The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 7

by Jason Lenov

  I showed it to her.

  “Cave?” she asked, puzzled.

  “Tyrel put it by the door before he left last night.” I turned the card over and read what was on the back out loud. “For discerning men, women and couples who prefer black.”

  Kim’s eyes lit up. “I’ve never heard of it,” she said, glancing at the card. She was obviously excited.

  “Neither have I,” I said, shaking my head. I looked up at her. “What do you think? You want to try?”

  Kim sat up a little straighter and stared into my eyes. “It’s up to you,” she replied, her voice having softened into something a little more sultry. “Like I said, I’m your slut.”

  I looked at the card again and felt a shiver pass through me. If last night had changed us who knew what would happen at a place like this. Still, I was intrigued to find out what sort of place it was. I turned the card back over and looked at the address.

  That evening we found ourselves standing outside of a building painted entirely black with the windows boarded up.

  Kim had worn a tight black dress and heels but hadn’t put on a jacket and was now shivering in the wind. “Are you sure about this?” she said, her teeth chattering.

  I walked up the steps and pressed the bell beside the door. A moment later the large black door swung open and a stocky black man stepped out. He rubbed his palms together and scowled at me. “Single?”

  “Uh, no,” I said and stepped aside so he could see Kim.

  He smiled and stepped aside. “Come on in.”

  The inside of the building was dark and it took a few moments for our eyes to adjust. The bouncer walked around us, pulled two small tags out from underneath his desk. “Phones?” he said, holding out his hands.

  I glanced at Kim. It wasn’t that the place seemed sketchy but I really didn’t feel like handing my phone over to some stranger. “I think I’ll just keep mine.”

  The guy shook his head. “No phones, no going inside.”

  I saw Kim pull her phone out of her purse. I pulled mine out of my pocket, handed it to the guy and took the tag.

  “Twenty-five for you and ten for the lady,” he said, holding out a hand.

  I pulled thirty-five dollars out of my wallet and handed it to him after which he waved us through.

  We walked under an archway and into a spacious room with hip-hop playing but not as loud as at the club. Dark green triangular fixtures cast pools of light onto tables along the walls. There were quite a few black man seated at the tables, along with a few white couples. Nearly all of them were directing their attention to the center of the room.

  In the center of the space there was what can only be described as a giant divan. On it there was a petite redhead on her knees wearing nothing but a set of black heels and bright red lipstick. A thick black cock was buried in her throat, another in her pussy and a third in her ass.

  Kim gasped and pressed her hand to her chest as she took in the sight. This drew the attention of some of the men seated at the tables. Two stood up and began to approach us.

  My stomach tightened as I watched them walk up to us with their easy swagger. They were impeccably dressed. Both wore pin stripe suits and dark glasses, despite the dim light, and had they been wearing fedoras would not have been out of place in the thirties. One was tall and lean and the other much more stout.

  They both flashed us toothy grins before closing in on Kim. “Hey baby,” the thicker one said, “I’m Keon.”

  “Malik,” the other one said.

  Kim’s eyes fluttered nervously from the men to me.

  I did my best to keep cool as I tried to assert myself in front of the men. “Hey guys. I’m Daniel. This is my wife Kim.”

  “Hey dawg,” Malik held out a fist for me to punch.

  It felt silly but I didn’t want to be rude and to be honest they seemed like classy guys. I punched Malik’s fist, then Keon’s. “Hey, so, it’s our first time here. We were kind of just hoping to check out what it was all about.”

  Both Malik and Keon nodded and Keon held up a hand. “Totally cool, yo’. If you decide you want a little action we right over there.”

  I was pleasantly surprised at how cool they were about backing off. For some reason I’d gotten it in my head that guys would be pretty aggressive in a place like this.

  We found a table and almost immediately a pretty blonde waitress came up to take our order. She seemed unaffected by the fornication playing out behind her. “Hi I’m Samantha! Can I get you guys a drink?”

  “I’ll have a vodka tonic,” Kim said, then added, “actually, make it a double.”

  The waitress gave her a funny smile. “Is this your first time with us?”

  “Uh, yes,” Kim replied.

  The waitress leaned in a little closer. “I just wanted to mention that we do ask our patrons not to over-indulge in alcohol unless they don’t plan on playing at all. It’s a question of not being able to give consent if you’re intoxicated.”

  Kim let out a nervous laugh and her cheeks turned red. “Of course,” she said. “I’ll stick with a single.”

  The waitress nodded and turned to me. “And for you sir?”

  “I’ll have a Jack Daniels on ice please.”

  “Of course,” Samantha said, then turned to get us our drinks.

  Kim stared at the center of the room, her mouth hanging open.

  The redhead remained in the same position, on her knees bent slightly forward, clinging to the base of the massive cock that was invading her mouth. Beneath her, a large and equally well-endowed black man was thrusting his cock up into her pussy in time with the one behind her rutting into her ass.

  “Jesus,” Kim whispered.

  I looked over at her. A frisson of excitement passed through me as I imagined her in a similar position. “You okay?” I asked.

  She turned her head and shook it, a disbelieving smile sprouting across her lips. “You’re crazy if you think I’m ever going to do that.”

  “I thought you were my little slut?” I asked, smiling back.

  Kim rolled her eyes. “Sorry. No such luck. I’m not a back door kind of gal.”

  But as she went back to eyeing the scene her posture changed. The blush disappeared from her cheeks. She sat a little straighter in her seat. Her breasts jutted out a little more.

  I wished that I could push a finger between her thighs and check if she was wet. I was sure she was. I touched her hand across the table instead. “Still so sure?” I asked, trying not to sound too lecherous.

  Kim shook her head but didn’t answer this time.

  This caused my cock to swell.

  A gurgling sound at the center of the room drew my attention. The large man inside the redhead’s throat had begun to come. She was choking and gagging as she tried to keep up with the volume of fluid but obviously couldn’t. Flecks of it were flying out from between her lips and his cock, out her nose and splattering on her naked, heaving breasts.

  As he pulled out she lifted her head and inhaled a lungful of air. Her face was red and tears were streaming down her cheeks.

  The man inside her ass clenched his ass cheeks and grunted. He fucked her in quick, shallow thrusts as he came inside her back hole. When he fell out the guy under her in her pussy started to nut. He crawled out from beneath her when he was done leaving her alone in the center of the divan, used, gaping and leaking seminal fluid from all her holes.

  For a while neither she nor any of the other patrons moved. The ambiance was almost that of guests in a gallery staring at a living work of art that had just been completed. The silence sounded like the rapture of an audience after the last chords of a symphony have died away.

  When the redhead began to crawl to the edge of the divan the tension broke and conversations sprang up around the room.

  Kim took a deep breath and turned to me. Our drinks were on the table in front of us, the ice nearly melted. We’d been so absorbed in what was happening we hadn’t even noticed Samantha had
brought them.

  “You made it.” Tyrel’s low and booming voice made us both look up.

  “Hey,” I said to him as he sat down. “Yeah. We did.”

  “Watchoo’ think about that?” he asked, jerking a thumb towards the divan. He looked at Kim.

  She blushed and looked down at her hands. “Uh…it was…interesting,” she said. “A little much for me, I think.”

  Tyrel shrugged. “It’s alright. This place does all kinds. You want a tour?”

  “There’s more?” I asked.

  “Hell yeah,” Tyrel replied. “Come on. You can take your drinks. Let me show you the downstairs.”

  We both stood up and followed Tyrel towards a set of stairs.

  Chapter 9

  “This here’s why they call it the cave,” Tyrel said as we walked in near darkness towards a purple light.

  The narrow corridor opened up into a room that had been made to look like a cave. There were a number of implements that looked like medieval torture devices, racks and chains attached to the walls. One of them in particular drew my attention. “Hey Tyrel? What’s that?” I pointed to the two parallel benches with a set of straps on each end.

  “That there’s a breeding rack. When a bitch want a lot of seed in her she get’s up on that. Then one brother after another dump his load inside.”

  Kim’s eyes popped wide open at his explanation.

  “You want to try?” Tyrel asked.

  “Uh, I think I’m good,” Kim replied with a nervous smile.

  “No, I’m sayin’ just get on. You don’t even have to strap down. Just see what it’s like.”

  Kim had vacillated wildly from her interest in this the night before. Her submission to Tyrel now seemed tame compared to what we’d just seen and what he was showing us. It was hard to believe there were people that lived this sort of lifestyle all the time.

  I could see how it was all making her a little crazy. A part of me wondered whether I shouldn’t just take her home. We’d had a fun adventure and we’d have some fuel for our own romp. But Tyrel’s imposing frame behind Kim made me hesitate. He was a powerful specimen and I craved to see him inside Kim again. So much it made my cock ache.

  Kim glanced at me and seemed to gather her courage. “Okay,” she said with a flirty smile. “Can’t hurt to just get on and see, right?”

  “Right,” I whispered back. I watched her strut confidently over to the rack. Tyrel followed her and offered a hand to help her up.

  She glanced back at me and smiled again. Then she put a knee onto one of the benches. Holding onto Tyrel’s hand she tried to put a knee on the other but the space between was too wide. Her skirt was keeping her from spreading her legs.

  “It’s alright. Just hike it up,” Tyrel said. “Don’t worry. I only touch if you say I can touch.”

  Kim giggled but hiked up her skirt. She seemed to be feeling a little safer and more comfortable with what was going on. She hiked up her skirt revealing a very thin black thong, then put her knee up on the other bench.

  “That’s it. Now bend over this way,” Tyrel said as he helped Kim down onto her arms. “Like that. Then you take the whole train that way,” he said, grinning. “Whatchoo’ say? You want a little sugar? Hey D, come over here and strap her down.”

  Tyrel was beginning to sound a little more dominant, a little more commanding, and I had to admit I liked it. I walked over to the bench and bent down. “You okay?” I asked Kim.

  She was breathing a little heavier than usual but seemed fine. “I’m alright,” she whispered back.

  “Do you want this? Do you want to try it? It’s just Tyrel.” I asked.

  “Do you?” she asked back.

  I nodded. I wanted it so very much, even if it was just going to be Tyrel. I did up the straps to hold her arms in place as Tyrel fastened the ones around her legs.

  When we’d finished Kim looked back at him and raised her ass ever so slightly.

  Tyrel flashed a smile. “That’s it,” he growled. He stepped up between her legs and pressed his thumb against her ass hole.

  Kim jolted as he touched the sensitive spot. “Not in there,” she muttered nervously.

  “Alright, alright, it’s alright,” Tyrel said. “I ain’t putting anything in. Just relax. If you relax you’ll see it’s kind of nice.”

  I got up and walked back, slipping into the shadows at the edges of the room. Kim didn’t seem to notice me go as she was still looking trying to see what Tyrel was doing with his thumb. It was there in the darkness that I felt the hottest pleasure course through me. The voyeur lurking in the shadows and watching the lurid scene unfold.

  “There,” Tyrel purred as he continued massaging Kim’s sphincter. “You see? We got your pussy all wet and I didn’t even touch it.” He dragged his middle finger up her slick folds then pressed it against her lips.

  Kim balked turning her face the other way.

  “Oh no, baby, not like that,” Tyrel said as he gave her ass a gentle smack.

  Kim gasped. She suddenly seemed to realize I was nowhere in sight and started to look side to side in a panic.

  “It’s alright. He’s here. Don’t you worry,” Tyrel soothed, petting her ass and still rubbing her tight eyelet with his thumb. “But girl you don’t say no to Tyrel, honey,” he said with a smile. “When Tyrel feeds you some pussy juice you take it, you understand?” He dipped his finger between her honeyed folds again and offered it to her.

  Kim hesitated but finally opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

  Tyrel fed her the tip of his finger.

  My cock hardened as her lips closed around it and he pulled it out.

  “There,” Tyrel said, “not so bad, huh?” He swiped her pussy lips again and pushed his finger into her mouth again.

  This time Kim sucked it more enthusiastically. She looked back at him with a sultry gaze.

  Tyrel looked up and towards me, squinting to see into the shadows. “Hey D, you want a taste of this?”

  What I wanted was to continue watching Tyrel dominate Kim but I didn’t want her to feel like she was completely alone in this. I stepped out into the dim light and walked around as Tyrel stepped out from between her legs.

  “You eat her ass out from time to time?” Tyrel asked.

  I shook my head.

  Tyrel grimaced and shook his. “Bitch get in there and help yourself to the buffet. No woman deserves to go through life not having her ass eaten out.” None too gently he pushed me towards Kim. With a paw on my shoulder he bent me over until my mouth was just above her dark and winking hole.

  “Um…I…it’s…” Kim stammered. We’d never done anything like this before.

  “Baby don’t worry,” Tyrel said. “He’s fine, ain’t you D?”

  Instead of replying I put both hands on Kim’s ass and spread her cheeks apart. Then I pressed my tongue against the tight ring of muscle and licked.

  Kim gasped and shuddered, hardening my cock.

  I pressed harder, licking the delicious salty dank of her ass. With each swipe Kim moaned a little louder which made me more excited. Finally I dared to do what I never thought I would and pushed the tip of my tongue past her sphincter and into her ass. The way she tightened around me was heaven.

  “Yeah,” Tyrel muttered beside me. “You fuck that ass with your tongue.”

  From the corner of my eye I could see he’d taken out his cock and was stroking it, getting ready to enter Kim. The idea sent a rush of pleasure through me. I started fucking my tongue in and out of her ass.

  “Oh my God,” Kim panted. Her body bucked back and forth, shaking the breeding rack with each punch of my tongue. “Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” she cried.

  I let a hand slip off of her ass and down between her legs. Her pussy was so drenched mucus was dripping out of her and landing on the floor with fat slaps. I pressed my finger against her clitoris, hot and engorged. A twist was all it took.

  Kim screamed as she came.

  I kept up t
he furious rhythm with my tongue as I spun circles around her clit until she was spent. She shuddered and shook her ass to get me to stop.

  I stood up and staggered back.

  Tyrel put his paw on my shoulder. It smelled of cock. “You did good, D.” He made no excuse about pushing me out of the way.

  As I sank back into the shadows he stepped between Kim’s legs, his cock level with her drooling opening. “You ready for some more black, baby?” he asked. Without waiting for a response he pushed his cock into her pussy, which made a filthy slurp as he drove himself inside.

  Kim shuddered, shaking the rack. The intrusion widened her eyes and her mouth fell open in a gasp.

  Tyrel raised a hand and brought it down against her ass in a fat slap. He started sawing back and forth into her. With every few thrusts he’d smack her ass again.

  I could tell Kim wasn’t sure about it at first. Our sex had never really been rough. But the more Tyrel smacked her, the less worried she seemed about it. After a while it looked like she was almost waiting for the slaps, as if they were enhancing her pleasure. A while after that she began to moan after each smack.

  “Yeah,” Tyrel said. “Fuck baby you’re a natural. We gonna get you trained to take all kinds of cock.”

  I shuddered at what he’d said. His fucking was getting rougher with each thrust and the slaps he was raining down on Kim were harder, too.

  Kim seemed lost in a mix of pleasure and pain. It only took a few more drives of his massive shaft into her before her body shook and she succumbed to a climax. She screamed again and Tyrel kept thundering into her until he, too, tipped over the edge and fell into raw animal lust as his orgasm took him.

  I watched him drill deep into her and hold his cock inside her steaming pussy. His nuts rose and fell with each flex of his member. I shuddered at the thought that his seed, hot and sticky, was being pumped into Kim’s hot cunt. For one thrilling and terrifying moment I let myself imagine she was unprotected, that there was no hormonal wall between Tyrel’s virile seed and her egg and that there was a very real possibility of her becoming pregnant.

  The idea elevated me to a level of arousal I would have never thought possible. Unable to resist, I tucked my hand into my pants and touched my stiff cock. The touch, the rack, the fantasy that Kim’s pussy was bare and that her belly might swell flipped a primal switch in my mind and I began to come.


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