Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence)

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Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence) Page 13

by Laylah Roberts

  She should have known better. She should have never have opened up and let him in.

  “Bastard…you bastard,” she whispered, fighting back tears.


  “What the hell have you done to Cady?” Gray asked as he stormed into Hunter’s office.

  Hunter looked up from his computer screen. “What are you talking about?”

  Gray threw his hands into the air. “You can be a real ignorant asshole, sometimes. Why the hell did you get into a relationship with her if you were just going to cut her off like this? Couldn’t you have done it to someone who we don’t have to work with!”

  “Cut her off, what do you mean?”

  “Hunter, you’re here all the time, studying those photos. You snap and snarl at everyone and you’re completely ignoring Cady.”

  “I’m not ignoring her. Cady understands that I need some space right now. I’m trying to figure out what all these photos mean.”

  “Really? She understands? So you told her?”

  “No,” Hunter said impatiently. “I explained this to you. This could be dangerous and I want to keep Cady far away from this.”

  “You’re letting your guilt over what happened to Angie cloud your actions, Hunter, and if you don’t wake up soon you’re going to lose that girl.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t I? Have you even looked at Cady lately? She’s lost weight that she couldn’t afford to lose, there are huge bags under her eyes and she’s basically shut herself off from everyone. Fix this, Hunter. Pull your head out of your ass and tell her what’s going on.”

  Hunter rubbed his hand over his face. “I can’t.”

  “God, you’re a selfish bastard.”

  Hunter looked up in shock. “I’m trying to keep her safe.”

  “You’re doing what is best for you. But you’re not looking at it from her point of view. That girl has lost everyone in her life. They either rejected her or died, her foster families, her aunt, her partner. How do you think that someone who has had everyone leave them would take you pulling back like this? Without an explanation? I’d bet she sees it as you rejecting her.”

  “I haven’t rejected her.”

  “Does she know that?”

  Gray left, shutting the door firmly behind him and Hunter sat back with a groan. Christ, was Gray right? Did she really think he’d rejected her? It had been a week since he’d discovered the thumb drive and he still had no clue what the hell was going on. Connor was still trying to find out where that building was. Hunter had started driving around the city, trying to find it. Pointless, he knew, but he felt like he had to do something, he felt like he was going insane.

  He knew he’d shut himself off, but he truly thought Cady had understood after their conversation last weekend. He needed to speak to her, he couldn’t bear the idea that she was upset, that she thought he was rejecting her.

  Standing, he strode toward her office, but only Tiny was inside, putting on his jacket.

  “Where’s Cady?”

  “She’s already left,” Tiny said coldly.

  “Okay, I’ll catch her at home.”

  “Not home. Bar with us.”

  Right, Friday night drinks. She never usually went, but he guessed she didn’t have much reason to wait around for him.

  “Gotcha, thanks.”

  He didn’t really feel like trying to talk to her in a crowded bar with the guys around them. He’d turn up at her place tomorrow with breakfast and this time he’d make sure she knew that he was in no way rejecting her.

  As he stepped through the door to his house an hour later, his phone rang. He glanced at the display before answering it.

  “Connor, what’s going on?”

  “I’ve found it,” Connor said excitedly.

  “What?” Hunter said, pausing.

  “The building. I know where it is.” He gave him the address. Hunter wasn’t familiar with the area, so he quickly wrote it down.

  “Got it, I’m going to head there now.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  “You don’t have to.” It was a Friday night, after all.

  “Hey, I’ve been dying to find out what this place is all week, you’re not holding me back now.”


  Cady sat back against the leather seat in Gray’s car, barely managing to keep her eyes open. She felt like she hadn’t slept all week. She’d caught a few hours here and there but if she didn’t get a full night’s sleep soon, she was going to collapse.

  “Thanks for giving me a ride home,” she said to Gray.

  She’d decided to go out for a few drinks with the guys, sick of sitting at home on her own, but she hadn’t stayed long. Luckily, Gray had offered her a ride home because she really didn’t like the idea of taking the bus.

  “You look exhausted,” Gray told her. “You need to get some sleep and eat more. You’ve lost weight.”

  “Anything else you want to criticize?” she asked, staring over at him. “Maybe you don’t like the cut of my jeans? Is my hairstyle okay?”

  He grunted. “Stop being a brat. I’m worried about you.”

  Cady forced herself to stop being so defensive. “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not and I know why. Hunter doesn’t mean to be an asshole, you know.”

  “What? Are you going to tell me it’s just part of his personality?”

  “Sort of.” Gray pulled over and parked outside of her apartment building. “Hunter has always had a protective streak when it comes to women, but particularly since his sister died. He feels guilty that he couldn’t save her. You’re the first woman he’s been involved with since her death and I’m afraid he’s being worse than usual.”

  “So you’re saying that by pushing me away he’s trying to protect me?”

  “Yes. Soon he’s going to wake up and realize what he’s done and he’s going to come begging for forgiveness. It’s up to you whether you listen or not, but I just wanted you to realize that there is a whole lot of background stuff going on.”

  “Yeah, background information he doesn’t see fit to share with me,” she said somewhat bitterly.

  “Hunter doesn’t talk much about his past,” Gray said. “It’s only because I’ve known him for ten years that he tells me anything. Just, don’t write him off entirely, okay? If anyone can teach him a lesson or two, it’s you.”

  She had to smile at that even as she shook her head. Gray walked her to the door of her apartment building before his phone rang. She waved him off and walked inside, she could make it to her apartment by herself. She took the stairs slowly. She really was tired. As she moved along the hallway to her apartment, the sound of a woman screaming had her stopping. There was the sound of something smashing and a cry of pain.


  Not waiting to hear more, she raced to her apartment, unlocking the door before reaching for her phone. She called 911, telling them to send the cops as she grabbed her bat from under the bed. Throwing her phone on the bed, she raced out of the apartment. She pounded on the door but no one answered, not that she’d expected them to.

  Another scream galvanized her into action and she took a few steps back then kicked the door. She had to kick it two more times before it flew open. Thank God for all those workouts Jaron had been putting her through.

  Cady raced inside, bat raised. She found a man looming over a cowering woman in the living room, his fist raised as she whimpered in fright.

  “Don’t even think about it, asshole,” Cady growled.

  The man spun around. He was a huge guy, at least six foot seven and he had to outweigh her by a hundred and fifty pounds.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he snarled.

  “I’m selling cookies,” she said with a grin, trying for a nonchalance she didn’t feel. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. “Want to buy some skinny mints? Although you look more like a peanut butter cookie kind of guy.”

  He looked at

her in confusion for a moment. “What the fuck?”

  “You know it’s kinda sad watching you attempt to fit your entire vocabulary into a sentence,” she mouthed off. Fuck, what was she doing? She could actually hear Hunter yelling at her for riling him, but she couldn’t seem to help it. When she got scared she got mouthy.

  Besides, he was still standing too close to the woman quietly weeping in the corner. The fact that she didn’t make a sound just about broke Cady’s heart. She wanted his focus on her, not on the poor woman behind him.

  “You know, you got a real smart mouth on you.”

  “I know and I’ve still got all my teeth, what does that tell you?” She grinned at him.

  “They won’t be that way for long.” He charged at her, his meaty fist raised in the air.

  Cady swung out with her bat, catching him in the shoulder. He let out a roar but it didn’t even slow him down.


  She checked the urge to turn and run like a chicken, instead ducking to the side at the last minute then swinging back with her leg. It should have caught him in the back of the knee and had him toppling.

  Instead he just turned with a snarl. Fuck, who was this guy? The Terminator?

  She swung out with the bat again. He grabbed it with both hands, yanking it away easily and throwing it across the room.

  Cady raised her arm, clenching her hand into a fist. The best defense was a good offense. She hit his stomach. Pain lashed up her arm. Then his fist connected with her face and she screamed as she fell backward, landing heavily on her ass.

  Oh God, that hurt. That really, really hurt.

  He kicked her stomach, making her gag as she curled herself up into a ball. Another kick was aimed at her back.

  He was going to kill her.

  She wasn’t ready to die. She had so much to do. Like tell Hunter exactly what she thought of him. Her head spun, nausea bubbling in her stomach.

  He kicked her thigh, making her whimper. She shut herself down, closing herself off from the pain.

  Yeah, she’d tell the big idiot exactly what she thought of him. That he was a fucking hypocrite who could kiss her ass.

  And then he’d probably spank it. Maybe fuck it.

  Christ, she was like a lovesick little puppy. She couldn’t even hold on to her anger against him.

  Because she loved the bastard.

  Shit. She loved him.

  Talk about great timing, right as she was about to die, she realized she loved the idiot.

  “Police, freeze!”

  About time. Not that they had gotten there in time. She was a goner.


  Hunter raced into the hospital, his heart racing. He couldn’t believe Cady was in the emergency room. What the hell had happened?

  All he knew were the sparse facts her landlord had given him when he’d called. Thank God he’d bribed the man to keep an eye on her and call him if anything happened.

  Not that he’d ever expected this. Had she interrupted a burglary? Had someone jumped her when she’d been coming home from the bar?

  Why the hell hadn’t he gone with her? If he’d been there, this would never have happened. No way would he let anyone touch her. No way would anyone hurt her like this again. His heart couldn’t take it.

  He stomped up to the desk. He’d left Connor watching the building. He could care less about that at the moment.

  To think he’d been staying away from her to protect her and when she’d needed him most he hadn’t fucking been there.

  Never again.

  “Cady Franklin,” he barked.

  The woman behind the desk looked at him worriedly. “Are you a relative?”

  “Her fiancé. Show me where she is. Please.” He forced himself to calm down a little when the woman looked like she was about to call security.

  “I’ll take you myself,” she said, still looking a little worried but at least she was taking him to Cady.

  “Through there. The doctor should be back soon.”

  He stepped into the cubicle, coming to a stop as he saw her. She turned toward him, her face pale, a huge bruise covering once cheekbone.

  He winced.

  “Hunter!” she said, cheerfully.

  Relief hit him like the force of a Mack truck. She was okay. Bruised, injured but awake and talking.

  He stepped forward. “What the hell happened?”

  “The Terminator doesn’t like peanut butter cookies.” She giggled.


  A nurse stepped into the cubicle. “She’s been given some pain medication. How are you feeling, Cady?”

  “Just peachy.”

  “How bad is she hurt?” Hunter asked worriedly.

  “The doctor will be back in a minute. He’s just looking at her x-rays now.”

  “Cady, can you tell me what happened?” Hunter asked. Sitting beside her, he ran his fingers through her hair. He shook with anger at the sight of the huge bruise on the side of her face. “Nice shiner, sugar.”

  “He hit me. I went in with my baseball bat, but it didn’t do much good. He was ten feet tall and had a jaw like concrete. I hurt my hand when I hit him.” She held it up and the icepack fell to the floor revealing how swollen and bruised it was. “Kiss it better?”

  “Always.” He gently kissed the knuckles before grabbing the icepack and settling it back over her hand. “What sort of drugs did you give her?” he asked the nurse.

  The nurse frowned slightly. “Nothing really strong. Some people react more to painkillers than others though. She said she didn’t have any allergies.”

  Hunter glanced up as a young, female doctor stepped into the room.


  He stood and held out his hand. “Hunter Black. I’m Cady’s fiancé. The landlord called and told me that Cady had been taken to the emergency room. I don’t know who did this yet, but I can assure you I will find out.”

  Cady giggled. “Told you, it was the Terminator.”

  “Shh, baby, let me talk to the doctor,” Hunter said quietly, running his hand up and down her arm. “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “All I know is that they have the guy who did this, he’s being patched up. Apparently Ms. Franklin heard an altercation between him and his ex-girlfriend and raced in to help. The police will probably be in soon to question Ms. Franklin, although I don’t know if they’ll get much out of her at the moment.”

  “What injuries does she have?”

  “Well, luckily the x-rays all came back clear. That doesn’t mean that she’s not going to be in quite a bit of pain for the next week or so. She’s got some bad bruising around her ribs and on her thigh from where he kicked her. Her hand is bruised and swollen and you can see the bruising on her face. I’m going to write out a prescription for pain medication and then we’ll get her discharged so you can take her home. Make sure she gets plenty of rest.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said grimly. “I won’t be letting her out of my sight for a long time.”

  The doctor and nurse soon left, the nurse promising to return soon with the discharge papers and a wheelchair.

  Hunter sat on the side of the bed, careful not to jostle her. “Jesus, baby, what were you thinking?”

  She eyes opened and she stared up at him with a soft smile. “Hunter, you’re here.” She patted her hand against his thigh. “You’re so hot, so sexy.”

  He grinned despite his urge to kill someone.

  “I can understand why you don’t want me anymore. I’m so not in your league.”

  His grin vanished at her words.

  “And why would you think I don’t want you?”

  “Cause you’ve stopped coming around.” Tears filled her eyes and almost broke his heart. “I’m good enough to fuck but I’m not good enough for a relationship.”

  “We have a relationship,” he insisted.

  “Nuh-uh, a relationship involves more than fucking.” She squeezed his thigh. “It involves communication and trust an
d stuff. We don’t have that. We just have really, really good fucking. Except for the last week, when we haven’t even had that. You forced me to go out and buy a vibrator.” She glared at him. “Do you know how embarrassing that was? I don’t have a credit card so I couldn’t buy it online. I had to go into the shop and ask for the biggest damn vibrator they had. I was quite disappointed, none of them really matched up to you.”

  A throat cleared behind him and he turned, knowing he still looked dumbfounded. Great, it would have to be someone he knew.

  “Detective Stanson,” he greeted the man standing behind him. The female detective with him was trying to hide her grin. Stanson, the bastard, didn’t even try. He had a wide grin on his face. Nate Stanson was a regular at Twisted Thorn and he was good Dom. He also had a smart mouth so Hunter had no doubt that he was going to be hearing about this for a long time.

  “No, the vibrator I got just doesn’t measure up,” Cady said with a pout, looking up at him.

  Hunter placed his hand gently over her mouth. “Shut up about the vibrator, okay, babe?”

  He kept his hand over her mouth as a precaution as he turned back to the detectives.

  “Cady isn’t up to any questions right now,” he said.

  “Oh, I don’t know, she seems talkative enough,” Stanson said, still grinning. His partner elbowed him in the side.

  “I’m Detective Ryans. The doctor warned us that Ms. Franklin has had a reaction to the painkillers. We were wondering if we could set up a time to come and see her tomorrow morning.”

  “Sure, she’ll be at my place.” He gave them his address. “Tell me what you’ve learned so far.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Unfortunately, the victim’s too scared to talk and the idiot who was beating on them both isn’t talking. When we got there, though, it looked as though Ms. Franklin had heard an altercation and bashed in the door to help the victim.”

  Christ, what had she been thinking?

  Probably that she had to help that woman. It was something he’d expect of her, Cady wasn’t one to call the cops and wait for help. But damn, he needed to instil a sense of caution in her. She seemed to think she was indestructible and if she kept going this way she was going to end up really hurt. Or worse.


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