Enemies and Allies (Bound to the Abyss Book 3)

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Enemies and Allies (Bound to the Abyss Book 3) Page 7

by James R. Vernon

  Returning his attention to the runes, he watched as they completed their design. Once finished, the runes flared once, then faded away as a hole the size of a wagon wheel opened up in their place. At about a hand's width down, a purplish mist swirled around and blocked any view of what was below. Ean had no idea how large the Pocket was on the other side or where in the Abyss it was located, but it managed to hold a lot.

  He was about to reach in and start pulling out their supplies when the light from the runes on his arms began to pulse. Usually, he could mentally grab hold of the energy flowing inside of him as easily as one might reach down to pluck a blade of grass, but it suddenly snaked out of control. Ean gasped as the energy seemed to take on a life of its own. The power of the Abyss leapt from his fingertips in streams of dark blue light and poured into the opening of the Pocket.

  An explosion knocked Ean onto his back. The startled cries he heard from behind told him it had a similar effect on his companions. Before he could check on them, another burst of light blinded him. When the spots cleared from his eyes, he couldn't believe what he saw.

  His Pocket was gone.

  In its place was a black hole with a corona of pulsating midnight blue and violet light. Triple the height and twice as wide as an average man, it hovered in the air, seeming to suck in the light and the happiness from every direction.

  Ean had somehow created a Scar.

  Chapter 8

  Ean's vision went blurry as an invisible wave of energy washed over him. He drew in as much energy from the Abyss into his body through his own connection as he could handle to fight back the effects of being this close to the Scar. It felt like he was in a river caught between two currents, one he struggled to control while the other battered against him. The last time he had been this close to one, it had a hypnotizing effect. Although the negative energy of the Scar was rushing over him like a raging river, scrambling his focus, he was a little wiser now and able to fight off its influence.

  Letting his vision clear, Ean checked on his other companions. Zin and Azalea seemed fine, although they both had been knocked off their feet and looked just as shocked as him. With as much time as both of them had lived in the Abyss, the energy assaulting them probably felt like a warm, familiar breeze.

  Daoshen, on the other hand, seemed to be handling it the worst.

  He was on his hands and knees, scarf thrown off his face, throwing up on the ground. His already pale blue face had drained to a pasty white. His body shook and his elbows quivered as they tried to support him.

  "What in the Abyss . . . " he managed to get out before getting sick again.

  "Not in the Abyss," Zin said, returning to his feet. "But close. That's a Scar. Think of it as a rip between the Abyss and this world."

  "And it’s very dangerous," Azalea joined in. As she climbed to her feet, her eyes remained locked on the glowing tear between worlds.

  "I can feel that," Daoshen croaked. "My insides are on fire. Why does it only seem to affect us humans?”

  Ean stood on shaky legs and moved over to offer him his hand.

  "It affects me because I have to keep the energy from overwhelming my body, not because I'm human. Although I've seen the effects that pure energy from the Abyss can have on a person. For them, it usually changes them in some way. I saw it turn a man into some kind of lizard-person. For you, I can only guess."

  Daoshen waved off Ean's hand before getting sick again.

  "And what would that be?" he managed to ask between burps.

  "When we went into the Deadlands, the Plague had a very negative effect on all three of us. I believe it was because of the corrupted energy of your lands reacting adversely with the normal Abyssmal energy infused in the three of us. My guess is that the reverse is happening with you. The corrupted energy that’s been seeping into your body for hundreds of years is having trouble with the pure energy flowing out of the Scar."

  "Wonderful. Then close it. I'm just about out of food to throw up."

  "I . . . I don't know how I created it in the first place. The runes I used should have made only a small Pocket in the ground."

  "Yes," Zin said. He had moved behind Azalea. "A Pocket that only Ean could access. What he actually made is a two-way opening—a doorway of sorts. That's what Azalea meant when she said it was dangerous."

  "A doorway randomly created in the Abyss," Azalea said with a nod. Even if Ean couldn't feel the fear bouncing around in their bond, the fact that she wasn't chiding Zin for hiding behind her was sign enough that she was worried. "Meaning any creature that happens upon it could cross over. My concern is that we have no idea where this Scar opened up in the Abyss. If the Scar appeared in the uppermost level, all we would have to worry about are a few dumb imps, maybe a hound or two. But if it’s closer to the bottom, where the more intelligent creatures like myself and those dozens of times more powerful than my kind reside . . ."

  "Wonderful," Daoshen's voice was raspy as he struggled to stand. "I keep hearing more and more reasons why we should close it, but no one is actually trying."

  "Just give me a minute." Ean said, moving towards the Scar.

  With each step, the weight of the energy grew in intensity. By the time he was right up next to it, he was carrying the equivalent weight of two or three people upon his shoulders. But that was nothing compared to the battle that was raging inside of him. The energy writhed inside his body as if it had a life of its own, trying to get out. Less than a year ago, that much power would have overwhelmed him instantly. Now he fought it, like trying to hold a wiggly fish.

  "Well?" Zin asked from behind Azalea's legs. She tried to nudge him away, but Ean felt the Yulari’s internal reaction to Zin’s touch and it wasn’t repulsion, but comforting reassurance. Despite the situation, Ean let a small smile touch his lips.

  "I don't know," Ean said, returning his attention to the Scar. "Whenever I create a set of runes, it has a distinct feel to it. This feels different. Wrong."

  Not knowing what else to do, Ean raised his hand to the Scar. The energy coming off of it crackled and leapt about, tiny bolts of dark blue light that shot into the air and struck the ground, leaving tiny burn marks in their wake. The light of the Scar began to pulse as well, accompanied by a deep thrumming sound, starting slowly then picking up speed the longer Ean held his hand up to it. The hairs on his arms began to tingle and stand straight up as the vibrations shook him to his core.

  "Maybe you shouldn't do that," Daoshen said with a gasp before dropping to his knees again. "It’s making me feel worse."

  Ean took a few steps back and lowered his hand. It was situations like this that reminded him how ignorant he really was about the power at his command. Instead of bringing imps and Crux from the Abyss, he should have brought up someone more knowledgeable. Auz would know some race of creature that could . . .

  That was it. Auz.


  Ean was surprised to hear Auz in his head, and a little relieved. It never occurred to him that Auz, who was still in the mines, would remain connected to him outside in the wild. It was reassuring to know that he could still rely on . . . whatever Auz was.

  I am Auz.

  "Yes, I know that. Do you know what's happening here?"

  "Of course we don't," Zin said from his place behind Azalea.

  "Not you. I'm talking to Auz."


  You ripped a hole between worlds.

  "I understand that. How did I do it?"

  You did it, not Auz. How would Auz know?

  "Do you know how I can close it?"


  "Any ideas?"

  It is dangerous. Close it.

  "You're no help. Never mind."

  "Does he always talk to a voice in his mind?" Dao asked from his position on the ground.

  "It's fairly new." Azalea responded. "We're still getting used to it. Did the rock offer any help, Ean?"

  "None at all. Let me think this through."

  What did he
know about Scars? They were holes between the Abyss and their world. They leaked large amounts of energy from the Abyss, energy that could infuse living creatures and change them. The energy itself had to be the key. If he could control the energy inside himself, control runes he created in the world, he should be able to control the energy coming out of the Scar and keep it open. But how?

  Moving back towards the Scar, he raised his hand towards it again. It reacted the same way as before, the energy growing “agitated” to his presence. Behind him, Dao retched again.

  "Now you're just doing that on purpose," he moaned.


  Keeping his hand raised, Ean began circling the Scar. No matter where he stood, the Scar looked the same. He still felt the pure energy flowing out of it in every direction, with a massive amount right at its center. Maybe that cluster was the key. If he could grab that ball of energy, he might be able to drain it into his own body. In theory, without energy holding it open, the Scar should close.

  It was worth a shot.

  "Hold on. I'm going to try something."

  He took a breath. Then thrust his hand straight into the Scar.

  The light flared as his hand moved into the streak of light. Shielding his eyes behind the crook of his elbow, he pushed deeper and deeper into the Scar. His fingers felt like they were pushing through thick mud, the resistance growing thicker the further his hand reached inside. After what seemed like an eternity, his hand reached the center of the portal. He was shocked to find that the cluster of energy had a little give—not fully solid. Like a freshly made snowball. Only it was hot to the touch. Ean grasped it like he would a ball. Its surface gave slightly to the pressure of his fingers but retained its form. Was this knot of energy the source of the Scar? If he drained it of its energy--

  An explosive force launched him backwards through the air. His back and head struck one of the cliff faces lining the path. Ean crumpled to the ground, eyes seeing spots. Azalea was at his side a moment later, kneeling and reaching out towards his face.

  "Are you all right?"

  "Not really, but I'll survive."

  "What happened? Did you mean to do that?"

  "Not at all. I think I found out what keeps it open, but the Scar either defended itself or just had some sort of power surge. Give me a moment and I'll try again."

  "Um, Ean," Zin said. He was standing between Ean and the Scar, but was slowly backing up in Ean's direction. "I don't think we have a moment."

  "What do you . . ." Ean cut off as his vision cleared enough so he could see the portal clearly.

  Through the pulses of energy, at the center where the light disappeared, a humanoid form was starting to take shape.

  "I think we have a visitor."

  Chapter 9

  Ean tried to push himself up, using the wall as support but a wave of dizziness made his knees buckle. Before he could drop, Azalea slid under his arm to hold him up.

  “I’ve got you,” she whispered, wrapping her arm around his waist and holding him steady. Her attention, though, was focused solely on the Scar. "What do you think--"

  "I can't make anything out yet. It could be anything."

  While Ean struggled to get his wits about him, Zin had backed up to the wall while Daoshen crouched on the opposite side of the path. With Ean’s companions as far from the Scar as they could get, he returned his attention to what was coming out of it. He didn't have to wait long.

  The humanoid coming out of the Scar had hunched shoulders and seemed to grow larger as it emerged from the light. A thick, muscled arm covered in a mess of gray hair emerged first, followed by another. Its four fingers, covered in tan bony plates pressed into the ground as it used them to push its body forward. Its torso, as thick as an old oak and twice as tall as any man, was covered in the same bushy fur that ran up to the creature’s head and framed its ears and face. Ean could see its muscles stretch and flex as it moved forward. It paused for a moment to look around then lumbered a few steps further, giving Ean the chance to get a good look at its head.

  The beast's face was humanoid, with a predominant brow, deep sunken eyes, a flattened nose, and a large mouth with a protruding lower jaw. The face and ears seemed to be covered by the same tan plates. Its mouth hung open, displaying rows of pointed teeth. It gave a snort as its coal colored eyes flickered between the three of them.

  "Azalea," Ean whispered. "What is--"

  "Quiet," she growled in a low tone. "It's a Fortralam. Don't make any sudden movements."


  The Fortralam stood up straight and beat its fists against its chest three times.

  "It just declared itself the strongest here," Zin whispered. "Whatever it does next, don't try to defend yourself or make even a single move."

  "Don't try to--" Ean began, but his mouth snapped shut as the beast started to amble over towards the three of them.

  It moved at a slow pace. By the time it reached them, a few drops of sweat were running down his back. When the Fortralam was right in front of Ean, it let out another snort, the burst of warm air feeling the same as the heat that rolled out of a furnace. Then it stood up straight, almost three times Ean's height, and beat its chest again.

  It took all of Ean’s self-control not to flinch away when the beast dropped back down, its hands smacking into the ground with a loud thud right in front of his feet. The beast sniffed at him a few times, then lifted a hand and pressed a bony knuckle against Ean’s chest.

  With another grunt it gave him a push.

  The force of it pushed Ean back, causing him to stumble into Azalea. The two of them smacked against the side of the wall. Ean tried to move away from the stone, but Azalea held him in place.

  "Stay," she whispered.

  Ean did as he was told. The Fortralam poked him twice with the tip of its finger. The boney plates dug into his skin. If it had pressed any harder, the jagged texture of the bones might have broken his skin. An image of the beast using all of its strength and poking a hole right through him flashed across his mind.

  Crouching down, the Foltralam sniffed the imp a few times. To Zin's credit, he stayed calm while a creature with a mouth almost his size was within biting distance. He stood perfectly still, only the slightest scrunching of his eyelids betraying any emotion. Those eyes went wide, however, as the Fortralam wrapped its massive fingers around Zin's body and lifted him into the air.

  Ean's muscles tensed, but Azalea continued to hold him in place.

  "Not a meat-eater," Azalea whispered.

  That fact only made the tension in Ean’s shoulders relax the tiniest bit.

  The Fortralam gave the imp a little shake. Zin's head rattled about. The Fortralam gave him another shake, then sat back on its haunches and began to pet Zin's head.

  "Well, that's unexpected." Azalea's face twitched as she spoke in a hushed tone. The corners of her lips showed the hint of a smile, and her body shook as she clearly tried to hold in laughter.

  This is not funny, Zin mouthed to them in between being heavily petted.

  Ean disagreed. As intimidating as the beast was, to see the Fortralam sitting back and caressing Zin, Ean was finding it hard to hold in his laughter. If the beast was in a more calm state, they might be able to herd him back towards the Scar.

  "I've got him!" Daoshen yelled, just before appearing on top of the Fortralam's back.

  The beast let out a primordial roar as Dao buried a blade up to the hilt in the back of the Fortralam's neck. It threw its arms into the air, which in turn launched Zin out of its grip, before trying to reach back and grab its attacker. Dao scrambled about its back, using handfuls of the beast's hair to move about and stay out of reach. As the creature failed to get a hold of its attacker, it began stumbling around the area.

  "A little help?" Dao yelled as he ducked underneath the flailing hands of the Fortralam.

  Ean took a step in the direction of the chaos, but Azalea grabbed his arm.

  "And what do you expect to do?
A Fortralam makes a Crux look like a wimp. It will pound you into a fine paste."

  Ean shrugged off her hand. "We have to do something."

  "Your funeral. Or funerals depending on if you actually are immortal."

  Well, he would probably find out tonight.

  "Hey!" Ean yelled, waving his arms in the air as he approached the raging beast. "Over here!"

  The beast ignored him, its full attention on the man clinging to its back.

  Ean took in as much energy from the Abyss as he could handle. The wave of energy rolling out of the scar, combined with his own, threatened to overwhelm him. Never had he held so much power.

  With a level of confidence he had never felt before, Ean approached the beast. A plan formed in his mind. Dart in. Deliver a powerful kick to the side of the creature's knee, causing enough damage to disable or at least slow the thing down. Then Dao, who seemed more than comfortable with his knives, could try and finish it off while Ean did his best to distract it.

  It’s a good plan. I can do this.

  "No, it is not. You cannot."

  He ignored Auz’s warning. It had no idea how much Abyssmal energy he held, how strong he felt. Confident that he had the upper hand, Ean made his move.

  He charged, dodged the Fortralam’s arms as they flailed about. He positioned himself behind the beast and made sure to stay out of the creature’s sight as it spun about. From this spot, he was able to get a better view of Dao as the man held onto the Fortalam's back. The man looked like a spider trying to cling to a spinning wagon wheel.

  "Help!" Dao mouthed before the creature made a sharp jerk and almost dislodged him.

  Ean waited for his chance then launched a powerful punch straight at the Fortralam's knee.

  Ean was by no means an expert fighter, but his training with Jaan was paying off. Not only had his punches become accurate, he knew how to put strength into a blow, and with the added force of the Abyss behind it, he was a force to be reckoned with.


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