Letters to Penthouse XX

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Letters to Penthouse XX Page 18

by Penthouse International

  I was happy to have pleasured Lily and to have gotten my first taste of pussy, and I was ready to go to sleep with a smile on my face—or so I thought. Lily had a different idea. She rolled me onto my back and fondled my breasts. Putting a finger into her mouth to get it wet, she circled my nipples, caressing them lightly with her fingertips. Soon my juices were flowing again. And then she was going down on me.

  The second her tongue touched my clit I felt like I was going to explode. I loved the feeling of her soft lips brushing against my pussy. I began to moan quietly, arching my hips to meet her mouth. She pulled away teasingly and, looking down into my eyes, began to suck on her finger, sensually sliding it in and out of her mouth as if she was sucking a cock. I was buzzing with anticipation. Still giving her finger a blowjob, she lowered her head again until her tongue was on my clit again, and I felt her glide her finger into my wet, slippery hole. I moaned in ecstasy.

  She stuck another finger into me, diddling my pussy for all she was worth. My hips rose and fell with the pulsing of her fingers and her tongue licking and rubbing my clit. “Come for me, baby,” Lily panted, her words muffled by my crotch. “I want you to come for me.” I wanted to come too, and I was glad that she would be the first woman I came with. I felt myself getting close to an orgasm as she kept encouraging me with her words and her tongue. Her fingers kept pumping into me until I finally stiffened and cried out, climaxing gloriously again and again, feeling as though it would never stop—and hoping it never would.

  Finally I collapsed, exhausted. Lily’s head rested on my belly and I ran my hands through her hair. Tears of joy clouded my vision and I just couldn’t contain myself any longer. “Lily,” I whispered, “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said softly. I pulled her up to me and we kissed passionately, then held each other in our arms until we drifted off to sleep.—J.K., St. Joseph, Missouri



  I’m a thirty-four-year-old woman who’s been married for twelve years and has two children. My husband and I get along fine, but our sex life seems to have gotten into a rut. We still have sex about once a week, but I don’t think it’s as exciting for either of us as it used to be. I guess maybe that’s normal after twelve years. I’ve thought about having affairs with other men—a lot of guys seem to find me desirable—but I’ve never been attracted enough to any of them to take the risk.

  A few months ago I was having lunch with my friend Selena and nervously started telling her about my frustrations. I’d known her a long time, but I’d never opened up to her quite that way before.

  “Darling, join the club!” was the first thing Selena said to me.

  Thinking she was just using a common expression, I said, “Yeah, I guess there are a lot of women in the same situation.”

  “No, no,” Selena said. “Of course there are other women in this same situation, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I really meant join the club.”

  I stared at her. “What club? What are you getting at? What kind of club is it, anyway?”

  “It’s a club for women like you. I mean, for women like us. It’s for women whose husbands just don’t satisfy them anymore.”

  I blinked. “You’re kidding,” I said. “What do you do? Exchange husbands? Get together with guys and have orgies or what?”

  “No,” Selena said. “We don’t bother with guys anymore. We figure they’re just too much trouble at our age. We satisfy ourselves. That is, we satisfy each other.”

  I had to put down my fork. “You mean you have sex with each other?”

  “For god’s sake, Doris!” Selena said. “What’s wrong with that? Why shouldn’t we make each other feel good? You’d be surprised how nice it is to have somebody playing with your body who knows how to satisfy it for a change.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this,” I said.

  “Believe it. And you should do more than believe it. You should try it. After what you’ve been saying, I think you need it.”

  “I couldn’t.”

  “Sure you could. I didn’t think I’d go for it either at first. But you owe it to yourself to at least give it a try, Doris. If you don’t like it, that’s okay, no hard feelings. But we have a special initiation ceremony for new people. We all show you how good you can feel. And let me tell you, it’s something you’ll never forget.”

  “You sure make it sound tempting,” I said. “But I don’t know. . . .”

  “We have a meeting on Friday,” Selena said. “I can make arrangements for you. Just say the word.”

  To my surprise, I found myself nodding.

  The meeting was at Judy’s house, because her husband always played poker on Friday nights and never got home until early in the morning. I told Frank that I was getting together with a few of the girls, which was true. I was very nervous, not really knowing what to expect or how I’d feel about it. I wore a simple blouse and skirt, and since it was a warm summer night I didn’t bother with stockings or pantyhose.

  Judy greeted me at the door, barefoot and wearing a long, light-blue Japanese wraparound kimono. I could see her cleavage as I peeked down the top. “Come on in. We’ve been waiting for you. I’m so glad you decided to join us.”

  As soon as I was inside she closed the door, opened the kimono and took it off. I was astonished to see that she was naked underneath it. I knew that I was staring, but couldn’t help it. Judy just smiled at me. “We’re all downstairs,” she said. “Come on.” She led me to a flight of stairs that I knew went to a paneled rec room where Judy and her husband often had social gatherings—but those were never as social as this would turn out to be!

  I followed her down the stairs and stopped short at the bottom. There were half a dozen women sitting around, including Selena and a few others she’d mentioned, plus one or two women whom I didn’t know. And every one of them was stark naked.

  They all greeted me with smiles and friendly remarks, as if we were gathering for a tea party. Then Judy laughed and said, “I think you’re overdressed, Doris. Why don’t you get comfortable like the rest of us?”

  Part of me wanted to turn around and get out of there. Another part wanted to stay just out of curiosity. I’d known most of these women for years and years, but I’d never seen any of them naked before. They were all about my age—their mid-thirties—and for the most part had kept themselves in pretty good shape. I was surprised to see how firm and high Ruth’s breasts were, even without a bra. I noticed that my friend Dana’s slim, contoured waist wasn’t created by a girdle like I’d always thought. And I noticed that Allie’s thighs were smooth and shapely. I was surprised by all of it and a little aroused as well.

  They were watching me, waiting to see what I would do. I wasn’t too sure myself. But my body was as good as any of theirs, and if they didn’t mind showing themselves, why should I? I took a deep breath and began to open my blouse.

  There was a stir among the women that made me feel very aroused. That feeling was intensified when Judy said, “Come on into the middle of the room, Doris, where we can all see you.” The only thing to do then was carry on.

  I walked past the women and into the center of the room. Doing my best to hide any shyness I was feeling, I held my head high and stripped myself all the way down, shedding my blouse, skirt, bra and panties. Then I turned around in a slow circle so they could all see my body.

  There was a smattering of good-natured applause. Judy said, “Doris, we’re really glad you decided to join us, and we want to show you our appreciation. If you’ll just lie down on that little mat over there, we’ll get things started.”

  I hesitated for a long moment, and with some trepidation lowered myself to the floor and lay down on my back. I suddenly felt my whole body start to tingle. Selena came over and knelt down close to my head, and then the rest of them moved over and crouched down, forming a circle around me.

  “Welcome to th
e club, Doris,” Selena said, leaning down and kissing me on the mouth. It felt strange to have a woman kiss me like that, but it wasn’t unpleasant. Her mouth stayed on mine and I found my lips softening and molding themselves to hers. At that point I felt my body being touched all over as the women surrounding me started to touch me. A dozen hands moved over my flesh, stroking my legs, stomach, breasts, shoulders, tickling, fondling, moving, exploring between my thighs, over my nipples, covering every inch of me. It was intensely stimulating, and I couldn’t deny the fact that my nipples were stiffening and my crotch was getting moist. I moaned softly as Selena slipped her tongue in my open mouth. I didn’t resist.

  Then the hands were replaced by mouths, half a dozen warm, soft mouths laying kisses on my body and making my skin tingle as the women bent over me, grazing on my flesh. Unsure what to do, I gave in, squirming and twisting while soft lips and busy tongues aroused every nerve. Soon I was in heaven. Two mouths were sucking at my exposed breasts. Two mouths explored the insides of my thighs. Another was licking my navel. And all the time Selena was kissing me, her tongue now reaching down into my throat.

  Then my legs were being lifted and spread, and one mouth—whose I didn’t know—was homing in on my pussy. I gasped so hard as it first made contact that Selena broke the kiss and straightened up, smiling down on me. My body arched under the touch of that unknown tongue, and a couple of the women took the opportunity to slide their hands underneath me and stroke the swell of my buttocks, playing with my asshole as my body strained and quivered.

  Hands moved on my legs, mouths sucked at my breasts and I felt myself falling helplessly but joyfully into a bottomless pit of lust, my head spinning and my body getting ready to explode. I heard screaming and then I realized it was me, crying out again and again in ecstasy as I climaxed more powerfully than I had in years. Then the pit closed and I completely lost myself in the moment.

  When I opened my eyes I was still lying on the rug, but I was no longer surrounded by my friends. They had found other activities to occupy themselves. Looking around, I saw Ruth and Allie across the room in a 69 on the floor. Judy and Dana were on a sofa, with Judy on her back and Dana crouching over her face. Ellen and Fran huddled together in a big chair. I couldn’t see what they were doing, but from the sounds they were making they were enjoying the hell out of it.

  I looked around for Selena, but didn’t see her. Then she came downstairs, holding something behind her back. She walked over to me. “Welcome to the club,” she said. “I told you you’d like it, didn’t I?”

  “Well, I guess you did, didn’t you?” I said. “What’s that behind your back?”

  She showed me. It was a vibrator. A big one.

  “Do you want to try it out, Doris?”

  “Not right now,” I said. “But I’ll try it on you if you want.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Selena giggled. She handed me the vibrator, lay down on her back and spread her legs.

  Smiling, I took the vibrator and turned it on. I teased her with it at first, running it around her pussy, dragging it over her clit and then drawing it away until she was begging me to put it inside her. Little by little I moved it in and out of her, gradually working it deeper with every thrust as Selena fucked it back furiously. I managed to find an angle at which I could hold it deep inside her while pressing the base of it against her clit, which just drove her crazy. She babbled incoherently and finally shrieked hoarsely as wave after wave of orgasm overcame her.

  I was so hot by then that when Selena recovered and offered to return the favor, I didn’t object. Judy and Dana came over to join us and suggested we do a daisy chain instead. I only had a vague notion of what that was, but they soon showed me. It was the first time I’d put my mouth on another woman’s pussy, but it wouldn’t be the last.

  By the time the meeting broke up I had sampled the pussy of every woman there, and they had all sampled mine. I don’t know how many orgasms I had, but they were all fantastic. When we were all exhausted, the girls apologized for not telling me about the club before. They thought I’d never go for it and that I might even tell their husbands. Thank God Selena had finally let it slip. Now I’m no longer frustrated. Frank and I still have sex once a week, and it’s still so-so, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I even try to make it better for him, because now I have those Friday nights in Judy’s basement to look forward to. Whoever said, “Thank god it’s Friday,” didn’t know the half of it!—D.V., San Antonio, Texas



  It started out as a regular double date: Jeff and me and our girls, Cindy and Marian. We had often double-dated before, so it was nothing special. Jeff and Cindy had been going together for years, ever since high school, and Marian and I were actually engaged. I knew Marian was strictly a man’s girl, and that she loved fucking guys, especially me; and I gathered from what Jeff told me that Cindy was a pretty hot number in bed, and had a special talent for sucking cock. So neither of us expected what happened. Of course, I don’t think the girls did either. But it happened all right.

  We had gone out to dinner and had a few drinks, and then we headed back to Jeff’s place. Now usually we would split up after a while, and Jeff and Cindy would go into the bedroom while Marian and I made out on the couch. Or if we went to my place instead of Jeff’s, the other way around. But tonight something was bugging the girls, especially Cindy. I think she was mad at Jeff because she had been expecting him to propose to her for a while now, and Jeff had been putting it off. They had had a bit of an argument over dinner about some trivial thing, but I think the proposal business was the real reason Cindy was acting cool. When Jeff made a move to take her off into the bedroom as usual, she resisted, saying she wanted another drink.

  “Come on, baby,” Jeff coaxed. “We’ve had enough. Time for beddie-bye.”

  “No,” Cindy said. “We want to drink some more. Right, Marian?”

  I guess it’s an instinct with women to support each other against us guys. Marian wasn’t involved in whatever was going on between Jeff and Cindy, but she immediately took Cindy’s side. “Right,” she said. “God, don’t be such an animal, Jeff. You guys always want to rush us off to bed. Only one thing on your minds, all the time.”

  “Oh, is that right?” I put in. “I never noticed you complaining too much about that before.”

  “Yeah,” Jeff said. “Girls are always bitching about how insensitive guys are, always wanting sex and all, but what would you do if we weren’t around, and all you had for fun were your fingers and your vibrators?”

  “Well, we’d have each other,” Cindy shot back.

  “Yes, and probably be better off,” Marian added.

  “Yeah, right,” Jeff said mockingly. “Like you’re suddenly gonna turn into a couple of dykes or something.”

  “Why not?” Marian said.

  “Yeah,” Cindy put in. “Why not?”

  Jeff and I looked at each other. Up to now we’d all been kind of kidding around, but the tone of the conversation was changing. It was like the girls were challenging us in some way. I wanted to challenge them back.

  “Okay,” I said. “Go ahead.”

  “What?” Marian said.

  “Go on,” I said. “Do it. Let’s see how serious you are.”

  “Yeah,” Jeff chimed in. “Show us how girls can be as good as guys. This I gotta see.”

  Cindy was staring at me. “You mean . . . you mean with each other?”

  “I don’t see any other girls around here,” I said.

  Cindy and Marian looked at each other. There was a kind of tension in the air. My cock was stirring. I hadn’t thought they would actually go along with my suggestion, or even think seriously about it. But now, as they sat there so still, looking into each other’s face, I was suddenly finding it hard to breathe.

  “We could do that,” Marian said finally, with some bravado. “Couldn’t we, Cindy?”
  Cindy hesitated. She looked at Jeff. Then: “Maybe,” she said evenly. “Maybe we could.”

  Jeff looked surprised now. I couldn’t tell if he was pleased or not. “You ever make it with another chick, Marian?” he asked. “I know damn well Cindy hasn’t.”

  “So what?” Marian said. “There’s gotta be a first time, right?”

  “Ahh, this is bullshit!” Jeff said.

  “Is it?” Cindy said softly. She looked at him for another moment, then turned to Cindy. “Let’s do it,” she said.

  Jeff and Cindy had been sitting on the sofa, with Marian and me in a couple of chairs across the room. Now Marian got up and slowly walked over to where Cindy was sitting, then sat down beside her. Jeff hesitated a moment, then left the sofa and settled into another chair. My cock was really stiff now.

  Marian was looking into Cindy’s eyes. “Do you really want to do this, Cindy?” she asked.

  Cindy barely hesitated. “Yes,” she breathed. “Don’t you?”

  Marian nodded. “We don’t have to do it right here, you know,” she said. “We can go into the bedroom if you don’t want to give these guys a free show.”

  “No,” Cindy said. “Let them see. Let them eat their damn hearts out.”

  Marian smiled. “Fine with me.”

  “How—how do we start?” Cindy said.

  “Well . . .”

  “Why don’t you kiss her,” I suggested.

  Marian turned to me sharply. “We don’t need your advice, Allen,” she snapped. “We’ll do just fine all by ourselves.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  She turned back to the other girl. “Cindy? Can I kiss you?”

  Slowly, Cindy nodded. Marian moved closer to her. Their faces drew together, their eyes wide as they stared at each other. There was a brief hesitation. And then their lips touched, and fused.

  I guess I should say that Cindy is a blonde, with long straight hair flowing past her shoulders, while Marian’s hair is dark and wavy. They both have good figures, but Cindy is shorter and curvier, her breasts bigger than Marian’s. Marian, though, has shapelier legs. I’ve always been a leg man.


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