When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1)

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When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1) Page 17

by Addison Jane

  His hands gripped the armrests of the seat, his fingers wrapped tight around the ends as I slipped down to the floor into the splits. My hands climbed their way up his legs, and I pulled mine in so I was kneeling in front of him as my fingers strategically unclasped his belt followed by the top button and zipper.

  I was still wet, the moisture and my release coating the inside of my thighs, but when I pulled his cock from his pants, I swear that if there was a god up there he had blessed this man, and me, because I just knew I was going to feel this tomorrow.

  And I was going to fucking love that.

  I took him in my hand, gently stroking up and down, giving my heart time to stop racing and enjoying the way he felt. I leaned forward, the tip of my tongue flicking across the head and causing it to twitch.

  An animalistic growl left his throat, and his hands moved like lightning, one wrapped around my wrist while the other threaded through my hair, tugging it and drawing me back. I looked up and met his eyes.

  “Birth control?”

  I nodded as much as I could.

  “Good. I don’t want your mouth, I want this.” He released my wrist and leaned forward, swiping two fingers through my pussy, causing me to almost come again with just one single touch. My body shook, and I steadied myself by holding on to his knees.

  His fingers glistened with the wetness of my pussy, and he wiped it on his thick cock before giving it a couple of hard tugs.

  Angelo didn’t ask me to sit down, he didn’t tell me to climb on his dick and ride it, nope. That wasn’t him. He wanted control, and I was learning that he liked to do it physically. His fingers tightened in my hair, and he pulled me forward. The only option I had was to put my legs on either side of his, and even then, there was very little room. He drew me down, so I was sitting on his cock that was flat against his body. I wanted to shift my hips, to try and find some friction, but I couldn’t move.

  He released my hair for barely a second, enough time to strip me of my shirt and leave me completely fucking naked, while he was still almost completely dressed.

  “I don’t think this is fair,” I whispered as his hands swept up my sides, cupping my breasts and squeezing them softly.

  “You don’t have to think anything is fair,” he commented, leaning forward and flicking his tongue over one of my budded nipples. “What’s fair is that you already got to come, and now I get to use you to make myself come.”

  “Use me?” I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull his hand away but was unsuccessful. “You’re a prick.”

  “Trust me, you’ll fucking love it, and then you’ll be begging to hand me over control of your body,” he shot back, moving his hand between my legs and giving my clit a flick before lifting his dick upward.

  He pulled away, and instead of letting me slide down slowly and become accustomed to his size and length, he grabbed my hips and pushed them down at the same time he lifted his.

  I cried out, “Shit!”

  A mixture of pain and holy fucking God that felt good.

  I fought to catch my breath, but within a second I realized he wasn’t about to let me do that.

  “Gonna be hard and fast. Which is why I couldn’t stand having your mouth on me,” he said, his voice scratchy, like he was struggling to control himself.

  I nodded, and within seconds he was using and abusing my body, pulling my hips down with his hands while he would thrust upward with his. He just continued to pound away inside me, over and fucking over again, relentlessly.

  “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath.

  I dug my fingers into his shoulders, with no doubt that tomorrow there would be bruises. I was so stretched, so full, and it felt like every time he thrust in again, it was filling me even more.

  “Shit,” I cursed, throwing my head back, my hair tickling the top of my ass cheeks.

  Angelo’s warm wet mouth collected my nipple and I groaned, the feeling shooting straight to my clit like an electric shock startling my body, telling me something beautiful was coming… again.

  The scratch of his beard mixed with the softness of his mouth was enough to drive me fucking crazy, I wanted to move faster, harder, but with Angelo controlling how fast and deep he went, I found myself pleading for more.

  “Please,” I whimpered. “Harder.”

  Angelo chuckled, his tongue trailing across my chest to the other breast. He didn’t move, letting me know with finality that he was in control and that there was nothing I could do about it. He drove me crazy, building me up and then letting me drop back.

  “Hold on,” he snapped, even though I wasn’t really sure what he expected me to hold on to. Because at that point, I was barely grasping my sanity. “Like fucking heaven.”

  That was it, he held my hips still while he hammered away inside me.

  “Oh my God!” The trigger went off and I was exploding, my body shaking as I tried to hold on for the ride.

  With one final thrust, Angelo wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him. I could feel him coming as my pussy continued to clamp down around him in aftershocks. I fell forward, settling my face in the crook of his neck while the both of us fought for the air around us, heaving in deep breath after deep breath, not willing to share.

  His hairline was wet, and I could feel sweat dripping down my spine. I didn’t care about what kind of state I was in at that moment, or the fact that I’d just fucked the sexiest man I’d ever met, in a theater that I’d always dreamed of dancing in.

  His hands had become so soft, maybe even gentle. A soft kiss pressed to the top of my head, then a finger hooked under my chin, lifting my face. I went with it, not expecting his lips to find mine in the most beautiful, tender kiss I’d ever felt in my life.

  His arms cradled me against his body like I was the most precious gift, and he didn’t want to break me, while his lips told me all the emotions swimming through his head. I was stunned, moved, and just happy to finally be able to share a part of him that I knew came from a place so deep inside that the possibility of no one else having ever seen it could be quite real.

  I felt safe in his arms, and in that moment, I felt cherished.

  I just hoped this was something that was going to last.

  I stood in the doorway to my bedroom, the moonlight shining in through the large floor to ceiling windows lighting up her flawless skin and outlining every curve of her body. With each breath she took, a few stray hairs fluttered against her lips. I wanted to walk over and move them away from her face, but I was scared I might wake her, and if she woke I knew she would realize I was leaving.

  She would want to come with me, but it was clear at this point, she wasn’t ready to see the depths that I was willing to take in order to find Tobia and Dom, and make them regret their decision to come back here and go after my family.

  I was going to take Benny’s tip and head across the city to the apartment he said Dom had been staying in.

  Samuele and Carlos would be staying here to watch Emerson while I took the rest of my boys to hunt down Dom. Though I ached the most to get my hands around Tobia’s throat, this was the only lead we had right now. These two were like fucking ghosts. Finding anything on them had been like pulling teeth. Even with all the power that Anthony held within the city, it was like no one had any idea where the hell they were located, and every lead so far had come up empty.

  It wasn’t normal. There was something going on, and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

  Andre stepped into the elevator beside me. He didn’t question me, he didn’t ask where we were going. He just knew.

  My men knew me well.

  While I worked for Anthony DePalma, one of the largest and most powerful Mafia bosses in the country, I had my own team of men who took orders only from me. The title I held showed my loyalty and sacrifice to the family.

  Being a Capo, meant I reported directly to the boss on matters concerning business and had a team of soldiers under me who helped to carry out my dut
ies. My men were handpicked by me. They were loyal to a fault, in the hopes that one day they too would climb the ranks in the family.

  The Mafia was built much like a company would be.

  Each captain ran a different part of the DePalma territory. We took care of Anthony’s business and took a cut of the money that was earned. That wasn’t to say that Anthony sat back and watched on. He’d made a name for himself earlier on.

  While Anthony was born into the family, his father had never given his sons special treatment. It was all about proving your worth and your commitment, and about giving your life to put the family first.

  Anthony earned his place as Boss, and people both feared and respected him because of what he’d done in order to get there.

  While I wasn’t born into the DePalma family, they’d taken me in young and shown me more love than I’d ever received from my own father. Essentially, they’d saved me. And in my heart, I knew I’d repay that favor until the day I died.

  The cold city air blew in through the open window as Andre drove us across town, keeping me awake and refreshed. I desperately needed it in order to be on my game. I was already struggling to fight the little part of my brain that was telling me to turn the fuck around and climb back into bed with Emerson. Her body called to me, and I was already rock hard thinking about that smart mouth and how badly I wanted to fill it with my cock.

  Now that I’d had her, I knew in my fucking gut that I wasn’t going to be able to let her walk away. It was one thing to have a woman who would lay down and do as she was told. They were happy to let their man rule, to stay at home and play housewife and raise children. It was another thing to have a woman with a strong heart who knew how to hold her ground, but also when to soften. Emerson was a perfect balance of everything I needed in a woman. She would face me head on and challenge me, but in the end, I knew that within my hands, the fierce lioness would allow me to make her purr.

  There was something fucking erotic about taking a strong woman and watching her get on her knees in front of you. I wanted a woman who could hold her head high, speak her mind. But that at the end of the day would give herself wholly to me.

  The life I lived was dangerous. I had blood on my hands and in some ways, a fucked up version of reality. I knew there were so many out there who would give their lives to take me down. I wasn’t walking out the door to a nine to five job every other day. I was walking into dangerous situations where I had to rely on the men behind me to have my back. I lived my life based on the loyalty of my men, but it would only take one of them to decide that they would get more respect from taking me out than standing by my side.

  And then it would be over.

  It was hard for me to think about putting Emerson in a position where I could be the one to destroy her all over again if, for some reason, someone came for me. It could make her a target just like Anthony’s wife, Jasmine.

  How do you choose to put someone you care about in that kind of position?

  I could already feel how much she was relying on me to keep her afloat. I wanted to push her to her limits, and see her turn into this powerful woman that I knew she could be, and a part of me liked the idea of her needing me. But I had to remember that my life was far from guaranteed, and then she would fall to pieces all over again.

  I clenched my teeth causing my jaw to click from the pressure.

  Anthony would kill me.

  He was already going to kill me for going anywhere near Emerson.

  He may have not played a huge part in their lives, but blood was blood to Anthony. If you had it running through your veins, he considered you family.

  In my case, I got lucky.

  “You sure Benny knew what he was talking about?” Andre asked as we drove through the darkened streets of The Bronx. “Seemed like he was the kind of idiot who couldn’t even tell his ass from his face.”

  “Doesn’t matter,” I answered simply. “It’s the only lead we’ve come up with. If this is dead, we’ll have to start getting creative.”

  “I don’t fucking like this,” he said, his voice a soft growl as he pulled the car to the side of the street and threw it into park. I met Andre’s eyes in the rear vision mirror. “That’s it up there. It doesn’t even look like a place where someone lives.”

  He was still young, but I knew in my gut that this kid was an old soul. He’d been with me for almost three years after a recommendation from another family and had had my back through fucking thick and thin. He was a sweet kid, and I knew that Emerson had taken a shine to him and the way he treated her. But one day she was going to realize that beneath the calm and jovial exterior he seemed to create—Andre was not someone who messed around when it came to doing what he had to do.

  And that’s why he was my top man, and that’s why I valued his opinion.

  He was right, the large orange brick building looked like it wouldn’t even house a family of cockroaches. Trash was piled up along the sidewalk, and there were a handful of homeless men tucked up underneath thick sleeping bags.

  “You got any cash on you?” Andre asked, causing me to frown.

  “Yeah,” I replied warily, pulling fifty dollars out of my pocket.

  He plucked it from my fingers and turned off the car before leaping out and walking straight for the run down building.

  “Fucking Christ,” I cursed, leaping out of the car and jogging to catch up with him. “You know, I thought I fucking ran this crew for some strange reason.” It was a casual warning but one I knew he would understand. I appreciated that my boys were smart, and the fact that they could use their common sense and figure out shit for themselves without requiring me to hold their hands, but they also needed to know not to disrespect me by thinking they knew better.

  The rest of my men stayed in the car parked behind us, as Andre approached the group of homeless men trying to sleep on the sidewalk. “Hey,” he called, stirring a couple of them. “Anybody want to earn fifty bucks?”

  That lit a fire under their asses, and three of them scrambled quickly to their feet while the other two seemed to really struggle to get their bearings. I didn’t fucking like it.

  “You guys know anything about a man living in this building?” I asked, stepping forward as they seemed to round themselves up.

  One scrubbed at his beard. “Ain’t no guy living here, man. It’s been abandoned for years after a fire ripped through it.” He cleared his throat, it was raspy and worn from who knew how many months or years living outside on the streets, and from the smell of his breath surviving on alcohol. “There was one kid around here a few days or so ago, though. He got in by climbing up the ladder around the side there and going in through the roof access.”

  I frowned, arching my neck to get a good look at the building. Even in the dim street lights, I could tell there were clearly windows on the bottom floor that he could’ve used, and there had to have been a door at ground level somewhere.

  “We can’t go in there,” Andre said, looking at me with what I’m sure was the same expression as the one I had on my face.

  We smelled a rat.

  Shoving my hand into my back pocket, I withdrew two more fifty dollar bills and waved them in the air. The homeless man with the beard licked his lips as he eyed the cash hungrily.

  I wasn’t opposed to using others if it meant protecting my men or my family.

  “One hundred and fifty dollars with your name on it. I break the window, you climb inside and tell me what’s in there,” I bargained, giving the money an extra flick before tucking it back in my pocket.

  “You got yourself a deal.” He nodded enthusiastically before turning and making his way down the side of the building, toward the corner of the street. He shuffled along slowly, his clothes rustling and his hand braced on the wall for support. “Here,” he said as we turned the corner. There was a large window with wooden boards nailed across it so you couldn’t see inside.

  “There’s a door around the side in the other alley, b
ut you’ll never get through it, they welded it shut after the fire so people like us couldn’t sleep inside. Too dangerous. Surprised the other kid managed to walk around up there without falling through the floor…” He was rambling and I was getting fucking impatient.

  Stepping under the street light, I motioned for my boys in the other car to bring it around.

  As it pulled up to the curb, Andre went straight to the trunk and pulled out a familiar looking crowbar. I smirked as he handed it to me with a grin.

  Hooking the board with the bar, I tugged it forward, pulling it down with ease. After removing them all, I soon realized the window hadn’t just been boarded, it had been blacked out with spray paint. So we had no idea what was waiting for us inside.

  I looked to Andre and he frowned, shaking his head, and letting me know that he also didn’t have a great feeling about what was about to greet us. Handing the homeless man the crowbar, and pulling my gun from its holster, I took a few steps back out of the way of anything that might come flying out through the fucking window.

  He shrugged, struggled to lift it, and then took a swing. The window smashed into a thousand tiny pieces, and my trigger finger twitched as I stepped a little closer, attempting to see through the dirty, dusty darkness. I could make out a few shapes, one was a staircase, a doorway—its door hanging limply from the frame, and maybe a few pieces of charcoaled furniture.

  The homeless man, a lot less cautious, stuck his head inside and peered around. “I don’t se—”

  A loud boom resonated in the darkness of the night, echoing off the buildings and vibrating into the distance. The sound alone was like a punch in the stomach, stealing the breath from my lungs, and at the same time, it felt like someone had stabbed me in the ears with a fork.

  It was deafening and powerful.

  When I finally got my bearings, I ducked back behind the car, fighting to catch my breath and prepare myself for a possible onslaught. Andre leaped through the air, his back hitting the passenger’s side door of the car. My eyes were wide as I watched the homeless man droop, his body half way through the smashed window, tiny spots of blood and body tissue sprinkled across the sidewalk.


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