Young Widows Club

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Young Widows Club Page 8

by Bridy McAvoy

  “Sorry about that.”

  Angie put her drink down on the side table and turned and squeezed her friend’s hand. “It’s okay—a shock, that was all.”

  “Yeah, I guess I’d hoped he’d choose Pattie next.”

  “Thank you very much, I’m sure.”

  “Yeah, but you’re the more confident one than me.”

  “Not really, it’s just an act.”

  The four shared a smile and a giggle and then the other three turned their attention back to Angie, who’d taken the chance offered by the brief exchange between Pattie and Trish to gather her thoughts again.

  “I’m not going to tell you all the gory details—in fact, Robert asked me not to—so beside the embarrassment factor of describing the nasty bits, he explained why he didn’t want me to tell you everything, and I agree with him.”

  “Not fair.”

  She looked at Becky. “Why? You get the same as I did. You get to react naturally that way as well.”

  “I asked you in the kitchen, is he any good?”

  Angie sighed. Pattie wouldn’t quit until she’d got her answer. “Well, he won’t ever measure up to my Darrell, that’s for sure, and I’m sure you’ll all find the same thing.”

  Becky was the one who surprised her with a question. “You mean he’s small…down there?”

  Angie couldn’t help laughing. The Advil had obviously kicked in, and the headache had dissipated enough that laughing didn’t hurt—too much.

  “That’s not what I meant at all. He’s in the normal range, okay? So before you ask any more embarrassing questions—yes, we did do it more than once, yes he did make sure he looked after me, yes he went down, and so did I, and yes I came three times. Okay?”


  “So, let me ask you guys a question. Any of you any good at playing pool?”

  All three shook their heads, puzzled looks on their faces.

  “Well, don’t let him persuade you to play then. He’s good—damned good.”

  She giggled and after a second the others joined in with her. “Let him find a different way to push your buttons. Make him work hard for his little perks.”

  * * * *

  When Angie woke up three days later, and after showering and dressing, she found a handwritten note shoved through her front door.

  First party arranged for tomorrow.

  Please come around tonight at 7 o’clock to discuss details.

  Wear a dress, but don’t worry about getting glammed up.

  See you all then.


  If we’re not to get glammed up, why make us wear a dress?

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out he’d pushed the note through the door on his way to work this morning, and had done the same with the others as well. She bit her lip, not really wanting to know about the details of the party in advance, but knew there was no way out. She mentally logged through her wardrobe trying to work out which dress would be appropriate for this evening, and which one for tomorrow. After a moment she reached for her cell.

  Conference my place 10 sharp. Bring yr purses. I smell a shopping trip! Angie X

  The text sent, she hooked a kitchen stool with one heel while she put the coffee on. This called for some group planning and that could only be fueled by coffee. She wondered if Pattie had a hangover this morning. She’d been the last of the four to spend the evening with Robert, and she wanted to hear the details, get her own back for the grilling she’d been given herself.

  Pattie was the first to arrive and looked remarkably chipper, and Becky and Trish walked up the drive together only seconds later.

  “So, what gives?” Pattie struck a pose designed to show a nonchalance Angie saw through immediately.

  “The hangover?”

  “What hangover?”


  Pattie shrugged and then giggled. “Simple. I refused the wine and just had orange juice.”

  “You didn’t!”

  “I did!”

  “But you still…?”

  “A lady never divulges.” Pattie threw her own line back at her and all four women dissolved into fits of laughter.

  “Seriously, ladies, yes I did, yes he was, and yes I did, twice as it happens. Now, enough talk about that, what’s with the shopping trip? Not that I’m not up for it, of course.”

  “Well, I take it you all got a note from Robert through your letter boxes this morning.”

  All three nodded, and Trish even went so far as to pull hers from her purse and pass it to Becky to confirm their two were identical. Pattie read it and agreed then passed it to Angie. All four were the same.

  “Now, our self-styled lord and master wants us to wear dresses today. And he wants to talk about tomorrow, so what do you want to bet that he’s going to do some kind of dress rehearsal.”

  “Don’t you mean an undress rehearsal?”

  When she stopped giggling at Becky’s correction and the general laughter had subsided, Angie continued. “Very true. Now, if that’s what the man wants, why don’t we turn the tables on him a little—hence the shopping trip.”

  “I don’t get you.” Trish looked puzzled and the other two were frowning along with her.

  “Well, he wants dresses, so let’s all wear one dress.”


  She swore she could see the moment the light of reason came on in Pattie’s eyes.

  “You mean the same dress.”

  “Yep, let’s all go and find a nice little black dress that suits all of us and when we go over there tonight we’re wearing the same.”

  Trish nodded then spoke again, surprising Angie by embellishing on the idea. “Fine, and we’ll go to VS too, and get the same underwear, and if we haven’t spent too much, let’s find the shoes to go with it. The whole ensemble.”

  Angie nodded and could see the other two agreeing as well.

  “Right, let’s go into town. I’ll drive, then leave the dresses here, and you three come around in normal outer clothes about six. We’ll get changed and then the first time Robert will see we’re wearing the same is when he opens the door, or sees us together walking up his drive. Besides, that way we can have a glass, or four, of wine first.” She turned and looked at Pattie. “No more of this orange juice malarkey.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  * * * *

  The straight black dress, with spaghetti straps and a fine netting bodice, wasn’t one that Angie would have chosen for herself. Although the two triangles covered the middle of her breasts, the ultra-fine lace left her cleavage and the outer curves of her breasts exposed. The skirt was a couple of inches shorter than her preference too, showing a lot of thigh even as she stood straight. What it did when she sat down didn’t bear thinking about. But, and it was a big but, it was the only dress they found in three hours of scouring the mall that fitted all of them, looked good on all four of them, and didn’t cost too much.

  Given the décolleté nature of the see-through part of the top, there was no way you could wear a bra underneath it, and if Pattie, the bustiest of the four, didn’t have a problem with it then Angie couldn’t either. The black lace panties, garter belt, and sheer-seamed black stockings complemented the outfit but they’d run out of time to buy matching shoes, settling instead on their own best black heels to go with it. She smiled at the memory of the four of them wrestling with the seams. When Pattie and Trish had knelt on the floor to twist the seams on her stockings into place, their hands on her thighs had given her butterflies in her stomach. When she’d returned the favor to help Becky straighten Pattie’s, she’d been able to see up her friend’s skirt to her panties, and realized the others had been able to see hers. Trish had blushed but refused to comment when everyone had noticed she hadn’t needed help with hers.

  Now, with ten minutes to go, the four gathered in Angie’s hall waiting for the clock to tick down. All four
fidgeted, waiting for that fateful moment, both drawing comfort from the presence of the others, and feeling at risk from the fact that things might happen in front of the others.

  “Cheer up.”


  “It might never happen, girlfriend.”

  Pattie’s relentless attempts to cheer them up over the last hour were becoming more and more labored. Angie knew her friend was trying, and why, but as the clock ticked over to seven o’clock she found herself drawing in on herself, shutting the others out, and guessed the others felt the same.

  “Time, ladies. Are you ready?”

  Pattie smiled, thin-lipped and rather weak, but still a smile, and nodded. Becky grinned an affirmative but Angie could see the oldest of the four was as nervous as she was herself. Trish closed her eyes for a moment and seemed to shake herself. When she opened her eyes she was smiling, the broadest, most genuine smile of them all.

  “Come on, Angie, what’s the worst that can happen? Robert sees some more T and A, and makes us cum again? What’s wrong with that?”

  “T and A?”

  “Tits and ass, sweetie. Tits and ass.”


  “Well, in his case it’ll be T, P, A rather than just T and A.”

  “What’s…? Oh, never mind, I’ve worked that one out.”

  Trish shrugged and walked the three steps that took her to the door. “Come on, girlfriends, last one over there is a rotten egg.”

  Angie giggled. Trish, usually the quietest one of the four, had lifted the mood where none of the others had succeeded.

  “Not fair.”


  “I’ve got to lock up.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll wait, won’t we, ladies?”

  Pattie chimed in, confirming the lift in her spirits that Angie felt had happened to all of them. “Yeah, we’ll leave you some of him, just for you. Not sure which bit, but we’ll leave you a bit.”

  The four of them giggled but the other three waited while Angie locked the door behind them and put the keys in her patent leather clutch bag. That had been a real find. In the thrift store, a whole box of them, all of them monogrammed with an initial and when they’d rummaged they’d found the correct one for all four of them, and only five dollars each too.

  Robert opened the door as they approached, giving away that he’d been watching for them, and had seen them crossing the street. As a result, they didn’t get to see his reaction to them being dressed the same—he’d had a crucial few seconds to recover from the surprise.

  “Ladies, welcome, good evening.”

  They all chorused a reply as he stood to one side, letting them pass him into the house. Angie brought up the rear and she could see the way his gaze was zeroed in on the asses of her three friends, and the straight seams in the backs of the stockings. She suppressed a shudder as she walked past, knowing she, too, was getting the same scrutiny, and prayed her stocking seams were still straight.

  “Right then, girls. Shall we go down to the man-cave? More room down there.”

  When the other three looked at Robert in some confusion, it was obvious to Angie that she was the only one Robert had taken downstairs into his play room. She guessed they’d each had the luxury of a bed over the previous three nights, unlike her. The idea of revisiting the room where he’d seduced her didn’t fully appeal, especially with her friends in attendance. It made sense, and she guessed the so-called party tomorrow would take place down there as well.

  “Angie, if you’ll lead the way.”


  At the bottom of the stairs she turned and watched the reactions of her friends as they saw the huge open space basement room, derisorily called his man-cave by Robert. Becky’s face reflected her shock at the size of the space and the luxurious fittings. Trish’s attention seemed fixed on the bar while Pattie’s face betrayed hunger and envy.

  “Wow. What a place.”

  Suddenly Pattie turned toward the far side of the room and let out a squawk of laughter.

  “Oh, my God! That’s the famous pool table? Awesome.”

  Angie could feel her cheeks reddening from her friend’s comment but bit back a reply, determined not to react too much and sound bitchy. After all, over the course of the last four evenings, Robert had had each of the four of them.

  “Ladies, drinks?”

  Robert bustled past them heading for the bar and spent the next couple of minutes filling their orders, with Pattie and Becky opting for white wine spritzers and Trish joining Angie in opting for the Merlot, the same one Robert had given her the night he’d seduced her. She made a mental note to keep her consumption of the heady beverage under control.

  As she helped him hand out the drinks, her attention was drawn to the pile of dress carriers at the far end of the small bar. Four dress carriers, when there were four of them, could only mean one thing. She eyed them suspiciously, but Robert made no move to explain them or their presence.

  He waved them to the couches and Angie sat with Trish on the smaller of the two while Pattie and Becky sat at either end of the larger, three-seater one. Angie expected, and from the looks on their faces the others did too, Robert to sit between them, but instead he perched on the end of the couch next to Angie. She was uncomfortably aware that sitting on the arm he was a good foot taller than her and, as a result, almost certainly had a great view down the front of her dress. She wanted to clutch the material to herself and glare at him but bit back the modest response, knowing it didn’t matter, not in these circumstances. At a normal gathering she’d have made an excuse and moved away from the lecher. This was anything but a normal social function.

  She sipped her wine in silence, aware the other three were watching the apparent byplay between her and Robert, even though it consisted of nothing more than him leering down the front of her dress and her ignoring him doing so.

  “Right, ladies, you’re probably wondering what tonight is about?”

  Trish leaned forward and replied for all of them. “Probably because you couldn’t get enough of our T, P and A over the last week and wanted another crack at us?”

  Pattie and Becky giggled and Angie shook her head and smiled. The last one she’d expected to come out with a statement like that was Trish—Pattie yes, even Becky maybe, but not Trish. Something seemed to have happened to Trish the other night. She’d somehow come out of her shell far more than they’d all expected, and her words rang with an unexpected brashness.

  Robert laughed too but didn’t reply so Angie chimed in.

  “Kind of an undress rehearsal?”

  That made them all laugh and, after taking another sip at what she thought was a whiskey, Robert put his drink down on the side table and spoke.

  “Well, ladies, this may be a bit embarrassing for all of us, but it needs to be said.”

  Angie let the smile slip from her face, a quick glance confirming the others were suddenly serious too.

  “This week has shown how good you all are in…shall we just say…in the sack. But there are a couple of things those evenings didn’t cover.”

  “Oh, such as?”

  “How comfortable you are with being undressed in front of each other. I guess you’ve enjoyed a day shopping from the way you’re dressed tonight, and I guess you used a communal dressing room, so getting down to your underwear in each other’s presence isn’t an issue. Hell, at the gym I bet some of you have been naked in the showers with each other. But that’s not the same thing. This time tomorrow night you’ll be getting naked in front of each other, and then…shall we just say, fucking, in front of each other? A bit different.”

  He paused and Angie felt a shiver run down her back. Up until now she hadn’t really thought about it in those terms. She’d sort of expected the men and women to pair off and disappear into the bedrooms rather than get it on in front of each other, let alone degenerate further.

  “No way!”

  She heard the words, then realized they’d come f
rom her own mouth, and the others were looking at her in shock at her vehemence. Robert turned his gaze back to her and she glared up at him.

  “Please elaborate.”

  “You expect us to get hot and heavy down here as a group?”

  “That depends.” Robert’s face had gone flat and hard, expressionless yet stern.

  “On what?”

  “On what the paying clients want. If they want privacy, they get privacy. If they want you nekkid, they get you nekkid, understood?”

  Angie swallowed hard and, after a few seconds nodded, which brought a gasp of surprise from the other couch.

  Robert turned his attention to the other two women, focusing mainly on Pattie. “And if that means they want to watch a couple of you get your freak on for a while, then that’s what you do. Am I clear about this?”

  Angie felt the walls closing in on her as his words sank in, but he was directing them at Pattie and she watched the byplay of emotions as they crossed Pattie’s face.

  “Now, any questions about that?”

  One by one, the other three shook their heads and Robert turned his head to look at her again. Yet again, she felt like clutching the top of her dress closed to stop him ogling her breasts, but forcing herself to sit still she shook her head, agreeing with her friends.

  “Good, that’s settled. Now, Angie, please stand and move to the middle of the room.”

  He held out a hand for her wine glass which she handed to him before following his instructions, trying to guess at whatever reason he’d picked on her first. Her heart hammered in her chest as she tried not to imagine what was going to happen.

  “That dress is awesome, and you’re all wearing the same. Trish, please go and stand next to your friend.”

  Trish joined her in the middle of the room but Angie just watched Robert rather than look at the woman she expected him to order her to touch. “You have good taste, all of you. Now tell me, are you all wearing identical underwear too?”


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