The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1) Page 16

by Delisa Lynn


  Benton Creek Will Always Be Home.


  It’s been eight months since I left for my last tour. The entire time I hoped and prayed I made it back to my family. My wife, my daughter, and my parents. Every day there is always that what if in the back of my mind. I managed to make it back to the States, now I just need to get back to Kentucky and spend the rest of my life making my woman happy. I’m finally on my way home. Being away from my wife and daughter has been so hard, though I know it’s made us stronger. I’m heading to Chicago to pack up the rest of my things, and then I’m going home. If you had asked me last year if Benton Creek was my home, I would’ve said hell no. But after learning about Bristol, and just being back in the presence of Hendlee, it’s made everything we’ve endured worth it.

  Once I land in Chicago, I hail a cab to my condo. Everything is packed up and ready for the movers to come and get it. Sago is going to keep the furniture. I was glad he wanted it, since I really didn’t want to move it all the way to Kentucky.

  Taking a quick shower, I find a fresh towel that I haven’t packed yet. Looking in the fridge, I see there are some beers; thank God they’re still good. The milk, on the other hand, has turned into a gallon of cottage cheese.

  Taking a long pull from my beer, I pull my phone out and hit Hendlee’s name.

  “You make it in okay?”

  I love her voice. She’s sweet and to the point.

  “Hey, baby, so good to hear your voice. I did, I showered, and now I’m having a beer. The movers will be here around eight in the morning, and my flight leaves at noon. I can’t wait to see you, hold you, and spend every morning waking up to you.”

  “I miss you so much, Que. Bristol has so much she wants to show you. She and Clive built a treehouse in our favorite tree.”

  “That’s great, I bet she loves it. You know that tree is sentimental to us, right?” I wonder if she remembers the day I kissed her on her cheek. I remember it vividly.

  “You can’t hide out here, your Maw will be looking for you.”

  “Quaid Castings, don’t you dare tell me what I can and cannot do. I don’t want to go home. I always mess everything up. I almost burnt the bakery down, Maw would’ve never forgiven me.”

  I pull her close to me, and hug her tight.

  “Stop that, it wasn’t your fault. Things like that happen. How were you to know the oven’s cord had a short? You didn’t, so quit blaming yourself.”

  “What if Maw blames me?” Her lips quiver and her eyes fill with more tears. “I could’ve killed us all.”

  “You didn’t, though. Everything is okay. Let’s get you home, it’s freezing out here. My granddad is going to come and wonder what’s going on. He heard me yelling your name.” I kiss her cheek. “I love you, Hendlee, and you’re going to be fine.”

  She smiles and walks toward the main house with me.

  “The day I thought I’d burned the bakery to the ground…”

  She does remember.

  “I’m ready to be home with you,” I say softly.

  “And I’m ready for you to be here with us. You’ll be here tomorrow? I’m ready to keep you in bed for days.”

  “Tomorrow, yes. Being in bed with you sounds so good.”

  “Get some sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay, have a good night. Love you.”

  “We love you too, call me in the morning.”

  “Will do.”



  I’ve been waiting for this day for months, the day my husband is home for good. He left a few days after we were married and I haven’t seen him since. One thing I knew was that he would be back in my arms. That’s what got us through all these months. Bristol tells me daily that her daddy will be back soon.

  “Daddy’s across the ocean, but will sail back to us.”

  She’s such a smart girl. She starts kindergarten this year and I know she will do great.

  Quaid’s been gone a little over eight months. A lot can change in that time. The house has been completely re-done and we’re working on the bakery. It’s been weird not seeing Que all this time, or having him involved in the remodel. His dad and Clive have helped me with everything. I was a little worried as this was Albert’s family home and we are tearing walls down and building new ones. But he loves it, and he and Elisha are a huge part of our day to day lives. It feels so good to have them back in my life and Bristol adores them. Gemma has started re-doing her home, my grandparents would love what she has done to it. It looks so much better now. Quaid’s written whenever he can, but Bristol and I have written him every single day. Him coming home today worked out perfectly.

  Jason has actually left us alone. I was a little worried, but we ran into him a few days after the wedding and Quaid made it clear to him that he is to stay away from all of us. He hasn’t even come to the bakery. I still talk to his sister, she and I are pretty close. She didn’t know he had lied about everything. Thankfully, Bristol hasn’t asked about him either. She did at first, but since the day he picked up his things she hasn’t mentioned his name.

  I finish getting all the decorations together and make sure that all the food is ready.

  “Momma, when is my brother going to be here?” Bristol asks from the kitchen counter. She and Gemma are making fruit salad.

  “In one month. Thank you for not telling Daddy.”

  “He will see today, your belly is so big.”

  “I know, I wanted him to see when he came home.” I laugh at all the times I had to stop her from blabbing. I had everyone promise me they wouldn’t tell him. He didn’t need to worry about us while he was away.

  “Okay, ladies—looks like they are heading down this way now. That was Clive texting me.” Gemma snatches Bristol off the counter.

  “Yay! My daddy is coming home. For good!” Bristol shrieks. She does a little happy dance and Gemma joins in with her. It’s been rough the last few months. She has been worried and asked every day if her daddy was for sure coming back to us.

  “Yes, for good, pumpkin.” I step into the bathroom and make sure that my hair and make-up are good, and pick up the large sign we made, which covers my large stomach.

  “Let’s go get your man.” Gemma takes my arm and we walk out onto the porch. “You’ve been waiting for this day for eight months, girlie. Now he can go get your Reese’s Cups when you crave them and I’m off the hook. He is officially your new wing man.”

  “Bitch please, you will always be my wing woman. I really love you and I hope you know I would do anything for you.”

  “I know. Why do you think I haven’t divorced you yet? You’ll always be my main squeeze.” She hugs me.

  I stare out over the trees and into the lake. Every day I walk down by the water and pray for Quaid to come back to us. I would pray that the ocean he sailed would eventually bring him back to us. That the ocean between us would become a memory that we would tell our grandkids about. I look up and mouth, “Thank You.”

  It’s May and the weather is turning warm and the flowers are coming up. The trees have green leaves again. I love it here, it’s home. Now as soon as my husband gets here, I’ll love it even more.

  I see Clive’s truck heading down the driveway. Bristol and Gemma run out onto the yard. I make sure the sign is covering my bump and stand on the steps while the guys climb out of the truck. Quaid’s hair is shorter than it was eight months ago and he looks bulkier. He picks Bristol up and loves on her. He walks up to me and I have to contain myself from jumping in his arms.

  “Hey handsome, it’s so good to see you.” I wink.

  “Give me some love, woman,” he growls.

  “I have a surprise for you.” I move the sign and his eyes bulge. “I had to bribe Bristol not to tell you.”

  Ice cream daily and a new toy every time we go into town. I played right into her little hands.

  “We’re having a baby?” His voice cracks on the last wo
rd. I nod shyly. He kisses me tenderly; the kiss I’ve been waiting for the last eight months.

  “Oh, and he’s a boy, by the way. He’s due on June first.”

  “Little Quaid?”

  “If that’s what you want. I was thinking Quaid Junior would be perfect. Maybe call him CJ.”

  “CJ? Castings JR. Hmmm. It is perfect, and so are you.”

  “I’m glad you came back to us.”

  I’m so blessed. I have the life that I’ve dreamt of since I was a teenager, the man I yearned for every day for the last five years, and the man that makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. He makes me feel like I am his world.

  “This is where I’m supposed to be, right here with my girls. You’re my anchor, baby. You keep me grounded.”

  And I always will, for as long as I live. I will always be the anchor that holds our family together.

  The End

  ***Sneak Peek***

  The Past

  Between Us

  A Benton Creek Novel, Book 2

  By Delisa Lynn

  Chapter One


  My life is a fucking disaster right now. I’m in love with my dead fiancé’s friend. Well, make that ex-fiancé…We broke up the night before he died. No one knows, I hadn’t even told Hendlee yet. We broke up, and the next day, he died. I haven’t been able to tell our friends. I need to tell them the truth, but I can’t right now. Yeah, I know that sounds bad, right? How can I even be human? Who falls in love with the friend? Me, that’s who. The thing is, I’ve always been in love with the friend.

  I watch him talking to the other guests, and there’s this one chick that has had her eye on him all night. I take another swig from my wine, I think it’s my fourth glass…maybe my seventh. Oh hell, who’s counting anyways?

  “Excuse me.” I tap the bimbo on the shoulder. “I want to dance with my friend.”

  “Um, okay sure.” She looks at me as if she could smack me.

  “I think you’ve had way too much to drink, Gem,” Clive says in a low voice, pulling me close to him. His scent alone is enough to make me swoon. I lean in closer, letting him hold me.

  “Nope, clearly I haven’t had enough.” I place my head on his chest. “Who is she?”

  “Who? Mary?”

  “The blonde bimbo.”

  “She’s an old friend. She’s Quaid’s cousin.”

  “Do you like her?”

  “No, we were just dancing.”

  “Like you and I are dancing?”

  He pulls back. “What’s up, Gem?”

  “Let’s get outta here. They won’t miss us.” I rub my hands down his back.

  “They will, and I’m not going anywhere with you while you’re this drunk.”

  “I’m not drunk. I can go see if Sago would like to get outta here with me.” I push him back and he stumbles.

  “You’re not leaving with anyone.”

  “You’re not my dad. I can do as I damn well please.”

  “This isn’t the place, Gemma. This is Quaid and Hendlee’s day. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.”

  “Why? So you can run? Like you did in high school? I told you I loved you then. I asked you to be with me and you stood me up. You never showed and then pretended as if nothing happened. Do you know how much it hurt to see you with those other girls?” I wipe the tears from my face. “That’s why I started dating Bryan…to piss you off. Then I fell in love with him.”

  “Sweets, this isn’t the place. Let’s go talk.”

  “If you’re going to be a real man and make me come all night, then let’s go. If not, then buzz off, I’m a girl on a mission.”

  “Goddamnit, go. Take your ass over there and we’re going to talk. Right now, I’m going to tell Hendlee that you’ve had too much to drink and I’m taking you home. Don’t you even think about looking at Sago, or I will spank you.”

  “Spank me? I didn’t know you got down like that, Clive. Big farm boy, likes whips and chains, eh?” The thought of him spanking me has me ready to bend over and let him have at it.

  “Don’t move, I’ll be back.” He places me in a chair and I look down and see that my hands are shaking. I have wanted him to want me for so long, and now I’ve just made an ass of myself.

  He walks back toward me, his flannel unbuttoned. I can see the white tee that he has on under it peeking through. I would love to be that t-shirt, stuck to his hot, sweaty torso. Pulling on every inch of his muscles.

  “Come on, I’m taking you home.”

  Oh please take me home, and fuck me senseless. That’ll be the day I can finally get everything I’ve dreamt of since I learned about sex. I’ve always wanted one night. One night of Clive filling me, making me whole. Making me want him to stay buried in me for days.

  I guess that I’ll have to do what he says right now, then maybe…just maybe he will finally give in and quit fighting his feelings for me.


  I can’t believe Gemma is acting like this. She is drunk off her ass and more than likely has a few Xanax in her system. There’s no way she’s leaving this place with anyone other than me.

  I pull Quaid aside. “Sorry, man, I’m going to cut out early. Gemma is drunk, and she needs to sleep it off.”

  “No worries, take care of her man. You taking her home or to the cabin?”

  “The cabin. If you need anything call me. Tell Hendlee where we went so she doesn’t worry.”

  I feel so bad. This is their day and she is acting foolish, I hate to see her ruin it for them. I know she is hurting, but booze and pills aren’t the way to fix it.

  Walking back in, I see that Gemma is dancing with Rodney. He is older, but he doesn’t care. He smirks when I get closer to them. I place my hand on her elbow and gently nudge her forward until we are outside. We are halfway down the yard before she even opens her mouth.

  “You finally ready for me, baby?” she slurs.

  “Yep, I’m going to take you home, feed you, and put you in the damn bed. Gemma, I know you better than this. Why are you acting this way? I think you should quit taking those pills, they aren’t helping you.”

  She pulls away from me when we reach my truck. “You don’t know shit, Greer.” She opens the door, climbs in the truck, and slams it in my face. “Those pills make me feel like I’ll be okay,” she whispers.

  “We will talk about this when you’re sober. I know more than you think, and this act you’re pulling isn’t cute at all.”

  Backing out of the yard, I head down the main road.

  “You’re so boring. I just want to have fun, feel something for once.” Her hand rubs my thigh. “It was always you I wanted,” she whispers.

  “That’s not happening tonight. We’ll talk about this later. But not while you’re intoxicated.”

  She moves her hand, cupping my dick. “You sure I can’t help you out with some relief?”

  “Jesus,” I groan. Her hand goes to my zipper. My cock springs out, begging for her touch. “Don’t make me pull this truck over, Gemma Stone.”

  “Oh please do. I think your dick wants you to as well.” She snorts.

  Yeah my dick is a traitor. He’s so fucking hard, I can feel the pre-cum dripping from the tip.

  “Come on, I want you so bad, Clive. I’m not that drunk, and I haven’t taken any pills since last night.”

  “You’re not ready for this.” I drive faster, praying like hell I can keep it together and make it to my cabin before I lose my shit. Her hand is stroking me, and she is looking at me like she wants to fuck me right here.

  “You’re so much bigger than I imagined. I’ve dreamt of you fucking me raw. Your cock running through my folds, while your tongue slides through my mouth.”

  Yep, that’s it. I just came. “You and that dirty mouth need to chill. I’m two seconds from fucking you in this front seat.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for.” She bends down, licking my juices from my cock. “Mmm, your taste has my pussy dri

  Pulling in the driveway, I turn the car off. I don’t even zip my jeans, I walk around and grab her by her ass.

  “Is this what you want? You want me to fuck you nice and hard?”

  “Yes, please,” she breathes into my neck. “Please, give me some relief. It’s been so long.”

  I slide my hand between us and run my fingers along the fabric that’s covering her cunt. She is soaked, for sure. Sliding the fabric to the side, I dip a finger inside of her. She’s warm, tight, and dripping.

  “Clive, kiss me,” she begs.

  “Does this feel good, baby? You like my fingers inside of you?”

  “Yes, that’s it.” She moans. I add another finger and rub my thumb over her clit. Her hips buck, she is riding my hand. With my other hand I reach down and start stroking my now hard cock. She thrusts her head back, moaning my name. The deeper my fingers go, the harder she grinds. Pulling my fingers from her, I lick them. Her juice is sweet, just as I imagined. I slide my fingers back inside her.

  “Fuck,” I groan into her chest. Removing my hand from my dick, I slide her dress up and find her tit. I latch my mouth onto her nipple and she reaches down and grabs my cock. Pushing her hand away, I keep hold of my shaft and rub it up and down her pussy. “I’m not fucking you just yet, but I will make you come.” My dick is going to hate me, and she will too, but I can’t make love to her just yet, or here, like this. I can, however, give us both the release that we crave.

  Playlist For The Ocean Between Us

  “God Gave Me You” by Blake Shelton

  “This Is How We Roll” by Florida Georgia Line

  “Play It Again” by Luke Bryan

  “Road Between” by Lucy Hale

  “Love” by Jena Kramer

  “Bottoms Up” by Brantley Gilbert


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