Koop. J. A,: Guide to Japanese Textiles. 2 vols. London, Victoria and Albert Museum, 1920.
The League of Nations Association of Japan : The Year Book of Japanese Art. Tokyo, the League of Nations Association. [Published yearly since 1627.]
Ledoux, L. V.: The Art of Japan. N. Y, Japan Society, 1927.
Migeon, G.: In Japan. Pilgrimages to the Shrines of Art. Translated from the French by Florence Simmonds. London, 1908.
Morrison, A.: The Painters of Japan. 2 vols. London, Jack and Edinburgh, 1911.
Morse, E. S.: Catalogue of the Morse Collection of Japanese Pottery. Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1900.
Morse, E. S.: Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. London, Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1888.
Munro, N. G.: Prehistoric Japan. Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1908.
Noguchi, Y: Hiroshige. N. Y, Orientalia, 1921.
Noguchi, Y: Hokusai. London, Elkin Mathews, 1925.
Noguchi, Y: Korin. London, Elkin Mathews, 1922.
Noguchi, Y: The Spirit of Japanese Art. London, Murray, 1915. [Wisdom of the East Series.]
Noguchi, Y.: Ukiyoye Primitives. London, Trubner, 1933. [Privately published in Tokyo.]
Noguchi, Y.: Utamaro. London, Elkin Mathews, 1925.
Okakura, K.: Ideals of the East, with special Reference to the Art of Japan. London, Murray, 1905.
Okakura, K.: The Book of Tea. With appendix by Sadler. Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1932.
Pier, G.C.: Temple Treasures of Japan. New York. 1914
Piggot, Sir E T: The Music and Musical Instruments of Japan. (2nd edition.) Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1909.
Piggot, Sir E T: Studies in the Decorative Arts of Japan. Yokohama, Kelly & Walsh, 1910.
Priestly, A. E: How to know Japanese Colour Prints. NY. doubleday Page, 1927.
Sadler, A. L.: The Art of Flower Arrangement in Japan. London, Country Life, 1933.
Sadler, A. L.: The Japanese Tea Ceremony: Cha-no-yu. Kobe, Thompson, 1934.
Sanson, G. B.: Japan, a Short Cultural History. London, Cresset Press, 1931.
Seidlitz, W. V.: History of Japanese Colour-Prints. London, Heinmann, 1910. [Translated from German.]
Strange, E. E: The Colour-Prints of Hiroshige. London, Cassell, 1925.
Strange, E. E: The Colour-Prints of Japan. London, Siegle Hill, 1914. [4th edition.]
Stewart, B.: Subjects Portrayed in Japanese Colour-Prints. London, Trubner, 1922.
Tajima, S. (ed.): Selected Relics of Japanese Art. 20 vols. Tokyo, and Kobe, Nippon Shimbi Kyokwai, and Shimbi Shoin, 1899-1908.
Taki, S.: Three Essays on Oriental painting. London, Quaritch, 1910.
Tamura, T: Art of the Landscape Garden in Japan. Tokyo, Kousai Bunka Shinkōkai, 1935.
Taylor, Mrs. B.: Japanese Gardens. London, Methuen, 1912.
Terry, T. P.: Terry's Guide to the Japanese Empire. Boston and N.Y, Houghton Mifflin, 1933. [Revised edition.]
Tomkinson, M.: A Japanese Collection. 2 vols. London, Allen, 1898.
Warner, L.: Japanese Sculpture of the Suiko Period. Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, 1923.
(Asterisk (*) indicates the page on which the illustration is found.)
Note: Page numbers correspond to the print edition.
Adachi Gen-ichiro, 284
Azuchi, 213
Ai-no-ma, 302
Amida, 307, 380*, 432*,436
Amida and Twenty-fiveBodhisattvas, 121*
Amida-dō, 155
Amida's Paradise, 449
Amida Triad, 78*, 127*,332, 406, 432*
Amida Triad rising over Mountain, 332*
Amida Triad in theGolden Hall, Ho-ryu-ji,437*, 438*
Amida Triptych, 405*
Angel, 63*, 414*
Animal caricatures, 139, 289*
Ankoku-ji, 187*
Aoyama, kumaji, 283
Arai, Kampo, 283
Araki, Jippo, 279
Architectural painting, 201
Arhat (Rakan), 334, 350, 359
Arishima Ikuma, 283
Arita, 250
Arita wares, 285
Armed clay figure, 47*
Armenians, 69
Armor-making, 148
Armor-smith, 180
Art Department in theCourt, 125
Art of decorative metal fittings, 208
Art of engraving, 75
Art of gardening, 190,191, 193, 265
Art of hilt-guard or tsuba, 180
Art of lacquer ware, 209
Art of making sword blades, 209
Art of portraiture, 133
Art of swordsmith, 180
Art of the Kamakura Period, 309
Art of the Momoyama period, 200
Art of the Muromachi Period, 160
Asakura Fumio, 279 Ashiya, 181
Asuka period, 55
Asura, 402*
Atsu-ita, 261
Autumn landscape, by Gahō, 178
Awata-yaki, 285 Aya, 86
Azalea by a Brook, by Korin, 232*
Azekura, 311
Baen(MaYüan), 161
Bag-like pictures, 207
Bamboo grove, by Ōkyo, 246*
Ban-kaji, 147
Baren, 237
Beads of stone and glass, 53
Bekko-satsuma, 255
Bell-mirror, 53
Bell with five pointed vajra, 113*
Beni-e, 236, 237
Benten, 395, 397
Benzaiten, 146
Bird on the south, 51
Bit cheek-pieces, 49
Bit Cheek-plate and harness pendant, 51*
Biwa, 94*
Black Hall (Kuro-shoin) of Nijo Castle, 369, 370, 372*, 373*
Bodhisattvas, 57, 382*, 383*
Brocade-picture (Nishiki-e), 236
Bronze age in Japan, 44
Bronze bells (dotaku), 44, 45
Bronze halo of Nigatsu-do, Nara, 75*
Bronze mirror, 51, 52*, 53*, 54, 91*, 151*, 303*
Bronze mirror of Kongōshō-ji, Ise, 129*
Bronze mirror with inlaid design, 91*
Buddha, 336*
Buddha Vairochana, 69, 70
Buddhism, 67
Buddhist architecture, 116
Buddhist sites, 56
Buddhist sutra, 328*
Buke-zukuri, 365
Buncho, 225, 243, 244
Bun-dai, 182 Bunjin-gwa, 240
Bureau of Weaving, 85
Burial mounds, 46
Buson, 243
Butsugai, Figure of, 176*
Butsu-ma, 354
Butsuzen-no-ma, 247
Byaku-go, 436,437
Capital ornament, 209*
Carving between the bracket works, Chikubu-shima, 396*
Carving of gallery, Nikkō, 313*
Castle architecture, 212, 214
Castle of Fushimi, 199
Castle of Momoyama, 373
Celadon, 150, 250
Celadon flower vase, 339*
Central Cathedral at Nara, 69
Chang-an, 69
Cha-niwa, 266
Chao Tzu-ang, 161
Chest of drawers, 301*
Chidori-hafu, 218, 367
Chien Shun-chū, 161
Chigai-dana, 216
Chikubu-shima Shrine, 209*, 210*, 394, 395*, 396*, 397
Chikuden, 43
Chinese architectural style of the T'ang Dynasty, 97
Chinese landscape, by Motonobu, 172*, 293*
Chinese line composition, 72
Chinese literature, 72
Chin Nampin (Shên Nan-p'in), 244, 249
Chion-in, 345, 346*
Chion-ji, 164*
Chiri-ji, 129
Chirimen, 263
Chishaku-in, 341*
Chishō Daishi, 12
Chōdai-kazari, 101, 104, 410
Chōjirō, 212
Chō Ryō, (Chang Liang), 205,
Chōsei, 126, 339
Chō Su-gō, 161
Chao (Tzu-ang), 161
Chō-yū, 212
Chūzu-bachi, 268
Chūgū-ji, 62
Chūson-ji, 315
Clay Figure in the Stupa, Hōryū-ji, 443*
Clay sculpture, 84
Clay Statue of Gakkwō, 83*
Cloisonné metal fittings, 372
Cloisonné wares, 284
Cocks, by Itū Jakuchū, 248*
Color of wood, 108 Colors, 73, 87
Confucianism, 67, 72, 177
Confucius statue, 178*
Constantinople, 86
Contemporary Art, 281
Crimson prints (Beni-e), 236
Crystal eyes, 143,319
Cuirasses, 48
Curved-beads, 53
Chashitsu (Tearoom), 219
Chest, 301*
Daibutsu, 69, 75, 80, 308*, 411
Daibutsu-den, 264,411
Daigo-ji, 75, 130, 136, 382, 387*
Daikaku-ji, 387, 388*, 389*
Dainichi-nyorai, 319
Daiō Kokushi, 177*
Daisen-in garden, 197*
Daitō Kokusbi, 139, 357, 360*
Daitoku-in, 224, 264
Daitoku-in mausoleum, 304
Daitoku-ji, 357, 360*, 361*
Daiyū-in, 264
Dancing Bodhisattva, 381*
Daruma (Bodhi Dharma), 160
Decorative painting, 229
Deity, 53*
Dengyō Daishi (Saicho), 101
Design of the coffering, 396*
Doctrine of Amida, 119
Dojin-sai, 355 Doki, 250
Domaru, 149
Domoto Insho, 282
Donsu, 263
Dōtaku, 44
Dōtaku-bell, 44*
Dragon and Cloud, by Ōkyo, 294*
Dragon on the East, 51
Dragons, 226
Dry-lacquer sculpture, 82
Dutch painting, 225
Dye-stuff, 87
Earliest type of Japanese gardens, 191
East Stupa, Taima-dera, 447*
Eiga, 133
Eihō-ji, 186*
Eiroku, 410
Eitoku (Kanō), 376
Eka-dampi Zu, 291
Eleven-headed Kwannon, 79*, 80, 107*, 108, 110
Emakimono (Picture Scroll), 113,406
Embroidered tapestry, 62
Emperor Kwammu, 100
Emperor Shōmu, 68, 69, 71,73,85,410,418
Empress Kōmyō, 422
Enchin, 102, 104
Engaku-ji, 306*
En-i, 134, 142, 329, 330
Enshū (Kobori), 390
Eshin Sōzu (Genshin), 119, 121,332
Everlasting Land of Happiness, 51
Fabulous animal on the back of a bronze mirror, 53*
Fan-shaped sutra, 406, 407*
Father of the East (Tung Wang Fu), 53
Fenollosa, E. E, 16, 26, 275
Fillets of metal, 53
Fishing Net, by Yūshō, 208*
Five-storied Stupa, Muro-o-ji, 116*
Five-storied Stupa, Daigo-ji, 386, 388*
Five-storied Stupa, Hōryū-ji, 442*
Five-storied Stupa, Kōfuku-ji, 188, 189*
Five-storied Stupa, Ueno, 302, 304*
Five-storied Stupa, Nikko, 311
Flat garden, 266, 268*
Flower arrangement, 159
Flowers and Birds, by Hōitsu, 233*
Fontanesi, Antonio, 274
Founder's Hall, Eihōji, 186*
Founder's Hall, Nishi-Hongwan-ji, 374*
Four aesthetic accomplishments, 225
Four guardian kings, 58
Fresco painting of the Golden Hall, Hūryū-ji, 72,431
Frog-leg supporters (Kaeru-mata), 222
Fudō, 112,288
Fudō, Daigo-ji, 136*
Fudō, Reihō-kwan Museum, 111*
Fugen, 287*
Fujii Kōyū, 279
Fujin Raijin Zu, 334
Fujishima Takeji, 283
Fujiwara family, 118
Fujiwara Kiyohira, 316
Fujiwara Motomitsu,125
Fujiwara Period, 118
Fujiwara sculpture, 142
Fujiwara Yoshimitsu, 134
Fukigaeshi, 148
Fukū (Amoghavajra), 103*
Fukū Kenjaku Kwannon, 82,414,416*
Fukuro-e, 207
Funa-hijiki, 354
Furuna, 81*, 82
Fusai-ji, 176*
Fusuma, 216
Gahō (Hashimoto), 275
Gaki-zōshi, 291
Gakkwō, 84,415
Gama and Tekkai, 164
Gan Ki (Yen Hui), 133, 164*
Ganku, 249
Gangō-ji, 70
Garden of Golden Pavilion (Kin-kaku), 366*
Garden of Hōjō, Daitoku- ji, 359*
Garden of Hon-dō (Koho-an), 363*
Garden of Katsura Imperial Villa, 393*
Garden of Nijō Castle, 371*
Garden of Silver Pavilion (Gin-kaku), 354*
Garden of Tsūsen-in, 362*
Garden-path, 266, 269
Gardens in the Yedo Period, 266
Gate of Three uminaries (Sankwōmon), 367
Gei-ami, 167, 169, 170*
Genji, 120, 121, 131
Genji Monogatari, 124
Genji Monogatari picture, by Sotatsu, 230*
Genji Monogatari picture scroll, 123*
Genroku Era, 224
Genshin (Eshin Sozu), 119
Gesso or gofun, 80
Gilt-bronze banners, 62*
Gilt-bronze helmet, 50*
Gilt-bronze pommel, 48*
Gin-kaku (Silver Pavilion), 159
Gin-kaku-ji, 159, 352
Gin-kwan, 54
Gien, Figure of, 403*
Glass, 46, 53
Gobelins, 261
Godai Kokuzō, 106
Goddess of Beauty (Kichijo-ten), 74*
Gohyaku Rakan Zu, 334
Golden Hall (Kon-dō), Horyu-ji,430,431*
Golden Hall, Daigo-ji, 387*
Golden Hall, Tōshōdai-ji, 98*
Golden Pavilion, 160, 176, 190, 353, 364*
Gold lacquer box, by Kōrin, 258*
Gold lacquer desk, by Igarashi Shinsai, 182*
Gold lacquer dinner tray, 211*
Gold lacquer ink stone box, 154*
Gold lacquer ink stone box, by Koetsu, 256*
Gold lacquer sutra-case, Ninna-li, 115*
Gold lacquer toilet box of Mishima-jinja, 153
Gongen-zukuri, 187, 222, 315,367
Goseda Hōryu, 274
Goshun, 244, 246*
Gōso, 40, 150
Goto, Kōjō, 209
Gotō Saijiro, 255
Gotō School, 180, 180*, 392
Gotō Sōjō, 180
Gotō Yūjō, 180*, 392
Grand armor, 148*, 149*, 179*
Grape design on the pedestal of Yakushi, 429*
Great Buddha Hall (Daibutsu-den), 411, 412*
Great Buddha of Nara, 69
Great Kitchen, Myoho-in, 340*
Great Reception Hall (Dai-shoin), Chi-shaku- in 34*
Great South Gate (Nan Dai-mon), Tōdai-ji, 410*
Guardian King in the Golden Hall, Ho-ryu-ji, 441*
Gundari-myōō (Kundali), 407
Gupta school of India, 68, 77
Gushōjin, 145*, 146
Gusoku, 149
Gyokudō (Kawai), 277, 278, 282
Gyokushō (Kawabata), 275
Gyō-yō (Harness pendant), 49
Hachibushū, 336,400
Hachiman Bodhisattva, 144*
Hafu-gama, 152
Haikai epigram, 243
Hakuhō Era, 96
Hall of Dreams (Yume- dono), 444*
Hanabusa Itchō, 249
Hana-no-gosho, 193
Hand warmer, by Dohachi, 297*
Han mirrors, 51 Haramaki, 149
Hara Yōyūsai, 259
Harness pendants (Gyo-yo), 49
Harunobu (Suzuki), 238, 239
Hasegawa Noboru, 284
Hasegawa Tohaku, 207, 359
Hashimoto Gahō, 26, 275, 277
Hashimoto Kwansetsu, 282
Hashimoto Tadayoshi, 209
Hasu, Hermit attendant, 336*
Hatsune-no-tana, 257, 300
Hatto, Mampuku-ji, 265*
Hayashi Shizue, 284
Heian Period, 100
Heiji Monogatari, 139
Heike, 120, 121
Helmet, 49, 150*
Hibo Kwannon, by Kanō Hōgai, 275*
Hidehira (Fujiwara), 316
Hikime-kagihana, 124, 329
Hindu style, 154
Hinraku-sai, 170
Hirafuku Hyakusui, 279
Hiraga Gen-nai, 225
Hiraizumi, 311
Hirakushi Denchu, 279
Hiramaki-e, 2209
Hirame-ji, 260
Hira-niwa, 266, 268
Hira-sansui, 194
Hiroshige (Ando), 225, 239, 240
Hiroshima Kwōho, 282
Hiro-en, 217
Hishikawa Moronobu, see Moronobu
Hiuen Tsang (Hsüan- chūang) (Gen-jō), 68
Hiun-kaku hall, 375, 376*
Hiei, Mount, 116
Hōgai (Kanō), 275*, 276*
Hōgen En-i, 134
Hō-hyakusen (Sakaki Hyakusen), 240
Hōitsu (Sakai), 232, 294
Hokke-dō (Sangatsu-dō), 82,84,98,414,415*, 416*, 417*, 418*
Hokke-ji, Eleven-headed Kwannon, 107*, 108
Hokke-ji, Amida Triad, 121
Hokusai (Katsushika), 239
Hōnen, 132
Hōnen Shōnin Eden, 330
Honnami Kōetsu, 256
Hō-ō-dō, 125, 127, 128, 130, 377
Hōrai-san (P’êng-lai shan), 51,265
Hōryū-ji,41, 56, 57*, 58, 59*, 60, 61*, 62, 63, 65, 73, 78, 84, 89*, 107*, 128*, 429, 430*, 431*, 432*, 433*, 435*, 436*, 437*, 438*, 439*, 440*, 441*, 442*, 443*, 444*, 445*
Hōryū-ji architecture, 96
Hōshuku (Ogata), 231
Hosoda Eishi, 238
Hōsōge flowers, 130
Hosokawa Yūsai, 212
Hot-water-tub, 339
Hōyaki Amida, 310
Hōyaki Amida Engi, 310*
Hsia Kuei (Ka Kei),161
Hungry devils, 291
Hunting scene, 46, 68
Hyakki Yakō Scroll, 362
Hybrid style of architecture, 155
Hyōgō Kusari-no-tachi, 148
Ichiji Kinrin, 319, 320*
Ichijō Kunihiro, 209
Ichimai-e, 235
Iconographic representation, 58
Ieyasu, Tokugawa, 205, 217,302
I Fu-chiu (I Fu-kyu), 225, 240, 241
Igarashi Shinsai, 182
Iizuka Tōyō, 258
Ikake-ji, 129, 153
Ikeda Terukata, 229
Ikkyū, 168, 361
Imari, 250
Imari-yaki, 212
A History of Japanese Art Page 39