The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1) Page 1

by Delisa Lynn

  The Ocean

  Between Us

  A Benton Creek Novel

  By Delisa Lynn

  The Ocean Between Us

  Copyright © 2015 by Delisa Lynn.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: March 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-536-0

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-536-3

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  This book is dedicated to my Mamma Ella Lois thank you for always being there for me. You introduced me to reading when I was a teen and I have loved to read those smutty books as you always called them. I know you would be so proud of the woman, and author I have become. I love you and miss you so much. Happy Birthday in heaven.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six




  All kids love holidays. Most of our favorites are Christmas. There’s presents, family time, singing Christmas carols, and lots of cookies. My mom made the best peppermint chocolate chip cookies. We would spend the entire week before baking and sipping hot chocolate while watching holiday movies and cartoons. Frosty was my momma’s favorite. I always liked Rudolph.

  That wonderful holiday changed my life. In the blink of an eye, I lost everything that I knew and loved. I was a five-year-old whose world came crashing down on Christmas Eve. It was supposed to be a fun-filled night, and although it’s been thirteen years, I remember as if it was mere hours ago.

  I can hear, see, and smell everything from that night.

  The memories.

  The screams.

  It haunts me daily.

  “Mommy, my head hurts. Where are you?” I reach from the back seat. “Daddy!” I scream, when I don’t see him anywhere. Where is my daddy? He was driving us to the party at his friend’s house.

  “Come on, Hendlee, your grandma is on her way. I’m going to take you over here and make sure you stay warm,” a man says, grabbing my arm.

  “No…you’re a stranger. I can’t go with you!” I yell, my tears stinging the cuts on my face. I’m bleeding and my mom always fixes my ouchies.

  “I promise, I’m not going to hurt you, sweetie. My name is Wesley and I’m a policeman, just like your daddy. We work together. I’m here to help.” He takes my hand in his. “There are some blankets over here.”

  I allow him to lift me out of the car. The snow is still falling pretty hard. We’re on our way to my dad’s friend’s house. He’s having a Christmas party, and this is the first party I’ve ever been to with my daddy. Our tree has tons of gifts under it, and Daddy promised that after the party I can open two presents. Me and Momma spent the morning wrapping gifts and baking cookies for the party.

  “My mommy isn’t moving, is she okay?” I question when I see her lying in the front seat covered in blood. “Have you seen my daddy? That truck hit us and I don’t know what happened.”

  “Your grandparents are on their way and we’re going to go to the hospital to make sure you’re okay. Does anything hurt?” He picks me up and takes me over to a car.

  “How do you know my Maw and Paw are coming for me? And how did you know my name is Hendlee?” I ask as he drapes a warm blanket over my shoulders.

  “I’m friends with your dad. You were on your way to my house. I live right over there.” He points to a big house across the way. “This is Willis. He’s my brother and we work together. I saw the wreck and called him to come over.”

  “That truck hit us…”

  It’s so cold and I just want my mommy to wake up and help find Daddy. I don’t even want to go to the party now. The big truck that hit us is lying on its side, and my daddy’s car is in the tree.

  I hear sirens and see lights heading for us.

  “You stay here, I’m going to talk to your grandparents really quick. Okay?”

  He runs over to my Maw and Paw. After he speaks for a moment, my Maw falls to her knees. Paw bends down and picks her up. I hear the man tell them that my mommy and daddy are dead, that the other driver is dead too. He said that he saw it all, the truck barreling down the road and running right into us.

  I run over to my grandmother, straight into her arms. “Maw, are Mommy and Daddy okay?”

  “Baby, I’m so sorry. We need to get you to the hospital. Let me see you, are you bleeding anywhere else?” she asks. “We will get you checked out.” She lifts me up and I look back to see two men lifting my daddy from the ground. They place him on a bed and cover him with a black bag.

  “No, he can’t see with that bag on him!” I cry, screaming and kicking my grandma. “Daddy! Please, don’t take my daddy.”

  “Shh, sweetie. Maw has you and we will be okay. I promise you.” She hands me to my Paw, who hugs me tight and I hear his sobs.

  “Come on, sweet girl, Paw and Maw will make sure you are taken care of. You’re all we have left of them, baby girl.” He carries me to the car and buckles me in. I look back, watching as they take my parents away from me. I’ll never see them again.

  “I want my Momma and Daddy, Paw. Please, make them come back. I’ll be good I promise.”

  “Sweet girl, I wish I could. I wish I could.”

  It’s Christmas Eve; we were supposed to be having a party. All I asked Santa for was for my daddy not to work so much. He’s a policeman too, and he always works and never has time for me and Momma. Tonight was supposed to be our night together.

  There’s no way I can ever leave Benton Creek. It’s the forever home of my parents. I come and sit next to these cold stones daily. Placing my hand on the double monument, I trace the picture that sits directly in the middle of my parents embracing each other, Dad looking down at Mom as she smiles up to him. You can see the love in both of their eyes.

  “God, I miss you both so much. I started my senior year this week. I know you wanted me to attend college, but I can’t leave Maw. There’s so much I wish both of you could be here for. I better get going, I need to open the bakery. I love you both.”

  I wipe the tears from my cheek, climb back on my bicycle, and head toward Maw’s bakery, Sweet Baked Goods.

  Chapter One

  Clueless And Be


  I could tell she was upset from the text I received earlier. She storms through the library doors. Yep, she is pissed and her cheeks are bright red. She sits next to me, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder, and I get a whiff of her. She always smells delicious, like coconuts and flowers. I open my book to the page she needs and scoot it toward her.

  “Thought you could use the notes in here, I’ve highlighted them all.”

  “Thanks for helping me. I know there are other things you would rather be doing. I can’t believe that Mr. Talke gave me a D. How can he do that?” she pouts.

  Normally she gets perfect grades.

  “He hates me, but I’m going to pass his class, if I have to work day and night to do so.”

  Placing my hand on hers, I say, “He’s an ass, you got this. Would you like to have lunch with me after this?” I ask, and I know she’s going to give me the same ol’ ‘you should go out with your other friends’ routine.

  “No, I wouldn’t want to intrude on your plans. Plus, I need to study considering I’m getting bad grades these days.” She rolls her eyes and starts looking over my notes. “This is all you have, right?”

  “Yep. That’s all you’ll need anyways. Okay, well call me if you change your mind. Drop those in my locker when you’re done.”

  She’s had my combination code for years. I stand and she takes my hand, my body tensing at her touch. She has no idea how much I want her, or what her touch does to me.

  “Thanks for coming to my rescue, I owe you big time! You’re a lifesaver.” She flashes her dimples at me. I bend down and place a kiss on her cheek.

  “You’re welcome. You know I would do anything for you.” I toss my backpack over my shoulder and walk out of the library.

  She is my best friend, has been since we were five. Now at the age of eighteen, we’re both graduating this year. I’m going into the Navy, and she’s staying here. She has no clue how I feel about her. If I told her, it would only complicate things. She wants to stay here I want to explore the world. I know I’m going to regret not telling her. I look back through the door and see that she has her head buried in her book. She looks up and sees me gawking at her from the window. She winks and waves before going back to her book. God, I love her so much. So much that I’m going to walk away from her.

  I will never love any woman the way I love her.

  Chapter Two

  Summer’s End


  Quaid’s been my best friend since kindergarten. He’s amazing, handsome, and one of the greatest guys I’ve ever known. He’s decided to leave this comfort zone I call home. This town is all I know, and I honestly couldn’t imagine living outside of Benton Creek, Kentucky. He, on the other hand, wants to go out and explore the world. I don’t blame him, he’s always dreamt of traveling across the world. Other than Gemma, Quaid’s been my only best friend. We graduated high school last month, and going to college isn’t an option. Money’s always been an issue. It’s only my grandmother and me, and I never planned on attending college because I knew she couldn’t really afford it, although she has told me time and time again that she would send me to whatever college I wanted to attend.

  I can’t leave my Maw either. She owns the best bakery in town, Sweet Baked Goods. Both my parents died when I was five. My paternal grandmother is all I have and I’m all she has. The only other family is my mom’s sister, my Aunt Bea, and her daughter Rea, but they move around a lot. My grandparents opened the bakery in the eighties. It’s pretty old, and needs a facelift. I’ve worked in the bakery since I was old enough too. Gemma works with me. Well, I should say she gets paid to keep me company and watch all the guys go by. There aren’t many new guys here. Living in a small town, everyone knows everyone, and knows all of your business. Though I try to stay to myself, I work in the only bakery within a hundred mile radius, and it’s hard to keep a low profile. People are nosy, and everyone in this small town is always in someone else’s business.

  “Hey, what are you over there thinking about?” Quaid asks, sitting down in front of me.

  I jump back, startled. I didn’t even hear him walk in.

  Just you, like always.

  “Nothing really,” I lie. It’s easier than explaining that I was thinking about him leaving and how much I want to be with him.

  “I leave next week. I’ll be in training for a few months. My dad is kind of pissed though. He thought I’d be able to help on the farm more this summer before I leave. He’s worked my ass off the last few months. If I never have to shovel shit or toss a bale of hay again, I wouldn’t be sad.”

  “So this is really what you want to do? You know there’s no turning back, right?” I say matter-of-factly. “It’s going to be a long journey. You never know, you may miss the farm.”

  “Hend, you know this is what I want. Hell, I can’t believe you don’t want to leave this shithole.” He takes a sip of his Cherry Coke. “You going to spend the rest of your life living behind that apron?” He traces his finger along my hand that’s lying on the counter. “Don’t get me wrong, I love Benton Creek. I may come back when I’m old and gray, but right now, I want to see the world. I want to help others.”

  “Yes,” I snap. “This is my life. I don’t see why you hate it here so much. You could always get a job with Bryan in the coal mines, or with Jason at the plastics factory. Hell, maybe Clive’s dad can hire you at the meat market. Travel the world in a few years. This place isn’t so bad, you know.”

  He laughs, running his hand along the rim of his glass. “Yeah, I know. And I don’t hate it, Hend, I just want to explore the world now. There is so much opportunity with the Navy. I would be dumb to pass this up. It may not be forever.” He pauses, looking at his phone. “I have to get going. I’m meeting my dad at the hardware store. Want to hang out tonight?” He takes money out of his wallet and lays it in front of me. “This should cover the soda and your tip.”

  “I’m closing up tonight. Maybe after then?” I wipe at a clean spot on the counter that doesn’t need wiping then I pick up his glass and pretend to be busy when all I can do is think of him leaving me.

  “Okay, see ya then.” He kisses my cheek as he always does and walks out the door.

  I miss him already.

  “You know, maybe you should tell that boy how you feel,” Maw says, coming up behind me.

  She’s always sneaking around.

  “Maw, he and I are two different people. We come from two different worlds and you know that. Of course I have feelings for him; he’s been my best friend for years. That’s all he’ll ever be though. He wants a life outside of here, and I want to stay here. This is my home. I love our house and the bakery. I plan on living there and working here as long as you’ll allow me to.”

  “Hendlee Ann, don’t you stand there and lie to your maw. Child, I know you love that boy. You ogle over him the way I did your Paw. He was kind of like him, ya know? Smart, ready to leave this place. We left once, then we came right back. That’s when we opened this place. That was many moons ago. And as long as I have a home, so will you. This bakery will always be yours.”

  Paw worked in the coal mines for nearly forty years. He died five years ago. Cancer. Maw hasn’t been the same since.

  “I need to make some more muffins for the lunch hour,” I said. I knew what we had would be enough, but I didn’t want to sit there talking about my feelings for Quaid Castings with my grandmother, of all people.

  “You can’t stay hidden behind me and this bakery all your life. You go. I’m going to finish everything. Your Aunt Bea will come in and help.” She takes a muffin pan from my hands.

  “Fine, I’ll go. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

  “Hendlee Ann, you get out of here.” She swats my behind. “Go, before I call that boy myself.”

  “Geesh…I’m going.” I take my apron off as I walk toward the back room. Snatching my purse from the counter, I walk back toward my Maw, give
her a quick peck on the cheek, and stroll out into the warm weather.

  I am even more confused today than I was yesterday.


  It’s June and the weather’s very humid. We live about a mile from the bakery. I don’t have a car and I hate riding my bike in this heat, so I walk most of the time, unless Gemma or Quaid gives me a ride. Maw hates driving and only does so when she has to. She would prefer to walk everywhere she can. As hot as it is, the mile I’m walking today feels like ten. I’m about halfway there when my phone rings. I pull it out of my backpack and answer it.


  “Hello!” Gemma says in her sing-song voice. “You coming to the party tonight?”

  “Umm…no, I told Quaid I’d hang out with him tonight.”

  “Maybe you should wear something sexy. Let him rotate those tires before he leaves.” She laughs. “But if all else fails, you can come hang out with me and Rea. She said she wanted to spend time with all of us before she leaves.”

  “Stop, you know it’s nothing like that,” I lie, because I really want him to do just that. “I’ll call you later, if it’s not too late. Let her know that we’ll catch up before she goes.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Unless you want to die a virgin, then I suggest you let Mr. Q have some of the goods.” She giggles. “I’ll let Rea know though.”

  “You’re such a bitch. I have to go. I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, hooker,” she taunts.

  I shove my phone back in my pocket. She is annoying sometimes.

  Maybe she’s right. Hell, I’ve never even been kissed. I’ve never really thought about boys. Well, other than Quaid. He’s always been handsome, but I only noticed how handsome he was a few years ago. We’ve always been just friends.


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