The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy

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The Club Wife: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 9

by Jason Lenov

  I took the towel and sat down beside her. Dabbing at the cum I cleaned it all off, the whole time staring at the black flange of the plug in her ass.

  When Kim rolled over her face was burning red with embarrassment. Now that the heat of the moment was over she was obviously having mixed feelings about what had just happened.

  Tyrel walked up next to the divan, towering over us both. “Have fun?” he asked with a smile.

  Kim buried her face in her hands.

  I looked up into his eyes and paused. After a moment I replied with a nod.

  “Let’s go somewhere private and have a talk,” Tyrel said. Without another word he turned and started walking away.

  It was a bold and aggressive command but to my surprise Kim looked up to see him leaving. She glanced at me then scrambled up onto her knees. She seemed oblivious that she was still the center of attention, completely focused only on Tyrel.

  “Baby that was so hot,” I whispered, trying to steal her gaze.

  She didn’t meet my stare. A look of longing settled on her face as she stared after Tyrel. “We should go,” she said, rising to get off the bed.

  “Baby, if you…if you’re not comfortable we can just say we’re leav…”

  “No, it’s okay,” Kim interrupted. Only then did she look at me with a weak smile. “We’re here to have fun, right?” There was an edge to her voice and her eyes kept darting back to Tyrel, as if she didn’t want to disappoint him by not following right away.

  It dawned on me then that Kim was obediently acting out her role as slut. A darker and much more dangerous possibility loomed out of the back of my mind. Perhaps this wasn’t an act? Perhaps she really was under some sort of spell?

  Either way I didn’t stop her when she stood up and started walking, still naked, across the room in pursuit of Tyrel. I stood up myself and followed a few feet behind, painfully aware that everyone was watching what was going on.

  Tyrel slipped through a door in the dark corridor, Kim following her a few moments later.

  When I joined them she was standing straight with her arms at her sides and her breasts pushed out.

  Tyrel was eyeing her with a hungry stare and half-smile. “On your knees, baby,” he said.

  Chapter 12

  Kim sank to her knees, eyes still staring straight ahead.

  “Oh don’t do that to your man,” Tyrel snapped. “You can look at him. I don’t mind.”

  That’s when Kim turned to look at me. She looked so innocent even though she was naked. It was an intense contrast considering what she’d just done.

  “Why don’t you step over there D?” Tyrel said. “Go on. Get right up in front of her.”

  I was a little reluctant but I did what Tyrel asked. I stepped around to come standing in front of Kim.

  “Go on, take out his cock.”

  Without a moments hesitation Kim reached up, unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the floor. She pulled my underwear down and wrapped her fingers around my cock.

  I looked at Tyrel, then quickly back at Kim. Had they had a conversation about this? Was this all for my benefit or was this really happening? “I don’t understand what…”

  “Quiet,” Tyrel said, interrupting. “Stroke his cock,” he ordered Kim.

  Kim looked up into my eyes and started moving her hand up and down my shaft in long, slow strokes. The flicker of a smile curled one corner of her mouth.

  I shook my head. I needed to know if this was for real. “What are you doing?” I whispered.

  “You’re her main man, D,” Tyrel said behind me. “She just being a good wife. Aren’t you baby?”

  Kim gave a slow nod but continued staring into my eyes.

  “Why don’t you tell him what he wants to hear?” Tyrel suggested.

  “Was I a good little slut for you?” Kim said, a full smile blossoming across her mouth. “Did you like watching me take all those cocks inside me?”

  I shook my head again. I was hard as a rock in her hand but still confused. “Is this serious? Are you…are you just playing now? Kim I need to know.” I didn’t do a very good job of keeping a hint of desperation out of my voice.

  Kim’s smile turned into a grin and she giggled. She looked down at her chest. “You want to come all over these big titties Daniel? You want to remember what it was like watching me get fucked? Will that make you come?” She put her other hand between my legs and cupped my balls.

  I winced because my nuts are really sensitive and it was a little more pressure than I was used to. Images of Kim on her knees getting fucked like an animal flooded my mind.

  “It’s okay, baby,” she whispered, licking her lips. “I want you to. I want you to come. Come all over my tits.”

  I was seething and seed was churning at the base of my shaft. It was erotic as hell, her playing the bimbo slut but what the fuck?!? What was this all about?

  At that moment Kim leaned forward and licked the underside of the head of my cock like a lollipop.

  The sudden wet heat made my nuts seize up. I grunted as cum rushed through my shaft and exploded out of the tip of my cock.

  Kim recoiled slightly but her eyes and smile lit up with delight. She giggled again as she watched my cock slather her tits with splash after splash of hot cum. Her hand kept moving in firm and even strokes.

  As the ache drained from my nuts my legs shook and I bent over slightly.

  Kim kept massaging my cock and staring into my eyes, smiling, until I had gone soft. Then she leaned forward and lovingly licked the last drip of cum from the tip.

  My mind spun with confusion.

  “Atta girl,” Tyrel growled behind me. “Now clean yourself up. You’re done for tonight. You’ll be hearing from me later this week.”

  Kim got up off her knees and did exactly what he’d asked. She wiped the cum off her tits with a small towel and put on her dress.

  Tyrel walked around behind Kim and put a paw on the small of her back, bending her over.

  She gasped and grabbed hold of my arms as he lifted her skirt, then twisted the plug out of her ass.

  I stared at him as he eased it out. It was such a lewd and intimate thing he was doing and yet he seemed as unmoved by it as if he were making coffee. He gave me the plug. “Make sure to get that inside her for a few hours every day.”

  I could have said no, told him to fuck off but I didn’t. Why? I’m still not sure. Instead, I took the plug and looked at it before slipping it into my pocket.

  Kim looked up at me, bit the corner of her lower lip and smiled.

  Tyrel gave an approving nod then walked out of the room without another word.

  I looked at Kim. “Are you okay?”

  She smiled. “I’m fine.”

  Her reaction was a little unsettling, considering what had just happened. “Come on. Let’s go home.”

  Kim nodded and a few minutes later we were in a cab and on the way home.

  When we got there Kim jumped into the shower and by the time I’d finished mine, was already asleep in bed.

  Not wanting to wake her I decided that the conversation that needed to be had could wait until the next day. Sleep was a long time coming and when I did finally fall asleep I was plagued with dreams, (or were they nightmares?) of Kim submitting her body to rooms full of hung black men.

  I woke up with a wicked hard on and Kim lying next to me wearing a devious smile. “I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” she said, dragging one leg over my lap and lying on top of me.

  I gasped at the damp heat dripping out of her pussy as she settled onto the tip of my cock.

  “I’ve been waiting to fuck you for like an hour.” She wiggled lower and her pussy slurped up half my cock.

  My body tensed at the tendrils of pleasure that shot through my spine. I almost forgot about what I’d wanted to talk about last night. Almost. “Kim,” I said, though it came out sounding like a grunt from how good I felt.

  “Yeah?” she said, sliding even lower, sendin
g the rest of my cock up into her fleshy sheath.

  “Oh fuck, Kim, that feels good,” I groaned as she started swaying gently back and forth, squeezing me with the muscles in her cunt.

  “Yeah? You like that?” she purred.

  I opened my eyes and looked into hers. I’m not sure what I was looking for. We were both complicit in her getting violated the night before but somehow I wanted, no, needed her to feel a little more remorseful about it than she seemed.

  But the pleasure proved to potent to resist. I let my doubts slip away and surrendered to Kim’s lovemaking.

  She rode me slowly, her soft breasts rubbing against my chest as my cock slipped in and out of her. The sticky sounds of my squeezing into her opening were the only noise in the room.

  She led me to the edge of emission and each time I started breathing heavier she would slow and sometimes stop completely, leaving me teetering on the brink.

  My aching need became sharper with each edging until finally I felt like my insides were going to implode if I didn’t release. “Baby, please,” I said, my voice an urgent whisper.

  Kim smiled. She leaned forward and kissed me, plunging her tongue deep into my mouth and continuing to ride.

  The heat built inside me. My nuts tightened. I could feel the cum churning inside me, my cock a loaded gun. I moaned into her mouth.

  Kim pulled away from the kiss and lowered her cheek against mine. She whispered a single word. “Come.”

  I groaned again and grabbed her ass, my hips trying to thrust faster but Kim held me down. She squeezed her pussy as mine flexed inside her, unleashing a torrent of seed up into her sloppy cunt. I groaned as it left my body and invaded hers and a moment later I felt it come squeezing out of her and back down my shaft.

  Kim smiled and gazed into my eyes. “So was last night,” she whispered.

  Her words brought my worry to mind again. “Kim, about that…”

  Before I could finish she pressed her lips to mine in a hot kiss, forcing her tongue into my mouth.

  I kissed her back and pawed her ass. My softening cock flexed again inside her.

  She pulled away and fixed me with another searching stare. “Tyrel texted me this morning.”

  My eyes went wide in surprise even as my cock hardened. “What? He did?”

  Kim nodded.

  “What did he want?”

  “He wanted to see me again.”

  “He did? When? Where? At the club? What did you say?”

  She shook her head. “Not at the club. He…he wanted to come here.”

  “Here?!?” I squawked, propping myself up on my elbows. “Did you tell him he could?” My heart was pounding suddenly from what she’d said. In all this time, with all these fantasies swimming in my head I guess I’d never contemplated seeing it happen at our house and in our bed.

  Kim nodded.

  “You did? You didn’t think you should ask me first?”

  Kim looked from side to side and shrugged.

  I found her apathy more than a little unsettling. “Why did you do that?”

  “I thought you’d be happy. I thought I was your little whore?”

  I paused a moment and stared at her. She did have a point. Seeing her be my little whore was quite a turn on. Something didn’t feel quite right, though. “Let me see your phone,” I said quietly.

  Kim reached over to her night table without hesitation and passed me her phone. I unlocked it and flipped to her messages.

  Tyrel: Hey baby. I need more of that sugar. Where you at? Ima come over.

  Kim: 33 Sandy Lane. I can’t wait. I miss your cock already.

  That last part slammed into me like a five ton truck. I looked up at Kim, my mouth agape. “You…you miss his cock?”

  Kim bit her lip and nodded.

  I had no idea what to say.

  Kim squeezed me with her pussy. “You love that don’t you?” she whispered.

  I didn’t know how the hell I felt about it. Sure my cock was hard but Kim’s text back to Tyrel seemed to cross some boundary. I wasn’t too keen on discovering what lay beyond.

  The doorbell rang.

  Kim’s eyes lit up. “That’s him!” she said. Pulling off of my cock she rolled over and under the covers. “Can you go answer it? I’m totally naked.”

  There were many things I could have done. I could have said “no,” that I wouldn’t go get it. I could have pretended it hadn’t rung. I could have told Kim that this was over and that we’d had our fun but we weren’t going to play this game any more.

  But through my worry, my doubt and the fresh angst this new revelation had brought, the same feeling that had pulled me into this in the first place kept my cock rock solid and my curiosity piqued.

  What would it be like to let Tyrel into the house? What would it be like to follow him up the stairs knowing that he was going to fuck Kim in our marital bed?

  What would it be like to gaze at her after he was done, knowing her pussy was swimming with his seed?

  It was the hungry needing feeling those questions inspired that made me roll out of bed, throw a bath robe on and walk downstairs. I paused with my door on the handle wondering whether I should fight that feeling, resist the urge and not open it.

  Enough time had passed that I found it curious he hadn’t rung again. Maybe he wasn’t there? Maybe he’d left thinking we just weren’t into it any more? I twisted the handle and swung the door open.

  Tyrel was standing on the other side with his arms folded across his chest wearing a big grin.

  “Hi,” I said, sounding a little dejected.

  Tyrel stepped inside.

  I moved to one side to let him walk past.

  “She upstairs?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  Tyrel nodded back and started walking up the stairs.

  As I watched him go the sinking feeling in my stomach made me wonder if I’d made the right choice after all.

  Chapter 13

  By the time I made it up the stairs Tyrel had his shirt off. I watched him kick off his shoes, push his pants down.

  His thick cock and heavy sack behind it looked even larger in the light of day and not the dim glow of the lights at the club.

  Kim watched him undressing from under the covers.

  I could feel the excitement buzzing in her from the other side of the room.

  When Tyrel stepped towards the bed she opened her arms in welcome letting him slip under the covers.

  I stood leaning against the door frame, unable to move.

  “You know I’m not normally like this,” Tyrel said, kissing her gently on the lips.

  Kim closed her eyes as he kissed her and put a hand on one side of his head. It was a slow, romantic kiss. Not the kind whore’s give.

  My stomach flopped but my eyes were glued to the scene.

  “Not normally like what?” Kim whispered back after they’d finished the kiss.

  “I don’t usually get involved,” Tyrel replied with a smile. “But baby I just can’t get you out of my head.” His hand slipped under the covers and Kim gasped as he pinched her nipple.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. From the way they were acting it was like I wasn’t even there. It was like Kim was having an affair and I was a ghost in the room, watching it all happen and unable to do a thing about it.

  Tyrel kissed her neck. Then he pulled the covers lower and kissed her collarbone. Soft and gentle kisses that left little wet stains on her skin. Then he moved lower, exposing her breasts, cupping them in his big black paws and nibbling on the little pink buds before sucking them into his mouth.

  It was a more sensual foreplay than Kim and I had ever shared.

  He moved between her legs.

  I couldn’t see it but from the shape of the comforter I could tell Kim was spread wide open from him. My eyes roamed up their bodies and to her face.

  She was gazing into his eyes with a longing look. Her mouth opened. She sucked in a breath. Her body shook.

  I knew he’d mounted her, impaled her with his hardened seeder and was now driving it into her soft depths. I saw the moment, too, when he reached her deepest place because a look of profound satisfaction settled on her expression.

  Tyrel was nothing like the dominant bull we’d come to know at the club. He’d become a sensitive and caring lover focused on Kim’s pleasure.

  Watching her wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him as he began to thrust inside her shook me to my very core.

  And still my cock was hard.

  I watched them fuck for what seemed like hours. Kim’s orgasms, of which there were too many to keep track, were not the raucous screaming affairs they’d been at the club. They were deep and powerful tremors of pleasure within her that slowed time and thickened the air in the room.

  When Tyrel finally came inside her his orgasm was just as personal.

  Watching the way Kim held him as his cock pulsed, the way she looked into his eyes hoping that her stare would add to his pleasure lanced right through my heart.

  When it was over they held each other as I continued to stand and stare.

  Finally Tyrel removed himself from inside my wife, whispered something in her ear and began to dress. He walked past me, out the bedroom door and down the stairs with barely a nod.

  The sound of the door slamming downstairs shook me from my stupor. I stumbled across the room and into the bed.

  Kim was wearing a satisfied smile.

  “What did he say?” I asked.

  She turned to me and smiled. She put a hand on my ass and began pulling me towards her. “Come on. I want you inside me,” she whispered.

  I obliged without hesitation, scrambling up onto her and slipping my cock into the hot and sticky mess Tyrel had made. I shuddered and closed my eyes at the finger of pleasure it sent racing up my spine. When I opened my eyes Kim was staring at me and still smiling.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  I began to thrust. “What did he say?” I asked again.

  “He told me to go off the pill,” she whispered back, her face suddenly serious.


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