Awakened with a Touch (Gifted Affinities Book 2)

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Awakened with a Touch (Gifted Affinities Book 2) Page 1

by Kessily Lewel

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  EBook Offer

  Awakened with a Touch

  Kessily Lewel

  Blushing Books

  ©2017 by Blushing Books® and Kessily Lewel

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  Kessily Lewel

  Awakened with a Touch

  EBook ISBN: 978-1-61258-425-6

  Cover Art by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

  Created with Vellum


  What’s Inside

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7


  Kessily Lewel

  EBook Offer

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  Blushing Books

  What’s Inside

  "How pleasing; you're learning already," he said, and now there was a hint of amusement on his face before he took the second strip of cloth and turned it into a blindfold.

  She flinched when he covered her eyes, leaning in close to reach behind her head and tie it in place so that she couldn't see a thing. With her hands tied and her sight gone, she trembled with nervousness. "J-John?" she stammered in a tone just short of panic.

  "Shh, I'm here. You are safe with me, April. You know that, yes?" he asked. His voice was soothing and the back of his hand grazed lightly across her cheek, a brief comfort.

  "Y-yes," she whispered. She could hear the rustle of fabric as he stood and pulled her to her feet, holding her for balance.

  "Let me lead you," he said. His tone was still soft, and his movements were gentle as he guided her to the windows.

  She could feel the chill from the glass just in front of her. Her nipples tightened, crinkling from the cold, but also from excitement. He lifted her arms above her head and hooked the cloth binding on something so that she couldn't lower them.

  "Spread your legs apart," he ordered and then pushed his hands between her thighs and helped her move them wide apart. He cupped her mound, letting his middle finger slip between the folds, and commented on how wet she was. A second later, he pressed that finger to her lips. "Taste," he said, and she opened her mouth obediently so he could slide his finger between her lips. She could taste her own juices and flushed as she sucked on his finger.

  "You love this," he commented.

  It wasn't a question so she didn't answer; she couldn't have denied the evidence of her own body, anyway. When he slowly took the finger from her mouth, she moaned, a little breathy sound. Without sight, her senses seemed sharper and more focused on what was happening. Each little draft that brushed across her skin, every soft whisper of sound, made her jump.

  His hand moved back between her thighs to cup her possessively, gripping the soaked and swollen flesh of her core. He played with her until her hips began to rock forward and back and then he pulled his hand away and, suddenly, there was a loud smack as his hand cracked down across her bare ass.

  She jumped and a cry of dismay burst from her lips as she pressed against the cold glass to get away from the pain. He moved to stand on her right side, arm wrapping around her waist, sliding down across her flat belly to find the juncture of her thighs from the front. His hand stroked down over the soft pelt of damp curls, unerringly finding her heat. He pushed between her lower lips, parting them to swirl the tip of his finger around her entrance teasingly.

  In one swift motion, he thrust up inside of that slick heat, impaling her with two fingers and she bucked a response. Gasping, she pushed back for more, but he wasn't about to give her what she wanted just yet.

  "Not so fast, greedy girl. You have to be punished, first," he said, chuckling. He used his intimate grip to position her the way he wanted her, pulling her back from the window by the fingers inside of her and tilting her hips so that her ass was pushed out obscenely. With her hands still bound and held above her, it left her stretched and arched for his tender mercies.

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  Chapter 1

  April Cassidy's life should have been drab and boring. She'd never seen more than a few states and lived just hours from where she was born. She wasn't the type to do exciting things like sky diving or zip lining. Her associate degree in office administration had made her just another worker bee for a small company that sold plumbing supplies. She lived alone in a small apartment and hadn't dated anyone for nearly six months, because her relationships never lasted long.

  But April was more than an office drone. Like her mother, grandmother, and the women of her family who'd come before them, she was gifted with abilities that kept her from enjoying a normal life. No matter how much she wanted to be just like everyone else, she wasn't and never would be 'normal'.

  Her grandmother had called those gifts an affinity for the past, and April had never been able to explain it any better than that, though it didn't really describe all she could do, like the slight touch of psychic ability that let her know when the phone was about to ring or the tru
e dreams that warned her when things were going to happen. Those powers seemed to have more to do with the future.

  But she couldn't deny that much of what she could do related to the past. When she touched items with history, she could sometimes get a glimpse of where they'd been and who had owned them. Listening to someone tell a story that was extremely personal and emotional could be a hazard because she was often drawn in, to relive the tale like it had happened to her. This was more than just visualizations; it was a full-sensory experience that left her a bit dazed afterwards as she tried to separate herself from someone else's memories.

  And then there were the dead. She'd seen her first ghost when she was around five. Great Uncle Aloha had been the first person she'd ever known to die, and she'd barely understood what that meant. It confused her that he sat there looking so sad while the rest of the family pretended they couldn't see him so she'd finally asked. Her grandmother quickly realized that April had been one of their line to inherit the gifts and explained, "You mustn't pay him attention, April. Spirits are meant to move on but, sometimes, if you pay them too much attention, they get stuck here permanently."

  Her grandmother had firm ideas about how to deal with spirits, and for all the years April had tried to pretend that she was no different than anyone else, she had still listened to the woman's attempts to share her wisdom. She'd refused the training to learn to control any of it, much to her regret, but she'd always listened respectfully, which was why she was so scared of how her grandmother was going to react when she found out exactly what April was up to.

  April had been tempted into taking an extremely lucrative short-term job that involved the skills she'd spurned for most of her life. She'd been left in the dark for a while about how they'd found out about her or what she could do, though that mystery had finally been resolved when she met her new boss, an old college friend of her mother.

  They were looking for a medium to assist a paranormal research team in a house that was supposedly one of the most haunted in the country. The team would be collecting data for their own research while the owner of the house, a game designer, would be using the footage they captured for a new virtual reality horror game. Despite her distaste for using her talents, the rewards had just been too tempting.

  For every week that she stayed, she would receive a check for twenty-five thousand dollars. If she managed to remain there for an entire month she'd have earned a hundred thousand dollars and they'd promised to sign over the property, a fully renovated mansion worth millions.

  It was absurd, an impossible offer. It couldn't possibly be real, but it was. The conditions were extreme, but so were the benefits. It was impossible to walk away from a deal that would set her up for life, no matter how many restrictions they placed on her or how difficult they were to live with. She'd thought dealing with being on camera all day and night would be the hardest part, followed closely by being unable to leave the grounds for any reason during the whole month. She didn't know the half of it.

  The house really was haunted. She'd felt it the second she set foot inside. She could feel the dark chaotic energy swirling around her oppressively. Hungrily. There were forces in the house that would hurt her if they could. They were tortured, angry souls who wanted to lash out and hurt the way they'd been hurt, and when she'd learned a little about the history of the house, she'd come to understand why.

  Nothing could have prepared her for John, though. A ghost so strong that he'd briefly fooled her into thinking he was an intruder who'd broken into the house. She'd attempted to defend herself and the altercation ended very badly for her. She hadn't been in the house a full day yet when she was filmed being spanked in the kitchen by an angry spirit. Of course, the paranormal team couldn't actually see him, they lacked her mediumistic gifts, but they certainly saw the results.

  Somewhere, there was archived footage of her ass being bared by an invisible force as she was bent over the counter. Dark red handprints appeared as if by magic all over her skin, vivid in the strong kitchen lighting. Even the sounds of the smacking could be heard as one searing swat after another landed.

  Only afterwards, when he'd vanished right in front of her, did she realize he was one of the entities who haunted the manor. That's when she'd begun to regret not learning more about her talents. She'd have more cause to be sorry about that shortly, because before too long, she'd fallen in love with him. Dead or not, after less than two weeks, she shared a connection with John that felt unbreakable, and she couldn't bear the thought of leaving him and hoped she wouldn't have to.

  There were many spirits in the home, all with tragic stories; some were quite dangerous as she'd already discovered, but John controlled them. He considered the house his, and since he was part of it (literally, thanks to his corpse being sealed into the very foundation) he could draw on the energy of it to keep the others in check. This meant that there was no need for her to fear what the more violent among them could do to her. There was nothing that would scare her out of the house before the end of the month.

  Except possibly one thing.

  When she'd signed the contracts agreeing to be filmed twenty-four hours a day and giving the owner all rights to the use of the footage, she hadn't been terribly concerned. Other than using the bathroom, she hadn't planned on doing anything that would be embarrassing on film, and the master bathroom was the one camera free room in the house, anyway. However, falling in love with a kinky ghost had been unexpected, and discovering that he made her hot and needy pretty much all the time was something she was unprepared for.

  Having her sex life with an unseen lover filmed was bad enough but finding out that the game designer, Elizabeth, intended to use that footage in an adult virtual reality experience was humiliating. The money and house wouldn't have been worth staying for that, but by then, there was John. She was in love with a man who couldn't leave the house, and to have him…she had to stay. She'd agreed, reluctantly, and with much embarrassment, to continue the project, even when Elizabeth insisted that she spend as much time being recorded with John as possible. She wanted all the spanking and sex they could manage, graphic and in full-view of the cameras.

  April had given in reluctantly; she'd already signed away the rights for everything they'd caught on camera, but agreeing to escalate things to give them even more material…that had been a hard decision. She was gambling now on her ability to perform, despite her embarrassment and shyness, for a percentage of the profits off the sales of the first adult-rated virtual reality porno. Of course, Elizabeth hadn't outright called it that; she'd called it an 'experience' but April knew what it was.

  She'd had reasons, of course. If they kept the game designer happy, they wouldn't lose the one place in the house they could have privacy. She was desperate to keep the master bathroom off camera, not just for the most obvious and embarrassing reason, but so they had a place they could talk freely and get to know each other. Staying in the house for the full month and getting the deed was more complicated than the lawyer had made it out to be. It meant agreeing to be John's life mate and she needed to know him much better before she could settle down with a dominant ghost who had a penchant for spanking.

  She leaned her head against the wall with a soft thump and sighed. No matter how long she took, sorting things out in her head and going over the current situation, she was pretty sure there was no easy answer. All she was really doing was stalling to avoid making the phone call home she'd been dreading. It was going to be a rough morning.

  John had been displeased that she'd agreed to make their sex life even more visible and explicit. He'd worked all that annoyance out on her ass, making sure every bit of the punishment was captured on camera, as well as the sex that followed. Partly, she thought, to drive home what she'd agreed to, and partly just to add to the punishment for not including him in the decision. Whatever his reasoning, it was exactly what Elizabeth had demanded and she knew the woman would be pleased.

  April was still try
ing to deal with the realization that later this morning a kindly professor and his assistants were going to roll back the tapes and see a no-holds-barred sex show right there on the kitchen table. Her eyes flickered over to that piece of furniture and she flushed. Her traitorous body reacted to the memory of John bending her over and…she cut those thoughts off right there. She had a phone call to make and those particular images weren't going to help.

  When John had finished with her in the kitchen, he'd carried her upstairs and they'd spent some time soaking in the tub while they discussed how they were going to handle the next couple of weeks. Even though she'd already had a bath earlier, she certainly needed one after the kitchen sex, and the warm soak eased her throbbing backside as they discussed the situation. She thought she'd be able to fulfill her side of the bargain she'd made with Elizabeth, at least she hoped so, but she probably wouldn't know for certain until she had to deal with the reactions of people viewing what had happened in the kitchen.

  Her face flamed with embarrassment every time she thought about it, but John had a way of relaxing her. She told him all about her lunch in the small Greek restaurant and how nice it had been to get out of the house, if only for a couple hours of supervised time with Elizabeth. Having gotten all the anger out of his system, he was able to listen as she explained what she'd been thinking. Eventually, he had to admit she hadn't had a great deal of choice.


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