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Psych-K Page 9

by Robert M Williams

  This phenomenon strongly suggests that the individual cells of the chicken embryos were capable of interaction beyond the boundaries of the “skin” of the cell walls. This finding bodes well for the idea that our energetic sphere of influence extends beyond our skin as well. Research on prayer at a distance also provides compelling evidence that leads to a similar conclusion that it is possible for group prayer to influence physiological conditions of patients at a distance.18 Perhaps this phenomenon represents a kind of group “phase-locking” of guided intention. I think Margaret Mead was more right than she knew when she said,

  Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

  Although I think Mead was probably thinking more in terms of political and social action when she made that statement, I believe even more power to change the world is available to us through the vehicle of coherent, focused thought.

  We Aren’t in Kansas Anymore, Are We Toto?

  When a technique called surrogation is taught in the Advanced PSYCH-K Integration Workshop, it usually gets more than a few raised eyebrows! The process stretches the imagination of some participants to the outer limits of their beliefs. Surrogation utilizes the “extended sphere of influence” principle suggested in the chick embryo example, the prayer at a distance research, and what some quantum physicists refer to as “action at a distance.”19 Surrogation allows the effects of PSYCH-K to be shared with individuals not physically present at the location where the techniques are being used. An individual (surrogate) is substituted for the person receiving the benefit of the work. Permission protocols are used before such work is done to ensure a safe, respectful, and noninvasive interaction between the surrogate and the recipient. It is a little like making a cell phone call between two superconscious minds. No conversation takes place unless both parties are willing to participate. Even after the connection is made, either party can “hang up” whenever they wish. Permission protocols ensure that the quality and integrity of the interaction are in the highest good of both parties at all times. The results of such sessions have often been remarkable.

  To push the envelope of beliefs a bit further, consider that the interconnectedness of all things creates what Christopher Bache calls the “species-mind,” a kind of collective group consciousness. This concept is one of nested fields of consciousness, like ever-increasing circles within circles, such as family, community, nation, race, culture, humanity, planet, solar system, galaxy, and so on. Using the permission protocols inherent in the PSYCH-K process, it is possible to connect surrogately to such groups and thereby affect the consciousness of the group. Although the results of such efforts are more difficult to measure, it is a logical extension of the one-to-one surrogate process just mentioned. It is akin to group prayer but with a more interactive quality. For example, with prayer, healing intention is directed from the group to the recipient in a one-way flow of energy and intention. With surrogation, not only does the intention for belief-change “flow toward” the recipient from the surrogate, but also, through the use of muscle testing, information can be received from the recipient through the surrogate. This vital two-way flow of information and intention actually guides the process of belief-change at a distance.

  Things are not always what they seem to be in the everyday Newtonian world of “solid” matter. Maybe the world of matter isn’t so real after all. Until fairly recently, it is the only world most of us nonphysicists have known. Unlike the Newtonian reality, the quantum world holds few limitations except those imposed by our lack of imagination and ignorance of our possibilities. Reality is more than we can perceive with our senses or measure with our scientific devices. It’s time to wake up to the real world of possibilities and unplug from the matrix of illusion!


  17 Christopher Bache, Dark Night, Early Dawn, Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000.

  18 See Healing Words, The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine by Larry Dossey, M.D. 1997.

  19 This is a principle from quantum physics that postulates the non-physical interaction between two objects without the benefit of matter as an intermediary.

  Chapter 12

  It’s Just the Beginning

  Everything is perfect, but there is

  a lot of room for improvement.

  –Shunryu Suzuki

  Where Do You Go from Here?

  It’s your choice. You can put this book on a shelf with all the other self-help books you’ve read and move on to the next one hoping, once again, that the answers you seek are in the next book you’ll read. Or, you can learn how to put what you read here into action and make real and lasting changes in your life now. Albert Einstein summed it up when he said, “Knowledge is experience; everything else is just information.”

  In the introduction to this book I gave you the example of trying to learn how to swim by reading a book, versus getting in the water and experiencing it. Well, for those readers who are ready to take the plunge, here is a description of the course content for the Basic and Advanced PSYCH-K Workshops offered nationally and internationally. The latest descriptions may be found on the PSYCH-K Web site at

  The PSYCH-K Basic Workshop

  The Basic Workshop is taught in a two-day format, usually on a weekend. It provides participants with the foundational skills to communicate directly with their subconscious and superconscious minds. This communication is the first step in changing self-sabotaging beliefs. The second step is to learn and apply whole-brain integration techniques to make the desired changes. You will experience and learn how to facilitate two belief-change processes called “Balances.” The Balances can be used to internalize whatever beliefs you choose, to accomplish your goals and enhance your life. Participants will be provided with a list of 175 beliefs in seven categories of change as examples of areas of your life you may want to improve.


  Release subconscious resistance to experiencing your connection with Divinity.


  Discover beliefs that can help you to deeply appreciate and accept yourself.


  Reduce “emotional stress” and reprogram your body/mind for optimal health and vitality.


  Create beliefs that support you in having healthy, loving relationships.


  Replace old attitudes about money and increase your Propensity for Prosperity.


  Resolve painful memories and find greater peace and happiness through forgiveness and letting go pain and trauma from the past.


  Increase your self-confidence and willingness to take positive and decisive action in your life.

  PLUS …

  Learn how to create your own personal Belief Statements to meet specific challenges in your life, and how to define your goals in a way that is clear and compelling to the subconscious mind.

  The Advanced PSYCH-K Integration Workshop

  The Basic PSYCH-K Workshop is a prerequisite for the Advanced Workshop, which is a four-day event. It takes participants to a new level of interaction with the subconscious and superconscious minds. It is appropriate for individuals who are ready to make sweeping changes in their lives.

  Course content includes:


  This process aligns thirteen Core Beliefs that support the manifestation of our full potential in life. It is a general clearing process that prepares the mind/body system for accelerated change.


  The “trauma of birth” and the “fear of death” are two powerful aspects of human existence that can limit your happiness in life. This process utilizes breath as a means of reprogramming the negative impact of these influences. By directing the breath back and forth between two ancient power points in the body, you will learn to release stress associ
ated with these experiences and free yourself to experience the fullness and joy of life.


  This experience will help you heal personal issues with others as you better understand the lessons to be learned in the relationship. It will provide a clearer perspective on the value of relationships between parents and children, siblings, coworkers, spouses, friends, and lovers.


  You will learn twelve energy points on the body that are derived from ancient Chinese medicine. These energy points affect the physical body as well as the mental /emotional body. They represent key beliefs that give us valuable information about how we are limiting ourselves in a given situation. These points make subconscious beliefs easy to access and easy to change.


  A process that allows you to “focus energy” to a point on the body in order to change the energy at a belief point or to correct energy imbalances in yourself and others.


  This technique uses a “surrogate” (substitute person) for muscle testing and balancing someone else. This approach can be used with or without the recipient being physically present. It can even be used with pets!


  You will learn how to create a deep sense of trust and safety with others by using PSYCH-K balances that will enable you to communicate more effectively, both verbally and nonverbally.


  This extraordinary experience utilizes group energy focusing. It is your opportunity to feel the powerful effects of concentrated, unconditional love!

  What People Are Saying About the Workshops

  Here are some comments from PSYCH-K workshop participants, expressing the life-changing quality of their experiences.

  “At last, an effective, scientifically proven way to reprogram my subconscious with beliefs that resonate with me and support my dreams and goals in a healthy fashion.”–Jeanne Golly. (Business owner/ executive, New York, NY)

  “Love the practicality of this work–Love the fast and easy way it works to resolve lifelong issues.”–Susan Mayginnes (Seminar leader, organizational trainer, Potter Valley, CA)

  “I believe that this is the other aspect of energy medicine that is the wave of the future.”–Yvonne Tyson, M.D. (Long Beach, CA)

  “I find PSYCH-K to be an efficient, fast, simple tool to use to redirect my life in a more positive and prosperous way. PSYCH-K is not only an effective tool for myself, but also with others.”–Michael Tuchfarber (Sales associate, Ft. Wright, KY) “What a Blessing! To find a powerful, effective tool that sets Ego aside and allows the Higher Self to be the guide to healing. Namaste´–Paula Wells (Feng Shui, visual design manager, West Chester, OH)

  “Incredibly life changing. I could write volumes. I am anxious to implement this process with my clients in the competitive arena.”–Juliann McDaniel (Fitness consultant, Nashville, TN)

  “Terrific seminar-you opened my eyes and spirit to new ways of looking at how people can heal.”–Marilyn Snow Jones, DC (Chiropractor, Woodland Hills, CA)

  “Finally, a shorter route to who I ‘really’ am.” -Shelley Burns (Tour coordinator and Reiki Master, Peoria, IL)

  “This was a life-changing event for me. I am eternally grateful to have been able to be here for this ‘mind-blowing’ experience. "-Lori Crockett (Full-time mom, Claremont, CA)

  The Next Step Is Up to You!

  I invite you to discover your innate potential and expand your possibilities. Visit the Instructors page on the Web site at for specific information about workshops and private sessions in your area. Class schedules, private consultation fees, and tuition information are available from the individual Certified PSYCH-K® Instructors listed on the Web site. I have personally selected and trained the Certified Instructors. They are not only competent to teach the workshops but also are the only individuals legally authorized to do so.20 For information on becoming a Certified PSYCH-K Instructor, visit the PSYCH-K Web site.


  20 Any unauthorized use of the trade name PSYCH-K® or reproduction of the copyrighted workshop materials without the express written permission of the author is in violation of trademark and copyright law.


  PSYCH-K and the Big Picture

  Always stay in your own movie.

  –Ken Kesey

  Have you noticed that life seems to be speeding up a little?

  Okay, a lot! So have I. What’s going on? There are many theories, ranging from the mundane to the cosmic. The mundane explanations range from “hectic life-style choices” to “we just live in a more complicated world these days.” While these ideas are simple observations of current reality, they seem insufficient when it comes to understanding the nagging feeling that the faster we try to go, the “behinder” we get! With all the high-tech, time-saving devices we possess in today’s world, where does the time go that we’re supposedly saving?

  Information processing may be an important factor in understanding this phenomenon. It is estimated that the sum total of all human knowledge is doubling every 18 months,21 and as time passes that number decreases, while the amount of knowledge increases. In other words, more and more information is being added to the equation of life in shorter and shorter periods of time. An experiment reported by Robert A. Wilson in his book Cosmic Trigger22 may shed some light on where things are headed. Here is the gist of his story.

  A small group of computer scientists from Stanford University were interested in the increasing technological developments and scientific knowledge being created at an ever-accelerating rate. So they created a computer program and chronologically plotted the great technological and scientific discoveries in the world, starting at the beginning of urbanization, around 4,000–5,000 B.C.E. They included pivotal inventions and discoveries such as the wheel, the printing press, the steam engine, the splitting of the atom, and computers. They asked the program to project into the future and predict great discoveries yet to be made. After 1975, the projected pattern of discovery took a sudden upturn and went off the computer graph at the year 2011, at which point the computer’s predictions ended.

  Amazingly, the predictions showed eighteen discoveries equivalent in magnitude to the splitting of the atom in the last 30 minutes of the year 2010. If you think the atomic age has complicated our lives, just imagine the mind-boggling consequences of eighteen such discoveries occurring all at once!

  There is a fascinating correlation here. Even though this computer was making predictions in 1985 at Stanford University, a much older “computer,” in the guise of the ancient Mayan calendar, dating back nearly 1,700 years, made another prediction along these same lines. Their calendar also ends in the year 2011 (2012 by some calculations). According to the Mayans this date is the end of what they called the Fifth Age of Man, the Age of Intellect, and the beginning of the Sixth Age of Man, the Age of the Gods.

  If the Mayans and the computer predictions at Stanford are right, we are in for quite a “shift” in our world in the near future!

  But, What Does This Have to Do with PSYCH-K?

  In an age of rapid change and information overload, how do we manage to keep up with the changes? I believe a critical factor will depend on our ability to process information in such a way that we can not only survive the accelerating rate of change, but also thrive in it. The key to processing more effectively is learning to use both hemispheres of the brain. As you are aware from previous chapters, this capability is an underlying principle and positive side effect of using the PSYCH-K belief change processes.

  Why Is Whole-Brain Thinking So Important?

  One answer lies in a ground-breaking book, The Awakened Mind.23 Authors C. Maxwell Cade and Nona Coxhead studied the brainwave patterns of more than 3,000 subjects using a sophisticated EEG (electroencephalogram) type device called a Mind Mirror, which was developed to measure amplitude, magnitude, and frequency levels of bot
h hemispheres of the brain independently and simultaneously. Here is a particularly revealing conclusion from the book:

  From the aforementioned studies of the brain-wave patterns of some three thousand pupils, as well as swamis, yogis, Zen masters, healers, mediums and clairvoyants, it has become possible to establish that all the unusual abilities that some people are able to manifest (self-control of pain and healing, healing others, telepathy, etc.) are associated with changes in the EEG pattern toward a more bilateral, symmetrical and integrated form.24

  No better definition of a whole-brain state could be articulated. This increased capacity to operate out of both sides of the brain equally, producing higher levels of functioning, is a key to thriving during the high-speed changes occurring now and in the future.

  Other studies show that a variety of brain functions are augmented when the two hemispheres operate in an integrated, whole-brain manner. Once again, author Christopher M. Bache sums up the point:

  When the brain’s hemispheres are phase-locked and work as one, a number of known benefits result, including heightened awareness, improved recall, more self-programming flexibility, and heightened creativity-in short, “superlearning.” From here it is a simple if substantial step to recognize that our individual brains are neuron-clusters within the larger species brain of humanity. Our individual mind fields are “cells’” within the Sacred Mind. When a number of minds come together and integrate their individual capacities, it is as though they become phase-locked in ways analogous to how individual neurons become phase-locked in hemispherically synchronized brain states.25


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