The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 1

by Jason Lenov

  The Club Wife

  A Hotwife Fantasy


  Jason Lenov

  Copyright 2018 Jason Lenov

  Thirteenth Line Publications

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, companies, organizations, products and events in this book, other than those that are clearly in the public domain, are fictitious, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, companies, organizations, events, or products, is purely coincidental.

  All characters depicted in this story are 18 years or older.

  Cover characters are models. Image(s) is/are licensed from:

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Also by Jason Lenov

  Chapter 1

  I had a bad feeling the moment she walked through the arrivals door.

  Her head was lowered, eyes turned the ground. She was slouching as she shuffled across the terminal floor. It wasn't anything like Kim’s usual, proud strut. She had the look of a woman who did not want to be noticed.

  A shadow of worry loomed in my mind.

  When she saw me her eyes didn’t light up the way they normally did upon seeing me after returning from a trip. Granted she’d been back home and not on one of the countless, boring business trips she took. Spending time with her parents took it’s toll at the best of times. Perhaps this time had been particularly exhausting?

  As she walked up I resisted the urge to put my hands on her arms and look into her eyes. I fought against the worry that had already started knotting my stomach; fought the impulse to stare into her eyes and ask “what’s wrong?”

  “Hey,” she said quietly. Her eyes darted side to side then finally fluttered up to meet my gaze. She looked tired and worn. The normally sparkling green eyes were dull and flat.

  “Hey,” I said after swallowing back the tightness in my throat so it wouldn’t be heard in my voice. “How was the flight?”

  Kim sighed. An exasperated sigh. She may as well have rolled her eyes. It was a sigh that, to me, said, how boring you are. How predictable.

  But I got a little crazy when Kim didn’t act the way I expected her to, so I pushed that notion away, too.

  “You want a bite before we go home?” I asked. Then I reached out and touched her arm.

  I swear she flinched. The touch seemed to put her on edge, make her retreat deeper inside herself.

  My mind began to race, speculating what could possibly have brought on such a mood in her. Another fight with her mother? Had her father bothered to take time off work for her stay? I left the unthinkable unthought.

  “Um…no,” she answered after a moment of hesitation.

  Her reply slid another sliver of worry into my mind. Kim loved going out. Especially after a long trip. Especially on a Sunday.

  “Really?” I asked.

  Kim took a breath and nodded. She met my gaze again, solemn, her mouth a tight line. “Let’s go home.”

  “Okay,” I said, forcing a smile. There was no reason to worry, I kept telling myself as we walked to the car. This was probably just a mood she’d fallen into on the plane. Another disappointing trip, no doubt. She probably just wanted to curl up on the couch and binge watch episodes.

  But the terse silence that filled the car as we drove home squeezed me like a vise. Normally chatty, Kim now seemed no less than despondent.

  When we pulled into the driveway I turned off the car and made to open the door.

  Kim put a hand on my thigh.

  My cock lurched. As much at the tenderness of her touch as at the fact I hadn’t seen her in a week. I did my best to calm myself. Her mood seemed anything but sexy.


  The way she whispered my name sent a chill down my spine. I turned just in time to see a tear roll down her cheek.

  “Kim?” I asked, astonished that she was crying. Kim usually made the best of everything. Now seemed like the right time. “What’s wrong?”

  Her lips tightened. She closed her eyes and shook her head. Another tear. She brushed it away with the back of a finger and sighed. “Daniel…I…”

  I swallowed. I took a deep breath and tried to make my pounding heart slow down. I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the moment I’d feared and fantasized about so many times in the darkest parts of the night. Would this be the moment where everything would change? I couldn’t bring myself to say a word.

  Kim turned, looked out the window at strange low light the sun cast in late autumn, making every shadow a bony finger crawling across the grey and brown landscape. She looked down our street and seemed to drift far away. When she finally came back and turned to me again there was a resolve in her eyes that said this has to be done.

  “Daniel,” she said again, her voice tightening as she spoke my name.

  I could tell she was still fighting back tears.

  “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

  I couldn’t breathe. The vise now squeezed my lungs and my heart and my guts. All I could do was stare wide-eyed at Kim and await whatever confession she had to make.

  She shook her head and swallowed. “It got so crazy down there. My parents…my parents are getting crazier every year. They couldn’t stop talking about politics and how everything was going to hell and I just…I had to get out.”

  “Get out?” I whispered, my throat dry.

  Another sigh. “I called Kristi. It was supposed to be just coffee but you remember what she was like?”

  I nodded. A wild child. Kim’s former partner in crime.

  “She insisted we go out, like, out, out,” she said, regret furrowing her brow. “She took me to the Silver Lounge.”

  My stomach sank. The name conjured up images, old photos of Kim and her friends and…

  “We ran into Kyle,” she whispered.

  I nearly burst into hysterical, maniacal laughter. It was coming true! It was coming true the way I’d always dreaded and dreamed and known it would. Kim had gone away. Kim had run into someone. And Kim had… “And?” I managed, staying calm.

  “Oh Daniel,” she said shaking her head again. “We hooked up.”

  We. Hooked. Up.

  I felt as if a Titan rocket had just ignited under me and was blasting off. My breath came back in frantic pants, my heart hammered against my chest, my palms began to sweat.

  And yet, somewhere amidst the burning jet fuel of rage and horror a smile threatened to twist across my lips.

  Of course you did.

  Because in that deep somewhere I had always known, consciously or not, that this was inevitable. That Kim was a gorgeous, glamorous, brilliant woman. That she had married a nice modest boy from the suburbs but that she deserved so much more. That she secretly craved so much more.


  Hearing her whisper my name shook me from the tumult. I looked at her desperate and imploring eyes and my heart melted the way it had when I’d first seen her. All of the anger and resentment I’d felt just a moment ago was consumed by the insane inferno burning within me.

  All of that energy focused at my co
re. It pooled there and heated up and threatened to turn my flaccid cock into a column no matter how hard I tried to will it away.

  I fought it even though I knew it was a hopeless cause. There was no fighting back my dirty little secret now that it had come true.

  Kim’s admission had tripped a switch inside me, one I’d hoped would never be discovered but here we were. Still, I fought on. Not hard to play the despondent wittol when you’ve rehearsed it as many times as I have.

  “Jesus, Kim,” I whispered. I put both hands on the steering wheel and gripped until my knuckles turned white. I widened my eyes and tried to think of anything but what Kim may have looked like with her legs splayed and flailing beneath the haunches of another man.

  Beneath Kyle.

  “Oh God, Daniel, I’m so sorry,” she said. Her voice faltered.

  From the corner of my eye I saw more hot, salty tears spill down her cheeks.

  She reached out a hand, hesitant, then drew it back, as if touching me might cause us both to burn up. She put the hand to her trembling lips, pressed it against them as her shoulders shook with emotion.

  I took a deep breath. Then another.

  Surely Kim thought this was me trying to control my temper. That was the impression I hoped to give. That was what I’d rehearsed all those times as I’d stroked myself thinking of this very moment. Now, finally, I had my moment in the spotlight. My debut performance as the jilted husband.

  But all I was really doing was trying to keep my rapidly inflating cock from becoming completely hard.

  “Please don’t leave me?” she whimpered through her tears.

  For a fleeting moment my resolve faltered. I thought of abandoning the theatrics, turning to her, taking her in my arms, telling her I would never leave her no matter how many times she came home and said the same thing to me.

  Her tears, the pain in her expression, the remorse, nearly made me do it.

  I breathed again. “How could you…” I paused, shook my head, then turned to gaze into her eyes. “Why?”

  The question disarmed her and she burst into tears. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed, her head falling until her chin touched her chest.

  I nearly caved again but it was all playing out too perfectly, too much like my depraved fantasy. Her suffering only fuelled my libido and blood surged into my cock, hardening it into a rigid shaft. I shifted and prayed she hadn’t noticed.

  “I’m so sorry,” she repeated, her voice shaky through the tears.

  Knowing I would probably feel bad for it later, I let the swells of emotion crash over her, relishing her despair. Maybe because it meant she still cared about me. Because she had come back and told me instead of lying. Because that meant she still wanted to be mine.

  As the storm subsided I counted out the seconds. When it felt like it had quelled enough I unclenched the steering wheel, took my hands off and put them on my lap. I took one last deep breath and then exhaled. “Kim?” I asked quietly.

  “Hm?” she said, but didn’t turn to look at me.

  “Let’s go inside.”

  I saw the tension leave her shoulders and watched the hope return to her eyes out of the corner of mine. I knew she wanted to reach over, touch me, reconnect, but the whole thing was too delicious to interrupt by granting her that pleasure.

  Instead, without looking at her, I pulled the handle of the car door and opened it.

  A blast of cold air sliced my cheeks. I stepped out of the car, closed the door and turned to look up at the sky.

  Winter was coming and they said it was going to be a bad one.

  I took Kim’s suitcase from the trunk, ever the dignified gentleman, and followed her huddled form into the house.

  Chapter 2

  I’d left the heat turned up because Kim liked to feel like the house was cuddling her when she got home from a trip.

  I put her suitcase down. We removed coats and shoes and then, instead of embracing and smiling like we always did when she got home, stood awkwardly across from each other in the hallway.

  Kim stared at me with desperate eyes. “Daniel, say something.”

  I rubbed a hand across the stubble on my chin and looked at the ground. The last gesture of my performance that I’d thought through. From here on in I would be flying by the seat of my pants. One last sigh. “Tell me what happened.”

  Kim’s shoulders sagged. “No, Daniel, you don’t want to hear that,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  Hearing the stern words echoed caused her back to stiffen. She gazed into my eyes, studying me, trying to pry apart whether I really wanted what I’d said. “Are you sure?” she asked quietly.

  “I’m sure. Now tell me.” Delivered deadpan, as if I wasn’t on the verge of falling to my knees in my excitement. I’d managed to deflate my cock somewhat, at least.

  Kim furrowed her brow. “Okay. If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.” Certain and commanding.

  “We just ran into him at the end of the night. Kristi noticed him at the end of the bar. I wanted to leave. She was drunk. She dragged me over. He…” she paused, as if not sure how much to reveal. As if there were a perfect amount of information that would placate me and not drive me away. “We had some drinks. I got drunk. I started…the sob story about my parents. He started talking about old times.”

  “When you were together?”

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “I got…stupid.”

  “What does that mean? You got stupid?”

  She lowered her eyes. “You know how I get sometimes when I’m drunk? Nostalgic and…”


  Kim looked up and almost smirked. “Yeah.”


  “I ended up at his place…”

  “Ended up? How did that happen?” I asked, trying not to let too much edge creep into my voice.

  She looked at me a little sideways. Still unsure if this was what I really wanted. “He started asking me to go. I said no. At first.”

  “And then?”

  Not too excited, Daniel.

  “And then…and then I caved.”

  Oh sweet merciful Christ. My stomach hardened into cement. “You caved?” I said, my voice tight.Kim’s lip trembled. “I caved. It was…I just got caught up in the memories and we were laughing and…oh God, Daniel, I’m so sorry!” She walked the three steps across the hall and threw her arms around my neck. “Do you hate me?” she whispered. Her breath warmed my cheek.

  I managed to pull my hips back right before my cock touched her pelvis. I wrapped my arms around her in an awkward pose, leaning forward slightly so she didn’t detect the bulge.

  “What are you doing?” Kim asked.


  “Why are you standing like that?” she pulled away.

  I spun around. “Nothing. I…I need some time.” I darted up the stairs. My cheeks burned as I prayed she hadn’t felt my hardness. I slammed the bathroom door, locked it and whipped out my cock. It was all over in less than ten strokes, a sticky puddle of my warm goo splatting onto the floor.

  After wiping it up I spent a good amount of time staring at my reflection in the mirror, wondering what in the hell I was going to next.

  The knock at the bathroom door startled me. I composed myself, made sure nothing was amiss at my midriff, then turned and opened it. I gasped at the sight of Kim standing completely naked on the other side.

  She looked as shy and demure as I’d ever seen her. She didn’t know what to do with her arms and had them folded over her stomach but all of her most delicious bits were in full view.

  My cock surged to life again.

  Kim looked down at the tile floor. “Do you want to…” She left the end of the question dangling.

  I began to panic slightly. I had never made it this far, never asked myself what I would do were this situation to present itself. What would a real betrayed husband do?

  Would he slam the door in he
r face? Would he take her into his arms and into the bedroom and make her his again? The question proved moot as my animal mind took over.

  I raked my eyes over Kim’s body. Her high cheeks, button nose and green eyes were framed by perfectly straight tresses of luscious dark brown hair. She had beautifully shaped breasts, pillowy orbs of flesh capped with brown nipples, the aereolae wide and inviting.

  She kept her tummy far trimmer than I did mine. You could make out the faint outline of her abs. A slender waist flared into deliciously curvy hips and the only place she had any real fat on her body was on her bottom which looked like two perfectly inflated balloons.

  Wide enough that you could see it from the front but not fat. Just…perfect to grab.

  I began unbuttoning my shirt and Kim’s eyes widened, as if in disbelief. Then she nearly smiled.

  I hopped out of my pants and crashed against her smashing my lips to hers and plunging my tongue into her hot mouth. We stumbled to the bedroom and fell onto the bed a tangle of limbs. I was already hard by the time we did.

  Splaying her legs open with a hand I rolled into the space between them and pressed the head of my cock against her soaked sex. It was soft and open and warm and seemed to suck my cock inside her.

  Kim moaned and closed her eyes.

  My mind raced as I started to fuck. Eyeing her flopping tits, slapping against each other with each of my rough thrusts, I began to wonder what it was she was thinking about?

  Was she thinking about how good it was to be home? How good it was to feel me inside her again? Or was she replaying the way Kyle had fucked her even as I was on top of her.

  The idea hardened my cock.

  Kim’s eyes popped open wide. “Daniel,” she gasped. “You’re so hard.”

  This only encouraged my rut. I began taking out all the anxiety, all the jealousy, all the rage and arousal on her cunt. As I edged closer to orgasm I firmly believed that if I could just dump every emotion I had into her fleshy sheath along with my spunk I would be rid of them.

  Kim’s pussy clamped down on my cock. She grabbed her tit and mauled it with her fingers. “Fuck, Daniel! I’m going to come!” She shrieked as her cunt squeezed and clenched, sluicing her hot juice all over my cock.


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