Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence)

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Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence) Page 11

by Laylah Roberts

  He cupped her chin. “I would never consider you a toy or anything else so degrading. But when we’re at home, alone, you could wear a skirt once in a while. With nothing on underneath. That way when the urge to bend you over the table or the couch comes over me I have easy access.”

  Damn him. How did he always know just what to say to get her blood pressure up to boiling point?


  He nipped her lower lip in punishment.

  “All right. Yes. I’ll get a skirt.”

  He grinned.

  “You won’t always get your way, you know,” she warned.

  “You like pleasing me.”

  Well, she couldn’t exactly deny it seeing the position she was currently in.

  “Put your feet on the arms of my chair.”

  She rested her feet on the edge of the arms of his chair.

  “Lean back.”

  Placing her hands behind her, she leaned back as he pushed his chair forward, forcing her knees to bend. Her legs parted further, revealing everything.

  “Beautiful. Now I want you to remain very still. This office is soundproof so you can make as much sound as you like, but you will not come until I say so.”

  Bending down, he licked his way up her slit before dipping his tongue into her moist folds. Cady threw her head back, closing her eyes. He licked, sucked and flicked. Using only his tongue, he drove her wild until her breath came in short pants and small gasps of need filled the room.

  “Hunter, please.”

  “Not yet.”

  He pulled back and she opened her eyes to see him searching through one of his desk drawers. He drew out a tube of lube and coated two fingers of his right hand. Then he put the lube on his desk.

  “Oh, Hunter, please,” she cried out as he pushed one finger inside her ass.

  “Not yet. You come now and tonight I’ll spend hours having my way with you without letting you come.”


  He drove another finger slowly into her ass and she cried out at the full feeling. Her pussy throbbed. She needed to come.


  She sobbed as pleasure lashed at her, teased her. He circled her clit with his tongue slowly.

  “Please, please, please.” She was incapable of saying anything more. Incapable of thought, of stringing a sentence together.

  All she could do was beg.

  “My poor baby, you need to come so badly, don’t you?” Hunter murmured. “Look at your swollen pussy. Your clit is so engorged it must be almost painful.”

  Fuck, he was killing her. She’d get him back for this. Somehow. Someway.

  He chuckled as he pulled away and she glared at him. “If looks could kill I’d be a dead man.”

  Standing, he pulled down his pants and boxers, revealing his thick erection. Cady licked her lips as she watched him hungrily.

  “Damn, baby, the way you’re looking at me right now…it’s so fucking hot. Do you know how often I’ve dreamed of having you suck me off as I sit in this very chair? But not today. Today I need to be inside you.”

  Reaching into the same desk drawer, he pulled out a condom and slipped it on.

  He stood between her open thighs and grabbing her legs pulled them up so her feet were now resting on the surface of the desk.

  “You’re so beautiful, Cady. I never get tired of looking at you, especially when you’re staring up at me with arousal filling those beautiful eyes.”

  As he spoke he pushed his cock inside her. His thumb rubbed her clit with slow, gentle circles. Not enough to get her off, but enough to keep the arousal at boiling point.

  His thrusting was gentle, slow. In and out as his thumb kept up its lazy play.

  “I wish I could keep this up for hours, but today isn’t exactly the time or place, is it?”

  How the hell was he still capable of speech?

  He sped up, his movement growing more frenzied, harder.

  “Come for me, sugar. Come now.” He flicked her clit with his thumb, his movements growing faster, harder. Their heavy breathing filled the room, sweat coating their bodies. Orgasm slammed into her, stealing her breath as she surrendered to the onslaught of pleasure. Hunter’s low shout announced his own release and he leaned forward, taking her lips with his as she continued to tremble with aftershocks.

  Slowly, he withdrew from her, pulling off the condom and wrapping it in a tissue before chucking it away.

  Grabbing the tissues, he turned back to where she lay, cleaning her up. She shuddered each time he brushed over her sensitive clit.

  “How the hell am I supposed to get any work done after that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, I feel energized.”


  He laughed and the sound brought a smile to her face. “You don’t do that often enough.”

  “Do what?” he asked as he helped her stand. She reached for her panties and jeans, pulling them on.

  “Laugh. You don’t laugh often enough.”

  His face grew serious, a sad look entering his eyes. “Well, I haven’t always had a lot to laugh about.” Then his face lightened as he looked at her. “But somehow you always manage to make me smile.”

  “Glad I could bring some comic relief,” she muttered, even as she wondered what it was in his past that made him look so sad. Even though he’d forced her to open up to him, to spill pretty much all her demons, he still remained closed off.

  It was really starting to piss her off.


  Leaning down, he kissed her. “We’d better get back to work.”

  She glared at him. “Fine. But don’t think you can always put me off. One day you are going to tell me.”

  “Tell you what?” he asked with fake innocence.



  Hunter sat back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. Christ, he probably shouldn’t have done that. He thought he’d be able to keep their personal and work relationships separate.

  What an idiot he was.

  Then there was the fact that he’d hurt her. He hadn’t meant to and she’d never admit it, but he’d seen the flash of hurt in her eyes when he’d shut her down. He knew he was a hypocrite, he expected her to completely open up to him, yet he kept a major part of himself closed odd.

  But he just wasn’t ready to open up about his past yet. There was a knock on the door and Gray let himself in.

  “What? You don’t wait for an invitation now?” Hunter growled. “I could have had a client in here.”

  “You don’t have any appointments this afternoon. Besides, I just saw Cady sneak past my door looking like she’d just been well satisfied so I figured you were alone.”

  “Stay out of it, Gray,” he warned.

  “Do you know what the hell you’re doing? She’s not only our employee, but she’s her background means she’s bound to have issues.”

  Hunter had already chewed Gray out for keeping her background from him.

  Gray pulled out a chair. He looked down at it. “Is this safe?”

  Hunter rolled his eyes. “We didn’t have sex on that chair, you germaphobe.”

  “Just be sure this is what you want, because the last thing we need around here is an office romance gone bad.”

  “It’s not like that. I care about her. This isn’t just a fling.”

  “Good.” Gray stared at him for a long moment. “You going to open up to her about your family, about Angie?”

  Hunter brushed his hand through the air. “I care about her; I didn’t say I was going to marry her.” Although the idea of having her tied to him, his ring on her finger brought him more pleasure than he cared to admit. “She doesn’t need to know that stuff.”

  “Really? I wonder if she feels the same way. Just try not hurt her.”

  “Because I work with her?”

  “No, because I like her. She deserves something good in her life. So don’t fuck this up. Oh, and you might want t

o put that lube away.”

  Hunter looked down at the lube he’d left sitting on his desk and quickly put it away as Gray laughed and stood. Gray closed the door behind him and Hunter sat back with a sigh, closing his eyes. Cady was right, there was no way he was getting any work done after this.

  Chapter Seven

  Hunter groaned as he heard his phone ring. He opened his eyes, gazing down at Cady who was curled up against his chest.

  The blankets had crept down and one plump breast was taunting him. But whoever was on the other end of the phone just wasn’t giving up. He grabbed it off the top of the bedside table, looking at the unknown number briefly before bringing it to his ear.

  “Yeah,” he said grouchily as he rose from the bed. Cady let out a grumble, her arm flinging out, almost as though she was searching for him, but she didn’t awaken. The woman slept like the dead.

  Poor thing was exhausted. His appetite for her only seemed to grow with how often he took her, but maybe it was time for a quiet night, let her catch up on her rest.

  “Is this Hunter Black?” a man on the other end asked.

  “Who wants to know?” he barked, moving into the small kitchen area and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. He filled it with water.

  “This is Ronald Green from Green Storage. I’m calling about your sister, Angela Black.”

  Hunter stilled. “What about her?”

  “She had prepaid a storage unit for a year. That ran out last month. If we don’t receive a payment within two weeks we’ll be forced to auction the unit’s contents off.”

  Angie had a storage unit? That was news to him.

  “How did you get my number?” he asked.

  “She left it as a second contact on her paperwork. We’ve been trying to get hold of her for the last two weeks.”

  “My sister died months ago,” Hunter said briefly. Could there be something about her murder in there?

  “I’m very sorry to hear that.”

  Hunter paced the small kitchen.

  “I’m the executor of her estate. If you tell me where you are located I will come and settle the bill and go through the contents.”

  “Sure.” The other man gave him the address.

  “I’ll be there soon.” He put down his phone, running his hand through his hair. This could be the breakthrough he’d been looking for.

  “Hunter? Who was that?”

  He glanced over to find Cady standing in the doorway, her hair tousled, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. Immediately his cock hardened.

  “Nothing, baby, go back to sleep.”

  Her gaze cleared as she stared at him. “Something’s wrong. You’re upset. Who was that? Was it work?”

  Four weeks had passed since she’d hurt herself chasing after Leonard Doran. They’d spent every night together, mostly at her place since she seemed to be more comfortable here. He was shocked by how much he enjoyed being with her. He’d have thought that by now he’d be wanting some alone time. Instead, if anything, he was growing more possessive.

  “It wasn’t work.”

  She’d been cleared by the doctor to go back to work without any limitations. She was ecstatic; Hunter thought he was developing an ulcer.

  “Then who? Is something wrong?”

  She walked toward him, raising her hand as though to touch his cheek. He dodged back, cursing himself when hurt filled her gaze. She stepped away, pulling back from him physically as well as emotionally.

  Fuck. He hadn’t meant to hurt her. But he was feeling guilty that he’d barely even thought about Angie or done any investigating into her death lately.

  Still, that didn’t give him the right to treat Cady like shit.

  “Sorry, baby. I’m a bit touchy this morning. I think it might be best if I took off for a while. I’m not good company at the moment.”

  “Sure, I understand,” she said in a cool voice.

  He walked toward the bedroom to get dressed. She sat on the bed and watched him.

  Leaning down, he gave her a quick kiss. “I’ll call you later, all right?”

  She nodded.

  Feeling like an asshole, but knowing he needed to go, Hunter gave her one last glance before walking out the door.


  Hunter walked into the storage locker his sister had hired. He’d settled the bill, all he had to do now was drag everything out and take it back to his place. He let out a sigh as he saw the dozen or so boxes inside.

  He opened the box closest to him, slicing through the tape with a knife. Books. He smiled. He should have guessed. Angie had loved to read, she’d told him it was a way to escape, to live another life.

  Hunter rummaged through it briefly, but it seemed like all the box held were more romances. That could well be what all these boxes held. But he still intended to go through each one. Hopefully, one of these boxes held some clues about Angie’s death.

  He took out his phone.

  “Gray, it’s Hunter. I’m not coming in today, can you handle the new clients I had scheduled to meet today?”

  “Yes, I suppose. You’re going to owe me, though. I guess Cady won’t be in, either?”

  “No, she should be in. Why? Did she call?” Hunter asked worriedly.

  “Ahh, no, I just assumed that’s why you wanted to take the day off.”

  “No.” Hunter sighed, then told his partner about the earlier phone call.

  “Shit. Do you want some help?”

  “No, I’ll be fine. It looks like boxes of books, mostly. But I want to go through it now. I know it’s not good timing…”

  “It’s fine. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Thanks. Oh, and don’t tell anyone, will you?”

  “Not even Cady?” Gray asked.

  “Particularly not Cady.”

  “You’re making a mistake, keeping things from her.”

  “It’s better this way,” Hunter argued, even as he wondered if he was right. “Look, I’ve got to go, I told the owner I’d have this place cleared out before lunch.”

  Five hours later, Hunter sat in his living room, surrounded by books, clothes and empty boxes. He’d gone through all but two boxes. He’d searched through every book, every item of clothing. Nothing.

  He rubbed his forehead. Standing, he walked over to his kitchen and grabbed some aspirin, swallowing a couple down. He hadn’t realized the toll it would take on him to go through his sister’s belongings. They hadn’t been able to salvage anything from the fire that had engulfed her apartment building.

  This was bringing back all the memories and though he never wanted to forget Angie, sometimes it was hard to remember how young she’d been, how full of life. He wished he had Cady here with him. Just having her here to talk to, to hold him, he knew she’d be able to soothe some of the pain.

  Maybe Gray had been right. Maybe he was making a mistake.

  Moving back into his living room, he dragged another box over to the sofa and opened it. Reaching in, he pulled out a photo album. He opened it, immediately noticing a photo from two years ago. He’d taken Angie to Hawaii to celebrate her college graduation. They had their arms around each other, smiling at the camera.

  “Ahh, Angie. What happened, darlin’?” As he moved through the rest of the album, one photo caught his eye. It was raised up, as though there was something hidden behind it. He dug out the photo. There was a key hidden behind it, along with a piece of paper.

  Security box 1350, American bank.

  A security box? Excitement raced through him. There had to be a reason why she’d hidden this key in here. Just what did the box hold?

  Well, there was only one way to find out.

  Three hours later and he finally made it home. The only thing in the security box had been a thumb drive. He placed the thumb drive on his coffee table. Moving into his study, he grabbed his laptop and brought it out into the lounge before turning it on. A knock on his front door had him glancing up.

  He stood and moved to the door, peerin
g out the peephole to see Gray looking back at him. Opening the door, he stood back to let the other man in.

  “Came to see if you needed any help,” Gray said, looking around.

  Hunter looked around at the mess his living room was in. “I think I’ll donate most of it. It’s mainly books and some clothes and photos. I did find this, though.” He held up the thumb drive.

  “What is it? Is it Angie’s?”

  Hunter shook his head. “I’m not sure.” He told Gray about finding the key and opening the security box to find just the thumb drive inside.

  “You haven’t looked at it yet?”

  Hunter shook his head. “I was just about to when you arrived. Whatever is on this, she went to a lot of effort to hide it.”

  Hunter put the thumb drive into the laptop, and clicked open up the folder that appeared.

  “They’re photos,” Hunter said, flicking through them. “All of them seem to be men either entering or exiting this one building.”

  Gray sat beside Hunter. “Wait, I know some of these men. That’s Maxim St Clair, the investment banker and isn’t that Ryan Barrett, the deputy mayor? What the hell is this?”

  “I don’t know,” Hunter said grimly. “But I have a bad feeling. Why would Angie have these photos? Did she take them? If so, why was she watching this building?”

  “Well, we think Angie was killed by Worthington because she found out something he didn’t want her to know, so maybe this is part of it. There’s a reason she hid the thumb drive so carefully. Perhaps Worthington found out she was taking these photos and that’s why he killed her.”

  “But I can’t find any photos of him.” Hunter flicked through them. “No, wait, there he is and there he is again. We have to find out what this building is. It’s the only thing in common between all of these people.”

  “I don’t recognize it. I’ll get Connor onto it.”

  “I’ll put these photos on another thumb drive.” Hunter grabbed a spare thumb drive from the desk in his study. He copied the photos onto a spare thumb drive before handing it over to Gray.

  “Tell Connor to keep quiet about this. Worthington is dead, but we still don’t know that one of these guys isn’t dangerous.”


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