by Chris Hechtl
Captain Maul felt a sense of relief and accomplishment as his force arrived in a properly coordinated hyper exit into the DD01ns star system to find Second Fleet waiting for them.
“Okay, now I can sleep at night,” he muttered.
“Yeah, for a couple days at least. Right up until we go after Dead Drop or they come after us,” the TAO said.
“A couple nights are all I need to deal with the likes of them,” the captain replied with a shrug. He knew there was a thread of false bravado in that statement for the benefit of the crew. He had to keep up appearances. He was still a little nervous about Sun Tzu and Sky Titan. Both ships were untested, and they'd had a devil of a time with harmonics on the journey out. Engineering kept swearing they had it under control, but he wasn't certain.
And then there were the reports of some structural issues. Microfractures in some of the frame members. Repairs had been made but it bothered him. Those were the ones his people could see and get access too. There was no telling what was hidden in the bulkheads or behind equipment where they couldn't see or get at them.
Still, they were there with Second Fleet. If the enemy did dare show their faces, they were in for a hell of a surprise. That had made all the sleepless nights worth it.
Captain Ian McGuyver had a lot to reflect on in the trip out. One of the things that kept haunting him was the lack of flag officers.
Technically, their reinforcement was a classed as a flotilla. They should have had at least one, more like three flag officers. Second Fleet should have a dozen instead of just the three they had. But at the time of their deployment, the only available flag officers had been Admiral Champion and some of the Admiralty senior staff.
And Admiral Irons wanted her to stay with First Fleet.
He had expected a ship to catch up with them with some of the Bekian flag officers who had been on the ground at Antigua's academy taking catch-up courses. But that hadn't happened. Either Admiral Irons didn't quite trust them or they just weren't ready.
He also hadn't authorized anyone to be frocked to a flag rank. He shook his head. He shouldn't be second-guessing Admiral Irons and his intentions, but he wondered what was going on.
He did know his new assignment. The two super dreadnoughts and the battle cruisers were to be assigned to the Hammer Flotilla. The eight carriers were all going to be assigned to Commodore Vargess' Anvil Flotilla. The rest of the screen would reinforce Commodore Harris' screen less a couple escorts for the fleet train.
He was tempted to draw attention to the problem of flag officers, but he decided to hold off and play it by ear when they had their captain's conference.
“Now that we're all here, we've been authorized to go on the offense once more,” Admiral White stated. The room tension immediately ratcheted up. There was still an undercurrent of excitement but there was also wariness too. Everyone knew what was at stake. They also had been tempered by their changes in fortune.
He surveyed the room and then nodded. His staff and the flag officers were in the room with him. The various captains were arrayed virtually behind them, seemingly extending the compartment out to four times its size. “Here we go. I'm not going to change things at this late in the game. Obviously, it would be prudent to shift to a larger warship, but I don't want to disrupt our flagship coordination at this time. So, I'm not going to do so.”
“How are we going to do this, sir?” Dwight asked.
“Trajan, you are staying with Anvil and the carriers. “Dwight, I need you to stay with the screen. I'll take the big boys and the new BC squadron under my wing. They can follow along until we've gotten them slotted in. Hopefully, we've got the time in Dead Drop to do that.”
“Yes, sir,” Dwight said cautiously. He had mixed feelings about the order. Managing the screen meant he had an independent command unit. He would have to rely on his own discretion if they were out of contact. The tachyon system could only convey so much information.
If he'd been moved to one of the super dreadnoughts, he would have been under Admiral White's command. He would have had control of the division on paper, but he'd be more or less along for the ride.
So, exercising a little initiative and authority while being the screen commander didn't sound so bad he reminded himself.
“So here is the updated plan. Captain Jorgison has not been able to secure a surrender. I'd like to take Dead Drop's facilities intact. So, I want to go in hard and fast with the battle line once we get there. I don't want to give them the time to scuttle everything. But that comes with some risk since I understand they have some weapon platforms and carriers. So, I'll take the escort carriers and a part of the screen with me. They will clear the way for us. Hopefully, we'll overawe this stubborn lieutenant into backing down and taking the sensible route.”
He turned to Trajan. “You are going to go secure the Garth jump point with our main line of carriers with Dwight to back you up.” He nodded to Dwight.
“We're going to commit. But we're leaving most of the fleet train and an escort here. We'll bring the couriers. And no, I'm not taking down the ansible. It can stay up right here until we've secured Dead Drop. When we bring word back, we can use it to let the Admiralty and Admiral V'r'z'll know before we take it down and move it to Garth,” Admiral White stated.
“As you know we're short staffed on flag officers. Therefore, I'm flocking Captain Mayweather to commodore. You'll still be the ship captain. This is just temporary. You'll have to face a flag board to keep the star.”
Renee nodded. She had her doubts if she'd get to keep it if Admiral Subert was on the board.
“The same goes for you, Captain Ch'ch'tt. You are hereby frocked to commodore. Both of your squadrons are still in Dwight's screen, and he has overall command. Deal with it.”
“The same goes for Captain Dawning Hunger,” he said turning to the T'clock. An icon floated over the bug's head. “You are new. I understand you came from Bek. I don't care. I also know you are not quite up to speed with the tech changes. Again, I don't care. Deal with it when you've got the time. For the time being, I'm frocking you to commodore under Trajan.”
“That is it for promotions. We'll settle up after we deal with Dead Drop,” he stated flatly. He triggered a file to send update files to each of the newly-frocked officers. It was all on him; he hadn't run anything past John or the Admiralty. He didn't intend to either. He didn't want them jogging his elbow.
There was a smattering of applause. He smiled briefly.
“The main mission is to take the inner star system while also picketing the Garth jump point for anyone who comes calling. The Hammer Flotilla will take the inner star system …”
Trajan felt a little overwhelmed after the conference ended. He was grateful for Amadeus frocking Dawning Hunger, but still, it was a lot to take in.
He nodded to Dwight and the others as they boarded their shuttles to return to their respective ships. He now had command of two CFVs, three CVs, three CLVs, five CEVs, and their escorts. Two additional CEVs would remain in DD01ns to protect the fleet train and act as a reserve.
For a man who'd been a militia officer, it was a humbling experience and rather scary. A lot of lives were riding on his decisions. If he screwed up …
He shook his head as he settled himself into his seat and strapped in. He waved a dismissive hand to the flight engineer and moved the hand to show that he was strapped in. The Neodog nodded once and then went to check the others in his party.
He wondered if Junior had been passed over to be frocked because he was the captain of the flagship. That sucked. He would have to do something about that later, though he wasn't certain what at the moment.
He frowned as he considered the tactical situation. Just to pass the time he considered what to do. They'd obviously need to make things up on the fly, but he could break things down and have a plan ahead of time. His frown turned upside dow
n into a brief smile. After all, that was what flag officers were supposed to do, be a couple steps ahead he reminded himself.
He noted the door close and the flight engineer dog it and then settle in. One last look and then the shuttle made her final prep to taxi and move out.
If he split the CFVs into two flotillas, he could control one and Dawning Hunger the other. He could then take two of the CVs and one of the CLVs for his task force and split the CEVs. Unless of course, Amadeus threw a monkey wrench into things and wanted additional carrier support with the battle line or the fleet train? He was supposed to have six available once Admiral Halsey joined the fold, but he had a feeling that would be too easy. Halsey would need to resupply, so he had a feeling Amadeus would leave her with the fleet train. That limited him to five. If Amadeus wanted additional carrier support with Hammer or to leave another CEV in reserve, that could change as well. He frowned and wrote a note in his implants to ask.
He felt the shuttle bump and then his head was pressed back as the ship accelerated and exited Bismark's boat bay.
He pulled up an email and started it. He paused when he realized Amadeus would ding him for not bringing it up earlier, so he entered “idle hands and minds think of things at the oddest times” into the subject line and then got to work on his plan.
Amadeus checked the ansible log. Still no sign of Kittyhawk. The CEV force he'd left in B-95a3 hadn't seen any sign of those two cruisers either. That bothered him. As tempting as it was to send out search parties, he refused. He wanted to get on with things, get through the next battle. To do that he needed to be concentrated.
He scanned Trajan's email and smiled. The other man had come along a great deal from his earlier days. He was anticipating and adapting, good signs. He hit the reply and typed out a quick sentence stating one CEV would be held in reserve, two would most likely go with Hammer, and they'd play Halsey by ear. Most likely Trajan was right; she'd sit behind and resupply. He finished the email and hit send and then went to work out to burn off some nervous energy.
Renee Mayweather shook her head as she logged out of the conference. She had so many questions, but she didn't know where to start. Obviously, she had to deal with her changed situation.
She would still be the captain of the ship, but her XO L'ckk'clck would have to step up to fill some of her duties when she was otherwise occupied.
To be honest she'd never considered getting above captain's rank again after her setback. She thought she'd get through the Horathian war and then be pushed into a teaching job and then quietly eased into retirement as the Bekians took over.
Obviously, that wasn't going to happen she thought.
Dwight was a tight ass, but he might give her some freedom to exercise her own initiative. That would definitely happen if they were spread out across the star system. For the moment, the plan was sketchy. Admiral White was sometimes like that, painting a basic picture but leaving the details for later when they arrived and could fill them in. There was nothing like planning for something, thinking it was set in stone only to have your entire mindset turned upside down when the enemy didn't cooperate.
Where was Admiral White going with the frocking? He obviously had done it under his own authority; otherwise, there would have been tags from Admiral Irons. She had noted the files that he had sent to her held brevet tags direct from him.
He really was going out on a limb for her. She appreciated it.
“Ready or not, we're going in,” Chief Sinclair said as she surveyed the group in the mess. Nate fought not to squirm under her gaze. She sometimes reminded him of a predator, not the parental figure she sometimes tried to project.
He didn't look around the compartment. He was aware that he wasn't the only one who was nervous and excited. It didn't matter at the time.
“DCC duties are going to be tougher. The drills are going to be stepped up as we move through hyper. Once we're in the combat zone we're all going to be riding on getting it right the first time. The enemy is playing for keeps so remember that,” the chief warned.
“Haskins, you've got the starboard bow electronics. We're short a hand in your area so deal with it. The skipper had to shift a few people around.”
Nate nodded once. Two of the enlisted had been injured in a fight and had been transferred off the ship after their mast. A third had gotten severely injured moving cargo. She had survived the slip, but she had been shipped out to the hospital ship in a stasis pod and wasn't expected back any time soon.
“Remember, when you move through the compartments, dog the hatches behind you. I'll spot-check you as will Ensign Katey. If you frack up and forget something, you could get in a world of hurt. So don't,” she growled.
Nate fought not to gulp. Ensign Katey was the ship's dumb A.I. She'd dinged him once in a DCC drill for not properly dogging a hatch. He didn't want the reaming that came with a screwup like that. Not again. Not ever again.
“Don't worry about the mission, just worry about your jobs and getting it right,” the chief said. “Dismissed,” she said waving a hand to let them get back to life on the ship.
Lieutenant Jane Darling listened to the skipper's speech, but she knew a few of the people in the compartment were nervous. Sure, they'd gotten a buttload of firepower, but the enemy had a shorter run for their reinforcements. Everyone was aware they also had a lot more in their toy box to pull out if they wanted to do so.
She pulled her feed up to the exterior visual display and then rotated it. The camera feeds were seamlessly blended together to give her a virtual environment perspective. It was a neat thing, almost as good as actually being in a cockpit.
Unfortunately, she was stuck in the ship. They were hours away from the fleet jump. The bridge crew were making final preparations while the captain wrapped up his speech and then nodded. “We'll get it done. One way or the other,” he said and then he dismissed them.
Jane waited as others filed out, talking quietly. She didn't want to get caught up in the crush. She scanned the feed again and then closed it down with a mental sigh.
“Waiting for someone?” Captain Turner asked.
She shook her head. “No, sir. Just waiting for the crush to pass,” she said, indicating the exit. He looked over to it and then snorted.
“You got this?”
“Yes, sir. Not a problem,” she replied.
“Regret getting transferred here still?” he asked.
She shook her head. “I just want a target in front of me. I want to make them regret running into us,” she said.
He smiled. “Good answer,” he said as the XO came over with a tablet.
She let the distraction play out and made her mistake. She couldn't help but lean against the bulkhead in the gangway outside though. “I just hope we're not too late.”
Chapter 49
So, it was on, Admiral Subert thought as he scanned the latest SITREP report in Pyrax with vacant eyes. Nothing red or yellow jumped out at him so he went back to staring out the virtual window and woolgathering for a little more.
It would be tricky for Amadeus. He wasn't certain the Neochimp could do it. If De Gaulte did show up, he'd be technically outnumbered five to four. But that was on paper and didn't take into account that two of Amadeus's ships were super dreadnoughts.
Super dreadnoughts that had only recently left the yard. One technically should be still working up. Both ships were new; one was the lead in of a variant class and thus untested in some areas. It would be tricky.
And then there was the other issues to consider. The crews of those ships had not seen action. He shook his head. He couldn't do anything about it. He tried to focus on something else.
Earlier that morning he'd had another discussion with the Pyrax government. The local senate had put the idea of a Dyson sphere on the back burner. There were so many inherit problems wi
th materials on hand, the solar wind, costs, engineering considerations, and such that they had been overwhelmed. They had stressed that they weren't abandoning the idea just pushing it off.
He snorted at that thought. Yeah, right.
They had moved forward with remaking a planet. There were several moons that were just slightly under the size category that would have made them dwarf planets. With a lot of work to add mass and some terraforming, they could turn one of them into a planet. Of course, politicians couldn't just agree on something easily. They were still wrangling which one to use.
There were also calls to take over San Diego or one of the other three Bernal spheres the navy had started. Like that was going to happen he thought with a shake of his head. “Not on my watch,” he muttered.
They could build a Bernal sphere or a series of them. Admiral Irons had pitched the idea twice. Barry had reminded them of that idea. They had said they'd consider it. But they had then taken an interest in the solar works that the navy had been building as well as the antimatter production facilities. There was a growing movement to force the navy to move the facilities out of the star system for “safety and security.”
He shook his head at that idea. They might pull it off though; that was the sick thing.
Well, the latest shipment of antimatter had left in the last two convoys. One would be split in Agnosta with part of it being shipped to the capital while the rest went through Kathy's World to hopefully get to Amadeus someday.
The other shipment had gone out with the dispatched relief supplies and reinforcements to TF3.2 he had sent out over a month ago. Hopefully, Admiral V'r'z'll would do better this time he thought. There were only so many times the navy could afford to ignore her frack-ups before the hammer came down on her he thought acidly.
John was too soft he thought—soft on Renee, soft on V'r'z'll. Technically soft on Amadeus but he saw why there. The man needed to, no, he couldn't break them. As much as he wanted to see someone get broken for a screwup, sometimes people needed second chances.