Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence)

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Forever Yours, Sir (Doms of Decadence) Page 15

by Laylah Roberts

  Cady opened her eyes. “What happened to her?”

  “Close your eyes, I’m getting there. Dad got laid off when I was about seven and we lost our health insurance. He started drinking and Mom took more shifts at the diner where she worked. She was tired, working long hours, looking after two kids and my father. But she never grew angry or impatient. It was Halloween and I wanted to go trick-or-treating. I threw a fit because I wanted some stupid costume, I can’t even remember what it was now. It was late at night, but the mall was open late, so after her long shift at work, Mom got back in the car and drove to the mall. She fell asleep at the wheel and drifted off the road down an embankment. When they finally found her she was dead.”

  Cady struggled to sit up, but he held her down. “Shh, lie still.”

  “I want to hold you.”

  He helped her sit, holding her on his lap. In truth, he needed to feel her arms around him.

  “I’m so sorry, so sorry.” She leaned back, cupping his face between her hands. “You have to know that it wasn’t your fault.”

  “Wasn’t it?” he replied. “My father certainly blamed me. He reminded me of that fact almost every day.”

  “He probably blamed himself.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “He blamed himself and he took it out on you. He should have been helping out more, not drinking and wallowing in self-pity. Did he keep drinking?”

  “Yeah, but he cut down, got a new job.” And made his son’s life a living hell.

  “He should have been there for you, not blaming you for something that wasn’t your fault.”

  “If I hadn’t begged for that stupid outfit—”

  “You were eight. You did what every other child would have done. You weren’t to blame, Hunter. She could have gone in the morning, your father could have gotten off his ass and gone. It wasn’t your fault.”

  He sent her a small smile. “Have I told you how glad I am that I met you?”


  “Well, I am. And I’m so grateful that you can see past my stupidity and give me another chance. I promise I won’t let you down.”

  “Just remember, we’re both in this relationship. Both of us will mistakes. I don’t need you to hide things from me to protect me.”

  He frowned. “Maybe not, but it’s hard for me to step back, especially with this habit you have of getting into trouble.”

  “I don’t go looking for it,” she complained with a yawn.

  “Come on.” He stood, holding her in his arms. “You need a nap.”

  “Stupid painkillers,” she muttered. “At least I’m not completely out of it this time.”

  Pushing back the covers he placed her on the bed and tucked her in. Kissing her on the forehead, he watched her until she fell asleep.


  “I need some more clothes,” Cady said. “I really need some of my stuff.”

  “Write a list and I’ll call Gray. He can go and grab them for you,” Hunter said as he tucked a blanket around her on the sofa.

  She didn’t really need the blanket, she was warm enough. He’d turned the heat up, knowing she felt the cold more than he did. Still, it was kind of nice to have someone fussing over her and she knew it made him feel better.

  “No way is Gray going through my underwear,” Cady told him firmly. “Hunter, I’m fine. Bruised and a little sore, but I’m capable of going and grabbing some stuff. I can get there and back within a couple of hours.”

  “Like hell. Not without me, anyway.”

  She hid a grin. She hadn’t planned on going without him, but this way he thought he was winning the argument.

  “All right,” she said with pretend reluctance. “You can come with me. But you’re going back to work tomorrow so you’re going to have to start trusting that I can take care of myself.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “What?” she asked in confusion

  “I’m going to work from here for a few days.”


  “Don’t even argue with me,” he interrupted, his voice harsh. “I’m working from home and that’s final.” It was the fear in his eyes that had her nodding in agreement. She’d do anything to erase his panic. He obviously needed some more time to get over how close she’d come to being seriously injured.

  “Okay,” she said soothingly. “What about the surveillance on that building in all those photos? Who’s going to do that?”

  “I’ll brief everyone tomorrow and they can work out a schedule.”

  “But you’d rather be there yourself.”

  “I would rather be here,” he insisted.

  Cady held back a sigh of frustration. “You know, we could do the surveillance together.”

  Hunter was shaking his head before she finished.

  She sat forward, trying to ignore the pull on her ribs, although the way his gaze narrowed told her that he’d caught her grimace of pain. “You can’t hover over me forever, Hunter. I have a job to do as well. Plus, you’ll be there with me.”

  He grabbed hold of her hands as he sat on the coffee table in front of her. “I couldn’t live if something happened to you, not to someone else I love.”

  Her breath caught. “You love me?”

  He looked a bit shocked by what he’d said. Then his face cleared and it shone through his eyes. “Yes, I love you.”

  “Thank God, because I love you too.”

  Hunter pulled her up, settling back on the sofa with her in his arms. Leaning down, he took her mouth in a deep kiss. “I love you so much, sugar. So much that I know I’m going to act like a caveman sometimes.”

  “Sometimes?” She grinned up at him, running a hand over his chest, reaching under his t-shirt, she toyed with his nipple. His eyes darkened as he gazed down at her.

  “Don’t start what we can’t finish.”

  “Who said I can’t finish it?” she murmured, running her hand down his muscular chest. She undid the top button of his jeans. He snatched her hand away with a growl.

  “You’re too sore for that,” he told her firmly.

  “But I need you. A declaration of love should come with sex, it’s like a rule or something.”

  “Is it?” He chuckled and clasped her head between his hands. He took her mouth in a ravaging kiss that soon had her falling limp against him. He laid her back on the sofa and she whimpered as he moved away.

  “Shh, babe, I’m not going anywhere,” he told her as he reached for her pants, pulling them off. She wasn’t wearing any panties. She only had one pair and they were currently in the dryer. He threw her pants away before spreading her thighs carefully.

  “You’re all wet for me already, aren’t you?”

  She groaned. “Please, Hunter, don’t tease me.”

  “You’re going to stay very, very still, understand me? I’m going to take care of you, but if you do anything to hurt yourself I’m going to shut this down so fast your head will spin.”

  “I understand.”

  “Hands at your sides. Don’t move them.”

  She loved when he got that commanding tone to his voice.

  He took a long lick of her pussy, from bottom to top, over and over, each time his tongue swept briefly over her clit, making her groan. Then he dipped a finger deep inside her, using his tongue to tap her clit. His finger was soon joined by another, thrusting deep, twirling inside her.

  “Hunter, ohh,” she cried out.

  “Come for me, baby girl,” he told her. “I want you to come all around my fingers.”

  She shuddered, her need rising. Hunter placed his other hand over her stomach as he returned his tongue to her clit. He moved his hand up to pinch her nipple. Hard.

  Orgasm washed over her, screaming through her. She gasped with the force of her release. Hunter continued to lazily lap at her juices.

  Finally, he sat up, wiping her juices from his grinning face.

  “How was that?”

  “Pretty fantastic,” she replied, st

ill panting slightly.

  “You in any pain?”

  “Nothing I can feel right now.” It was the truth. Give her a few minutes and she’d probably be aching again, but right now she felt like she could take on the world.

  He chuckled and gently helped her sit up. She glanced down at his groin. “Now, for some fun of my own.” She reached for his jeans, but he grabbed her hand, stopping her.


  “What? Why?” Didn’t he want her?

  “Christ, don’t look at me like that,” he groaned. “You have to know how much I want you. But I’m feeling too raw, I couldn’t be gentle right now and that’s what you need. When you’re feeling better, then we can spend all day in bed, but right now I’m keeping my jeans on.”

  “Hunter, I’m not an invalid.”

  “No, but you’re hurting, I can see it in your eyes so don’t try denying it. I can’t bear the idea of anything hurting you, especially me. So I’m going to wait and nothing you say or do will change my mind, young lady.”

  Damn it, she could see he meant every word.

  “You know, you’re kind of cute when you get all protective,” she said.

  “Cute?” He had a look of outrage on his face.

  She smiled, nodding. “Yep. I’ve never had someone put me first the way you do. But you can’t coddle me at work, you know.”

  He sighed, frowning. “I don’t know how I’m going to handle that. Part of me wishes I’d never offered you that damn job.”

  “But then I wouldn’t be here.”

  “I know. You sure you wouldn’t like a nice office job?”

  “I’m sure. I don’t necessarily like the dangerous parts. I can still see Rusty bleeding out in front of me. But I won’t be happy sitting behind a desk all day, either.”

  “Is being a cop something you always wanted to do?”

  “No, not always. But those cops helped me out all those years ago and I wanted to pay that back. I was good at my job.”

  “I know you were. We’ll work this out. I promise. For now, let’s go grab some of your stuff.”


  Hunter helped Cady out of his truck, his attention caught by a number of people standing outside her apartment building. One of them had a large camera on his shoulder.

  “What’s going on?” Cady asked as she stood beside him. He tucked her into his body. He couldn’t go long without touching her.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like it.”

  “Oh no. We’re here now. I need more underwear and clothes. We’re going inside,” she told him firmly, taking a step forward.

  “I told you that you don’t need any underwear.”

  “Yes, I do.” She glared up at him. “I’m not walking around without any panties on, Hunter. Since you’re the one who insisted we stay at your place, I need some clothes.”

  His house had better security. Plus, that asshole knew where she lived. If he made bail… Hunter growled. “We’re staying at my place.”

  “Fine. Then I need my own clothes, including panties. Come on.”

  He reluctantly moved toward her apartment, his gaze roaming. He had a bad feeling, he couldn’t explain it but he’d learned to rely on his instincts.

  “I’ll just rip them off you,” he said.

  “What? My panties?” She looked up at him before grinning. “Promises, promises.”

  A flash went off and Hunter growled as he realized one of those pricks had just taken a photo of them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he yelled.

  Another man moved forward, the guy with the camera right behind him.

  “That’s Justin Turner, he’s a reporter, I’ve seen him on T.V. a few times,” Cady muttered. She stared, dumbfounded as a microphone was thrust right in her face. Another flash went off.

  “Ms. Franklin, isn’t it? What comments do you have about what happened last night? How does it feel to have gone a few rounds with the Cowboy Adonis?”

  “Who?” she asked, looking confused.

  “Stop taking photos!” Hunter snarled, turning Cady in to his chest. He picked her up and started pushing his way through them. “Get in my way and you’re going to get hurt.”

  “Ms. Franklin? Ms. Franklin? Don’t you have any comments? How bad did he hurt you? Are you planning on taking up wrestling?”

  “What they hell are they talking about?” she asked, moving her head around. Hunter pressed her back against his chest.

  “I don’t know, but until we find out we’re not saying anything.” He pushed his way into the building and moved up the stairs, still holding her.

  “Hunter, I can walk.”

  “But if I carry you, we’ll move faster.” He made it to her apartment. “Keys,” he barked out, knowing he sounded like a complete grouch, but he was sick of his woman being threatened.

  She handed him the keys as he set her down. He opened the door, closing and locking it quickly behind them.

  “Wait here.” He moved through the small apartment, making certain it was safe. His need to protect was in overdrive.

  “Hunter, calm down, they weren’t doing anything,” she said as he came back into the living room.

  “They practically attacked you,” he snarled. “Where’s your bag?”

  “In the closet.” He went into her bedroom and dragged the backpack out, placing it on her bed. “Pack what you need, but don’t carry that bag yourself. I’m going to find out what the hell is going on.”

  Cady shook her head, but started to pack as he stormed out of the room. She guessed it was going to take him a while to be reasonable again. Well, more reasonable than he was being right now.

  She stuffed some clothes into her bag, it didn’t take long for her to pack. It wasn’t like she had much. In fact, most of what she owned fit into this one bag. She tested the weight. It wasn’t heavy at all.

  Placing it over one shoulder, she walked into the small living room. Hunter was pacing up and down, his cell phone to his ear. He glared at her as he saw the backpack on her shoulder. Stepping over to her, he grabbed it off her shoulder.

  Shrugging, she let him.

  “All right, thanks,” he said, putting his phone away as he ended the call. “You’re never going to believe this.”


  “That asshole who hurt you was a wrestler. Apparently he’s on T.V.; Cowboy Adonis is his wrestling name.”

  “So that’s why that reporter is out there? Is it really that interesting?”

  “Apparently he’s quite a big deal. According to my contact at the police station this isn’t the first time he’s been arrested. He’s got a couple of previous assault charges. The D.A. should be able to throw the book at him this time.”

  She sure hoped so.

  “Those vultures will still be waiting for us so we’re going out through the back. You’ve got enough stuff with you?”

  She nodded.

  “Good, let’s go.”

  Chapter Ten

  “So you still have no idea what this place is?” Cady asked, looking out at the nondescript building. This wasn’t a bad area of town, but it was mainly industrial. What could all of these men be coming here for?

  It was a Wednesday night and so far they’d seen three men enter. She’d taken photos of each of them.

  “The clientele are all male, well-dressed, in a part of town that shuts down at this time of night. What are you thinking? Drugs? Gambling? Sex?” she asked.

  “Any of the above,” Hunter said with frustration. “We need to get in there.”

  “Sneak in?”

  “Or go in undercover.”

  “But without knowing what this place is, we have no idea how to get in there.”

  He nodded. “We need someone already on the inside.”

  “What? You think they’re just going to tell us what’s going on? If it’s illegal—”

  “Then they won’t want their name linked to it. Jaron researched the men in these photos,
quite a few have prominent jobs and families. They won’t want this to get out.”

  “And you think they could be trusted?”

  “No, but they could give someone we trust a way in.”

  She thought it through for a moment. “That could work. Who do we approach, though?”

  “You look for a weak link. One of these three.”

  He handed over three of the photos, from a previous stake out, to her.

  “Who are they?”

  “One of them is a computer hacker. Very good. Very expensive. He’s not going to be happy that we have his photo or that we know what he does. But even though he’s good, Connor’s better. We could have him by the balls.” She looked down at the guy who couldn’t be more than twenty-eight, he stood with a slight slouch and his complexion was pale.

  “The next guy,” he tapped a photo of a handsome, well-built man, “is a former football player. Got a wife and three kids, plus he makes a lot of money from endorsements. He’s not going to want to see that at risk.”

  “Or there is number three.”

  She glanced down at the third man. He was older, in his fifties with a thinning hairline and a slight pouch around his middle.

  “He was in the photos that Angie took, but we haven’t seen him here during any of our surveillance. Which could mean he doesn’t visit a lot or maybe not at all anymore. He’s also married, but his wife is the one with the trust fund. He can’t risk a divorce or he loses all her money.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I need to talk this through with the others, figure out the best course of action.”

  “You know, they all have one thing in common.”

  “What’s that?”

  “They’re rich. Whatever this is, it probably requires some sort of membership fee or it costs money to participate in. They probably do background checks on everyone, who do we know with money who could fit in?”

  He drummed his fingers against the steering wheel. Then he turned to her. “Derrick.”


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