Young Widows Club

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Young Widows Club Page 12

by Bridy McAvoy

  The next moment she gasped in horror as he withdrew his fingers and she realized he’d turned to bring his right hand to her mouth. It hadn’t been her own juice she’d eagerly lapped from his fingertips, it had been Trish’s. He turned his back to her and extended his left hand to Trish. Slurping noises sounded over his shoulder and she knew Trish, despite having had a few seconds warning, had just as eagerly sucked Angie’s own juices off his fingers.

  Angie reached down to her crotch and eased her panties back into place, then pulled the skirt down to cover her own lewd display, while in front of her the two naked women stood there, breathing heavily, trying to control their body’s reactions to what had just happened.

  ”You may as well get dressed, ladies.”

  As ever, Robert was in control of himself, and demonstrated his intention to remain in control of the four of them. Becky walked across to the bar, stepping out of her panties as she did so, then picked up both dress carriers and checked the labels, handing one to Pattie.

  Side by side they turned their backs on the others and laid the bags on the couch. Becky looked at Pattie and they both giggled. At a slight signal from Pattie, they both faced right away from Robert, and bent over at the waist, straight-legged, with their legs parted. Their pussies peeked out from the space between their legs as they unzipped the bags and extracted the contents.

  Becky squealed and straightened up first and, as she spun to face Robert, Angie could see both the look on her face, and the reason in her hands.

  Unlike Trish and Angie, she wasn’t holding a dress, rather a very short satin slip. The blindingly brilliant white of the fabric was set off by the inch wide black lace trim around the bodice and the bottom which also made up the straps for her shoulders. Even holding it against herself, it was clear Becky knew it was scandalously short, far too short to be worn without something over the top. By the look on her face there was nothing in the bag to be worn over it, although hopefully there would be some panties, otherwise Becky would be completely exposed from the get-go.

  Pattie turned around more slowly than her friend. She clutched an identical outfit, although hers was blue with black trim, a brilliant royal blue that scintillated under the ceiling lights, scattering reflections off in every direction. They were an identical length, but since Pattie was that little bit shorter than the brunette, it was clear she would be afforded a little more modesty than her taller friend.

  “You have got to be joking!”

  Pattie’s comment was met with silence from Robert, so both women turned back to the carriers and checked the interior of their respective bags. Angie thought she saw Becky’s shoulders sag with relief when her hand emerged holding what turned out to be French-cut panties, white with black lace to match the tops. Pattie, too, had a pair to match hers and the two women quickly stepped into them, pulling them up snugly around the waist. Angie giggled when she saw Becky had pulled them a little too high, outlining her pussy in a perfect camel toe and, when Becky looked at her with her eyebrows raised, she mouthed the words camel toe to her friend, who immediately adjusted them again.

  The tops slipped on over their heads and before long both were covered and presentable. The two looked absolutely stunning—the white of Becky’s clothes setting off her dark, almost Latin looks, while the blue shone beneath the pale face and paler hair of Pattie.

  Robert rose to his feet. “There are proper stockings too with each outfit, but as with Angie and Trish, you can keep the seamed ones on for now.”

  “You mean this is all we get to wear?”

  Robert nodded and folded his arms as he looked at Pattie. From behind, Angie couldn’t see his expression but guessed he wasn’t pleased.


  “But what?”


  Angie imagined Robert rolling his eyes at the blonde woman. “Jeez… Five minutes ago you were naked. Not long after the party starts, you’ll probably be halfway naked again. Does it really matter?”

  “But…the other two have proper…”

  “Proper dresses on, you mean?”

  Pattie nodded, while Becky watched the byplay with a vested interest.

  “Well, Angie in particular has a very special role to play tomorrow, and we’ll get to that in a moment. Trish has only got one item of clothing on and, if anything, is in far more danger of immediate exposure than you are. So stop digging a hole for yourself and get used to it.”

  Pattie stared at him and Angie could only guess he was staring back. She watched her friend’s eyes drop as she admitted defeat. Her own mind was in turmoil at Robert’s mention of her special role. Satisfied he’d won the exchange, Robert turned to Angie and beckoned her to join him in the middle of the room.

  “Why don’t you clear up all the detritus of the evening so far, while Angie helps me with another round of drinks, then I’ll explain her special role to our pool-playing friend here.”

  She shuddered but accepted his hand as he extended it to her, then walked with him over to the bar where, for a couple of minutes, they were busy preparing then serving drinks.

  Once the other three women were seated on the couches again, and the black dresses and pairs of panties had been gathered from the floor and added to the pile of dress carriers in one corner, Robert led her over to the pool table, then turned back to address the others, still holding Angie’s hand.

  “Now, tomorrow, when you come in, my guests will already be here, and the gauche matter of the financial side of the transaction will have already been done. That way there’s no chance of any embarrassment of it. Is that okay?”

  He looked at the three women and waited for them to nod before turning his attention to Angie, whose heart was in her throat as she thought about what her special role could be. She’d been given a clue by Robert talking about her table skills, and another by their location adjacent to the pool table where she’d lost enough racks to get naked a few nights ago.

  “We need an ice-breaker, so while you three get to sit on the couches, each with a fella, poor Angie here will be playing pool with them instead.”


  Suddenly the vision of a gangbang with several men holding her down on the pool table as they stripped her clothes away and took her two at a time flashed across the backs of her eyes and she gripped Robert’s hands harder. He must have picked up on her momentary distress because he smiled at her then spoke again to the room at large.

  “Yes, them, but don’t worry, not all at the same time. In order to provide some circulation before everyone picks a partner to get down and dirty with, Angie will take on all-comers at the pool table, one at a time, of course. Just as the other night, they’ll put up money as their stake, but Angie here will be betting her clothes.


  “Sign of a very misspent youth, dear. Playing pool that well, it was bound to cost you, sooner or later.”

  She bit her lip and didn’t reply. Robert pulled on her hand and she took a half step toward him and, when he exerted a little more force, she found herself standing in front of him with his arms wrapped around her stomach. He pushed forward against her, and she could feel he was still half-hard from the effects of him playing with both her and Trish and from watching the girl on girl—as he would term it—floor show at the same time. Once more, visions played through her mind imagining him turning her, pushing her forward to bend over the pool table then taking her from behind. She tried to suppress the shiver such thoughts sent through her but wasn’t sure she’d managed to when his arms tightened around her. Without thinking about it, she ground her ass back against him, gratified to feel him hardening under the pressure, and he shifted position to line himself up better, trapping his thickening cock between her butt cheeks.

  “So each man will play pool, and if they lose they have to hand over the cash, but if they win, then Angie here will let them remove a piece of her clothing. Since I’ll play her the first rack and she already knows I’m a better player,
who is going to win that frame, Angie?”

  She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry, knowing it didn’t matter how well she played, barring a fluke he expected her to lose on purpose.

  “You, I guess.”

  “Correct. And which part of your clothing do you think you can afford to lose the most.”

  She turned her head to look up at him over her shoulder and he took the opportunity she’d accidentally offered to dip his head and kiss her lips, wringing a gasp from her in surprise.

  “Er…the top layer of the dress.”

  Robert shook his head. “’Fraid not, sweetie. It won’t be that. I’m going to collect on your panties. Don’t worry, I won’t collect now, but imagine playing pool with everyone watching you without your panties, having to bend over to make each shot, knowing your skirt would slip up to reveal everything, especially if you had to stretch. Do you think your opponents will notice this, and take advantage, leaving you more and more stretch shots just to show you off?”

  She bit her lip and nodded, knowing that if they were Robert’s friends, they would probably be just like him, and four days ago that had been exactly what he’d done to her.

  “So then you play each of the other guys, staying at the top of your game, of course, making sure you take some money as well, but eventually you’ll lose a frame and then another piece of your clothing.”

  His hands moved to her shoulders and Angie expected him to start removing the outer chiffon-like layer, but he didn’t. Instead his fingers dipped underneath it to reach the bows on the inner opaque layer, and she stifled a squeal as he flicked the bows apart and the dress started to unravel. He bent down behind her, reached up under the chiffon and gave the other layer a tug. The teal green material fell away before she could stop it, pooling around her feet and, as she looked down, she could clearly see her nipples, and knew the others could too.

  “Imagine how you’ll look without your panties as well.”

  She shuddered, unable to shut the obscene image out, knowing the transparent material of the dress would cover, but not conceal, any of her charms.

  “I expect your next opponent will get even more touchy-feely at that point, and I suspect you’ll have to let him put you off your game, because I doubt he’ll be able to play properly given the way your every movement will flash him.” He turned his attention back to the three women who made up his audience. “By the time Angie is naked I expect you’ll all be paired up with someone, and since Angie will have someone in attendance at that point, then from there I expect all our guests to have a good time and enjoy themselves. Once the other house is ready you’ll all have use of separate rooms but tomorrow it’ll be more of a free for all. Get used to the idea. Understood?”

  One by one the other women nodded and Angie followed suit.

  “Right, you can pick up those delectable dresses you came in, gather up the rest of your clothes, and I’ll see you all back here at seven sharp tomorrow, pretty much dressed as you are now. Different stockings, of course, and Angie, you’ll be wearing both layers of the dress at that point. Although I do think it suits you as it is, Angie. Very nice.”

  He paused and looked around at them again, then down at Angie’s breasts and, since she was in range, thoughtfully rubbed his thumb over one of the extended nipples, making her gasp at the contact. She knew he was still hard and expected him to ask her to stay behind to satisfy him. He surprised them all.

  “Trish, stay a little while, if you will.”

  Seeing as Trish had just watched the byplay between him and Angie, Angie could see her friend had immediately worked out why she was being singled out, and that all of the others knew as well. She blushed bright red and chewed her lip, but nodded and sat back in the couch, crossing her legs so the slit in the dress fell open again.

  The other two picked up the black dresses and the panties while Angie retrieved the other half of her dress. It was obvious to all that Robert expected them to leave his house still wearing the clothes he’d bought for them, so none of them protested despite the lack of decency afforded by them.

  * * * *

  Angie expected the other two to follow her across the road to her house to collect their everyday clothes from earlier. As soon as Robert’s front door shut behind them, she draped the opaque layer of her dress that Robert had removed over her front and walked as fast as she could down his drive, across the narrow strip of tarmac, and up her own drive. When she reached her porch she looked back to see the other two hesitating at the end of Robert’s drive.

  “Come on, I’m not going to bite!”

  She watched Pattie and Becky look at each other then turn back to face her. Their faces were a picture of mixed emotion—part embarrassment at what had happened, and part amusement. She couldn’t figure that last bit out until she realized what a figure she must have cut crossing the road, her backside hanging out due to the see-through dress. She shook her head and turned back to the door, hearing the heels click as the two women followed her.

  She opened the door and, stepping inside, held it open for the other two to follow her. Once she closed the door she rounded on them.

  “Right. Are you going to tell me, or do I have to drag it out of you one word at a time?”

  Becky looked at Pattie then nodded.

  “Okay, but one thing first.”


  “Can we all please get changed into something less revealing—especially you, sweetie.”

  As she’d stepped into the house, Angie had discarded the part of the dress she’d been carrying, forgetting that it left her breasts, to all intents and purposes, naked. She squeaked in reaction then nodded.

  “Good idea. You can each use one of the spare rooms. My stuff’s down here, so I’ll get some coffee on.”

  Ten minutes later they reconvened in the kitchen, Angie poured coffee for the three of them with ease born of long practice ensuring each mug met their personal tastes. All three had opted for jeans and T-shirts and, given the events of the evening, it seemed much easier for Angie to look at her friends now fully and properly dressed.

  “Right, are you going to tell me?”

  “Sorry, honey. There were two notes for Becky and me. One was identical to yours and Trish’s, the other one…well, wasn’t.”

  “And you didn’t think to tell me? Or, for that matter, to tell Trish?”

  Becky rolled her eyes and jumped in before Pattie could answer. “What do you think they said?”

  Angie frowned. “Let me guess. Don’t tell the other two.”

  Becky nodded and Angie let her shoulders slump in defeat. Given their situation, she could hardly blame the other two women for doing as they were told. After all, wasn’t that what they were all doing? Hadn’t she kept details back from them, on his instructions, when she’d been the first to spend the evening with Robert? The thought of what was going to happen in less than twenty-four hours brought the first signs of tears to her eyes. Feeling herself welling up, she shook herself in an attempt to regain control and took a different tack with her friends.

  “So, why you two?”

  Becky looked at Pattie then back at her. “Did he ask you the same question as he did us?”

  “What question?”

  “Didn’t he ask you the have you ever slept with another woman question?”


  “Well, did he ask?”

  Angie shuddered then responded in a quiet voice. “Yes.”

  “And how did you answer?”

  “Well, we were kind of busy at the time…” She felt the color rush to her face as she realized what she’d just said and, lifting her eyes, saw her friends grinning at her.

  Pattie was the one to break the silence. “That is what he did to all of us. I guess Becky and I were the two who answered the most truthfully.”

  “I didn’t lie!”

  Becky reached across the breakfast bar and grasped Angie’s hand while Pattie was the one who continued. “She didn’t
mean you did, sweetie. Just, well, I guess…” She trailed off and blushed, the sudden red blooming of her face in stark contrast to her blonde hair.

  Once again, Becky stepped in after giving Angie’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Bad choice of words, I guess. What I meant to say was we’re the two that admitted to…well, shall we say more experience, and I guess we weren’t quite as preoccupied as you were when he asked you the question.”

  “You mean…you two?”

  Becky shook her head. “Before tonight? No, sweetie, nuh-uh, no way. I haven’t been with another woman since college, and Pattie…well, from what she said, not since high school.”

  Angie rounded on the blonde. “High school?”

  Pattie’s blush grew even deeper, but then, clearing her throat, she rose to her feet and struck a pose, back arched, one leg flexed out in front, her arms holding imaginary pom-poms out in front of her, smiling at her friends as the blush faded a little. “I was captain of the cheer squad for two years, in the squad from varsity level all the way through. All the jocks hit on me, expecting me to put out, and any party I was invited to…well, it was guaranteed to be several blokes and me, no other girls.” She rolled her eyes. “I might have been young and naïve, but I wasn’t stupid. So when I turned them down they started rumors I was a dyke—swung the wrong way. You know how cruel high schoolers are.”

  Angie nodded. She hadn’t been a cheerleader herself, just never been interested, but had seen the way the jocks at her own school had regarded the squad as their property—their natural prey.

  “Well, since I had been flagged as one, one of the senior dykes took an interest in me. I guess the idea of getting a blonde cheerleader with long legs and pert tits into bed isn’t exclusively male territory. To cut it short, she succeeded and I loved it. After that, I fell in with a crowd. Some of them kinda passed me around, I guess. I wised up by my own senior year, knew I wasn’t gay, but the damage was done.”

  Angie rose from her stool and wrapped her arms around her friend. Sorry circumstances had forced such a confession from the pretty blonde widow. As Pattie buried her face in her hands, Angie gently patted her back and Becky sat in silence watching the tableau. Once Pattie had composed herself, Angie returned to her seat and turned to Becky.


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