reminded him on a daily basis how she was incredibly stupid to turn him away that first time. She explained to him that she must have been suffering from temporary insanity.

  “That is yours, Annie.” He winked at her and looked confused when she blushed. “What is it?”

  She shook her head, “Nothing. It’s just that, I really like it when you call me Annie.” She shrugged, “It sort of feels like your little nickname for me.”

  “Oh yeah? Well, tell me. Do you like this?” He brought his mouth to hers and proceeded to kiss her with enough fire to light an entire city aflame.

  She didn’t answer him, but instead she moaned her response. God, he’s amazing, she thought.

  She tensed underneath Quinn’s touch. He pulled back from their kiss. “What’s wrong, honey?”

  She bit down on her lower lip and shook her head. “Nothing.” Leaning over she tried to kiss him again, but he continued to pull back.

  “Tell me. I can see you’re nervous. I haven’t seen that look on your face since the first time we were together. And you know how badly that ended. So tell me what’s going on.”

  She couldn’t tell him. How big of a lunatic would she look if she told him that after only one week that she had fallen hopelessly in love with him? So much so, that it was to the point that she was consumed with worry that she might lose him. “I swear it’s nothing.”

  She hoped he didn’t know that she was lying. Things were going so good between them. She didn’t want to ruin things between them, but she knew moving in with him so soon could be a mistake. One he could live to regret. As if reading her thoughts, he spoke.

  “Is this about the living together thing? Because we don’t have to, you know? You can stay at the hotel if you want.” His words came out quickly as if trying not to rush her.


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