When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1)

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When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1) Page 4

by Addison Jane

  As I turned to follow the security guard into a back room, there was an animalistic scream and the sure-fire crunching of bones. It was a sound you never forgot, one that was embedded in your brain and haunted your dreams. The sound of a soul leaving the earth.

  We walked down a small, damp concrete hall until we came to a door. I nodded to the guard in thanks and grabbed the handle, twisting and pushing, not knowing what to expect. Andre stepped in behind me and closed the door with a deafening click.

  Gio stood silently across the small room, looking up at me from beneath his thick brow. Between us was a small man, crumpled into a ball, pressing his hand to the side of his head where there was dark fresh blood staining his fingers.

  “You took too long, I got impatient,” Gio said simply when I raised my eyebrow in question. “Tell him, motherfucker,” he spat at the man.

  He looked up at me, but his eyes showed me one of defiance. His hair was slicked back from his face, his body looked solid and strong, but not like he worked out a lot. Not that it would have mattered if he had, no one could go up against Gio and come out unscathed. The kid knew his craft.

  After a few seconds, Gio became impatient and pushed his body off the wall, raging toward the guy like a cyclone bearing down on a house. I smirked, folding my arms across my chest and leaning back against the wall in amusement as Gio picked him up by the throat, the muscles in his forearm straining. “Tell him what you fucking said.”

  “I already… told… you,” he choked out, his arms flailing about wildly and his feet kicking about, searching for the floor to release the pressure.

  I chuckled. “Giovanni here doesn’t have the best memory, probably one too many hits to the head. So it’s best you just tell me yourself,” I joked, not even garnering a reaction from Anthony’s rage-filled son.

  “Okay,” he cried out, and instantly Gio dropped him to the hard concrete floor. He groaned in pain, but with the threat standing over him, he forced his body to turn and look at me. “I was told to find out information on Sophie and Emerson Rossi.”

  My heart stopped, and I had to force myself to take a breath as I felt my anger spike. On the outside, I was the perfect mask of calm, though. Not wanting to show how important those names were while trying to stop his words from sinking in. But my body was buzzing like it had an electric current running through it, and it wasn’t just because this little motherfucker had come into our city looking for information to use against us.

  It was because Emerson’s name never failed to draw out something inside me that I could never even begin to explain. It was powerful, relentless, and unforgiving, but I didn’t know how to fight it.

  Anthony’s niece.

  I clenched my teeth.

  Smart, beautiful, strong—forbidden.

  Two Years Ago

  I stood at the door of the library, watching the girl inside with pure curiosity.

  Fifteen minutes I stood there, fourteen and a half minutes too long, but completely and utterly entranced by the movement of her body and the way she flitted across the floor with ease from one shelf to the next. Her fingers danced over the spines of the books, moving to their own tune, her feet seeming to follow along with the beat.

  She shouldn’t be in here, I thought.

  Anthony had a party of sorts going on within the house to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. I’d chosen to keep myself removed from the festivities, and instead help my men with their patrols of the house. There were family and friends of Anthony’s here, but they most definitely weren’t meant to be anywhere near this wing of the house.

  She hadn’t even bothered to turn the lights on, the only reason I’d found her here in the first place was because of the way the light from the hallway had sparkled across the floor length pink and silver dress she wore, attracting my eye.

  “Shit!” she gasped, freezing on the spot, her hand reaching for her chest as if her heart might explode from it at any second. Her mouth hung open as she studied me from across the vast room. With a deep breath, she tugged the headphones that I hadn’t realized she was wearing from her ears and bunched them into her fist.

  I propped my shoulder against the door frame and folded my arms across my chest, raising my chin and looking at the magnificent beauty through narrowed eyes. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

  She licked her full pouty lips and shuffled nervously onto her opposite foot. “Sorry, I didn’t realize. I got a little distracted by all these books.”

  Taking a few steps closer, she tilted her head to the side and squinted, as though trying to get a better look at my face. With the light coming in from behind me, I was partially hidden by a dark shadow, but she was obviously far too curious and not so worried about self-preservation.

  “Nobody is allowed back here. I suggest you get out,” I told her sternly.

  She raised an eyebrow, unwavering by my tone, as she took a few more steps forward. “Then what are you doing back here?”

  I gritted my teeth in annoyance. I wasn’t used to being questioned, and by a kid none-the-less. “Making sure everyone stays where they should be.”

  She covered her mouth, trying her best to hide her smile, but it was useless. Her eyes twinkled and creased, and a small dimple pulled at her cheek. “Better keep working on that one.” She chuckled in amusement.

  I stepped forward, dropping my arms. “Child—”

  She immediately dropped her smirk, and her hands clenched at her sides. “I’m not a child,” she snapped, her fierce glare almost cute.

  I brightened at her sharp tone, my spine tingling and causing me to stand a little taller.

  So, the girl had some balls, I thought.

  Sexy and strong. Interesting.

  My eyes took on a mind of their own, wandering over her body. She was petite. Long blonde hair flowed freely around her shoulders, and her skin was almost completely free of makeup. But she was beautiful without it—fresh, innocent.

  The pink sparkly bodess of her dress was tight and fitted, accentuating a handful of breasts, but also a slightly curvier figure. It wasn’t due to fat though, she had well-defined muscles which told me she was athletic. I had to remind myself that she was far too fucking young to have my cock hard and alert.

  Seems he didn’t get the memo, though.

  By the time my eyes found hers again, there was a soft blush across her cheeks.

  She composed herself quickly. “You done?” she snorted, folding her arms across her chest in an act of defiance that also told me she was nervous under my steely gaze.

  “I think it’s time you left… child,” I sneered, feeling this overpowering need to taunt her and push for a reaction. Her returning glare almost brought a smile to my face, and I found myself hoping that she’d take the bait and fight back. For someone so young, she held and spoke with an air of maturity, and I could see the defiant fire that burned beneath her skin. Excitement built inside me at the thought of poking at the embers in hopes that it would begin to rage.

  “What’s your name?” she growled with all the fierceness of a kitten.

  I smirked now. “Why is that?”

  “So I know who to tell my father to have fired,” she hissed.

  My unexpected laughter filled the wide empty space of the library, echoing off the shelves and walls. Even as it came back, hitting me square in the face, it still sounded foreign and unnatural. “Angelo,” I stated, as I began to walk around her. “Angelo Moretti.”

  “Angelo?” She laughed softly, trying to act like my presence didn’t affect her, but she still couldn’t hide the shiver that moved through her involuntarily. “Angelo means angel. Somehow, you don’t look like the halo and feathers type to me.”

  “The devil was an angel once,” I replied, with a shrug of my shoulders.

  Her icy blue eyes followed me, as did her body, while I walked slowly around her like a predator eying its prey.

  The girl had me intrigued.

  Maybe it was because there weren’t
a lot of women around here who would snap back at me with such a sharp tongue. Or maybe it was the devil inside me who craved an innocent soul to corrupt, a natural and untouched beauty who I could mold and bend to my will.

  Maybe it was both.

  She was the perfect combination of confidence and innocence.

  An angel seeking chaos.

  “What’s your name?” I growled, taking pleasure in seeing her shiver as my voice rolled over her.

  Her rosy lips fell open to answer my question as a voice called from the hallway.


  My eyes hardened instantly, recognizing the name.

  “In here, Papa!” she called out. Her eyes stayed connected with mine, judging my reaction, and holding strong despite my darkening glare. She stepped to the side, allowing the bright light from the hallway to illuminate her body, the skin across her chest and neck sparkled as though she was dipped in diamonds.

  I didn’t look up.

  I knew who her father was.

  Nicholas, Anthony DePalma’s brother. The only one of the brothers who decided to step back from the shadow of their mafia family.

  “Emmy, I thought I told you not to wander,” her father scolded.

  “Sorry, Papa. I just couldn’t help but be entranced by all these books.” Her voice had changed, it was sickly and sweet. It was fake. “I didn’t think Uncle Anthony would mind.” The lie fell from her perfect lips like a professional, someone who had been in the business a long time.

  She gestured to me. “Angelo was just telling me his favorite.” The corner of her lip curved up, her mischievousness cutting through the growing tension in the air between us. “Sorry, what was it, Angelo?”

  The girl had bigger balls than I’d given her credit for. She may be separated from mafia business and sheltered by her father, but she obviously knew how much power she held with her uncle being Anthony.

  I answered her through clenched teeth, “Romeo and Juliet.”

  Her eyes brightened with a quirk in the corner of her mouth, enjoying the fact that I was playing along with her little game. “And why is that?”

  I walked toward the door where her father was still waiting with a bored expression on his face and stopped beside her. “Because it shows what happens when you ignore the rules and chase after something that’s forbidden…” I watched her out of the corner of my eye, her shoulders tightening. “People die.”

  With that, I walked out, but I knew it wasn’t done. Things between Emerson and I had only just begun. She was stubborn and strong-willed, and I knew if I spent any more time in her presence that my fight would wither. I’d never had anything so perfect, so beautiful as her.

  She was everything I wanted but couldn’t have.

  “And who, may I ask, gave you those names?” I growled, taking a step forward, rolling my shoulders as the tension began to build. “And why.”

  I knew in my gut that this wasn’t a coincidence. Sophie and Emerson, while on the outside, still had DePalma blood flowing through their veins. They were family.

  Their father Nicholas, or Nic as he’s known in the family, walked away to start his own business when he was only young, distancing himself from his family ties. He changed his last name to Rossi so there would be no direct connection to the DePalma name. Their family surprisingly let him leave, but he was ordered never to make contact again, and every memory or photograph that included him was removed from the household.

  He was dead to them.

  Until their father died, and Anthony decided to reconnect with his brother.

  Very few people actually knew his family history. Not only were names changed but documents too, birth certificates were altered. He was wiped from school alumni records, and new ones were created. Nic did whatever he had to, in order to hide who he was. Those who did know, those who remembered, were paid to keep their mouths shut.

  “It was just a job, just information, nothing else,” the defeated man croaked, his hand rubbing at his throat, trying to ease the pain. “Things like where they live and what they do. Whether they were protected by the family or not.”

  A low growl vibrated within my throat and I stepped forward, undoing the button on my suit jacket and crouching down in front of him. My hand moved to my ankle as I spoke quietly to him. “Tell me who sent you on this mission.” I tried to keep my voice smooth and non-confrontational, not wanting him to hold out on me, and not tell me what I needed to know… before I killed him.

  I was a master of smooth talking and keeping my calm when the situation called for a level head, but when it came to someone coming after my family, I struggled to not thrust my knife through his throat.

  “I don’t know,” he whispered.

  A lie.

  I shook my head in disappointment and tsked my tongue. “Wrong answer.”

  Pulling my knife from my ankle strap, I gripped the delicate handle in my fist and thrust it through his shiny black business shoes, enjoying the mixture of his painful cries and the clank of the blade against the concrete floor as it pierced straight through his foot. I quickly pulled it back out with a sickening squelch as he rolled onto his back, screaming and cradling his leg.

  “Fuck!” he yelled, biting his teeth together, sweat starting to drip from his greasy slicked back hairline.

  “Give me a goddamn name,” I demanded, trying to control my anger.

  “You’re going to kill me anyway.” He spat at my feet, the ball of saliva landing just shy of my shoes. “So why the fuck would I tell you?”

  I chuckled, reaching over and wiping my bloody knife on the leg of his pants. “Gio, you think you have time for one more fight tonight?” I didn’t look over my shoulder, joy bursting in my chest as I watched the little punk’s eyes widen, flicking between me and the ruthless fucking DePalma standing at my back.

  “I got all the time in the fucking world.”

  “Excellent!” I grinned, “Andre, grab him.”

  “No fucking way. No. No!” He tried to push himself across the concrete as Andre advanced on him with a delighted smirk on his face. “Okay,” he screamed in defeat as Andre grabbed his arm.

  “Tell me,” I ordered, sick of playing.

  If there was someone looking for information on Emerson and her sister Sophie, then that was serious. It meant we needed to find them some protection until we could hunt this asshole down or they were in danger.

  “Tobia Bellucci.”

  I froze. “Bellucci?”

  His head hung like now that he’d given in, he was just waiting for death to come and save him from his pain. “Yeah, Bellucci.”

  Looking over at Gio, I noticed his back was straight like a rod, his eyes staring into space, his fingers twitching. Fury was building inside him, I could see it burning, moving through his body like venom.

  “Make it hurt,” I quipped, pulling my cell from my pocket.

  Gio’s head flicked toward me almost robotically, as if he was having trouble working out what he’d just heard.

  We all knew this day was coming.

  We knew that at some point they would come back seeking revenge.

  “Wait! You said—”

  “That was before you said you worked for the family who killed his mother,” I bellowed, my words seeming to ignite Gio’s fire and as I turned my back, the man’s blood-curdling screams followed me from the room and into the dingy hall.

  I quickly hit speed dial, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for it to ring, my heart beating frantically, and a sick feeling settling in my gut that I hadn’t felt before. I wasn’t afraid of a fight, that wasn’t it. These fuckers could come at me, and I would take them down using any kind of sick or twisted means possible.

  Hearing Emerson’s name, knowing that she was now a part of this fucked up mess, had my blood burning like it never had before.

  It was never meant to touch her or Sophie.

  They were never meant to be involved in this world.

  But these gu
ys, they were cowards.

  We should have known that they wouldn’t face us head on.

  They were trying to take the easy way out, but it didn’t matter, they were going to die anyway.

  “Angelo,” Anthony answered.

  “Sir, we need to get some protection for Emerson and Sophie. There are people snooping around asking questions,” I rushed out, brushing my fingers through my hair.

  I was expecting orders, already planning out in my head how I would protect Emerson myself if I had to, all while I hunted Tobia down and reminded him exactly why the DePalma family was not to be fucking screwed with. My blood was already boiling with excitement as I imagined the things I would do to him.

  But it was Anthony’s answer that had all those ideas come crashing down around me.

  “It’s too late.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come, Soph?” I asked for the fourth time.

  Sophie shook her head and offered me a sweet smile. “Go! I’m just going to sit here and enjoy the peace and quiet before I have to go back to the city tomorrow and brave the crowds and the rush.”

  Ava and I had to go to the campus today to pick up the rehearsal schedules and chat with the production team about what they wanted. Usually, there would be no way in hell any of us would go in on a Sunday afternoon to do this kind of stuff, but everyone involved with the Fall Spectacular was so excited to get things moving that we just couldn’t say no.

  This production was the highlight of Jacksonville College.

  Every single student who had something to do with performing arts, whether it be dance, acting, music, film, they were all a part of it. Given that representatives from performing art and production schools all around the country came to see it—looking for the next best thing, the next student who stole the show—we all wanted to do and be our best.

  “Come on,” Ava groaned. “We’re going to miss the meeting if we don’t go right now.”

  She grabbed my arm and pulled me toward the doorway, I shook my head as I stumbled along with her, waving at my sister. “We’ll grab some movies and junk food on the way home, and we can have binge night before you leave,” I told her with a bright grin.


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