Stolen Kisses with Her Boss

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Stolen Kisses with Her Boss Page 3

by Susan Carlisle

  “I hope you aren’t disappointed.” She wasn’t sure where this meeting was going.

  “I would say quite to the contrary. You’re a pleasant surprise.” He continued to study her.

  Cynthia didn’t know how to react to that statement. What had he expected? Was he flirting with her? It had been so long since a man had, she wasn’t sure she would recognize it when it happened. “Thank you, I think.”

  “It was a compliment. I’m being rude and have embarrassed you. That’s certainly not what I intended, especially when I need to ask you a favor.”

  “Ask me? A f-favor?” she stammered.

  “Yes. I’d like you to consider helping me get the final draft of my grant proposal together.” He gave her a charming smile. “I could really use your help.” He made a point of indicating the stacks on his desk.

  “Me? Why me? I don’t know anything about putting together a grant.”

  “Maybe not, but I can help with that. From what I can tell you have good organizational skills on the computer and you’re a fast and accurate typist. I need those skills to get this grant out on time. If you’ll accept my proposition, I’ll pay you time and half.”

  Heat crept up the back of her neck. She was sure he hadn’t realized what he’d said about a proposition but she had. After fantasizing about him, and now seeing that he was devastatingly attractive, her mind was coming up with crazy ideas. Cynthia shifted in her seat. She must be careful not to make a fool of herself. “I’ve already agreed to do your transcription.”

  “Yes, but I need someone who can help me get my grant reports in order. Put the documents into the format and order required ASAP.”

  “I appreciate your offer. But I’m going to have to decline it. I have my family to consider and my other clients. My time is pretty tight as it is.” She watched as his smile disappeared. For some reason she hated being the one who made it vanish.

  He coaxed, “I’m sure your husband would understand that it’s only for a few weeks. And I don’t think it would be so time-consuming you couldn’t do your other dictation.”

  “I don’t have a husband.” Was there a hint of relief on his face when she said that? “I’m responsible for my brothers.”

  He leaned forward. “How old are they?”

  “In their late teens.”

  He looked mystified. “Wouldn’t they understand you being away some?”

  “They probably wouldn’t notice but I would.” He certainly wasn’t going to give up easy.

  “What if I pay you double time?” He crossed his arms on his desk.

  Her eyes widened. There were hundreds of things she could use that money for. But money wasn’t the most important thing in the world. It was nothing like being there for Rick at his games or being around when Mark needed to talk. Particularly with his current frame of mind. His schooling was too important for him to drop out. “I’m sorry. I’m still going to have to say no.”

  “Is there any way I could convince you?”

  “Not now. I’m sorry I can’t help you.” She looked at her phone. “I really need to go. I’m supposed to be across town in thirty minutes.”

  “Then you must go,” he said in a businesslike tone that still sounded special wrapped in his beautiful baritone.

  Cynthia put her purse under her arm and stood.

  He leaned back in his chair but didn’t come to his feet.

  She offered her hand. “I really am sorry.”

  He stood and took it. His was large and enveloped hers, making her feel tiny yet somehow protected instead of smothered. He said, “I am too. If you change your mind just let me know.”

  Cynthia nodded. He let her hand go. She felt the loss of warmth immediately. Her knees shook slightly as she walked down the hall. No man should have that kind of effect on her just by touching her hand.

  Sean watched Cynthia’s ash-brown hair swing across the tops of her shoulders as she walked out of the door. She certainly wasn’t the frumpy middle-aged woman he’d anticipated. Instead she was a young vibrant woman who knew her own mind. She was far more interesting than he’d expected. What compelled such a striking woman to become a transcriptionist who stayed behind the scenes? Somehow it didn’t fit her. She looked more suited for the front desk.

  Cynthia might be short in stature but she was tall in backbone. He like the way her green eyes expressed her feelings. They’d certainly made it clear how she felt about his office. She’d bitten the corner of her mouth as she’d thought about how she was going to answer his questions. He had to give her credit for the diplomatic way she’d done so. Her actions had been endearing, yet telling. He had the feeling she’d found humor in the situation by the small laugh lines that gathered around her eyes.

  Sean walked down the hall toward the front of the building, intent on locking the door. The back door opened and shut. His nurse was leaving for the evening but he would be staying for some time to come. As he reached the lobby Cynthia entered.

  “Can I change my mind about that job?” There was a note of desperation in her voice.

  He was surprised by her question but grateful she was reconsidering. “Sure.”

  “When would you like me to start?”

  He smiled. “Now would be great.”

  Her face took on an astonished look. “I can’t—”

  “I don’t expect you to start this minute. I’ll send you more dictation and some information about what I want. For the most part you should be able to do the work from home but it may require you coming here a few times.”

  Cynthia nodded. “Okay. That should work.”

  “May I ask what changed your mind?” She’d seemed firm about her decision earlier.

  “I just got a call from my brother and he’s having car trouble. This is the second time in two weeks.” She shrugged. “Turns out I need the extra money.”

  “I’m sorry about your car issues.” He was but he was also thankful he’d be getting her assistance. “Can I do anything to help out? Do you need me to call a tow truck?”

  She shook her head. “Thank you, but I’m fine for now. Mark has a friend who’ll tow the car to our house. Please send over what you need me to do and I’ll get started on it right away.”

  Sean watched her walk toward an older-model car. It was a basic four-door vehicle, practical and efficient. Not unlike his. Cynthia seemed to face her financial responsibilities head-on. That was something he could admire.

  * * *

  The next morning Cynthia checked her email.


  I wanted to make sure you got the car home with no trouble. Please let me know if you need any help. I have a great mechanic and I’d be glad to call him.

  I have attached some guidelines for the grant and some files that need to be included. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  Again, I appreciate your help.


  She appreciated Sean’s offer. The more dealings she had with Dr. Donavon, the better she liked him.

  Cynthia noticed he’d signed off as “Sean.” She’d told him to call her Cynthia so her guess was he was reciprocating. Did he want her to call him by his first name? He’d not suggested that when they had met. Now all of a sudden he was using his given name. She shouldn’t be making such a big deal of it but she liked the idea of them being on a first-name basis.

  Cynthia practiced saying his name out loud. It suited him. After all her daydreaming she had to keep in mind that they were merely employee and employer. She didn’t need to read more into a simple signature than there was. Still she couldn’t ignore the extra clip-clop of her heart when she reread the note.

  All these speculations and she still didn’t really know anything about the man. He could be married for all she knew. But he hadn’t been wearing a ring.
But nowadays that didn’t mean anything. She hoped he was married. At least she could put an end to her romantic illusions. The reality of a romance between them was laughable. She really needed to get out more. Meet some men. She was spending too much time in a dream world wrapped in a sultry male voice. Reality was what she should concentrate on. Like her brothers attending college and the cost of them staying there or the problem of repairing Mark’s car.

  Over the next few days she worked hard to get Sean’s reports typed and to keep up with her other transcriptions. To her surprise, she enjoyed working on the grant. Found it fascinating. At first it took a great deal of effort to understand what was necessary but she soon became caught up in the brilliant work that Sean was doing. Her being impressed was an understatement.

  On Tuesday afternoon, she headed for Sean’s office to deliver the work she had finished. Rick’s eighteenth birthday was in two days and she was going to take some time off to get ready for it. Pulling into a parking spot, she tried to convince herself she was making the extra effort to turn the reports in just because of the party planning but that wasn’t true. She secretly hoped she might see Sean. Especially since she’d taken more care with her hair than usual, not to mention she was now putting on lip gloss.

  This is ridiculous.

  Cynthia picked up the file and without hesitation got out of the car. She merely had to go in, hand over the papers, return to her vehicle and drive away. She wasn’t some teenage girl trying to contrive a way to see a boy. Those days were long gone. Still that tingle of anticipation filled her.

  She pulled open the glass door of the lobby, entered and purposely walked to the window. “I’m Cynthia. The transcriptionist. Please see that Dr. Donavon gets these.”

  The same receptionist who had been there days before took the file. “I will.”

  Cynthia turned to leave as a middle-aged man entered the lobby from the hallway. Sean was behind him. Her body heated as if she’d gotten caught doing something she shouldn’t.

  His smile implied he was glad to see her. She returned it.

  Sean patted the man on the back. “Good to see you’re doing so well, Ralph. I hope to see you again soon.” The man headed toward the exit and Sean strolled over to her. “Hi, Cynthia.”

  “I brought you some reports and the first ten pages of the grant to review.” She pointed toward the desk. “I gave them to your receptionist.”

  “Great. I’ll give them a look and let you know if there’re any changes to be made. I appreciate you bringing them by.”

  His voice was even more captivating when she heard it in person. She had to do something more than stand there looking at him. She swallowed. “You’re welcome. Well, I’d better go.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” Sean said.

  And I’ll be looking forward to it. Somehow she managed to keep herself from saying it out loud.

  * * *

  The two days she’d taken off turned into busy ones. She’d made arrangements for Rick’s birthday and finished some chores she’d been putting off. Everything was set for the party now. All she had to do was load the car and head to the paintball field. She was expecting about twenty teenagers, both boys and girls. Normally she, Mark and Rick celebrated with cake and ice cream with a few friends but this was a special birthday. Now that she had some extra money from overtime she had decided to splurge a little.

  With a couple of hours before they needed to leave, Cynthia decided to check her email and review what she would need to get done the next day. She opened her account.

  With a giddy feeling she shouldn’t be experiencing, she saw one from Sean. She opened it.

  Hi Cynthia,

  I hope you’re having a good day. I’ve had something come up and I need to get Charles Chadworth’s surgical report. It’s particular to the grant and I need a colleague to review it. He’s leaving on a two-week vacation tomorrow but has said he can look at it tonight. Do you have it completed?

  I know this is above and beyond the call of duty, but could you have it ready for a messenger at four p.m.? I must get it to him right away.

  Thank you.


  She checked the time. There was just enough for her to type it but no one would be here to give it to the messenger.

  She replied.

  I can get it typed, but today is my brother’s birthday and I’m giving him a party. I won’t be here for the messenger when he comes.

  Since it’s personal information I’m not comfortable leaving it on the porch unattended... I could bring it by your office around nine tonight. Would that do?


  Half an hour later she had the report finished and another email from Sean popped into her box.

  That’s not going to work. I really need it sooner.

  Let me see if I can find someone in the office who can come get it.

  I’ll get back to you.


  She couldn’t miss Rick’s party or be late. She was the hostess. Had the responsibility of being the designated adult in charge. At one time that title made her feel important. Now it was more of a weight on her shoulders.

  Cynthia checked the time. She needed to get going but she also needed to wait to hear from Sean. Ten minutes went by before he replied.

  No messenger can make it and there’s no one in the office who can do it either.

  Can I meet you somewhere and pick it up?


  Cynthia slipped the two sheets of paper into a protective envelope. The report really must be important if he was willing to go to the trouble of personally picking it up.

  You’ll need to come to 5182 Falcon Road, Bessemer, Al.

  Sean replied right away.

  I’ll see you there.

  Thanks for doing this on such short notice.


  Cynthia couldn’t help the excitement bubbling in her. She was going to see Sean again. It had been a long time since she’d acted like a woman excited about seeing a man.

  * * *

  Sean couldn’t believe it when he pulled up to the address that Cynthia had given him. It was a large field full of building façades, lean-tos and barrels spaced out at intervals. In a grassy area beside a building no larger than a backyard garden shed, vehicles were parked in a line. Most were jacked-up trucks with the occasional car mixed in.

  What was going on here?

  He parked next to a red truck. Among the buildings and other obstacles were people dressed in white painter coveralls and wearing clear masks over their faces. They were running from place to place while being shot at with guns that used exploding paintballs.

  Why was Cynthia here?

  He slowly approached the shed where a couple of teenagers stood laughing and pointing at what was happening on the field. Posted on the siding of the building was a sign stating “Peek’s Paintball”. Below the sign was a list of the charges for a game, with or without the rental of the equipment. This was just the type of entertainment he didn’t waste his money on. There was nothing to show for the expense. Yet, it seemed several kids and, apparently, Cynthia were playing.

  Sean joined the boys. “Hey.”

  They looked at him curiously. Was it that obvious he was out of his element? “Do either one of you know where I can find Cynthia Marcum?”

  One boy looked at the other. “Isn’t that Rick’s sister?”

  “Yeah.” The teen pointed toward the field. “She’s out there somewhere.”

  Sean studied the game area, trying to catch a glimpse of Cynthia. Players continued moving between obstacles while being shot at.

  “They just started a new game a few minutes ago. It may be a while before she shows up,” one of the boys stated.

  Sean didn’t really have time to stand around w
aiting on her. Cynthia knew he was coming. Why wasn’t she available? “Could you point me in the direction of where you last saw her?”

  The taller of the two indicated the right side of the field.

  Sean started in that direction.

  “Hey, man,” the shorter boy called, “I wouldn’t do that without a mask and gun. It’s an unwritten rule that anyone on the field is fair game.”

  Sean hesitated. Surely no one would shoot an unarmed man. He wasn’t even dressed the part.

  “I’ll let you have mine. You really don’t want to go out there without some protection.” The second boy handed him his plastic helmet.

  Sean took it. “Thanks. You really think they’d shoot me?”

  Both boys gave him a solemn nod.

  The tall one asked, “Do you know how to use a paintball gun?”

  Sean looked at the clear gun with a black plastic container attached to the bottom and a small black canister on the back. “No, not really.”

  “This one is an automatic. All you have to do is pull the trigger. This is the hopper.” He pointed to the plastic container. “It holds the paintballs. This is your gas.” He put his hand on the canister. “You should have plenty. Just point and shoot. Aim for the body.”

  They had to be kidding. Surely Cynthia wasn’t out there dressed as they were and armed. “Is all of this really necessary?”

  Both boys bobbed their heads in a rapid motion.

  “Oh, and don’t take your mask off for any reason until the whistle blows. Paintballs can leave nasty whelps.”

  “Got it.” Sean started out into the field again. He hadn’t gone six feet before he felt a thump and dampness on his upper arm. He looked down to see a bright yellow splatter on his good navy pullover. At least he was wearing jeans. Moving into a trot, he found cover behind a barrel. There were two pinging sounds against the side as he crouched down. Paint flew in the air around him.

  A couple of giggles came from a nearby lean-to. He peeked out to see two girls.

  “Almost got you,” one called.

  “Do you know where Cynthia Marcum is?” Sean brought his head back, not moving from his sheltered spot.


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