Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5)

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Unraveled (The Monroe Family Book 5) Page 16

by Nicole Dykes

  Physically, this guy is one hundred percent my type, which means he’s probably an asshole.

  He gives me a devastatingly sexy smile. “Alex? I’m Chris.”

  I nod my head, smiling. “Nice to meet you.”

  He grins and brazenly takes in my whole body with his eyes. It’s not creepy though, not in a way that makes me want to punch him. It’s actually hot. This guy is trouble. “Damn, Brooke wasn’t kidding. You are gorgeous and just my type.”

  I laugh and grab my purse. “She didn’t overexaggerate when she told me about you either.” I swing the bag over my shoulder and add with a smirk, “I really thought she was.”

  He chuckles. “Oh, me too. I was sure I would get here and you would be two hundred pounds heavier, a foot shorter, and have a face only a loyal best friend could describe as pretty.” He winks, “But this works too.”

  I genuinely laugh at his humor that is right up my alley. “Well I’m glad you aren’t too disappointed.”

  “It’ll do,” he teases and then asks, “You ready?”

  I nod my head and follow him out the door and down to the street in front of my building. He leads me to a gorgeous motorcycle and hands me a helmet. Of course, he has a motorcycle. I can’t help but to notice the paint job screams Luke. That boy is getting good.

  I’m glad I chose a flowy dress instead of the tight one I had originally planned. He puts his helmet on and climbs on. I do the same, wrapping my arms around his waist. He turns around to look at me, “I’m guessing you’ve been on a bike before?”

  I grin at him. “Yep. No first-time jitters here.”

  He looks pleased by that. He starts it up and takes off down the street. I haven’t been on the back of a bike for a few years, and I forgot how freeing it was, even if it’s just down the crowded city streets.

  It doesn’t take long before we are parked and I miss the sound of the engine when Chris turns the bike off. We both climb off and I look around. The only restaurant on this street is a burger stand. It’s a Kansas City staple and has been around since before I was born. Damn he’s good. “Been here before?” He asks.

  Only every other week since I was a teenager. “A couple of times.”

  He holds out his hand and I take it as we cross the street to go inside. After we order at the counter, we find a seat in a cozy booth.

  “So, Luke customized your bike. Is that how you know the Monroes?” I ask, making small talk.

  “Actually, I met Jax in my shop and then he talked me into getting my bike customized and buying a custom Mustang.”

  “Your shop?”

  He nods proudly. “Yeah, I have my own tattoo shop downtown. Jax has been a pretty good customer. Dylan and Luke too.”

  I smile to myself. A tattoo artist. Hot. “Wow. That’s impressive. I have to assume you’re pretty good. Jax is picky as hell about ink.”

  “Oh, I’m damn good.”

  I roll my eyes at his cockiness, but can’t not smile.

  “You’re impressive yourself. I hear you have your own hair salon.”

  I nod, “Yep, and I’m damn good.”

  He smiles. “I have no doubt.” His grin grows even bigger. “Match made in heaven.”

  I take a bite out if my juicy hamburger. “Well, on paper, but I’m willing to bet that’s where our similarities end.”

  He leans forward a little, “Try me.”

  What the hell do I have to lose? This guy is hot and has just the right amount of attitude, but I’m done wasting time. I can do that with Shriller. “I want kids and marriage and a real commitment. Not looking to be a suburban housewife, but I want the real fucking deal.”

  There, that should scare him off. He just smirks at me and folds his muscled arms over his chest, leaning back. “Me too.”


  He chuckles at that. “What, guys can’t want a real relationship?”

  “Not guys like you.”

  He feigns being hurt. “Hey, I’m not saying I haven’t had my issues with commitment, but now that I’m thirty-three, I’m actually ready to settle down. I’m not looking to rush into anything just for the fuck of it, but if the right chick comes along, I’m open to it.”

  I cock my eyebrow at him. Is this guy for real? “You’re just saying that.”

  He shakes his head. “Honestly, if I wasn’t interested in the real deal, would I be on a blind date right now?” He answers his own question before I can. “No, I’d be in a crowded club with a shitload of easy chicks.”

  Like Shriller is right now. He has a good point.

  This could be something real, or at least it has the potential to be real.

  Chapter 35



  don’t live far from here. We can walk to my place.” the busty blonde, who is reminiscent of Tiffany, purrs into my ear in the crowded club. She just came up to where Jax, Dylan and I are sitting in the VIP booth and made herself right at home. Third one so far tonight.

  “That’s awesome, sweetheart. Normally I would jump at that offer, but I’m out of commission at the moment.” I say lamely and point to my right knee. The cast is covered by my jeans, but if she’s actually a fan she knows about the wreck.

  Her lips go out in a full pout. “Don’t worry, I’ll do all the work.”

  I try not to roll my eyes at her easiness. Fuck, that used to be my bread and butter. Suddenly, I want a chick that makes everything way harder than it has to be. Someone that’ll bust my balls. Not. Good. “Again, great offer, but no thanks.”

  She exits in a huff, and Jax and Dylan are staring at me in disbelief.

  Dylan takes a drink from his glass. “What the hell man? You lose your mojo?”

  I feel Jax’s eyes examining me a little closer, and I know I need to be convincing here. “I don’t feel like getting crabs. That girl was skanky as hell.”

  Dylan laughs and Jax slams a shot of Jack Daniels and shakes his head. “She wasn’t that bad.”

  I down a shot of my own, probably not the best idea since I’ve been in a shitty mood all week. Alex is out on a date right now and I shouldn't give a fuck, but my mind hasn’t been able to focus on anything else.

  She looked so good in her short green dress and black, fuck me heels, her red hair swept up, showing off that sexy tattoo on her neck, and her makeup done just right.

  “So, who the hell is this guy Brooke set Alex up with tonight?” I blurt out. Way to be subtle, dumbass.

  Dylan settles into the booth. “Who Chris? He’s a good guy. Customer at the shop. Does tattoos.”

  “Yeah, he did this beauty,” Jax says as he points to a tattoo on his right forearm. The work is bold and, I hate to admit, really good.

  Great, a fucking tattoo artist and a good one at that. I could handle it if Brooke set her up with another pencil pusher, but Alex could actually like this guy. “So, he’s a player then?” I ask, fishing for something bad about this prick.

  Dylan shakes his head. “You think Brooke would have set him up with Alex if he was?”


  Jax nudges me in the arm. “Why all the questions?”

  I shrug it off and take another shot. “She’s my friend. Just curious.”

  Jax nods his head but looks suspicious.

  “Maybe she’ll bring him to Fourth of July.” Dylan says, talking about the annual trip we all make to the Monroe Family cabin at the lake in the Ozarks.

  Jax eyes light up. “Hell yeah. Chris would be a good addition. Maybe I can even talk Charlotte into another tattoo.”

  Great. That’s all I need. Alex bringing her new guy to a trip I look forward to all year long.

  “What the hell is up with you?” Jax’s question brings me out of my thoughts.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He means, why have you been in a shitty mood all night, and why have you turned down every chick that’s been over here throwing herself at you?” Dylan answers and Jax nods his head in agreement.

“I’m just not in the mood. I’m still recovering from knee surgery,” I say. That should be a good enough explanation.

  Jax scoffs, “Please. That hasn’t held you back for weeks. I mean I bet you’ve been going at it all over the place. Even laundry rooms.”

  I look at the devilish gleam in his eye. The fucker is going to out me. “Jax,” I say in a warning.

  Dylan studies us both. “What’s going on?”

  I shrug, “Nothing.”

  “Jax clearly has some information on you.”

  Brooke’s intuition is rubbing off on him and it pisses me off. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “What isn’t?” Dylan asks.

  Hell, he probably already knows since Brooke does. “Alex and I have been hooking up occasionally.”

  Dylan looks genuinely surprised. Okay so Brooke didn’t tell him. “Holy shit. Do you have a death wish?”

  Jax laughs and I motion toward him. “Jax is still breathing.”

  “Yeah, but I almost lost her,” Jax says in an oddly serious tone.

  “It’s not the same situation with me and Alex,” I say.

  “You’re right. It’s fucking worse,” Dylan points out.

  “How is it worse?” I ask, knowing the answer already.

  “She and I started fucking long before we were friends. You two have known each other since you started puberty,” Jax is kind enough to answer.

  “Exactly. We are friends and that’s it. Alex wants a real relationship. Commitment. Love. She knows I’m not wired for that shit. She went in with her eyes wide open.”

  Dylan scoffs, “Bullshit. Women want to fix guys like that. They all want to be the one that’s different “

  “Yup and Dylan and I have really fucked you on that,” Jax adds.

  Curiosity has me and I have to ask. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, we were both poster children for anti-commitment and then boom, Charlotte and Brooke come along. Alex sees that, and believe me, she’s gonna think it’s possible to flip you too,” Jax explains.

  I take another shot. “Trust me, Alex has no delusions whatsoever. She thinks of me as her horny, player friend, Shriller, and that’s it.”

  That truth tastes bitter in my mouth, and I wash it down with a drink of cold beer.

  “Yeah right. Maybe now it’s all fucking her from behind in a laundry room, but trust me, soon it’ll go to making full on eye contact in the missionary position under the covers. It’ll go from fucking to her making love to you in no time,” Jax states with certainty.

  “Got it. Never look her in the eye,” I try to joke and then add, “We have it under control.”

  Dylan shakes his head and stands up, throwing a hundred down on the table. “I hope you’re right man. I gotta get home.”

  “Pussy,” Jax jokes.

  Dylan laughs it off easily. “Yeah, like you aren’t about to bail and head home to your girl.” Jax just grins and Dylan says, “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  He heads out and Jax looks over at me. He’s studying me way too closely and it’s making me fidgety. “Holy shit. It’s not Alex that’s the problem, is it?”

  Damn it! “Jax.”

  “Fuck Shriller. You fell for her?”

  I shake my head. “Of course not. It’s not real. I know that.”

  “You poor son of a bitch,” he says as he slaps my back.

  I groan. I gotta find a way to shake this and fast.

  Chapter 36



  fter our date, Chris is a total gentlemen and walks me up to my door. We had so much fun tonight. After dinner, he took me bowling which I haven’t done in years and I had a really good time.

  He stands with his hands in his pockets in the most adorable way. “I had a lot of fun tonight, Alex.”

  “So did I.”

  His right hand comes up and runs through his thick hair when he says. “I’d really love to do it again soon.”

  This is where I should be giddy as hell. Chris is gorgeous. He does tattoos for a living so there is no way he would try to change me. He has just enough badass attitude to him, but still wants a commitment. He’s perfect. Yet, I’m not hopping up and down and screaming yes. “I, um…”

  He just gives me a sexy, confident smile and interrupts my stuttering. “No? Not your type?”

  I laugh at that. “You are exactly what I’m looking for.”

  He nods his head slowly, thinking that over with confusion on his handsome face.

  “I just ended a three-year engagement.”

  “Ah, damn. That’s tough. I’m sorry. So then, just bad timing?”

  I nod my head, “Terrible timing.”

  He steps a little closer to me and brushes the loose, unruly hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear. “I get that, but I had a great time with you tonight, Alex. I really think there is something here.”

  His hand lingers and I place mine on his. “That’s the thing. I didn’t expect for you to be a great guy or if you were, I didn’t expect to be attracted to you. My mind is still fucked up after my break up.”

  “I get that.”

  The realization hits me and I blurt it out. “I don’t want you to be a rebound.”

  He grins ear to ear at my embarrassing confession. It’s true. Things with Chris have real potential, but if I tried dating him now it would never work out and let’s be totally honest, I’m still having fun with Shriller.

  “That’s a fucking great reason,” he says still smiling, my hand still on his.


  “Hell yeah. It means we may have a shot.” Our hands drop off of my face, but he stays near me. “Tell ya’ what, do whatever you have to do and then give me a call.”

  I smile at that and nod my head in agreement. Before I can form an actual verbal response, his lips are touching mine. It’s soft and gentle at first, but then his arms wrap around me and pull me fully to him. His lips meld with mine in a sexy, yet respectful, kiss before he slowly releases me.

  “Call me, Alex,” he whispers before walking to the elevator and getting on it.


  After I recover from that kiss, I fish my keys out of my pocket and as I unlock it and push it open I hear shuffling. As I walk in, I find Shriller trying to scramble away from my front door.

  I close it and stare at him. “Really? You were spying on me?”

  He shakes his head, trying to give his best casual attitude, but I see right through it. “Fuck no. I heard a sound outside the door and thought I would check it out.”

  I put my purse down on the table and fold my arms over my chest. “Uh huh. So, did you get a good look?”

  “Fucking douchebag, if you ask me.”

  “You can tell that just from looking at him, huh?”

  He nods his head, confidently. “Hell yeah. Total tool.”

  I shake my head and walk closer to him. “You do realize he kinda looks similar to like you, right?”

  He shakes that off quickly. “Please, I’m way fucking hotter than that guy.”

  I almost laugh at his ridiculousness. “You know, if I didn’t know better, I would accuse you of being jealous.”

  He scoffs at that. “Yeah right. I don’t think I’m capable of being jealous, Alex.” He is acting strangely though and his left hand goes to the back of his neck in an irritated gesture. “I can’t believe you let him kiss you though.”

  I drop my arms to my sides. “Perv! I knew you were spying.”

  He moves so he is standing directly in front of me now. I can smell the club on him. A mixture of alcohol, sweat, cigarettes, and sickly sweet perfume. And somehow his unique scent still overpowers all of that. “I told you, I was investigating a sound. It’s not my fault I happened to look out the peephole at the same time he was trying to suck your face off.”

  “Just admit you’re jealous. Why the hell are you home so early anyway? Bang the chick at the club so you didn’t have to bother coming up with an excuse t
o leave?”

  He gives me a half grin at that one and places his hands on my hips. “I didn’t bang anyone. I just hung out with the guys. And I’m not fucking jealous.”

  There is something strange in his eyes that I just can’t place. “You can be jealous without being in love you know. It’s primal. Someone sniffing around the girl you are currently screwing. Another cock in the henhouse.”

  He laughs at that. “Thinking about my cock, huh?”

  “Admit you were jealous.,” I demand, my face inching closer to his.

  He’s thinking hard and then I feel his finger tracing along my bottom lip. “It does annoy me that his lips were the last to touch these lips.”

  I swallow hard at the intensity in his stare and harshness of his voice. “Make it right then,” I challenge.

  This time he doesn’t think, his lips are on mine in a flash and his arms are tight around my waist. My hands go straight to his hair. Kissing Shriller is so intense, I feel like I have to hold on.

  This is one hell of a rebound. I know it will end soon, but it’s a fun ride while it lasts.

  Still, I remind myself, no matter how perfect it seems or how great the kiss feels, it’s all just an illusion.

  Chapter 37



  he next day my gloved fists pummel the bag in the gym. My right shoulder is screaming at me, but I keep going thinking about the night before.

  Watching that fucking asshole wrap his arms around Alex. Seeing his fucking lips on hers.

  Kissing her lips with mine, tearing that dress off of her body and taking her to my bed. Jax’s words stuck in my head about eye contact so I was careful with that shit.

  Didn’t matter though, she’s still in my fucking head.

  I land a hard blow to the bag and then hear Jax. “Fuck, take it easy or you’re going to need another surgery.”

  I drop my hands and stand there, panting from my workout. “Gotta exercise my upper body or I’ll never get back on a bike.”


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