ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta

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ALEX HUNT and the Chase for Rhapta Page 13

by Urcelia Teixeira

  "So they make you go?"

  "No-no. Not a chance. They'll be after me more now than ever. A group of rivals attacked them. I think they fought over territorial rights, so I managed to escape."

  "You like James Bond Charlie-boy." packing a laugh.

  "Are the crew and Jelani okay?"

  The Chief looks at his feet and shakes his head.

  "Jelani with gods. He no make it Charlie-boy."

  “What? Jelani is...Jelani is dead? Those bastards! I'll get them for this."

  "No Charlie-boy. Not River Rebels. He die in car crash with Alex."

  I must have heard wrong. I shake my head vigorously and poke my finger in my ear at the odd chance my ears are waterlogged or something.

  "Say what now Chief? Alex? She's.. she died with him?"

  "NO Charlie-boy. She not die. She with Jelani in car. Jelani he dead. Alex, she alive."

  My head is spinning. I am confused beyond words right now.

  "Wait, Chief. My Alex is here? In the village?"

  "Yes, Charlie-boy. She come with Daktari . They special friends."

  "Doctor? Dr. Jones? Why did she come with Dr. Jones?"

  "NO no. Not Jones. Quinn. Daktari Sam Quinn. She come with Quinn."

  I scratch my head. Who the hell is Sam Quinn? Special friends? What? She doesn't have any 'special friends.' Hell, she doesn't have any friends.

  "Is she okay? Where is my daughter, Chief?"

  "She fine. No worry. She go to Dar es Salaam to find you. You rest for night Charlie-boy. You tired. We give food and tomorrow we go find Alex."

  Chapter Thirteen

  3 years ago - Izzy

  We get up early this morning and set off down the coast to the ruins. The excitement in the camp was palpable during breakfast. So much so that no one could eat anything. The conversation was buzzing over finally making the discovery of a lifetime. The crew fervently prepared and packed their kits with a massive expectation of this being the day we ultimately find Rhapta.

  "The tide is coming in so, if all goes well, we should be set up and ready when it's full. Are you sure you got the message to the divers?"

  "Hundred percent Mum. They sent word back to meet them here at the site. The divers are coming kitted in full and prepared for the worse. I'm sure they should be here any moment."

  "That's great sweets. Let's just hope the cave is accessible. The samples I took and tested last night came up positive for sulfur which means there's no mistake that there appears to be a cave down there."

  "So is that a good thing or a bad thing? Sulphur in the cave that is."

  "Well, I know from my research that when sulfur is present, it is most likely an indication of there being blind shafts and higher maze passages. If this is the case, then the chances are there would be large chambers too, and that means it is without a doubt a sunken city. Given all these assumptions are in fact proven, then it further proves that there was unmistakably a collapse of a sort of structure. Whether it was indeed Rhapta remains to be seen, but this is a great day in history one way or another."

  "This is super exciting, Mum! I just wish Dad were here to experience this with us."

  "Knowing your Dad he has already felt it in his bones!"

  It was a good thing the divers arrived, or we would still be folded double with laughter by sunset. I do miss Charles, but somehow, after a lifetime of depending on him, my newfound independence has brought about some liberation of sorts. I'm doing this on my own. How many female Archaeologists can say that?

  "Ma'am, we're going to need you to stand back, please? For our safety and yours. We will be fastening our guide ropes, and our ground crew will be watching everything on the monitors from up here. You're welcome to join them but, in the event of an explosion or a collapse, it is best to keep a safe distance."

  Blast! Nothing left now but to do as I am told and wait.

  "Sure thing. I'll have my crew explore a bit further inland if that's okay? How long will the dive take though?" Trying not to tap my foot in impatience even though I know I sound quite pushy.

  I don't mean to, but we are all on edge here with excitement. Not to mention that by now the word of having found a possible underground cave and ruins will be all over the country. I'm going to have to keep my eyes open for rivals. These treasure hunters won't take long before showing up and staking their claim.

  "It's hard to tell Ma'm. It all depends on what we find down there. If all goes well, our initial exploration will be about two hours. Our tanks don't allow for more. Once the first dive team is up, I'll send down the second for another two-hour session. Anything beyond that we would have to wait until tomorrow before we dive again."

  "I understand. The divers run the risk of getting the Bends."

  "What's that?"

  "It's decompression illness from being under the water too long with the oxygen tanks."

  Conceding to having no choice but to practice patience, I turn to find Eric whom again, is nowhere in sight. What's new pussycat?

  "How is it that turd is always missing? Just what in heavens' name is that boy up to? When he surfaces, I'm not taking my eyes off that redhead. IF he surfaces."

  I try to push the nagging feeling in my gut away by busying myself with helping set up the tents. Alexandra is behind her computer researching as usual. Curious little one. Takes after her Dad that's for sure. The mind never stops.

  "Can you tear yourself away for a little walk? I want to see what's behind those trees over there."

  "Sure Mum. I'll bring our kit just in case. There isn't much we can do out here at the moment anyway. Waiting is something I don't do well. We'll have to let the divers do their thing and come back later."

  "You're a chip off the old block my girl."

  We zigzag through the rows of palm trees in search of any possible clues or evidence pointing to the existence of a lost civilization. A couple of hours inland and the tropical paradise coast disappears into a yellow savannah with Acacia trees and ferocious predators. One would never guess the ocean surrounds all of this wildlife.

  Loose coconuts and rotten mangos lie scattered on the ground everywhere. Large boulders, palm leaves, there isn't anything out of the ordinary. This is island paradise really. It is a perpetual tourist hotspot for the sun seekers. Nearby Zanzibar island is one of the most sought-after holiday destinations in Africa. I look around. What's not to like? It is simply beautiful.

  "Did you bring the puzzle box and the scroll sweetheart? Can we sit down here for two minutes, please? I think I need to have another closer look."

  It was a silly question. Alexandra undeviatingly slept with it every night. Of course, she would have it with her. She hasn't parted with it since we found it.

  "Okay. Let's go through all this again, shall we? We have a wooden puzzle box which delivered a secret scroll with a seal. The seal has the numbers 11-5-25 on which spells the word KEY in English. The scroll has a clue written in black cursive to which the answer simply is, A River, and all this was safely locked away in a clever combination box. What am I missing?"

  "Nothing Mum. That's pretty much it."

  "And you are certain the cipher is translating to English, and the word KEY is the only possible answer?"

  "Yup. Pretty sure. I tried many other options, but none worked. Dad agreed."

  "Could it be that the box has another puzzle in it maybe? Perhaps something else is hidden in it?"

  "I don't think so. I mean, I was at it for hours. Unless it has two hidden drawers?"

  She starts fiddling with it again. Turning this way and that, slipping latches in and out and still nothing.

  "And the knife? Did we inspect that thoroughly?

  "Yup. Daddy did."

  "Let's have another look there too. We found both in practically the same quadrant, so perhaps it's linked somehow.”

  I turn the knife and inspect it from all angles and do the same with the box and the scroll. It looks very straightforward. Nothing different from
what we have already found and decrypted.

  "Fancy a coconut while we work Mum? Might as well make a decent picnic of it," laughing at her goofiness while she goes to a nearby rock to crack open the coconut.

  "No way!! Mum? I think you had better come look at this."

  I turn to look where she stood bent over an oblong rock-like object.

  "What? It's a rock. Bigger than normal but still. Just a rock."

  "Hmmm, no. I don't think so?"

  She has my curiosity piqued, and I stroll over still enamored with the knife.

  "What the....? I've never seen anything like it. It looks like a... NO! It simply isn't possible! There is just no way this is—“

  "Are you thinking what I'm thinking Mum?"

  "I never thought I would see the day Alexandra, but yes. It looks a lot like an... EGG!"

  "Yup! That's what I was thinking exactly, except it is massive though. And it's grey. Aren't eggs meant to be much smaller and yellow or white? What type of bird lays an egg this size? It's the size of four footballs for goodness's sake." She pauses and then adds.

  "I'm going to touch it."

  "NO! Don't Alexandra! If it belongs to the bird I’m thinking of then this could not have good consequences at all! Let's just leave it here, for now, mark the location and come back later with the crew. We would need to take all precautions. It could be alive, so we will need to run some tests first."

  "What? Are we just going to leave it here? That's crazy, Mum."

  But before we could enter into a disagreement, we heard a shrill shrieking sound followed by a thunderous bellow, literally shaking the trees around us.

  "Uh-h-h... That's not a Hadeda nor thunder Mum! Look up!"

  My heart seizes, and in no time the hair on my neck stands up.

  "Run Alexandra!! Run!!"

  Fear grips my every being as I grab a still gawking Alexandra by the hand and run as fast as my two legs can carry me. The last time I ran like this was when ugly Aimee tried beating me at track-racing in college. I'm too old for this. Where are you Charles, darn it? How are you not here to defend me like you always do?

  Crap! I realize. So much for my independence. Alexandra swooshes passed me. She is as swift as a gazelle. I look up to find the massive bird swooping over us, just missing my shoulder by millimeters. The force of its wings push me off balance, and I trip, falling flat on my face in the sand.

  Surrounded by abundant vegetation and mango trees, I jump to my feet and dive behind the closest tree to catch my bearings (and breath). I look across to Alexandra where she too had found cover behind a tree. My eyes are hysterically searching for a way out as I survey our surroundings and suddenly, in shock and horror, I realize the vegetation around us is all entirely flattened.

  "Bollocks Alexandra! Look around us! We're in the middle of her bloody nest!!!!!"

  Human Remains lie scattered all around us. Skeletons, skulls, and several half-eaten animals. It's her nest or her lair. Either way, it is fraught with danger, and we are smack bang caught in the middle of it.

  "We need to get out of here Mum or we will be this creature's next snack!"

  The bird turns and comes back around, taking another dive straight towards us. Its pelican-like beak is monstrous. Its body is as stealth as a Navy airplane and bright volcanic red. His razor sharp claws are the size of six sickles bundled together. I have never seen anything like it. Like it's out of a scene from Jurassic Park or something. Or perhaps the pits of hell.

  "We need to run back to the beach Alexandra. There's nowhere else to run to. If we run from tree to tree, skipping about three at a time, we could make our way out bit by bit. You can get a head start, and I'll cover you with the rifle. I am not taking any chances here today. I'll shoot the damn thing."

  "Okay. Load it up. I'm ready Mum."

  The giant bird swoops low to scoop me up with its claws, thankful it chose me over going after Alexandra. He misses me by a fraction as I twirl my body around the back of the tree-trunk.

  "NOW!" I shout to Alexandra as the bird gains height to turn and come back for another dive.

  The crushing sound of carcasses under our feet is revolting, but we both make it unscathed to a tree. Just in time too as the bird comes in for another dive. This time aiming for Alexandra. I cock my rifle, grateful for having the foresight to bring it. Aiming I shoot one shot at it. But I miss. Darn it! It looks straight at me. It seems to have made him angry as it shrieks another shrill sound in warning before climbing higher again.

  "NOW!" I shout again.

  We run and clear another four trees. The bird is relentless and dives down again. I aim the rifle at it once more and pull the trigger. Somehow I hit its wing and tip it off balance, but it gains it back quick enough to swoop past me again for another ascent.

  "NOW!" This time it's Alexandra shouting.

  We run again having now completed most of the tree-to-tree relay around its lair. We're almost there. Perhaps, with any luck, the thing will give up once we're out of the den and let us run clear for the beach. I look back preparing myself for it to dive again but it's gone.

  "Can you see it?" I shout across to Alexandra.

  "Nah. The beast is gone, Mum."

  "I doubt that. He is lurking about here somewhere. If we run now, we are an open target."

  "You clipped it with that last shot. Perhaps it's dead."

  I listen for any sound of its wings. Nothing. Dead silence. It's too big for it not to be seen so where the heck is it? We are so close to the beach. I suppose if it wasn't for us physically seeing it one could easily mistake it for thunder.

  "Let's make a run for three more trees, Mum! I don't see how we have any other options here. We can hardly hang about here all day. Sooner or later it would win if we stick around."

  "Okay. On three again.... ONE...TWO...THREEEE!"

  Again we sprint to our next beacon which is outside of its lair, and I look across to Alexandra passing her second tree. Behind her, coming from her right, the bird in full flight, comes straight for her.


  I cock my rifle aim and shoot.

  "Not on my watch you bloody demon!"

  Seconds later the bird hits the tree behind Alexandra and falls to the ground.


  Afraid to look back to see if its dead we make a beeline through the trees in the direction of the beach. Through the first clearing, we hear men's voices and look up to find Eric with some of the crew, guns loaded, heading straight toward us.

  "Izzy! Alex! Are you okay?"

  "RUN!" I shout. "The raptor is after us."

  Safely on the beach, we stop for the first time.

  "What the hell was that all about?" Eric's natural red face is as white as a sheet.

  I can't answer him. I'm too out of breath.

  "It was the Raptor bird. We found its lair by accident, and the thing came at us; Freaking enormous beast with fireball eyes and claws and everything!"

  "That's impossible; it's just a myth made up by the villagers."

  "No Eric. It was very real, I assure you. Godzilla would have nothing on this thing. Rotten animal carcasses and human skeletons lie everywhere in his lair. I don't think the ones who came before us were as lucky. There were several."

  "We have to go back and take some photos. send to Charles of course. He's going to want to see this, I'm sure."

  I finally feel like I can breathe again.

  "Be my guest, Eric. Just don't expect us to go back there with you. You'll be dead in seconds."

  "But Charles. He's going to have to see for himself."

  Why is he pushing so hard? Does this man have a death wish or something?

  "Trust me, Eric. It doesn't matter. I can put together a couple of rough sketches for him. That thing is etched in my mind forever, believe me."

  "I'd listen to her if I were you, Eric. That demonic creature is nothing but trouble. It will rip you to shreds."

  Not wa
nting to argue with him any further I push him aside and walk over to the scuba divers who have come off the first dive already. If he's going to be stupid enough to walk straight into a death trap, then so be it. I warned him.

  "And? What does it look like down there? Anything we can work with?"

  "Ma'am, it was amazing. There is a series of underwater chambers and tunnels of which we haven't seen half. It is simply spectacular. The second crew is down there now collecting more samples and taking photos. We rigged it up with the surveillance cameras already. Come see."

  The monitors display perfect underwater images of the crew collecting samples. The crew leader fiddles with a couple of buttons and zooms several cameras in on the map of tunnels spread out beneath the surface.

  "These edges here are what protrude above the water at low tide. They are the outer edges of the tunnels, not structures. There is some sulfur but not too much to jeopardize the dive. We should know more once the second team is up."

  "Have you found any objects of any kind? Any relics whatsoever?"

  "We did lift a couple of wine goblets and some porcelain plates. I suspect it might be that the glasses have copper or brass stems. It's not gold but to be sure we're soaking it in the tank over there. And then one or two objects that we aren't quite sure of what it is yet. It could be knives or swords, so we put them in the electrolysis tank. There is quite a bit of erosion and oxidization."

  "So then that's proof that it came into contact with dry air at some stage. Perhaps someone found it and threw it back."

  "No, ma'am. Not likely. I think it's more probable that it dislodged at some stage in one of the currents perhaps and floated to the surface during a low tide."

  "Hmm. That could explain it too yes. Alexandra, get your father on your computer please sweets. We need to let him know what we have all discovered. Further clarity is going to require his expertise for sure."


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