Spy High

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Spy High Page 34

by Diane Henders

  We turned together for the door, and I slipped my hand into his. “You’re a good cat-dad.”

  He chuckled. “That’s the only kinda dad I ever wanna be.” Then he sobered, watching me limp out the door. “That ankle looks bad, darlin’.”

  “It’s pretty sore,” I agreed. “I’ll just lean on you a bit.”

  “I got a better idea.” He grinned and turned his back on me, extending his hands behind him. “Hop on. How many years since ya had a piggy-back ride?”

  I laughed. “You mean ‘how many decades’.” I linked my arms over his shoulders and hopped up. “Put me down when you get tired.”

  He wrapped his hands under my thighs and headed for the door. “Hell, darlin’, I humped a hundred-pound ruck on marches just for fun. I can get ya to your tent without even breakin’ a sweat.”

  I leaned down to nibble his ear. “Humping a ruck doesn’t sound very sexy. You should hump me instead.”

  “Helluva plan, darlin’.”

  “But I’m going to need a rain check tonight.” I laid my head on his shoulder with a sigh. “I’m so bagged and full of stale adrenaline I feel like I’m going to puke.”

  He patted my ass. “If ya puke down my neck you’re gonna owe me big.”

  “Mm.” I slid my hands down his chest. “I owe you big for this ride anyway. You’ll have to write me an invoice.”

  “I’ll get right on that.”

  We rounded the last bend in the path and I switched to thermal-only from force of habit, only to let out a whimper of sheer despair at the sight of my cold dark tent.

  “What, darlin’?” Hellhound demanded.

  “John’s gone…” My sluggish brain registered the heat signature in Orion’s tent. “…oh, wait. Maybe that’s him. Let me down.”

  I limped over to Orion’s tent and scratched on the flap. “John? Is that you in there?”

  “Yes.” A moment later he poked his head outside, followed by his flashlight beam. “Don’t stand out in the rain. Come in.”

  I beckoned to Hellhound and we both ducked into the tent.

  “What are you doing in here?” I asked. “Did Orion want you to get something for him?”

  “No.” Kane stared down at the spot of light his flashlight made on the floor. “I’m going to sleep here tonight. You two can take the bed in your tent.”

  I glanced at Hellhound. He looked as unhappy as I felt.

  “John…” I reached for his hand. “I know this might sound a little weird, but I really want both of you in my tent tonight. Not for…” Heat rose in my face. “I’m not asking for anything kinky, I just… I really need to have you both close. To know you’re safe.”

  His face softened. “Aydan, I understand, but this will be better.” He met my gaze, his eyes dark hollows in his bone-white face. “I haven’t slept in over forty-eight hours,” he said gently. “I’ve been avoiding it because I know I’ll have nightmares. When I do, I’ll wake up punching. You could be seriously hurt. Just go to bed, the two of you, all right? We’ll all sleep better that way.”

  “No.” Hellhound’s rasp held a note of finality. “Ya can take the cot in Aydan’s tent an’ we’ll use the mattress if that’s the way ya want it, but ya ain’t goin’ through this alone.” He gripped Kane’s shoulder. “Come on, Cap. Let’s go.”

  Kane hesitated and I thought he’d refuse. Then he let out a breath and his shoulders sagged as though they couldn’t bear the weight of his pain any longer.

  “All right,” he said quietly. “Thank you.”

  In my tent he pulled the mattress pad off the cot and laid it on the floor. At my raised eyebrow, he explained, “It’s easier to start out on the floor than to fall out of bed later. Besides, the cot’s too short.”

  I nodded, feeling as though I was swimming through syrup. Stifling a yawn, I took out one of the burner phones and began to dial.

  “Who ya callin’?” Hellhound asked. “Ya know it’s four AM, right?”

  “I know, but this is important…” I shut up when Dave’s anxious voice came on the line.

  “Dave’s Trucking, Dave speaking.”

  “Hi, Dave, it’s Aydan-”

  “What’s wrong?” he interrupted. “Is Nichele okay? You need me to come out there?”

  “Nothing’s wrong, and yes, I need you to come. But not for a few hours,” I added hurriedly as rustling and a thump emanated over the line.

  “When? What’s happening? Is Nichele okay?”

  “Nichele’s okay,” I promised, hoping I wasn’t lying. “But we had some activity here last night and I want her safe with you. If you could be here by…”

  I hesitated, trying to force my exhausted brain into some useful calculation. Nichele never got up early at the best of times, and she’d been drugged…

  “…ten o’clock,” I decided. “And be ready to drag her out of here kicking and screaming if necessary.”

  “That sounds bad,” he said worriedly.

  “It could have been. It wasn’t, and it won’t be now, but…” I shut up before I could worry him any more. “Everything’s fine and Nichele’s safe, I promise,” I said firmly. “I’ll see you tomorrow at ten, okay?”


  I could tell he wanted to demand answers, but I was pretty sure he wouldn’t.

  I was right.

  “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, and hung up.

  “There’s a guy that ain’t gonna sleep for the rest a’ the night,” Hellhound observed drowsily from the mattress.

  “Yeah.” I sighed and stowed the phone. “I feel a little guilty about that, but I just want Nichele out of here.”

  Kane had bedded down, too, and I knelt beside his pallet.

  “Goodnight,” I murmured. Looking down at his exhausted face on the pillow, I stroked his hair and leaned over to kiss him. “You’re safe here. Don’t worry about having nightmares. You won’t hurt anyone. Just let it go.”

  “Thank you.” He pressed my palm against his cheek and his eyelids slipped closed. “G’night…” The word trailed off into a mumble, and I tucked the blanket around his shoulders and rose.

  Feeling a little odd about stripping with both of them in the tent, I turned off my flashlight and shivered out of my clothes in the darkness before sliding in next to Hellhound’s warm bulk.

  He tucked an arm around me and I laid my head on his chest, soaking up his body heat and taking comfort from the strong steady beat of his heart.

  “Same goes for you, darlin’,” he whispered. “Don’t worry about havin’ nightmares.”

  I let out a long breath, feeling sleep overtaking me already. “I never do… when you’re… here…” I mumbled. “G’nigh…”

  It felt as though I had barely closed my eyes when a crash rocketed me up in bed, my heart trying to escape my chest. Beside me, Hellhound bolted up and flicked on his flashlight, capturing Kane’s dazed white face on the opposite side of the tent. Blank-eyed, he flexed his fist, blood welling up from a shallow gash in his knuckles. The remains of the cot lay broken in the corner.

  “John,” I said softly. “Wake up. You’re dreaming. It’s just a dream. Wake up.”

  He blinked and drew a shaky breath. “Sorry.” He blinked a few more times. “I’m awake.” He grimaced. “I told you this wouldn’t work. I’ll go and sleep in the other tent.”

  “Nah, it’s okay,” Hellhound assured him. “We’ll wake ya up a little sooner next time. Ya didn’t start punchin’ right away. Try it again.”

  Kane looked as though he would argue, but then he seemed to succumb to exhaustion. “Your funeral,” he mumbled as his eyes dropped closed and he fell back on the pillow.

  I had barely begun to dissipate the adrenaline and relax when he began to mutter in his sleep, the rustling of the blankets accompanying his struggles.

  Rolling off the mattress as Hellhound turned the flashlight on again, I limped hurriedly across to stroke the hand that had already clenched into a fist.

  “Wake u
p, John,” I urged. “It’s just a dream.”

  “Uh?” His eyes opened, staring up at me without recognition.

  “Just a dream,” I repeated.

  “Oh…” He blinked and shook his head. I knew he was fully awake when his eyes focused and flicked down over my naked body before jerking up to meet my eyes again.

  “Sorry,” he said. A flush rose on his neck. “Sorry. Go back to bed.”

  “Just move over next to me by the mattress,” I urged. “You won’t punch me; I’ll wake you up before you do.”

  “No. I won’t take that chance.” He wrapped his arms over his chest.

  “Please, John?” I shivered in the damp chilly air. “Otherwise I’ll have to keep getting out of bed and it’s cold out here.”

  “That’s why I should be sleeping in the other tent,” he argued.

  “Come on, Cap, move over here,” Hellhound said. “Aydan’s freezin’ her ass off. It’ll be better for everybody if ya just move over.”

  Kane shook his head stubbornly and Hellhound blew out a breath. “Okay. You win, Cap. Come on back to bed, darlin’.”

  I hurried back to huddle gratefully next to Hellhound’s warm body, and he pressed his lips to my ear. “Just wait’ll he falls asleep again, an’ I’ll drag his mattress over. He’s so bagged he won’t even notice.”

  I cuddled closer. “Good plan. He gives lots of advance warning before he starts punching so we should be able to get him awake before he does any damage.”

  It only took a few minutes for Kane’s breathing to slow and deepen again, and Hellhound rose quietly from the mattress. Some careful jockeying later, Kane lay stretched out next to my side of the mattress. He groaned and turned over, his hand falling across my arm. Then he stilled and his breathing deepened again.

  Hellhound crept back under the blankets. “There, he’s better already. See how he settled down soon’s he touched ya? This’s gonna be better for everybody. But d’ya want me to trade places with ya?” He waved a hand at his battered features. “It ain’t gonna matter if he nails me.”

  I chuckled and cuddled closer to his warmth. “No, this is fine. I think it might be a bit of a shock for him if he woke up playing kissy-face with you.”

  Hellhound snorted laughter. “Helluva shock for both of us, I’d say. G’night, darlin’. Sleep tight.”

  I woke slowly, aching all over. A moment of claustrophobic panic seized me when I opened my eyes to find myself enclosed by mountains of blankets on both sides, but it dissipated rapidly when I recognized Kane and Hellhound under the mountains.

  On my left, Hellhound’s familiar quiet snoring lulled me back into relaxation, his arm draped warm and heavy over my hips. On my right, Kane slept in silence, his breathing deep and slow, his face still pale but peaceful. His arm lay across my ribs, and I suppressed a giggle at the thought of what they’d do if I managed to slip out and they woke up in each other’s arms.

  If I craned my neck, I could see Hellhound’s wristwatch without sitting up. It read eight-fifteen, and I let out a long breath. Still another hour of sleep. Thank God. Between waking to soothe Kane’s nightmares and being woken when Hellhound soothed mine, it had been a damn short night.

  I was just closing my eyes again when Kane jerked and mumbled, his face twisting in agitation.

  I stroked the hard knot of his clenched fist. “John,” I whispered. “Wake up. It’s just a dream.”

  His eyes flew open, dark and disoriented.

  “Just a dream,” I repeated.

  “Oh…” His fist opened, his eyelids drooping already. “Thanks…”

  A moment later his breathing slowed into sleep again and I relaxed. Beside me, Hellhound whispered, “Okay, darlin’?”

  I turned to smile at his sleepy face on the pillow. “Okay. Go back to sleep.”


  A moment later his snores resumed, and I drifted into warm oblivion.

  I woke with a start to the sound of scratching at the tent flap. Kane bolted up in bed beside me, fists clenched, and Hellhound roused on my other side, leaning up on one elbow to gather me close with a protective arm.

  Moonbeam’s soft voice floated through the canvas. “Storm Cloud Dancer, it’s Moonbeam Meadow Sky.”

  I gave my two bare-chested companions a resigned glance and received shrugs in return. Tucking the blankets around me, I called, “Come in.”

  Moonbeam stepped through the tent flap and stopped short at the sight of us. Then she smiled. “Good morning, dears. I just thought you’d want to know that Blaze Featherwind is up and planning to leave in an hour. I don’t think she’ll seek you out for some time yet, as she seems rather…” she hesitated. “…taken aback,” she decided with a smile, “…about the state of her hair, her bed, her tent, and the weather in general.”

  I cocked an ear at the pattering of rain on canvas above us. “Ah. Right.” I leaned against Hellhound’s solid heat behind me and ran an appreciative hand over Kane’s muscular back. “You know, this is the first time in four months I’ve woken up warm.”

  “Well, dear, now you know what it takes.” Moonbeam’s eyes twinkled conspiratorially.

  “How’s your arm?” I asked.

  “Sore.” Her fingertips floated over the neat bandage that swathed her forearm from wrist to elbow. “I can’t believe I was foolish enough to reach through that broken glass.” She gave a light shrug. “Silly old woman. Well, I just wanted to let you know about Blaze Featherwind.”

  I grabbed Hellhound’s wrist and turned his watch toward me. “Right, so she’ll be leaving at ten o’clock,” I said, wondering whether Dave had called her or she had called him. Or if she had made other arrangements entirely. That would be bad. “Uh, do you know how she’s planning to leave?” I asked.

  “I understand her fiancé will be picking her up.”

  “Fiancé?” Hope warmed my veins. “Really?”

  “That’s what she said.” Moonbeam smiled. “I see that’s good news to you.”

  “Very.” I grinned. “I’d better get dressed and see her off, then.”

  “I’ll see you later,” Moonbeam said, and withdrew, closing the tent flap behind her.

  I flopped back on the mattress. “So that’s taken care of. Thank God.”

  “What about you, darlin’?” Hellhound asked. “Will ya get to go home now?”

  “God, I hope so,” I breathed. “I was planning to call Stemp this morning and see if he’ll finally let me go. Which reminds me, did either of you report to him about any of this?”

  “Nah,” Hellhound said. “Not unless he asks. I was never officially here.”

  “I gave him my final report on my last mission last night,” Kane said. “Nothing since. And I don’t think I will either unless he asks.” He eyed our triple-wide bed with a wry twist to his mouth. “I see I was overruled last night.”

  “Yep. An’ it worked out fine,” Hellhound said complacently.

  Kane got out of bed and stretched to his full height, muscles flexing and crackling. I watched the magnificent sight, feeling slightly uncomfortable about appreciating his well-filled black briefs and rippling muscles with Hellhound’s naked bulk at my back.

  Apparently Kane was uncomfortable, too. He dressed rapidly without looking at us and paused by the tent flap. “I’m going to take some leave time,” he said to the floor. “I have several months built up and I need a chance to… unwind. To think. I’m going to call Stemp this morning and tell him. Then I’m going to get on that bike and take a road trip down through California. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” I hesitated. “Maybe… you should think about calling Dr. Rawling, too.”

  He met my eyes. “I will. That will be my second call this morning.”

  “Hey, Cap,” Hellhound said diffidently. “If ya need some time to yourself, I get it. But if ya want some company, that’s a ride I been wantin’ to take for a while, too.”

  Kane smil
ed, and I hadn’t realized how much tension he’d been holding in his shoulders until they relaxed. “We always talked about it, didn’t we?” he said. “But we never got around to it.”

  Hellhound grinned. “No time like the present. Just lemme swap that pansy-ass street-an’-trail bike for a Harley an’ call Miz Lacey to look after Hooker a little longer, an’ I’m ready to ride.”

  Kane turned to me. “Aydan, would you like to come, too? You could rent a bike in Victoria.”

  I hesitated. I wanted to go home. But would he be hurt if I declined?

  Probably not. It sounded as though this was something they’d planned together long ago. Guy time. It would do them both good.

  “Thanks, it sounds like a great trip, but I really just want to go home,” I replied, knowing I’d said the right thing as soon as the words left my mouth.

  “Just like old times.” Kane straightened and a bit of the old sparkle returned to his eyes as he grinned at Hellhound. “Get up and get dressed, you hairy ugly bastard. We’ve got a highway calling us.”

  Hellhound threw him an exaggerated salute with an extended middle finger, and Kane laughed and ducked out the tent flap.

  Hellhound let out a breath and I felt the tension leave his body.

  I turned to face him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah.” He sank back on the pillow. “I was worried about him.”

  “Me, too. I was worried about both of you. And… this.” I waved a hand at our state of undress. “I don’t want to be a strain on your friendship.”

  “Well, yeah, this ended up kinda weird, but we’ll figure it out, darlin’. An’ I think this bike trip is gonna be good for him. He’s been wound up too tight for too long.”

  “And you?” I touched his cheek.

  “Me? Hell, I’m always okay.”

  I shook my head and kissed him. “No, you’re always amazing. Come on, let’s get dressed. I want to call Stemp and then go and see Nichele off.”


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