At Home In Corbin's Bend

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At Home In Corbin's Bend Page 4

by Maggie Ryan

  “You’re welcome.” Rob smiled as he laid the robe on the bed, picking up another item and handing it to her. “Open it.”

  Ever smiled as she untied the ribbon and pulled off the paper. Her face heated as she realized what it was. Lifting her eyes, she saw his grin. What man brought his fiancée such a gift? Suddenly, she smiled as well – her man did. Her wonderful, loving and dominant man had actually searched through some store or stall on his journeys and held this in his hands, thinking how it would feel to wield it against his fiancée’s backside. Just as the silk robe showed his love, so did this thin wooden paddle. She stroked her fingers against the carvings, the flowers and leaves beautifully done, intricate in their design and yet simple in their beauty.

  “It’s beautiful, thank you.”

  Rob took it from her, turning it over in his hands. Setting it on top of the robe, he took her arms in his hands. “You are beautiful.” With a final kiss, he slowly tugged down the zipper of her dress. Sliding the material off her shoulders, his hands guided it down her body, his fingertips brushing against the skin he bared. With the dress just beneath her breasts, he bent and placed a kiss on the nipples pressing against the lace of her bra, drawing a deep moan with each kiss. Sliding the dress further, the tip of his tongue dipped into the depression of her navel, her body beginning to quiver. Moving lower, the dress was tugged over her hips and allowed to fall to the floor.

  Ever felt like a piece of art as she watched Rob sit back on his heels, his head slightly tilted as he stared at her as if she were a statue or a painting he had never seen before. She watched as he bent a bit forward and saw his grin widen. His eyes drifted up to find hers. Rob lifted his eyebrow in that special way that had her blushing and stumbling just a bit as he turned her around. She heard him chuckle and shivered as his fingers traced along the bow that spanned the width of her ass. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment and she gave a small gasp as he bent forward to kiss the small area of her cheeks that weren’t covered by the lace before turning her back around.

  “I repeat, you are beautiful. Love the undies, Miss Harris, new?”

  Ever smiled and nodded, not trusting her voice at the look in his eyes. She knew she was flushed and he had yet to remove her panties. What would he think? Would he enjoy the present she had made of herself? Well, he seemed to enjoy the fact that she was wrapped with a bow.

  Rob rose to stand before her again. Um, should she tell him that she had a surprise? Perhaps he wouldn’t find it very amusing, especially since he would be concentrating on her back versus her front. She forced herself to stand still as he unhooked her bra and slid it off her arms. Her nipples instantly puckered even tighter, each a tight bud the color of raspberries.

  With a grin, Rob ran his thumbs across each one. “All wrapped up in black,” he whispered against her neck. “A pretty little bow across that fantastic ass. All black except for those scarlet heels – hmm. Did you wrap yourself up for my pleasure or were you thinking to draw me unsuspectingly into your web, my dear? Is this an invitation to partake of your beauty or a warning of danger from that deadly little spider – the one dressed in black except for that one spot of red?” He cupped her breasts with his palms, squeezing the soft mounds.

  “Cat got your tongue?” he teased, his tongue tracing against her lips. “I can feel you quivering, Ever, tell me, what other surprises does my lovely web spinner have for her prey?”

  Ever felt like the prey. He was stroking her so lightly, touching her so softly and yet she felt every movement of air across her skin. She didn’t know whether to speak or to simply rip off her panties and show him what she had done. When his hands moved to her hips, his fingers hooking into the lace, she closed her eyes.

  “Ah, no, little one. Keep your eyes open for they tell the truth.” He didn’t speak again until she had her eyes open. “I wonder what I shall find with the final layer of wrapping removed.”

  Ever kept her eyes on his, hers filled with a combination of doubt and lust. She watched as he knelt before her again, his eyes finally dropping from hers as he slowly began to pull her panties down. Once her mons was uncovered, she couldn’t contain a small gasp, her hands moving to shield herself from his inspection. His eyes instantly lifted to hers.

  Shaking his head, Rob smiled. “Naughty girl,” he gently chided. Just those two words had her moving her hands away from her sex. She held onto his shoulders as his hands moved to push the panties to her ankles, guiding each foot while she stepped from them. “Open your legs.” She obeyed, parting her legs just a bit. Rob ran his hands back up her legs, the silk of her thigh high stockings her only covering besides her killer heels. “I don’t even care how you thought of this, but want you to know I think it is incredible,” he said, bending forward to trace the lettering of the tattoo she had applied. “You are so silky smooth and there is nothing hidden. I can see every bit of your sweet lips, every crease of your pussy.” His finger ran along each side of her labia before drawing up the center. Rob lifted his eyes again to find hers. “But this, my sexy little love, speaks volumes and fills my heart.”

  His finger moved to trace along the tattoo again. ‘Welcome Home’ was written in a beautiful script in an arch above her sex. Tiny hearts were scattered around the letters. Bending forward, he kissed her softly, his tongue moving to take one swipe between her dripping lips. When her legs started to buckle, he held her steady, straightening to stand before her.

  “Good to be home.”

  Ever was positive she had just climaxed with the convulsing of her sex. This was the man that owned her body and soul. The one man who was able to turn her on with nothing but a look, a touch, a smile.

  Rob kissed her and then picked up the robe and held it open. “Since you gave me such a beautiful gift, it is only fair you get to wear yours.” She slipped into it and stood as he tied the sash. “Enjoy it while you can, Ever, because after your paddling, you’ll be on clothing restriction for a week. Sexy undies or not, I’m afraid you won’t be modeling them for a while.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered softly. This was a punishment she hadn’t really expected but she wasn’t truly surprised. When he’d said she was to have a session, she knew he was taking her neglect of herself very seriously. Restricting her to the house, requiring she go without clothing helped her remember he was watching her. He’d make sure she ate, make sure she exercised, make sure she slept. No matter how much she begged, she would not be allowed a single stitch of clothing unless she was cooking or had a class that couldn’t be rescheduled. When she moved one foot to toe off a heel, Rob stopped her.

  “No, those may stay as well as those stockings – at least until bed. Go ahead and use the bathroom and brush your teeth. After your paddling, you’ll go straight to bed.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said again, her hands moving against the silk of the robe as she went into the bathroom. She used the toilet and washed her hands. Picking up her brush, she brushed out her hair, allowing the strokes to calm her. Brushing her teeth, she took several deep breaths before opening the door. She had known this was the plan and realized this was what she needed. Rob was what she needed and it was his strength to make sure rules were kept or consequences delivered that kept her grounded. The last six weeks had been rough and tonight’s punishment would be as well. But, once it was done and she was in his arms, then he would be home for real.

  Chapter 4

  Rob was sitting in a chair, waiting when she reentered the bedroom. He’d been preparing himself for this ever since he’d gotten the phone call making sure the news of Ever’s recent collapse hadn’t thrown him for a total loop. By the time the call was over, he admitted the only loop he was attempting to deal with was why he was just now learning about the incident. He’d spoken to his Ever the evening before and she hadn’t said a single word about Venia finding her on the floor. Seeing his disobedient fiancée walking towards him, he steeled his heart. God knew he didn’t want to spank her, much less punish her. But, as her
HOH, it was his duty to do so and was what Ever needed.

  Ever walked to his side, her hands clasped loosely in front of her. When he reached out and slowly pulled on the tie to the robe, he saw her teeth capture her bottom lip in a way that showed she was unsure of what to expect. Meeting her eyes, he gave the tie a final tug, watching a shudder ran through her as the robe fell open. The silk slid against his skin; his fingers sliding against her body as he used his hands to open it further. Gently caressing her hips, he could see goose bumps appear as well as feel his cock twitching in its confinement. Releasing her, he sat back in the chair.

  “Remove the robe, Ever.”

  He watched as Ever slid the robe off her shoulders and it seemed almost to flutter to the floor to pool at her feet. When her hands moved to clasp in front of her, he reached out and stilled them. “You know better than that, Ever. There is no hiding from your naughtiness.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Ever whispered, dropping her hands to her sides. She blushed as his eyes drifted to her bare sex.

  “Everleigh, tell me why I’m going to punish you.” It was a ritual that he was well aware she disliked. This ritual, his requirement that she always confess to him before a spanking, brought her where she needed to be. Without confession, without acknowledging her transgression, any punishment was worthless.

  “I didn’t learn the lesson the first time. I promised you that I would take better care of myself after the Art Festival but failed. I get so busy that...that I just forget to think about myself. I’m sorry, Rob. I’m so sorry that your return has to begin like this.”

  Rob reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. “I know you are, babe, but, Ever, this is a serious matter. If Venia hadn’t found you in time, you could have gone into shock or even a coma. How do you think I felt when you didn’t even tell me? How do you think I felt sitting in a hotel room halfway around the world to learn that the love of my life was found unconscious on the floor of the studio?” Just asking her the questions had his heart hammering remembering the fear that had engulfed him at the phone call.

  “God, Ever, how the hell do you think I felt knowing that you didn’t even bother enough to call and confess to me? How do you think it made me feel when someone else has to tell the man that loves you beyond reason that you had collapsed again?”

  “I...I can’t imagine. Rob, I am so sorry, I swear I won’t ever do it again. I’m so sorry you had to hear it from someone else. I...I don’t know what else to say but to ask you to forgive me.”

  “I’ll forgive you, Ever. I love you, sweetheart, and pray we need not ever go through this again.” Rob gave her hand a final squeeze and then drew her down across his knees. He waited until she had her hands planted in front of her, palms flat against the floor and her feet braced behind her. Her bottom was in the proper position and he ran a hand across the pale globes, her quivers detected beneath his fingertips.

  “Since it’s been quite a while since you’ve gotten a spanking, I’m going to give you a warm up before your punishment session. Again, this is not the way I envisioned our first night but, Everleigh Harris, you are never to doubt that I will make sure you receive everything you need from me even if that is an ass turned scarlet by the man that adores you. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she said clearly and without a moment’s hesitation. The waiting was over, the attempts at postponement a thing of the past.

  Rob lifted his hand and brought it down sharply against her left cheek. Ever’s hiss at the contact was ignored as he repeated the swat on her right cheek. Crisp, sharp swats were delivered on alternating cheeks until her skin began to turn pink and her bottom began to churn. When her foot kicked up, he reminded her to keep her legs down. A hand flew back after a hard swat was given under the curve of her buttocks.

  “Hands flat on the floor, young lady,” Rob instructed. He lifted her buttock a bit higher to swat in the same spot twice more.

  “Rob, please – it hurts!” Ever cried out, her head thrown back as a flurry of fast swats was delivered in rapid succession. The toes of her heels tapped against the floor behind her, her fingernails scrabbling against the wood floors.

  “It’s supposed to hurt,” Rob announced, tilting her a bit further forward to position her anew. “You are being punished. It would be rather pointless to put you over my lap if I didn’t make your butt burn.” His palm slapped down on the back of her thigh and she screeched, her leg kicking up again. “Everleigh, keep your feet down! We have barely even started.” His announcement had her tears begin to spill, her cries to grow louder as each swat echoed around their bedroom. Another set was painted across her thighs until they were as pink as her buttocks, the crease of her sit spot receiving five more before Rob’s hand stopped falling. He ran his hand over her backside. At her slight hiss, he shook his head. She might want to believe she had just undergone a harsh spanking but it was truly nothing more than to warm her bottom for what was to come. Rob gave her a final pat before gently guiding her off his lap to stand before him.

  “Go to your naughty corner in the kitchen.”

  Ever turned towards him, her hands fluttering behind her. “Rob, please, I-I learned my—”

  “Everleigh, you knew the session you had coming was to be a harsh one. We’ve discussed this before I even flew home. I want you to go to your corner and think about why you are standing there waiting for me to come blister your bottom instead of cuddling you as I wish I could. Be ready to tell me exactly why your behavior calls for atonement.” He turned her from him and a final swat had her scurrying towards the door.

  Standing, he calmly lifted his suitcases onto the bed, unpacking quietly and efficiently. After storing the suitcases in the closet, he picked up the paddle he had bought in Singapore and slapped it against his palm. Walking through the house, he entered the kitchen, one of his favorite rooms in the house. Ever’s design style had turned it into a great room, its color and ambiance waiting to say good morning or welcome home – come in and relax with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. This evening, however, it would serve another purpose. Rob opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of water. He would make sure Ever drank a bottle before he tucked her into bed. Drinking deeply, he looked at Ever in her corner. Her arms were folded across her back, her hands cupping her elbows. His eyes took in the sleek line of her slender legs, the red heels and the black stockings her only clothing. The bottom he had just spanked was barely pink and yet that faint blush drew his eyes. Her nose was pressed to the corner and her quiet stance told him she was spending the required time deep in her thoughts.

  Finishing the water, he threw the bottle into the recycle bin. “Come here, Ever.” He watched as she turned from the wall, her arms remaining in position as she slowly walked to him. He saw her glance to the paddle he held before her eyes lifted to his. “Over the table, you know the position.” This piece of furniture was one of the reasons he delivered harsher discipline in this room. The table was the perfect height as well as the perfect length for her body. Its strong surface easily supported her weight and he had made sure the finish was smooth enough not to abrade her skin in any way as she was usually nude for this type of punishment.

  Ever turned and took the few steps to their kitchen table. Releasing her elbows, she bent over, her hands moving to grasp the opposite end. Her eyes were forward, her chin resting on the table top.

  “Ever, get your legs spread wide. You know better than to attempt to keep anything hidden during punishment. Open your legs, heels turned out.” He had always told her that there was nothing hidden from him, no clothing allowed, no legs pressed tightly together to hide her sex - nothing to allow her to hide her sins. Sin and naughtiness were done in the open and in order to truly be cleansed of those choices, she would not only confess and receive punishment, she’d do it without benefit of anything to conceal herself from her disciplinarian.

  When her legs were properly positioned, he stepped to her side, placing his palm at her lower back. “O
ne hundred strokes, four sets of twenty-five,” Rob declared.

  “Yes, Sir.” When the first stroke was given, her hand reached back and she attempted to rise, but Rob’s hand kept her in place.

  “Oh, God! That stings!”

  “We’ll start again,” Rob said, ignoring her words and waiting until she moved to grip the table’s edge. “I suggest you don’t release again, Ever, for every time you do the count will begin anew.” He saw her tighten her grip and her nod of acknowledgement. The paddling began again.

  Ever was sobbing, her bottom wagging from side to side from the first stroke. This new paddle was like nothing she had experienced before. Instead of a heavy, thuddy feeling, each stroke was like a hundred hornets were stinging her ass. Again and again the horde descended, sinking their needles into her bottom – unerringly finding their target no matter how much she tried to twist to avoid the paddle. After twenty-five strokes had been delivered, she felt Rob helping her off the table, releasing her so that she could go stand in her corner.

  Her tears flowed down her cheeks, her hands aching to cup her buttocks to offer some comfort, to remove some of the heat she felt scalding her skin. It seemed like only a mere moment instead of the ten minutes Rob kept her in the corner before she was called back for the second set. The kitchen echoed with her cries and pleas as she was given the next round each stroke just as horrid as the first. Standing in the corner yet again, she sagged against the wall, her bottom wagging as she tried to cool the flames. She both hated and appreciated the corner time but knew it wasn’t for her benefit – not truly. Rob had told her that she was sent to the corner in order to assure that she would not benefit from her ass going numb under his paddle. She was not only to feel each one, she was to remember the reason she was being paddled and hopefully allow the awful pain to teach her the lesson that his lectures hadn’t.


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