Falling For Santa

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Falling For Santa Page 4

by Laura Dunaway

  A few minutes later, feeling better enough to go back out, I opened the door. I only took two steps before seeing Davis leaning against the wall across from me. The look in his eyes was filled with complete concern, which made me feel horribly silly at my unexpected meltdown.

  Tossing some hair behind my shoulder, I plastered a smile on my face, and attempted to make light of it. “Sorry about that,” I began. “That doesn’t usually happen. Maybe the wine made me overly emotional.”

  As soon as it all came out of my mouth, it was obvious he didn’t buy it, but luckily he didn’t call me out. Instead, he took the few steps over to me, and wrapped me in his arms. I only froze for a moment before melting into his embrace, the warmth of his arms making me feel more secure than I had in years.

  “I’m sorry my questions upset you,” he whispered in my ear, making my insides flutter. “The last thing I’d ever want is to make you sad.”

  I sniffed and shook my head on his shoulder. “You didn’t know, and it usually doesn’t upset me like that. It’s fine.”

  “Well, a mother leaving her family is a horrible thing, no matter what. I meant what I said, I admire your strength.”

  His words of praise went straight to my heart. Even if he didn’t feel the same about me, he obviously cared. It was enough.

  After a minute, he still kept me in his embrace but pulled back a little to look at me. When he raised a hand to push some hair out of my eyes, making me shiver. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly. “Are you ready to finish our meal or would you prefer to leave?”

  Knowing I was in no way ready to leave his company, I stated, “Let’s finish our meal.”



  The next few days flew by in a dreamlike trance. Ever since our dinner, Davis had been calling or texting me every day, sometimes with silly memes or quotes, but mostly just getting to know each other more and more. We had only worked together at the mall twice though. After one shift, he’d asked me to go and grab some hot chocolate with him. I didn’t hesitate saying yes. But after the other shift, he left right after; being evasive about something he had to do.

  Of course my thoughts went straight to him having a date with another girl, which hurt me more than I’d like to admit. But we weren’t a couple, or even officially dating, so I knew it was stupid to care so much. If only I had more options in my dating life too.

  I continued to receive gifts at the daycare center, daily. First it was the flowers, then a single silver charm bracelet with a Santa on it. The third was a gift certificate for a day spa and massage, and the most recent was a basket of gourmet crackers and cheeses.

  Like the first, all of these gifts came with notes that weren’t signed by the sender.

  “You are one lucky girl, Elin,” Mona, another daycare employee, told me as we walked into the main room together. “I’d give anything to have a secret admirer.”

  I laughed and bumped shoulders with her. “You’ve been married for five years, silly!”

  Mona laughed too. “I know, but would it kill him to play secret admirer? Seriously though, who do you think they’re all from?”

  I’d been asking myself that all week. The only logical person I could think of was Davis, but he’d never given me any inclination it was him, and I didn’t dare ask. Plus, it was likely wishful thinking on my part. I had a few friends who may be doing something sweet for me for Christmas, but it was doubtful. Bottom line is, I just didn’t know. It could all go back to my original thinking and be a psycho serial killer.

  That was the most likely answer.

  “I have no idea,” I finally replied. “I haven’t dated anyone in a while, and no one is even interested as far as I know. Maybe it’s a good friend, but no one has said a thing. That’s why a part of me is convinced it’s a psychotic killer.”

  That made Mona laugh a little harder. “Girl, what about Davis? You told me you’ve been talking to him every day for the past few days. My bet is on him.”

  I had confided in her all about my crush on him, and our daily communications. But he’d never tried to kiss me, and he hadn’t hugged me since the night I broke down at the bistro. He would give me a few winks, and always his beautiful smile, but that was it.

  “I thought about him, but I don’t think so. We’re just friends.”

  She gave me a look like I was clueless. “I saw the way he was looking at you the other night at the mall when I stopped by to say hi to you. I think he wants to be more than friends.”

  I wouldn’t allow myself to consider it. If I did and he didn’t feel the same way, it would crush me. It was hard enough doing my best to just be his friend and not continually read into things.

  “Nah, we’re just friends.”

  Mona rolled her eyes as she turned away to join her little group of kids. “Whatever, El. Whatever.”

  I smiled and pushed the thought aside. My cute group of kids were chanting my name, excited to see me. They always had the ability to keep me busy and not dwell on him. I don’t know what I’d do without their distraction.

  I felt my phone buzz a few times in my pocket during the morning routine. When I could finally steal a quick peek to see who sent the texts, there was one from my sister and a few from Davis.


  Of course my heart skipped a beat seeing his name a few times on the screen. Knowing I couldn’t read them for a while, I stuffed my phone back in my pocket and got back to work. The kids were cleaning up from using clay, and it was a mess.

  “Tommy, why aren’t you cleaning up?” I called out to the little man.

  He looked up at me and held up his clay creation. “Because I not done yet, Miss Elin. May I please finish?”

  Not able to refuse him, I told him one more minute. His little hands went back to work quickly, making me chuckle. When most had finished cleaning, I had them go to the sink to wash their hands to get ready for lunch.

  “All done, Miss Elin,” Tommy called out. “Look! It’s a scary green monster. Rawr!” Tommy called out to me, holding up his scary green creation.

  “That’s the scariest thing I’ve ever seen, Tommy!” I cried, pretending to be terrified. “Hurry and put it away in your cubby before I run away!”

  That made him howl in laughter as he skipped away to his cubby, talking to his friends and pointing at me. I made my scared face worse, making them all laugh harder. When I heard the sexy deep voice in the midst of it, I froze.

  “Uh oh, what has scared you, Miss Elin?”

  My head jerked to him, and my jaw dropped a little. What was Davis doing here? He was standing just inside the doorway of our main room, leaning against the wall. He looked so good in jeans and a white button down shirt, hands in his pockets. His hair was in its perfect messy style, and it looked like he’d actually shaved, much to my disappointment.

  He pushed off the wall and started towards me, making me realize I hadn’t answered and was just staring.

  “What are you doing here?” It seemed like that was all I ever asked him.

  He grinned, running a hand through his hair. “Well, it appears you’ve either been ignoring my texts, or too busy taking care of these little ones to read them. I prefer to think you’ve been too busy.”

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Mona and Jane watching, making me realize how freaking real this was. “Um yeah, I haven’t been able to look at my phone all morning, kids and all.”

  That made him chuckle, glancing around the room at all of the children, who happened to be watching us too. Luckily, it seemed Mona and Jane finally caught on and called them all to the tables to have their lunches. The sound of running kids filled our ears, making me motion to Davis to follow me.

  We walked out into the hallway, and I shut the door.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t read your texts yet,” I told him. “Is everything okay?”

  He leaned into me, his woodsy and hint of pine scent filling my senses. It was another huge turn-on for me, making me ste
p back from him, trying to keep it safe. He gave me a confused look, but just answered my question.

  “Everything is fine, sweetheart.”


  Oh my heart, he’s killing me.

  “I was just hoping to steal you away for some lunch. When you weren’t able to respond, I thought I’d stop by and see. I’m glad, too, because it was really fun seeing you working with your group of kids. You are really good with them, Elin.”

  Wow, this was all a lot to take in. How much longer could I convince myself he felt nothing for me when he continued to be so cute? Was I being stupid to think he might have feelings for me?

  “Elin,” he said quietly, ducking his head to look in my eyes. “it’s just lunch, but you seem to think it’s a major decision here.”

  I knew he was teasing me, and it helped me relax.

  “No, I know,” I answered with a laugh. “You just seem to have a knack for catching me off guard.”

  He tapped my nose with his index finger. “I have a feeling you don’t mind.”

  Feeling a slight blush come over my face, I couldn’t deny it. “I don’t.”

  He ran the same finger down my face, sending jolts of electricity in its path. “Good, so are we going to lunch?”

  Luckily for him, and more for me, it wasn’t my day to eat lunch with the kids. Before I could tell him I just needed to tell Jane, she came out the door.

  “You’re still here?” she asked, a knowing smile on her face.

  I looked between her and Davis, then back to her. “I was just going to see if you’re okay if I go to lunch with Davis?”

  She gave me a look of exasperation. “It’s not your day for lunch duty, hon, you can do whatever you want. Go, and stay out an extra half hour. We’ll be fine.”

  “Oh no, I don’t need the extra—“

  She shushed me. “I know you don’t, but you’re getting it. Go.”

  Before I could say any more, Davis extended his hand to her. “You must be Jane. I’m Davis.”

  Realizing I’d failed to introduce Jane to the man who was playing Santa made my blush deepen considerably. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry,” I exclaimed. “I wasn’t expecting him, and then you just came out and I had lunch on my mind…”

  Jane started to laugh and shook Davis’ hand.

  “Yes, I’m Jane and it’s very nice to meet you. I want to thank you for saving Santa day for us. The kids are very excited, can’t believe it’s in two days. We are really looking forward to it.” Then she turned to me. “It’s just fine, Elin. I figured this was him. Now you two go out and get your lunch, we’ll see you in a bit.”

  Davis gave her a warm smile, told her he couldn’t wait, then grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. He led me a few steps down the sidewalk to a dark blue Audi SUV, and unlocked it. “Your chariot awaits madam,” he teased as he opened the door and helped me in.

  I put my seat belt on as he walked to his side and got in. Once he’d put his on, he turned to me. “Well, looks like we have ninety minutes huh? Where should we go?”

  My favorite Mexican restaurant came to mind, and I told him.

  “That’s one of my favorites too,” he replied with a grin. “Let’s do it.”

  He turned on the car, backed out of the parking lot, and drove out to the street. I was beginning to feel like there really was a Santa, and he was gifting me sweet little moments with Davis. Whatever the reason I suddenly had his attention, I’d take it.

  And I was determined to finally sit back and enjoy it.



  Davis had me laughing so hard, I almost spit my pork enchilada all over the place, which made him almost do the same with his fish tacos. A few people were eyeing us, but we didn’t care. For once I was letting go and it felt wonderful.

  “I like this side of you,” Davis suddenly told me, after we’d calmed down from laughing.

  I tilted my head a bit, curious as to what he meant exactly. “Which side are you referring to?”

  He put his water glass down, and ran his finger over the rim of it, then pointed back and forth between us. “This. Us. You. You enjoying yourself. Usually you are thinking too hard, and it prevents you from really having fun. What goes on in that head of yours anyway?”

  And there was the damper to what had been a fun time.

  “No, don’t do that,” he said, sensing my mood change. “We’re still having fun. It was just a question, and one you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. But I won’t deny it’s one I’ve been wondering about since getting to know you.”

  I exhaled the breath I’d been holding in. “Listen, Davis,” I began, pushing some hair behind my ear and trying to decide how to go about it. “I’m just going to say it, plain and simple. I haven’t had many relationships, and dating is sporadic. I also don’t have the highest self-esteem so mix all that up and you have…me.”

  This time he was the one to tilt his head a little. He took a sip of his water, then shook his head. “I find that hard to believe.”

  What did he mean he found it hard to believe? Did he think I was lying? Before I could ask, he continued.

  “What I’m saying is, it’s hard to believe you don’t date a lot and haven’t had many relationships. You are a stunning woman, Elin, inside and out. I’ve been enamored with you from the moment we met.”

  Oh. My. God.

  “I can tell you’re surprised, but you shouldn’t be. Your beautiful dark hair that catches the light and your golden eyes are so expressive. They show what you’re feeling, but that’s all. They don’t tell me why you feel the way you do, and that is what I’d love to know. You also have no idea how beautiful you are, and that’s unfortunate. I want you to see what I see.”

  There was no way I could speak. He’d stolen the ability. Hearing his words and understanding that he did share my feelings, well I was freaking out inside. It probably showed on my face too.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  I was twisting my napkin in my lap. My heart was racing, and my mouth was dry. I grabbed my glass of water and took a few gulps.

  What was I thinking?

  “Elin,” he began, sitting up in his chair. “Did you really not know of my interest in you?”

  The look in his eye told me he was having a hard time believing it but that’s exactly the case. How did he expect me to know when he’d never said, never made a move?

  I finally found my voice. “Uh, no, Davis, I didn’t. And how could I? Yes, we’ve been texting every day and have had dinner, and now lunch together, but you’ve never said a thing indicating it. You’ve never made a move. How could I have known? And really, it’s blowing my mind that you don’t have a girlfriend, or two.”

  That made him laugh, and run a hand through his hair. “Well, when you put it that way,” he spoke. “I guess I can see why now. Let me make it clear. I don’t have a girlfriend, or two, and I like you, Elin, a lot. I want to continue going on dates with you, and I really, really want to make a move on you.” He said that last part in a softer, deeper voice, making me feel the tingles everywhere, his light eyes intently looking into mine. “Do you feel the same way?”

  Uh, yeah.

  Feeling a little out of my element, but having no doubt of my feelings, I answered him.

  “Yes, I have for a while now.” Giving him my answer had the blood was rushing through my head, the tingles increasing all over my body with everything that just happened the past few minutes. It seemed inconceivable that this beautiful man who I’d been so enamored with for weeks felt the same way about me.

  His face lit up and the grin I love so much made my blood pump harder. He reached over and took my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth over it. His touch thrilled me and comforted me, a feeling so exhilarating I hoped it never diminished.

  “Oh baby,” he breathed. “This is good, so damn good. I suspected you felt the same way, but there’s nothing better than hearing you say it.”

  He’d suspected? That had me feeling a little embarrassed, making me cover my eyes with my free hand. “Oh god,” I mumbled, feeling the heat brighten my cheeks.

  He chuckled, his other hand removing mine over my eyes, then holding it as well. “No, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about, sweetheart. It’s a turn-on, honestly. Like I said, I love how expressive your eyes can be, all of the feelings they show. Maybe others don’t see it that way, but I do.”

  His eyes were looking right into mine, so full of intensity. And he definitely had suspected correctly. I wish I could say the same about him. But just hearing him say the words, that he likes me, made it all worthwhile.

  “I love that you do,” I replied. “I just had no idea you did.”

  He looked down at our joined hands, then back at me. “It’s one of my favorite things about you. But nothing has been able to tell me your every thought, what those wheels in your head are spinning. That has always been something I’ve been eager to learn. Thank you for sharing some of it with me. Elin, you need to know you are beautiful, and never need to have so much self-doubt. Don’t let your head prevent you from letting go, from having fun. You more than deserve to give yourself a break. You work hard, Elin, and you’ve been a huge support to your family. You of all people deserve a break, and to have someone to take care of you for a change.”

  Tears, good tears, sprung in my eyes hearing him say all of that. While I knew my dad and sisters appreciated me, it was so easy for us all to take each other for granted, to just expect things. Hearing what Davis said, well, it meant the world to me. It showed me that someone outside of my family cared about me, and saw all of my sacrifices.

  And that it was all worth it.

  Davis raised a hand to my face again, and wiped some of my hot tears with his thumb. I still hadn’t said a word; I was still absorbing all of his. His touch was slow and tender but I felt it slam into me.

  “I didn’t mean to make you cry, baby. And I’m sorry I haven’t been clear on how I feel. Sometimes we think we are, when we’re not. But now you know, right? You know I want to be with you?”


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