Enemies and Allies (Bound to the Abyss Book 3)

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Enemies and Allies (Bound to the Abyss Book 3) Page 10

by James R. Vernon

  "Then that's our destination. How about you head down there and make sure it’s still usable and I'll get Dao."

  "Sounds good."

  Ean sent a feeling of gratitude through their bond, then ducked his head and started making his way towards the back. People grumbled as he pushed his way through. Ean had seen the Seekers murder an innocent old man for having the faintest hint of the Abyss on him. No wonder the people of Rensen had tensed up at the woman’s arrival. At least some of them must wonder if they had somehow been touched without even knowing it. It was always possible some of his power had somehow leaked out . . .

  "No one move!" the Seeker yelled from the front of the inn. Through the crowd, Ean could see she had an amulet in her hand, a blue stone that reflected the light from the various lamps in the room.

  No, it didn't reflect the light. It was giving off light.

  Ean had seen a similar stone before. It had been around the neck of the Seeker named EliZane who had almost killed him and his friends. It had protected the Seeker from Ean's energy.

  "I'm sorry," Kaytlin said, backing towards the door. "Someone or something in here has been corrupted by the Abyss. Everyone here must be tested. If no one has been infected, then the offending object must be found. If you know anything, tell me now so that we can save the rest of the people here the trouble."

  Silence. Everyone stood perfectly still. Ean had to do the same or his movements would easily be seen. So he stood and watched as the Seeker removed a sword sheath at her back and slid it through the two door handles of the inn, barring them shut.

  "This building is now under lockdown until I proclaim otherwise. Anyone who moves towards this door puts their life at risk. Please do not force me to harm any of you unnecessarily. Now, one at a time, I need you each to approach. If you are tested and found clean, take a position in the back behind the bar. Would the owner of this establishment wish to step forward and go first?"

  "I'll go first!"

  Ean cringed as Azalea casually made her way through the crowd towards the Seeker. He sent as much anger and fear as he could through their bond. All he received in return was amusement. And a tint of apprehension. That was something at least.

  "I can't believe you own this inn," Kaitlyn said. "You look too young."

  "Why, thank you! So kind of you to say! It is true; I'm not an owner. I'm just a simple traveler passing through. If you don't mind, though, I'd like to settle this matter right away." The Yulari was only a few paces away from the Seeker now.

  "That is very brave of you, miss . . . "


  "Very well, Azalea. Step forward. I hope for your sake that you do not have the taint of the Abyss on you."

  "Oh dearie. I have much more than a taint on me."

  Gasps rippled through the crowd as the air around Azalea began to shimmer. In moments, the image of a simple human girl was replaced by a gorgeous pale, blue-skinned woman. The Seeker seemed frozen in place, her jaw dropped and eyes wide. Only for a moment though.

  "What in the--"

  Before Kaytlin got another word out, Azalea charged the woman. To the Seeker's credit, she was able to get her hands up in a defensive position and take a fighting stance before Azalea reached her. Which would have been helpful if the Yulari had planned on fighting her. Azalea seemed to have other plans. She ducked down as she charged, catching Kaytlin in the stomach with her shoulder. Not slowing down, Azalea lifted the Seeker off her feet and they both crashed into the locked door. The sword lodged between the handles held firm but the wood creaked from the impact.

  The sound of the impact broke the shock that had settled over the crowd. Screams and yells rang out in the crowded room and people ran in every direction except towards the battling women. Except Ean. As the room descended into chaos, he pushed his way through the crowd towards the door. He had no idea if Azalea would need his help or not, but he did know that if she killed the Seeker, the full weight of the temple of Alistar would be put towards hunting him down. It was a long shot, but if they could get out of the situation without anyone losing their life, he would say a prayer of thanks to all of the other deities.

  Breaking through the crowd, Ean found a circle of space between himself and the struggling women at the door.

  The Yulari let out a growl and then drove her shoulder into the Seeker again. This time, a jagged crack appeared in the wooden door and spread out from behind Kaytlin's back. When Azalea leaned back a third time, Ean actually believed she was going to put the Seeker through the door.

  Kaytlin had other plans.

  Ean watched as she used the space to wiggle enough out of Azalea's grip to move out of the way of the next thrust. Adding to the Yulari's momentum, Kaytlin added her own strength and slammed Azalea's head into the door.

  Azalea's head and shoulders smashed right through the door, lodging her in the wood. Her arms and legs went limp. Kaytlin took a few steps back, then reached over her shoulder and grabbed the hilt of her second sword.

  Ean charged her.

  Kaytlin ducked down, releasing the grip on her hilt, and struck Ean with a punch to his stomach. The blow floored him as the breath rushed from his body. He fell to his knees, and then Kaytlin’s kick to the chest put Ean on his back.

  "What are you doing?" Kaytlin yelled at him, each word coming out between ragged breaths. "Do you want to die?"

  Ean let out a few wheezed breaths of his own. It was all he could manage.

  "Are you under some sort of spell?" the Seeker continued. Her breathing had calmed and by her tone, so had her temper "Or are you one of those fools that thinks to make a name for themselves by confronting a Seeker?”

  Pausing for a moment to make sure Azalea hadn't shown any sign of movement, Kaytlin continued. "Regardless of your reasons, after I handle this monstrosity, you will be tested. If you do not show any signs of the taint of the Abyss, I will forgive this transgression. If you test positive . . . well, then you may take time now to pray to whatever gods you worship before I release you from this life."

  Keeping her eyes on Ean, the Seeker removed her second sword from the sheath on her back.

  "Wait . . . " Ean managed to get out.

  The Seeker ignored him. She walked over to Azalea's still form, holding her weapon in both hands. Ean struggled to get up, taking in as much energy now as he could. He tried to get to his feet but was still struggling to breathe.

  Flipping her blade point down, she raised it over Azalea's body.

  Ean crawled towards them both as fast as he could.

  Without warning, a dagger ricocheted off of the Seeker's shoulder armor, causing her to stumble backwards a few steps. After regaining her balance, Kaytlin shot a look past Ean that could have curdled milk. Ean followed her gaze and was relieved to see Daoshen standing a few paces away, throwing knives in each of his hands.

  "How dare you!" the Seeker screamed.

  "As much as I love a good fight," Dao replied in a flat tone, "I would hate to see either of you beautiful creatures mar those stunning features. How about we all sit, have a drink, and calm down?"

  "You all are clearly corrupted by the Abyss. I will calm down when I have dispatched the three of you."

  But that was long enough of a distraction for Ean to regain his feet. He rushed Kaytlin again. This time, she wasn't able to throw a blow or bring her sword in front of her body to block him. Ean grabbed the front of her armor with one hand, her sword arm with the other, and forced her back against the door. They were close enough that their faces almost touched. Ean found the cold steel of self-righteousness staring back at him.

  "Listen," he said as she struggled against his grip. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. Can we please--"

  A blow to his ribs and the accompanying pain caught him off guard. Glancing down, he found a dagger resting hilt-deep in between two of his ribs.

  "But . . . " he began, but couldn't bring in enough breath to continue to speak.

  "Anyone that supports a cr
eature of the Abyss must be destroyed." Her voice was low and cold, but a bit of sadness touched her eyes. "Whether you are at fault for what has happened here or not, I hope Alistar forgives you and Kaz'ren accepts you into the afterlife."

  Ean's grip weakened as the strength left his body. He tried to take in more energy, heal himself, but the blade remained lodged in his side. His legs grew weak, and he slumped against the Seeker to the point that she held him up now. Strength gone, his mind raced through what possibilities he had left. The last time he had faced a Seeker, he had been just as helpless. The psycho had manhandled him the entire fight, except when . . .

  Ean gathered all of the energy he held into his hands.

  "I'm . . . sorry . . . " he managed to whisper.

  "I forgive--"

  The energy of the Abyss rushed out of Ean's hands like water breaking through a dam. Before it could even touch the Seeker, it was drawn towards her chest. Where the amulet still rested on her chest. The amulet drew it in, drank it like a man dying of thirst would drink from a spring. And then--

  An explosion of energy crashed into Ean. He struggled to remain conscious as the force rocketed him into the air and away from the door. Arms and legs limp, he barely had time to comprehend what was happening before he crashed into the people still trying to escape the chaos of the room.

  The room was considerably darker, the force of the explosion having blown out many of the hanging lamps. Tables and chairs were scattered about, most overturned, those closest to the blast broken or completely destroyed. The walls near the door were covered in food as well as a few embedded chair or table legs. The floor where Ean and Kaytlin had been standing was splintered and warped. And all that remained of the front door were the broken hinges.

  Yells and screams assaulted his ears as bodies fell around and on top of him. Wetness touched his skin and clothes at various places in what his frayed mind could only hope was from spilled drinks and food. People struggled to crawl away from him, while others remained still. A man lay across his legs. Through blurry eyes, Ean could see a gash on the side of the man's head. It wasn't enough to cause concern, but the man wouldn't be getting up on his own. As gently as he could, Ean removed the man from across his legs and struggled to his feet.

  A dull throb rippled up his side. Glancing down, he found that the dagger was gone. Ean ran a hand gingerly over his side, feeling for the wound. He winced as his fingers brushed against his injury but was relieved to find his magic had reduced the wound to a shallow cut. As long as the magic was fixing him up on the inside as well, in a few more moments he would be fine. The common room of the inn, on the other hand, would take a lot more work.

  Looking around, Ean found most of the crowd had retreated to the space behind the bar. Even those that had been caught in the blast had limped or crawled their way to the back of the room. The few faces he could see peaking over the bar either had fear painted across their faces or looked on the verge of getting sick.

  Not seeing Dao among those cowered behind the bar, Ean returned his attention to the door. It was dark outside, but Ean could see a little bit of the street from the light of the lamps outside. The street in front of the inn was covered in the remnants of the door. He didn't see Azalea or the Seek, though. They both could be outside, injured. Or one could be about to murder the other.

  Gathering his strength, Ean decided to find out which and made his way out the door.

  Chapter 13

  Ean stuck his head out the door and glanced around. The dim light from the lamps and the three moons overhead cast the village in deep shadows. If the Seeker was still on her feet, he didn't want to get blind-sided by an attack. He had no desire to feel a blade in his back, so he crept out into the night like a stealthy thief. He could feel Azalea somewhere out there in the darkness but wasn’t getting any kind of emotion from her.

  At the end of an alley, he spotted a motionless lump. It only took him a moment for his eyes to focus on the form’s pale blue skin.

  “Azalea!” he cried out, any thought of being cautious fleeing from his mind. He ignored his throbbing wounds and sprinted to her side. With careful movements, he knelt at her side and gently turned her over, using his lap for a pillow to craddle her head. Her eyes were closed, cuts and bruises covered her pale blue skin. The beginning of a large bruise was starting to appear on her forehead. But she was breathing.

  "Azalea, wake up," he said, gently brushing her cheek with his hand.

  Her eyes didn't even flutter. Ean took a quick glance around, but the Seeker was nowhere in sight. That didn't mean she still wasn't close. He had to hurry.

  Ean gathered his strength and sent it through the bond while at the same time tried to draw in her pain. Within moments, the transfer took hold and he could feel the energy draining out of him. On top of his own aches, tiny jolts of pain began to spike all over his body. A dull, throbbing headache took hold of the front of his skull and grew in intensity. Ean's vision blurred as he fought against the desire to pass out.

  Azalea began to stir, her head rolling to the side as she moaned something. The cuts all over her body were closing up as well. Hopefully, in a little more time she--


  Ean's head shot up at the sound of the Seeker's voice. Kaytlin was leaning against the corner of a nearby building, one arm propped up against the wooden wall while the other was using a sword to keep her up. Black burn marks scored her armor, but she didn't have any physical injuries that Ean could see.

  "I don't know what you are, but I'm going to destroy you and that blue-skinned demoness."

  "Hold on a moment," Ean stammered. "Let's talk about this."

  Pushing off the wall, Kaytlin started to walk towards him. She was favoring her right leg.

  "You both are from the Abyss. That's all I need to know. I will erase you from this world before you corrupt it further."

  "I'm not from the Abyss and we weren't corrupting anything."

  Ean carefully moved Azalea's head off his lap, easing her back to the ground. He stood while continuing to send the Yulari his strength. If they were going to have any chance of getting out of this, Azalea would need to be able to move on her own. And where was Daoshen?

  "I would never believe anything coming from some Abyssmal spawn," Kaytlin growled. "You think I'm some weak-willed villager that you can confuse with mere words?"

  "I'm not--"

  "Enough." Lifting her sword, Kaytlin leveled it right at his chest. "In the name of Alistar, I will remove you from this land."

  Stubborn fanatic.

  Raising his hands in a defensive manner, Ean readied himself for the woman's attack.

  The Seeker lunged at him, driving her sword towards his hip. He twisted out of its way then ducked as Kaytlin spun backwards and swung the sword at where his neck had been moments before. Ean barely dodged a kick, missed with one of his own.

  The two danced around each other, the Seeker sending probing strikes with her blade, while Ean looked for an opening.

  He put everything he had into the fight. The energy of the Abyss added strength to his attacks. His bond with Azalea and the Hound gave him speed.

  But he might as well have been back at home sparring with Jaan.

  A punch aimed at her head only found air.

  A kick meant to knock the legs out from under her was brushed aside.

  Ean hopped out of the way of two quick swipes of her blade, the tip of her sword tugging at his clothing. The sword turned in her hand as she rose up for an overhead strike. He sidestepped the downward stroke and drove a punch into the leather armor covering her stomach.

  Pain shot up his arm and his knuckles cracked as what he thought was regular leather absorbed his blow. Even with his added strength, the blow only made the Seeker stumble back a few paces. Whatever material made up the material of the armor made it flexible like leather, but it felt like he had struck the side of a mountain.

  The bones in his hand throbbed. And while the tol
l of sending Azalea some of his energy and battling the Seeker was starting to wear Ean down, Kaytlin hadn't even broken a sweat. She stared at him with a grim determination, her dark green eyes seemed to glow in the lamplight.

  On the positive side, Ean had been able to move the fight away from where Azalea was laying on the ground. Whenever he dared risk a glance in the Yulari's direction he would catch her stirring, but he never got any hint of consciousness through their connection. If he had any hope of surviving this encounter, he would need her help.

  Or Dao's assistance.

  By the Abyss, he would take Zin providing a little distraction at this point.

  But for now he was on his own.

  Barely dodging another combination of sword thrusts, Ean decided to take another tactic. When Kaytlin paused her attack to readjust her stance, Ean leapt backwards. Bringing both his hands up, palms out, he imagined focusing the energy he held out in front of his body. Almost instantly, a hazel curtain of energy appeared in front of his body. It formed a wagon-sized wall of energy between Ean and Kaytlin. She paused in her tracks, her eyes narrowed as she took in the sight. With her eyes still locked on Ean, she gave the wall of energy a few pokes with her sword. When it didn’t penetrate, she gave it a hard whack. The energy held her blade at bay each time. Ean didn't even feel any pressure against his energy.

  Unable to breach the field, Kaytlin’s glare intensified.

  "I told you I don't want to fight," Ean said. "We are just passing through."

  "And where are you and your foul beast spreading your corruption next?"

  "You know, I don't think I want to tell you."

  "Insolent man. Wherever you go, the Seekers will find you."

  "We don't have to be enemies."

  "We are not enemies. The Abyss is the enemy. Anything connected to it is dangerous and needs to be destroyed before it can harm anyone else. You are no more my enemy than I would consider a rabid dog my enemy. You simply need to be destroyed."

  "Not everything from the Abyss is dangerous."


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