Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8 Page 3

by GM Scherbert

  ~Chapter 4


  When she grabbed up at her shirt, I almost couldn’t bring myself to stop her. Knowing what she looks like under those clothes did little to help with that. I haven’t taken my eyes off her for more than the time it took to deal with the stupid fucks that we found her with. And take care of them I did. Number seven on that goddamn list of hers, Floyd, is no more, neither is his piece of shit buddy. That either of them had the nerve to touch something that didn’t belong to them still causes my blood to boil. I made sure that they each met their maker in as much pain as possible, not even making sure that they were dead when I set the fire that destroyed the fucking meth house they had my Peach living in. I’ve let Gun and Preach deal with everything else so that I wouldn’t be far from her side since then though. I just can’t seem to keep my thoughts far from this slip of a girl.

  Thinking back to the list that I only had on me for a few short days, a list that I will never forget as long as I live.

  7. Floyd Williamson 11/24/88 Peachtree, GA.

  6. Edward Harkness 1/14/74 Bentonville, AR.

  5. Richard Lawton 10/30/82 Frankfort, KY.

  4. Carlos Santana 2/21/93 Cleveland, OH.

  3. Waylon Flag III 4/9/95 Detroit, MI.

  2. Waylon Flag 7/9/59 Chicago, IL.

  1. Harold Quinns 8/16/65 Burlington, WI.

  I know that the men on that fucking list, the seven as she calls them, are the ones that have done things to my Peach. They are the men that have hurt her over the years she’s has been away from Irene. When my mind runs wild with thoughts of what could’ve been done to her the anger runs through me. I know that the years of training our government has given me will be put to a use I or they never expected. Making sure that my Peach’s list is wiped clean and each and every one of those fuckers is put to ground.

  Losing myself in those thoughts, I don’t stop until I notice my Peach starting to rouse across the room from me. I knew that the time for us to talk was at hand and hoped she didn’t hate me too much for what she was about to relive.

  She has done little more than sleep these last few days, and my mind has gone fucking crazy with thoughts of what has happened to her. I need to know about each and every piece of shit that has led her to where she is, because as soon as I get her settled in Chicago they will be mine. Every one of those stupid pieces of shit, will be mine, one by fucking one.


  Just like she is.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? Not only is she young enough to be my fucking kid, not that I would know what that’s like or want to, but she has been through hell these past few years. I know that my world is not what she needs, but I am not sure if I will be able to hold off. I have never felt this way about someone and I’ve only known her for a few short days, which she has been unconscious for. It was just something in the jolt I felt when I touched her that first day, in the look of innocence and desperation in her eyes, and that fucking body of hers didn’t do much to distract my thoughts either.

  Pacing towards my bike, I swing a leg over before reaching into my pocket for a smoke, only to realize I’ve left them inside. Thinking back to the last few days, I’m not sure how these feelings have come on so strongly, but there is not one fucking doubt in my mind that this little Peach is my undoing. That she is the woman who was meant for me, the ol’ lady that I have never wanted until this moment, and the only woman that will be strong enough to bow down and serve me alone.

  Breathing deep, I get up off the bike and stalk back towards the room. Adjusting my cock, which has been straining my pants at the thought of my girl, my little Peach, I hope to fuck she doesn’t try anything more. I don’t know if I am strong enough to deny her again, no matter what her mind and body have been through.

  Unlocking the door, I step into the room, almost in a panic at its emptiness until I hear the water. Moving quickly towards the bed, I grab up my smokes before heading back to the door. I only make it a step before my eye catches the movement in the bathroom, and I can’t stop my feet from following the path my eyes have laid out.

  Stopping in the doorway, I rest my arm against it as my eyes take in the scene in front of me. The shadows in the bathroom might be playing tricks on me, but I feel like this little girl is putting on a show for me. The dirty bastard that I am can’t stop himself from looking and wishing my thoughts were the truth. That mine were the hands running over that tempting fucking body. That the scars on my little Peaches body and mind were not as fresh as they are.

  After only a few moments lost in my thoughts, I start to turn away from the erotic scene in front of me, but stop short when I hear the sweetest noises I could ever imagine. If the moans weren’t enough to drive me over the edge and having me palming my cock through my jeans, hearing my name spilling from her lips sure as shit does it.

  I can’t stop myself from freeing my cock and stroking it roughly at the sounds. As her noises ramp up, my rhythm quickens to keep pace with my little Peach. This is so fucking wrong, but I can’t seem to stop myself. As her moans start to come more quickly, I know that her release is impending and do my best to make sure to join her. I see Rebecca throw her head back, and hear my name spilling from her lips, as cum spills from me.

  I feel like some fucking horny fucking teenager, I have not let a woman affect me like this since, fuck, never. Wiping away my cum from the wall, I tuck myself inside my pants, before I am able to turn my eyes once more towards the shower. I am quick to move when I see the curtain pulling slowly to the side, knowing that my presence will not only spook my little Peach, but probably drive her to something that she doesn’t need. Me. well not yet at least, not until she has a chance to heal and become the woman that she needs to be. When that happens however, all bets are fucking off, she will be mine and there is no-one or nothing that can keep me from her.

  Moving quickly, I end up seated in the chair by the door. Staring blankly at the bathroom, waiting to see what my little Peach will do when she realizes that she is not alone. That I will never run away from her or the problems that are haunting her. Right then, I know that after I have her settled in Chicago, I will stop at nothing to put each and every piece of trash from her past to ground.

  ~Chapter 5


  Moving outta the shower, I grab the towel to dry off as my thoughts stay on the man that hasn’t left my side these last days. Toweling off, I move towards the door wrapping the towel around myself as I go. Pushing the door open I’m startled by the man sitting near the door. Looking up I meet his gaze and a shiver runs through me after only a few seconds.

  Mumbling I barely croak out, “Shadow,” grabbing tighter to the towel. I cling to it with the thoughts of what I was just doing to the thoughts of this man. “When did you come in?” looking back, I nod towards the door as I go on, “I must have missed you coming in while I was in the shower to freshen up.”

  Catching his eyes, as I turn my head back, the glare that I see looking back at me is confusing. As a smirk comes to his face the chuckle that leaves him only adds fuel to my confusion.

  “Oh, you were just freshening up huh? That’s not what it looked or sounded like to me, of course I was a little too pre-occupied to really pay much attention.”

  “Preoccupied?” Is all I can squeak out as my mind again drifts. My eyes move towards the ground as I wonder what on earth he could be talking about.

  “Oh yes, my little Peach.” Standing he moves slowly towards me stopping only a few feet from me before going on. “I thought I had control but when I heard my name spilling from those gorgeous lips, I couldn’t hold myself back.”

  He leans in, lightly brushing a finger down my cheek before going on. “You have tried my patience each day, but walking in to see you touching yourself and saying my name was too much.” Gripping my chin, he turns my eyes up until I can only see his looking back at me. “You are not ready for a man. You need to get yourself in order and these last years behind you. My li
ttle Peach, you are most definitely not ready for me and what I would do to that ripe body of yours.” Releasing my chin, he slowly backs away saying, “Please do get those thoughts outta your head.”

  At the loss of contact my body rebels with a shiver that noticeably rocks me. Hearing a groan, I look up to see Shadow stop dead in his retreat. Those brown eyes have only moved down my body as his hand starts a painfully slow journey towards his cock. It takes me long seconds to realize that not only has my towel started to unravel, but the cock that he is palming is big and rock hard in his jeans but I can’t seem to look away.

  The gruff voice that finally breaks the awkwardness sends a jolt of pleasure rippling through me. “My Peach, grab up that fucking towel and fix yourself before something happens that neither one of us will be able to live with.” Turning around he goes on without moving the hand from himself. “Get dressed, we need to get the fuck outta here for a bit or I won’t be held accountable for what happens.” Moving back towards the table, he moves a chair to face the wall and falls into the seat. He quickly pulls out a smoke lighting it up before he goes on in that same gruff voice. “Now, Peach.”

  As his words register, I turn back towards the bathroom. Reaching down, only then do I notice that the towel has fallen completely free of my body in these last few moments. Stumbling over it, I can’t quite catch myself on the bathroom door to keep from face planting into the floor before strong arms wrap around me from behind pulling me up. The heat that radiates from his skin touching me is something that I have never felt before. My mind doesn’t have time to register what’s going on before a moan spills from my lips.

  When he is sure that I am steady on my feet, he releases me and moves back towards his perch. “Get dressed Rebecca, I’ll be outside waiting.” And with that the door swings open and slams shut and I am left wet and wanting, which will happen much more frequently if this tension between Shadow and I keeps up.

  The next few days are much the same, nothing but tension and awkwardness between us. Each day we spend less time alone in the hotel and more time out and about or with Preach and eventually Gun. Until the day, about a week later, that Preach tells me I am healed enough and we will be heading back to Chicago. I am excited to be going home, that is until I realize that the nine-hundred-mile ride home will be made on the back of a bike. To be more precise, on the back of Shadow’s bike.

  As I pack up the few clothes that I have gotten in the last few weeks, I’m hopeful that this trip home is quick. Preach says it usually would take them less than a day. He doesn’t want to push me too far, so we will be stopping for the night about half way. By the time, we do stop that night, I am so sore that I can only plead with the guys to stop at a place with a bathtub, wishing for a hot tub so I can soak.

  As has been the case many of the last few weeks, my desires are met without exceptions. Pulling into the front of the hotel, I notice the cars in the parking lot and see a lot of expensive ones. I don’t see any other bikes and am sure that this is not the typical place that Shadow, Gun, and Preach would stay.

  Standing off of the bike, I stretch tall as Shadow makes his way into the hotel. Coming out only a few minutes later he is holding two keys in his hand. Turning to Gun he tosses one of the keys to him saying, “You two are right next door. Remember that we are heading out early so don’t stay out all night chasing tail.” When his eyes hit me, he nods slowly and continues, “Peach, come.” Turning his back to me and moving away without another word.

  Moving his way to the bike, he grabs up our bags and turns back towards the main entrance with me following in his wake. Passing through the front doors, the look on the front desk ladies face is priceless when her eyes hit Shadow and then pass to me trailing quietly behind him. It strikes me that this little old lady has probably never seen the likes of these men, my protectors, before.

  Exiting the elevator on the top floor I see only a handful of doors as we make our way down the hall. Not like the typically hotel that I have stayed in during the past few years that’s for sure.

  Stopping outside room 316, Shadow is pulling the key from the door and holding it open for me. Entering the room, I move around slowly seeing that not only does this look more like an apartment but, Shadow has made sure that not only do I have a bathtub to soak in, but a hot tub as well. The smile that creeps onto my face can’t be missed as I rush up to him throwing my arms and legs around him in excitement.

  Grabbing me up, Shadow is quick to un-wrap my arms and legs from him, and sets me down to the side. Turning his back on me, the groan that leaves his lips isn’t missed before his hand reaches into his pocket grabbing up his smokes. The next moment, I hear the flick of the lighter before seeing the smoke cloud rise.

  “Fuck Rebecca, get yourself together. You would try the patience of a saint.” Taking a few more puffs before he goes on the smoke starts filling the room. “It doesn’t take much to know that you are not used to riding and especially when we are covering so much ground in one day. I looked around before we left Georgia and found this place, it’s not like you don’t need it, or deserve it, after everything that you have already been through.” His voice quiets as he makes his way towards the balcony and I can barely make out his next words as he pulls the door open, “There’s nothing I wouldn’t fucking do for you it seems.”

  ~Chapter 6


  When we finally made it to that hotel half-way through our trip I didn’t think I would fucking make it. Having my Peach wrapped around me all day just felt right. I know she must be sore as fuck after the long day we’ve had, I know just what she needs. As I make my way into the lobby, I know that getting the honeymoon suite is a must. I hope to fuck I haven’t lost my touch when it comes to getting what I want from a woman. The years that I have spent with the Devil’s Iron taking care of The Dungeon have not lead me to having any need for the use of persuasion. Instead they have let me hone my skills in domination- which have been near to perfected. But, as they say- it’s like riding a bike, and that is something that I have no problem doing.

  Just my luck, the old lady behind the desk is submissive as fuck and I am easily able to get the room that I wanted for my Peach, at a discount might I add. As I am walking back out to the bikes I toss the key to Gun and let him and Preach know which room they are in and in turn what room we are in.

  Once we get into the room, and I untangle Rebecca from around me when she realized that the room had a hot tub. I stay out on the porch for a long while, only imagining the sight of her in the hot tub soaking her sore muscles. As my mind pictures her doing exactly that, my throbbing cock hardens against my jeans. Not knowing how much more I can take of her body rubbing against me and the long trip home we have tomorrow, I undo my pants freeing my cock from my pants as I go.

  Thinking only of my Peach it takes me a few minutes to be roaring out my release. As I quickly tuck myself away, I can barely hear the small gasp from behind me. Turning, I see Rebecca standing with only a towel wrapped around her and a look of longing on her face, her eyes however, are glued to my cock.

  Stepping towards me I can only throw up my hand to try and stop this thing between us. “Rebecca, no, we can’t do this,” her face drops before I am able to continue on. The hand that is still out to stop her charge, motions between the two of us as I go on. “Whatever this is between us, my Peach, it can’t happen.” Pulling my hand back, I run it through my hair before going on, “Too much has happened to you these last years. Those seven men that you have on your little list and all the things that they have done to you are not something that someone can get over. I know for a fact that I will never be able to get over it.”

  After a few moments I look up into her eyes, and see a pain that I can only imagine is her reliving the years that she has been used and the seven men who have done it. My drive to make sure that the other six are dealt with so that she has no more fucking list is only driven deeper into my soul with the look she gives me.

I can’t stop myself from moving towards her, but she is the one that is now holding her arms up to stop me. That look of pain in her eyes, has morphed into something that I can only describe as determination before I hear words that I would never think could possibly rip me apart as much as they do.

  “No thanks, I understand completely. I got this.” And with that she turns and walks away.

  ~Chapter 7


  After that horrible conversation we had, I decided I had enough of him. If I must spend the next day with someone it surely won’t be him, and decide to ride the rest of the way back with Gun. Well that and the fact that I quickly fled the room after getting dressed and made my way to the room that Preach and Gun had. Shadow didn’t seem too keen on that, and followed me the whole way. Not returning to the other room for the remainder of the night, instead choosing to sit outside the door of the room I had retreated to.

  Gun and Preach quickly noticed that something happened and both chose to leave the room, and go somewhere else for the night after a few text messages between them and who I am guessing is Shadow happens.

  In the morning, after I am woken up by a loud pounding on the door I head towards Gun’s bike instead of Shadow’s. The look of murder that I see on Shadow’s face as I pass by him tells me that this choice of mine didn’t go over too well with him either. Him and Gun have more than a few-words about it and finally Preach stepped in to let me know that unless I wanted to be the reason that one of these men gets fucked up, I should probably just get on Shadow’s bike and finish the ride home.

  Which I do after no more than a few seconds thought on it. I guess I should be thankful that we are on a bike if only for the fact that the silence between us in a vehicle would be deafening.

  Three hours, into what will be a six-hour trip, has us making our one and only stop, Indianapolis. I get off the bike quickly and head inside to use the restroom before Shadow has even gotten the bike stopped. As soon as I have grabbed the key from the cashier, I am back out the door headed for the bathroom around the corner.


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