Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2)

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Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2) Page 2

by Gregory Sanders

  The security officer gave the commander a puzzled look. "What was that, Commander?"

  "I don't know for certain," Br'dar responded, "but a green haze in the air is probably not safe. No'tok could have set a trap when we disabled his engines, or it could be some kind of fluid leak on that relic of a ship. Either way, I'm not risking any member of the crew to find out." He sat down at the shuttle navigation console and set a course back to the Strak'zar. Upon docking, he immediately took the lift to the bridge.

  "Commander on the bridge," announced the tactical officer upon the opening of the lift door.

  "Open a channel to V'drell Prime," Br'dar ordered.

  "Channel open, Commander," the Strak'zar communications officer replied.

  "V'drell Prime, this is Commander Br'dar. Inform the Emperor that we have found the Drah'jik. Sending its location now. We attempted to board, but there is some kind of gas in the Drah'jik's atmosphere. We will stay on location and await further orders." The tension in Br'dar's body finally began to ease. He had made sure that No'tok's ship wasn't going to get away. He wished that he could have been the one to capture No'tok, but it wasn't worth risking his life, or the lives of his crew. Releasing gas on your ship is a feeble attempt to delay the inevitable, No'tok. Or perhaps you truly have no honor left and took the coward's way out to avoid the punishment the Emperor would hand down. Pity, I would have liked to have watched them dismember you slowly.


  "Is that the best you've got?" Danielle said sarcastically as she stood back up wiping the blood from her lip. She was sparring with K'oron in the Citadel's arena. She was learning one of the Order's oldest fighting styles, Drak'hat Za. It had seemed more like dancing to her until they started sparring. Then she realized the seriousness of it after repeatedly landing on the ground from K'oron's attacks. The last one ended with his boot against her face.

  "We can take a break if you want," the V'drellian offered, "of course that might look like you were getting special treatment to those watching." The lower rows of the arena were filled with Order cadets and officers. Anytime there was a sparring match, it was a chance for the Order of V'drellz Stragizi to relax and cheer for their fellow members. This match was especially exciting because it involved the Commandant of the Order, K'oron, and he was training the only non-V'drellian member of the Order.

  The Terrans were the youngest nation capable of intergalactic travel. The Terran race had destroyed their homeworld of Earth and had rebuilt their race from a colony based on their neighboring planet, Mars. Although young, the Commonwealth had quickly grown over the past three hundred years to become one of the three major powers in the known universe. Danielle Hart had been a lieutenant in the Terran Commonwealth Fleet's special forces, the Sovereign Angels, before being branded a traitor and terrorist by the Commonwealth. These allegations were false but accepted as truth by the majority of the Terran people. Only the crew of the Odyssey had stood by Danielle. They had helped her escape from Mars after she and K'oron failed to stop the assassination of the visiting Prime Minister of the Rylan Protectorate. The Emperor had granted them amnesty and allowed them to remain on V'drell Prime, although in a secluded area of the planet under guard by the Order. That had been three months ago, and since that day Danielle had dedicated herself to proving her innocence and putting Queen Constance back on the throne instead of the usurper Zhi. She also used training as a means to channel the anger she personally held toward No'tok, the man that had tortured her on the Drah'jik and the Perseverance.

  Her opponent, K'oron, was the leader of the Order of V'drellz Stragizi, a faith-based order known throughout the universe for their skill in the art of death. The Order was one of the earliest constructs of V'drellian civilization, dedicated originally to serving their god of death, Th'warzin. Their stone Citadel pre-dated the surrounding buildings of the capital city of V'drell Prime by over a millennia. They were referred to in the Commonwealth and Protectorate as 'black capes' and were rarely seen, although many events have been believed to have been caused by their unseen presence. K'oron was the youngest Commandant in the history of the Order, having assumed the position by killing the previous Commandant in one of the oldest traditions in the Dominion, Tr'oka Zur. Tr'oka Zur translated into the Terran language means 'challenge for ownership'. A challenger seeks to claim everything that the challenged owns, including their life. It is sometimes referred to as a death duel, as one of the combatants must die to end the duel. Zr'ika, a former member of the Order, had claimed her honor had been tarnished by Danielle and challenged her to Tr'oka Zur to kill her. Danielle survived and took all that Zr'ika had by right of victory. She gained her meager possessions, but more valuable was Zr'ika's Dominion citizenship and membership in the Order along with the rank of Major.

  "Quit? I could do this all day," Danielle laughed in response. "Are you getting tired?"

  "I am experiencing no exhaustion," K'oron responded. "Very well, we shall continue." They traded blows a few more times until Danielle was once again on the ground. "I think that has been enough," the V'drellian offered her a hand to assist her in getting up. Danielle reached out and took the purple man's hand, but instead of getting up she jerked him forward and used her legs to propel him over her. He landed just behind her flat on his back.

  There was some laughter from the crowd as she stood up and turned to face her sparring partner now lying on the ground. "The first thing you taught me was never trust a living opponent," Danielle said grinning. "You win, and I am tired, so let's call it a day."

  K'oron stood up wiped the dust from his outfit. His dark blue hair was disheveled, and he tucked it back behind his semi-pointed ears. "Very well," he said offering her a slight bow. "Cadets, we will continue our training of Drak'hat Za at first sun tomorrow. Dismissed." The audience began to disband and make their way back into the Citadel. K'oron then turned his attention back to Danielle. "Your studies are progressing at a rapid rate. I've never had a student learn so many different techniques so quickly. I am impressed."

  "I have a good teacher," she replied with a smile. "I'm so ready for a hot bath. Nothing like training with you to make me hurt in places I forgot I even had."

  They walked toward the arena floor entrance to the Citadel and then went toward their respective rooms. Upon entering her room, Danielle was greeting by a V'drellian girl. S'ryn was one of the older cadets at what appeared to be about sixteen years of age by Terran calendars. The cadets had household duties in addition to their training regiments. Danielle had requested that S'ryn was assigned to her after the cadet had been so angry with her when they first met. Since that time, Danielle had done her best to help mentor the girl, and teach her that just because someone looks different it doesn't mean they are the enemy. She had even sacrificed her privacy and space to have a bed placed in her room so that S'ryn would have a place to sleep other than the shared cadet bunk room.

  "I'd ask how your training went, but I can already see the answer in the blood on your face," S'ryn said somewhat amused. "You know he goes harder on you than anyone else, right?"

  "The thought had crossed my mind," Danielle replied detaching her cape and tossing it across the footboard of her bed. "I don't suppose you could draw a bath for me? I'd do it myself, but right now I'm afraid if I squatted down to lift a bucket from the hot spring, I might now be able to stand back up."

  "I assumed you might be bruised up, so I took the liberty of drawing one for you just before you arrived." The girl pointed to the tub in the corner of the room. Danielle could see the wisps of steam coming from the water. Having a private bathing area in the Citadel was a privilege that Danielle very much enjoyed. It wasn't much, just a wooden tub that had to be hand filled by bucket and a small wooden partition that only blocked view of the tub from the area of the room closest to the door, but it was preferable to the shared bathing area in the basement of the Citadel where the hot spring was located. Only the ranking officers had living quarters with a private bath. Well, I s
uppose I can thank Zr'ika for that.

  Danielle finished undressing and then eased into the warm water. Funny how things change. Two years ago, I would have considered this primitive conditions. No running water, no climate control, and no power of any kind. It's like the Medieval Period of Earth's history, yet it has a certain charm. If anything modern or technological was needed, it was readily available in town or at the palace nearby.

  While she was bathing, S'ryn retrieved a clean uniform from the wardrobe and draped it over the partition. "I believe I misjudged you the first time we met, ma'am." She made the statement casually while she was picking up the room as though commenting on the weather.

  Danielle was taken off guard by the statement. "You mean when you pushed me into the arena hoping I would die at Zr'ika's hand?"

  "Yes," S'ryn answered as she continued to straighten up the room. "I would not have thought it possible then, but after watching you train sun after sun, I believe your heart is more like ours than that of an offworlder. It is good that you lived. Zr'ika was a strong warrior, but she was arrogant. We are all equal in Th'warzin's gaze. Even the Commandant understands this. She was skilled but did not possess the heart that you have. That is why Th'warzin claimed her soul that day and granted you victory. I hope to be an honorable warrior like you when I am no longer a cadet."

  Danielle sat motionless in the water. Several moments passed before she replied. "I gained two very valuable things that day. The first was admission to this noble Order. The second was the chance to become your friend."

  S'ryn smiled. "No, not a friend. You are my chul'zat, my sister."

  Danielle blushed. "Thank you, S'ryn."

  Danielle continued bathing, her mind shifting from the surprisingly warm conversation she just had with S'ryn to her normal preoccupation with the events that brought her to V'drell Prime in the first place. She missed Mars, the Sovereign Angels, and the life she lost the day that No'tok attacked the Commonwealth. Since that day she had been imprisoned, tortured, fought in a duel to the death, and blamed for playing a role in the assassination of the Rylan Prime Minister. She was ready to start trying to rebuild the life that was stolen from her. "S'ryn, would you please go and ask the Commandant if I could meet with him later this evening? I would like to discuss our preparations to return to Mars."

  "At once," the young cadet replied and walked across the room to the door. As she opened the door, she stood staring directly at the Commandant, his arm raised to knock. "That won't be necessary, ma'am. He's at the door."

  "What?" Danielle said startled. "Hang on! Don't let him come in." She climbed out of the tub, grabbed a towel, and quickly dried and dressed. She walked out from behind the partition still wringing the water from her long auburn hair.

  "I'll return later, ma'am," S'ryn said as she left the room and closed the door behind her.

  "K'oron, I wasn't expecting you," Danielle told him, as she threw the damp towel back toward the tub.

  "So it would seem," he smiled. "I just received word from one of our border posts concerning the Commonwealth and Protectorate, and I thought you would want to know. Apparently, Regent Zhi and First Minister Gaelon are going to be making a joint statement tomorrow. Concerning what, we have not yet discovered, but for the Regent of the Commonwealth and First Minister of the Protectorate to speak together, it must have significance."

  "It would have to be something big," Danielle thought aloud. "They still haven't announced the transfer of the captain that blew up that passenger ship to Protectorate custody, have they? They were originally going to complete the transfer the same day that Hobarth and Queen Constance gave their unified speech, but after Hobarth was killed they never went through with it. Maybe that is what is going to happen?"

  "Perhaps," K'oron acknowledged, "but such types of events are typically planned well in advance, are they not?"

  "True," she conceded. "Maybe they did announce it, and we just didn't hear about it. After all, we are picking up scattered frequencies meant for other people."

  Their conversation was interrupted when S'ryn abruptly returned. "Commandant, you're needed immediately."

  K'oron turned to face the girl standing in the doorway. "What is it, S'ryn?"

  "It's the Drah'jik," she answered. "One of the Dominion Fleet patrols found it. The Emperor is waiting for you in his throne room."

  K'oron turned to Danielle. "Shall we?"

  Danielle nodded in agreement. "Let's not keep him waiting."

  They began the walk to the palace, and only one thought kept replaying in Danielle's mind. No'tok, I'm going to make you pay for all the pain you have caused to me and the countless families that your vileness and treachery have touched.


  This was the first time that Admiral Dale Hawthorne had been summoned to the throne room since Baron Zhi became regent of the Commonwealth. Understandable. Zhi doesn't want me near because he knows that my loyalties are still to Connie. 'Connie' was his private name for Queen Constance, the rightful ruler of the Terran Commonwealth. Hawthorne and King Johnathan, Constance's father, had been close friends since youth. They had gone through Command Academy together, and the king had appointed Hawthorne to the rank of Fleet Admiral upon his coronation. Since that day, Hawthorne had advised the royal family on all military matters. She was like a niece to him, and he and his wife had been there for her since the deaths of her parents.

  The current ruler, Regent Zhi, was ruling because he had managed to convince the Council of Barons that Queen Constance was having a mental breakdown. Zhi had not once asked Hawthorne for advice on any military matter, instead he to discuss matters with Commodore Capshaw, the flag officer that had been stationed in the Rigelis system, where the Zhi barony was located.

  Hawthorne felt like he knew what this conversation was going to be about. I'm being fired. At least he has the wherewithal to do it in person. Felicia will be glad to have me home. She's been wanting me to retire so we could travel, but I just couldn't do that to Connie. He hadn't given much thought to retirement until Zhi's ascension to power. He had expected it to come immediately upon the Regent's appointment, but nothing happened.

  He reached the throne room doors and the Sovereign Angels on guard opened the door for him. Upon entering the throne room, Hawthrone saw the regent seated on the throne and Commodore Capshaw standing to his right.

  "Come in, Admiral," Zhi said with a slight waving gesture.

  Hawthorne approached the throne and bowed. "How may I serve you, Regent?"

  "First of all, Admiral," Zhi began, "I want to thank you for your many years of service to the Commonwealth from line officer to your role as Fleet Admiral. The Commonwealth has benefited from your knowledge, experience, and wisdom. However, I have decided that it is time for a change. I will be appointing Commodore Capshaw to the position of Fleet Admiral later this afternoon in a formal announcement. I wanted to let you know before then."

  Hawthorne had expected as much but still had to be courteous. "Thank you, Regent. It has been my honor to serve the Commonwealth and two generations of the royal family. It will be nice to retire and spend more time with my family. I will have my aide deliver my official letter of resignation before your announcement."

  "Retire?" Zhi asked puzzled. "Admiral, you are not being terminated. I have a new command post for you. I want you to take command of the 1st Battle Cruiser Group. You will, of course, no longer hold the rank of Fleet Admiral, but you will only be reduced one rank to Full Admiral and your pay scale will remain the same. I even have a brand new ship for your flagship, the dreadnaught Poseidon. She has been outfitted with the newest weapons and technology the Commonwealth has available. You will report to Orbiting Shipyard 2 next Monday at seven o'clock Airy Mean Time to assume command. Until then, you are on leave. Go enjoy the next few days, Admiral. You've earned them."

  Hawthorne offered a bow, then pivoted on his heels and walked back towards the door. Once back in the hall, he left the emotion show in hi
s face. Demoted! How dare you, Zhi! Every Fleet Admiral has always been retired at the end of their service. It doesn't matter how nice the command he assigns me to, it is still a demotion. A fact that will not go unnoticed by everyone in the fleet from the newest seaman to the newly minted Fleet Admiral Capshaw himself. Preposterous! He walked back to his office at Fleet Command in silence, only hesitating to return the salutes offered.

  He entered the outer office where his aide, Lt. Commander Lucas Svenson, was awaiting his return. "Should I begin packing, sir?" Svenson and Hawthorne had served together before his appointment to Fleet Admiral and was probably the closest thing to a friend that Hawthorne had.

  "Yes, Lucas," Hawthorne answered. "Start packing. Capshaw will be given the office later today, and I don't want to cross paths with his smug face."

  "Felica has always wanted to travel, especially the Antilles system. You two will enjoy it," Svenson tried to highlight the positive.

  "I'm sure she would," Hawthorne grunted, "if I was going to get to retire. Regent Zhi has made me the new commanding officer of the 1st Battle Cruiser Group from the Poseidon. I start next Monday morning."

  Svenson's jaw dropped. It was hardly what either of them had been expecting. Zhi had managed to politely deliver the worst insult possible to his friend. "Then I would like to request to be transferred to the Poseidon. I am a command qualified line officer, and if I stay here I will most likely be transferred somewhere else regardless. I'd prefer to have some say in where I go. That is if you would have me."

  Hawthorne smiled at his friend. "I would be honored, Lucas. I'm certain that I can arrange that if you are sure you want to hitch the rest of your career to a sinking ship."


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