The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1) Page 13

by Delisa Lynn

  “I’m excited to have you back. It’ll be just like old times.”

  I pull into Clive’s parents’ driveway, and see that he’s been working on his old car. It’s a 1960 Corvette Roadster. He loves that thing. It belonged to his uncle who was killed in the Army and had been passed down to Clive. I have to admit, it’s a nice car, I’d just be too lazy to put all the work into it.

  “She still running good?” I ask Clive. I know it’s a dumb question because he has always kept her running good.

  “You know it. I just like working on her. She doesn’t talk back, and she’ll never leave me.”

  We climb into my truck and slam the doors shut. I put it in drive and head off to the store. Clive looks out the window. I know something’s been bothering him.

  “You bringing Emma to the wedding?”

  “Nah, she and I aren’t on speaking terms at the moment. She was too clingy, and that’s just not my style.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’ll have Gem to dance with.” I throw a wink at him. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with her.”

  “She’s still hurting over Bryan. It’s only been a few weeks. I’m worried about her, and she’s been having nightmares. She’s taking some medication and I’m afraid that she is overusing it.”

  “You’re staying with her at night?” He nods. “It’s good that she has you. I know she loves you, man. It may be too soon, but do not let her get away this time. You’ve loved her for so long, brother.”

  “Yeah, the love she has for me isn’t the same that I have for her. If it was she would’ve been engaged to me and not Bryan. ”

  “Shit, man, I knew you still had feelings for her.”

  He’d been in love with her when we were kids, but had never acted on his feelings.

  “She’s my Hendlee, and although Bryan was my friend, I still loved her hoping that one day she would eventually be mine. Does that make me a selfish bastard?” He cocks his head, looking at me for approval.

  “If you want her, tell her. She loved Bryan, I know she did. They weren’t always happy though.”

  “I’m gonna sound like a real big pussy, but I’m afraid of losing her. Her friendship means the world to me. I would hate to disrespect Bryan, but I honestly think that things were rocky between them. All of her stuff was already in boxes at their house and she keeps saying his death was her fault.”

  He has a point. I wouldn’t know what to do. I do know I would haunt his ass if he went after Hend if I were to die.

  “Do you think they were split up?”

  “Not sure. But I know she needs me, so I’ll be right there for her.”

  “Take each day as it comes, and time will tell if it’s meant to be.”

  Clive chuckles. “When did you get so wise?”

  “I did a lot of growing up in five years, man.”

  “I think that you have at that. Hell, I’m just happy to have you back. Benton has been so boring without you, brother.”

  I pull into the parking lot outside Mosley’s Boots and we walk inside. They have the best cowboy boots in Kentucky. My dad used to bring me here every few months, and we would both get new boots or hats. My dad is a farmer, but he loves to honkytonk and wear his boots and jeans. Let’s not forget about those huge cowboy hats. My dad likes to dress in style.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  This House Will Only Be A Memory


  Gemma is helping me pack up for my impending move to the new house, and she’s just tried on her maid of honor dress.

  “Gemma, it looks fine. I promise, you look stunning.” She’s flipping out. I picked her dress out when Quaid and I were at the mall. “I really thought you would like it. We can go and get another if you want.”

  “No, I’ll make this one work. I just need new boots. The guys are at the boot store, aren’t they?” She pulls her phone out. “I’m going to text Clive and ask him to pick me up a pair of cowgirl boots that’ll match this dress.”

  “Okay. You and Clive have become super close the last few weeks, haven’t you?”

  She’d always had a crush on him, but neither of them had acted on their feelings.

  “He’s a good friend,” she snapped.

  “Just saying, Gem. No need to be so defensive with me. I’m on your side for everything you do.” Our hands intertwine. “You will eventually move on, love.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be a bitch. I know there’s something there, you know, between he and I. I just don’t know if it’s too soon. I loved Bryan, and I miss him so much. But he isn’t coming back and things were…never mind. You’re right, I’ll need to move on.”

  “Like I said, I’m here for whatever you need. I will always be team Gem Stone.” I chortle and smack her ass. Her phone buzzes and she checks her text message.

  “He’s going to pick my boots up. Problem solved. Are you sure that Arie’s going to be here for the wedding?”

  “She said she would be. She took some time off from her classes.” Arie grew up with us, but was attending college in Missouri.

  “Good, because I really think she’ll look fab in this dress. So this guy, Que’s Navy buddy? Do you know anything about him?” Gemma asks casually, looking through the clothes.

  “Not much. He’s from California. He’s single. I did ask that.” I wink.

  “You asked if he was single? Why would you go and do that, Miss Innocent?” She tosses a pillow at my head. “I’m not ready.”

  “Just curious was all. You don’t have to be. My Maw never moved on after Paw died.”

  I always wondered why she didn’t. Maw was a beautiful and smart lady. She told me before she passed that she never regretted not moving on because her heart would have never loved another man as much as she loved my granddad.

  “Well, I know that Arie is single—she may snag up the Navy man,” Gemma jokes.

  “As long as she stays away from Clive?” I push.

  I know she wants him. She is mourning over Bryan, and maybe right now isn’t the time for her to move on, but I don’t want her to be alone. She needs a man in her life and that man should be Clive.

  She rolls her eyes. “Stop. Clive and I are just friends. Like you and I are.” She finishes rifling through the clothes. “Oh this is hot, Hendlee. Are you wearing this on your wedding night?” She holds up the two-piece nightie I purchased when I was at the mall.

  “Give me that. I didn’t know it was in there.” My cheeks are turning red.

  “No need to get embarrassed. Remember, I know where you keep your battery operated friend.” Her eyes dart toward my nightstand.

  “You’re a bitch.” I sit down on the bed. “It’s not there anymore, I moved it in case Bristol ever opened the drawer.”

  “You dirty girl, I knew you still had it. I also knew Jason wasn’t hitting that spot that made your toes curl.”

  “How the hell do you know that?” I ask, although she’s correct. Sex with him was so boring, I never got off. The only orgasms I got were when I used my own hand. Let’s just say I got good at rotating my wrist.

  “I know these things. Don’t forget I know some girls that slept with him.”

  “You didn’t? Did you?”

  “Heavens no. I wouldn’t touch him with your crotch. I never liked him. You know this small town, though. Everyone knows everyone’s business. I know that Jason Faulks has a tiny dick.”

  I can’t control my laughter and fall down on the bed in a fit of giggles. “You’re too much. But the rumors are very true, although I’ve only seen two penises in my life. Quaid’s is much larger than Jason’s.”

  I hadn’t really thought much about it until I was back with Que, and there’s a huge difference. Pun intended.

  “Enough talk about shlongs, I don’t have one.” Gemma frowns and burst into tears.

  “Oh sweets, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think.” I pull her into an embrace. “You’ll find another shlong. Shit, man. I mean man.”

am so bad at this. I really don’t know how she is going to cope and move on. Although Quaid wasn’t dead, I still had to move on and it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. This situation is different because Que came back, Bryan will not.

  “You said shlong.” Gemma bursts into giggles. “Please never say that again. There are some words that certain people shouldn’t say and that is your word not to say.” She laughs and grabs some clothes from the bed. “Okay, we need to get your crap packed so I can start redecorating my new house.”

  “Are you sure you want to buy this house, Gem?”

  “Absolutely. I told you, I love this house and I can start remodeling as soon as you get your crap out. Quit being Debbie Downer. This is what you’ve dreamt of your entire life. You’re marrying the man of your dreams and I get a house that I love.”

  “Someday you will too.”

  And I know she will—find someone who makes her heart flutter.

  “Please, my man Channing Tatum is happily married.” She smirks and hip checks me.

  “You’re a hot mess. Let’s get these clothes downstairs. When Quaid comes back we’re heading to the house. Do you want to keep the furniture?”

  “I’m getting all new. Daddy said he would buy me whatever I wanted so why not take him up on his offer?”

  “I don’t blame you. I would too.”


  We finish taking all my clothes downstairs and I see the front door is open. I know I closed it earlier, so maybe the wind blew it open. I set the box I am carrying down on the steps and walk over to the door, shutting it back. On my way into the kitchen, my heart jumps out of my chest. I can’t even open my mouth to form words.

  “Looks like you’re moving right along with your new life,” Jason bites out. “You want to give up all that we shared to move on with that ass Castings?” He laughs harshly. “Baby, he never wanted you then, and now he only wants you because of Bristol. This isn’t about you. Come on, Hendlee, you and I both know you aren’t his type. You’re broke and shameless.”

  “I would suggest you get out of my house before I call the law.” I back up so that I can head for the front door. “Just go, Jason. You know you were the one that lied to all of us. Then you have the nerve to show up here, and make like it was all Quaid. You’re something else, Faulks. You’re garbage and I fucking hate you.” I clutch my phone, ready to call the police.

  “No need to involve the law, I’m going to get out of here. Just let my words sink into that pretty little head of yours. You know I’m right. You belong with me, and this isn’t over.” He kisses my cheek and I jump back, hitting my head on the wall.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Gemma screeches, glaring at Jason. “You have your fucking nerve, douchebag. I suggest you go before I castrate you with a kitchen knife.”

  “Nice to see you too, Gemma. I sure miss Bryan. I’ll bet you do too.”

  No he didn’t. What a dick.

  “Hendlee, I’m going to cut his balls off with one of your fancy knives. I’ll buy you more.” She leaps for the knife block on the kitchen counter.

  “You bitches are crazy. I’m going, no need to chop anything off. Hendlee, I’ll be in touch about visitation with my daughter.” He smirks and walks out the back door.

  “I hate him. I cannot believe that he had the balls just to stroll in here. He must’ve known Quaid isn’t here.” Gemma pulls me into a hug. “Don’t let him get to you today.”

  “He said something that made sense though,” I whisper around the lump in my throat. “He said Que is only with me because of Bristol.”

  “The hell he is. That man loves you so much. Don’t let Jason put shit in your head, that’s what he wants to do. He’s trying to make you think Quaid doesn’t want you.”

  “You’re right, he’s just being an ass. I hate him. I’m going to call and check on Bristol, and make sure Mr. and Mrs. Castings don’t let Jason see her.”

  “I’m sure they won’t. You do that, and I’m going to start loading the U-Haul.”

  “Be careful.”

  She rolls her eyes. I know she isn’t afraid of anyone or anything. She would always walk home after dark and go places alone, and me…well, I’m afraid of my own shadow.

  After speaking with Mrs. Castings, she informs me that everything is fine and they will not allow Jason anywhere near Bristol. I know she is safe there, it’s just that I’ve never had anyone since Maw died. It’s only been Bristol and me, and Gemma, Bryan, and Clive. Having Quaid’s parents in our lives now is something new that I have to learn to cope with. They have helped so much in the last few weeks, and Bristol has opened up to them just as she did with her daddy.

  I feel bad that they didn’t know about her, but I can’t change the things that happened. I can only move forward and hope that with time they’ll all see why I did what I did and forgive me. I was young and confused, and Jason feeding me lies sure didn’t help.

  Quaid and Clive are pulling up. I know he is going to be pissed about Jason being here. I really don’t want them fighting but I can’t keep this from him. In fact, Gemma has more than likely already texted Clive about the situation, and if so, he’s already told Que. I walk out to the moving truck and see that Gemma has all the clothes and Bristol’s bed loaded.

  “You work quick. Was I on the phone that long?”

  “No. Quit slacking, I want to get you outta my new home.”

  “You really trying to get rid of me?” I tilt my head to the side and cross my arms. “Gemma Stone, I am looking for a new best friend.”

  “Go ahead. Good luck finding one as good as me. Who else would castrate and chop up a man then hide the body for you?”

  “You would do that for me?” I hold my stare.

  “Hell yeah, I would. You know it too. I was ready to chop Jason into tiny pieces and feed him to the Harolds’ dogs.”

  “Please tell me you’re joking. I need you here, not in prison.”

  “We’ll never know. But if Jason comes up missing, don’t blame me.” She nods toward Clive and Quaid, who are looking up the road. “I would go talk to that fuming man over there.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Que wraps his arms around me. “I hate that he thinks he can just come and talk to you and my daughter when he wants. I know he’s been here the last few years but it’s been under false pretenses. He should’ve never been here for you or her. I would’ve been had he not lied his way in. In fact, I think we need to file for a restraining order. If not, I’m going to kill him.”

  “He just startled me, that’s all. I don’t think we need a restraining order. That won’t be necessary. He was a bit of an ass though. He tried telling me that you’re only with me because of Bristol. I know that’s not true, is it?” I tried to make it a statement but it came out more as a question. Quaid cocks his head and his jaw tightens. “I mean I know that’s not true,” I clarify.

  “You know I love you. I did before I even knew we had a daughter. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids, Hend. Don’t ever let his words make you doubt our love. He’s trash, and I think someone needs to teach him a lesson or two.”

  “For the record, he has loved you since we were in elementary school!” Clive booms from the inside of the moving truck. We both look at him. “What? You have! Hell, the only one that didn’t see it was you, Hend.” He shrugs and continues moving boxes around.

  “Let’s get the rest of this stuff loaded,” Quaid says. “I have a surprise for you.”

  I grin. “What kind of surprise?” My eyes dip toward his thighs.

  “You naughty girl, not that. Trust me, though, we can get a quickie in the house one last time.”

  “Hey! No more screwing in my house, I’m signing the papers tomorrow,” Gemma teases. “Go get your own room and leave mine alone.”

  “We can definitely christen your new home for you, Gem,” Quaid taunts.

  “Get out of here. You two are like two horny teenagers. I feel like I’m back in high sc
hool watching you two. Let’s go, you need to feed us. We’ve been working our tails off while the two of you have been shopping.” She grips Clive’s arm and pushes him inside the moving truck. “You drive.” She points to Quaid and me. “You two stop at MayBell’s and pick up some sandwiches. Please.”

  I hope she isn’t starving, because right now, I’m going to give Quaid a quick lunch that doesn’t involve food.

  “We will. You two go on ahead of us.” Quaid sinks his teeth into my neck. “I’m hungry for more than a sandwich,” he breathes into my ear.

  Holy hell, I’m wet already.

  “I think I just came.”

  “You will be coming more than once, now get your ass in the house.” He swats my behind and I feel my pussy clench.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Moving In...And On


  “Yes, oh God, yes! Right there, harder!” I thrust deep into her and she moans.

  “You feel so good, baby. Your pussy is heaven.” I feel my release pulsating through my balls. My body tenses my legs start to tingle. I pour myself into her. “I love you so much.” I kiss her flushed cheeks.

  “Hmm, I need a nap now.” She giggles as I lie next to her. “You think they’re pissed that we haven’t brought lunch yet?”

  “Clive’s called me twice it looks like. We better skip the nap and take lunch to our friends.”

  “Damn them,” Hendlee whines. “Well I guess they are moving my stuff, so it’s only fair that we feed them.” She hops out of bed and heads to the bathroom. “I’m going to clean up real quick.”

  I rise to my feet and follow behind her.

  “Oh no,” she says. “You wait or we will never get out of here.”

  “Fine, I’ll text and see what kind of sandwiches they want. You get cleaned up.”

  Me: What kind of sandwiches?


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