The ARC 03: Fractured

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The ARC 03: Fractured Page 15

by Alexandra Moody

  ‘You’ve been through a lot, maybe we should wait a while?’ I say.

  ‘No, I need to see M now, we’re running out of time.’

  ‘Okay,’ I say. I can see him getting worked up. ‘I’ll take you to him.’

  Aiden looks like he reconsiders as he realises he’ll have to leave Jane.

  ‘I’ll stay with her,’ Will says, to him. ‘I was in the hospital too and I know what she’s been through. I’ll watch out for her. She’ll be okay with me while you’re gone.’

  Aiden smiles at him. ‘Thanks.’

  ‘Okay then,’ I say. ‘Let’s go talk to M. It’s time we made contact with the ARC.’


  I feel a sudden wave of unease as we approach the control tent. It’s quieter than usual and I begin to second-guess my decision to talk to M about the cure. Will he think we’re crazy? Will he even believe us? All the evidence we have is some symbol drawn on the back of a picture I don’t even have anymore.

  We enter M’s office and find him sitting at his desk, his hands running through his hair as he frowns at his screen.

  ‘M, do you have a moment?’ I ask. The few people in the main area of the tent had barely looked at us as we entered, so I have no idea if I’ve gone about approaching M the right way.

  M looks up, dropping his hand from his face. He looks right past me to Aiden, his eyes calculating as he takes in Aiden’s dishevelled appearance. He looks like a crazed man so it’s not exactly a great impression.

  ‘We need to contact the ARC!’ Aiden says, pushing past me to appeal to M. His hands are shaking and there’s a desperate plea in his voice that is hard to ignore.

  M shakes his head. ‘I don’t know who you are, but I can tell you now, it’s impossible,’ he says.

  Aiden doesn’t let this discourage him. He continues to approach M’s desk, walking to one of the chairs and placing his hands down on the back of it. ‘Surely you have the means to get in contact?’ he says.

  ‘Do you know this guy?’ M peers past Aiden to look directly at me.

  ‘M, this is Aiden who worked in West Hope Hospital.’

  ‘Ah,’ he replies, his eyes lighting with recognition. He holds out one hand to grasp Aiden’s. ‘It’s great to finally meet you Aiden. I’m glad to see you’ve been able to join us.’

  Aiden ignores the pleasantry. ‘We need to get in contact with my grandfather who’s in the ARC. He sent a message to me through Elle. He has a cure!’

  M doesn’t visibly react to the news, but his eyes do narrow on Aiden. ‘Who is your grandfather and what ARC?’

  ‘Dr. George Wilson. Aquarius.’

  ‘And you’re sure he’s figured out a way?’

  Aiden glances at me before looking back at M. ‘Yes, I’m sure. Can we contact him?’

  M pushes his chair from the desk and reclines back in it as he thinks. ‘The Government have means to contact their representatives in the ARCs, but that won’t do us any good. Our best chance would be to access their network and get a comm through to him. Do you know his username?’

  Aiden nods.

  ‘Wait here,’ M says. He leaves the two of us in his office and goes down to the main tent next door.

  ‘He changed his tune quickly,’ I mutter to Aiden, who nods in agreement. Several minutes later M returns with a man in tow who I recognise.

  ‘This is Gadge,’ M says.

  ‘Gadge? You’re a part of this?’ I ask him.

  He looks at me with a blank expression. ‘Have we met?’ he responds.

  I frown. There’s absolutely no recognition of me on his face. ‘Gadge, it’s Elle. I came to your apartment with Hunter and Lara to deal with the tracking on our cuffs. Remember?’

  His face still stares at me blankly, not one sign he recognises any of what I’ve said. I shut my mouth and continue to frown at him.

  ‘I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about,’ he responds. It doesn’t even seem like he’s trying to avoid the subject; he looks like he literally can’t remember any of it.

  I step back and fold my arms across my chest. This is too weird. He really doesn’t remember me.

  ‘Gadge’s talent enables him to link with electronics. I think he’s our best chance at getting into the Aquarius system to contact Dr. Wilson,’ M explains.

  ‘It may take me a while, but I think I’m up to the challenge,’ Gadge says.

  M gives him an approving nod. ‘I will set him up on the computer in here, and have him start working on this straight away,’ he says. He walks over and clasps Aiden’s shoulder. ‘You look wrecked. Why don’t you get some fresh air while Gadge gets set up?’

  Aiden gives an exhausted nod, and I slowly traipse after him as he leaves the tent.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I ask, as we slowly follow the path that leads away from camp.

  He shrugs and rubs his face tiredly. ‘I will be once I’ve talked to my grandfather.’

  ‘Do you think his cure could help Jane? What will you do if it can’t?’ I feel selfish asking him this when he’s troubled, but I’m also worried about Will and whether the cure can help him too.

  His gaze darkens at my comment. ‘Then I’ll find another way. My grandfather is brilliant and if anyone could find a cure, it’s him.’ A hint of doubt creeps into his voice and I worry how much he believes the words he’s just said.

  ‘She’s going to be okay,’ I say, though I have no way of knowing if Jane will recover. ‘We’ll get the cure from your grandfather and it will work.’

  He shrugs again. ‘We will see.’

  We both fall silent as we continue to walk through the forest, each of us anxious about the comm that’s about to be put through to the ARC. We both have so much to gain or lose from it.

  ‘We’ve managed to access their network,’ M says, when we return to his office. ‘And we’ve got Dr. Wilson’s file and his username up on screen. There’s a problem though: his CommuCuff has been removed.’

  ‘Why would they do that?’ Aiden asks.

  M looks hesitant to answer him. ‘He’s been put in solitary after attacking one of the nurses in the aged care ward.’

  ‘What?’ Aiden says, sinking into one of the chairs by the desk. He looks at me. ‘You’re the only one here who has seen him recently, do you think he’d do that?’

  I chew on my lower lip as I consider my answer. The man had been perfectly fine towards me, but the first time I saw him he was fighting with the nurses who were trying to take him to his testing. ‘He did seem to get agitated quickly when he was provoked,’ I reply. ‘But I’m sure he would never mean to hurt anyone.’

  ‘What do we do?’ Aiden asks M.

  ‘Our only chance is if we contact someone on the inside who can get a cuff to him.’

  ‘I know someone who would help,’ I say, my heart thundering in my chest. I try not to appear too eager with my suggestion, because if they agree I may just be able to speak to Quinn again.

  M considers me, with a questioning look in his eyes.

  ‘I used to live with her and she works in the hospital. She’d be able to get access to him without too many questions being asked.’

  ‘Are you sure she can be trusted?’

  ‘She helped me escape the ARC,’ I respond. ‘I’d trust her with my life.’

  M gives Gadge a nod of approval. ‘What’s her name?’ Gadge asks, as he focuses in on the computer.

  ‘Quinn Roberts.’ I can feel tears welling in my eyes as I say her name and take a deep breath to try to control them. My hands are shaking and my heart is hammering in my chest. Am I going to be able to talk with her again?

  ‘Got her file and username,’ Gadge says. ‘Should I comm her now?’

  I look to M, not daring to say anything, but desperately hoping he’ll say yes.

  ‘Yes, put in the comm.’

  I dash around to stand behind M’s desk as the computer display swirls with the electric blue wave that indicates it is connecting.

bsp; ‘Hello?’ I stop breathing as I hear Quinn’s voice for the first time in months. She sounds confused, which is understandable, because a comm registers who is trying to connect with you. I doubt this comm had a username at all.

  ‘Hello, is anyone there?’ she says.

  ‘Quinn?’ I whisper.

  There is silence on the other end of the comm.

  ‘Quinn, it’s Elle,’ I say, louder and more certain this time.

  ‘Elle?’ Her voice is filled with a sad combination of doubt and hope. The tears that had been welling in my eyes tumble down my cheeks.

  ‘Yes, it’s me.’

  ‘Holy shit!’ she shouts, through the computer’s speaker. She sounds like she’s in shock. From her end it must be like getting a comm from a ghost. ‘Where the hell are you? Are you okay? How are you comming me? Are you coming back? What’s going on?’ Her questions are rapidly fired at me in quick succession.

  ‘I can’t answer everything now, but I’m fine and so is Sebastian. We’re working on a way to get you and everyone out of the ARC.’

  ‘Where are you?’ she asks.

  I glance up at M who shakes his head at me. ‘I can’t say.’

  ‘How did you manage to call me? Your CommuCuff has been out of action since you left.’

  ‘We don’t have time to explain.’

  ‘We? Who’s we? You know I’ve been worried sick about you right?’

  ‘I’ve missed you too.’

  M gives me a signal to hurry up.

  Quinn keeps talking, continuing to fire more questions at me. I’d almost forgotten how eager she can be. ‘It’s been crazy since you left,’ she says. ‘So many people have been found tainted and taken away. What’s going on? Why’s this happening?’

  Her questions about the sudden disappearances in the ARC intrigue me, but M waves his hand again to make me hurry. I sigh and try to get back on task. ‘Look, Quinn, I actually commed because we need a favour.’

  She pauses. ‘What do you need?’

  ‘There’s a doctor in the aged care ward named Dr. Wilson, you may remember I used to visit him. He has been put in solitary and we need you to get to him with your cuff so we can talk to him.’

  ‘Old man, solitary, cuff, got it,’ she says. ‘I’m on the other side of the ARC right now, how will you know when I get to the guy?’

  I glance at Gadge. ‘Quinn,’ he says. ‘Can you make a comm out on your cuff once you’re there? It will register on your file and then we can comm you back.’

  ‘Who’s the guy?’ she asks. ‘He sounds cute.’

  I roll my eyes. ‘Quinn!’ Does she ever think of anything other than cute guys?

  ‘Okay, okay. I’m going now. Elle? I’ll get to talk to you again, right?’

  I refuse to look at M to see what he says. ‘Yes, I’ll be here,’ I reply.

  ‘Okay, good,’ she says. ‘Talk soon.’ She disconnects the comm before I get a chance to respond.

  I take a step back from the desk and close my eyes as I take a deep breath in. I just spoke to Quinn. This isn’t a dream.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder. ‘Why don’t you take a seat while we wait?’ M asks.

  I give him a nod and move to take a seat on the other side of the table, next to Aiden. The room feels incredibly quiet after the conversation with Quinn and I wonder if the others are reeling from it the way I am. They all seem relatively subdued, so I guess making contact with the ARC is as big a deal for them as it is for me.

  ‘You guys were obviously close,’ Aiden says, breaking the silence.

  ‘Huh?’ I glance at Aiden. ‘Sorry, yeah, she’s been like a sister to me,’ I agree. ‘Did you know her?’

  He nods. ‘Yes, but not very well.’ He glances down at his hands, which he is wringing nervously.

  ‘Are you excited to speak to your grandfather again?’ I ask.

  He continues to focus on his hands. ‘Yeah. He could be distant when he was working, but he always made time for me.’

  ‘How do you think he managed to work out the cure? It doesn’t sound like he’s worked for the hospital for a long time.’

  Aiden shakes his head, looking as lost as I am as to the answer. ‘I don’t know. It doesn’t make any sense, but he wouldn’t have sent me that message you gave me unless he had. There has to be an explanation.’

  ‘I guess we’ll be finding out any minute now,’ I say.

  We fall back into silence as we wait, the room filling with tension as Gadge and M continue to eye the computer screen for a sign Quinn is ready for the comm. I worry it’s taking too long, but continue to remind myself it will probably take a little while for her to get in to see him. As soon as she comms out on her cuff to another user, everyone in the room seems to exhale a breath and Gadge connects us to her.

  ‘Elle?’ she says, in answer.

  I leap up and walk around the desk to stand behind Gadge. ‘Yes, it’s me. Are you with him?’

  ‘Yeah,’ she says. She sounds uncertain though. ‘I don’t know what you guys want from him, but I’m not sure if he will be much help.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ Aiden says, interrupting.

  ‘He doesn’t exactly seem with it,’ she says. ‘You’ll see. Dr. Wilson?’ There’s the sound of movement in the background. ‘Dr. Wilson, I have someone who would like to talk to you.’

  ‘I told you I don’t want visitors!’ a man yells.

  I glance at Aiden, and watch as the colour drains from his face.

  ‘It’s not a visitor,’ Quinn says. ‘It’s someone who has commed my cuff to talk to you.’

  ‘No!’ Dr. Wilson shouts. ‘No visitors. Can’t you see I’m busy preparing for the next round of tests.’

  ‘Grandfather?’ Aiden says, raising his voice to be heard.

  The other end of the comm goes silent.

  ‘Grandfather, it’s me, Aiden.’

  Still there is no answer.

  ‘Quinn, what’s happening?’ I ask. ‘Is he okay?’

  ‘He’s not moving, I think he’s in shock,’ she says.

  ‘I’m not in shock,’ Dr. Wilson mutters. ‘Aiden, is that really you?’ His voice is louder, like he’s closer to the cuff now.

  ‘Yes, it’s me. How are you Grandfather?’

  ‘I’d be a whole lot better without these nurses always fluffing about.’

  ‘I’m sure they’re just trying to help,’ Aiden says.

  ‘Yes, well they’re in my way.’

  Aiden glances at me. There’s worry in his eyes, showing how troubled he is by the way his grandfather is acting.

  ‘Grandfather do you remember sending me a message through a teenage girl named Elle?’

  ‘I did no such thing.’

  ‘Dr. Wilson, this is Elle,’ I say. ‘You helped me get out of the ARC and gave me a picture of Aiden with a symbol drawn on the back of it to give to him. Do you remember?’

  My question is met with silence. Then I swear I can hear sniffling on the other end of the comm. ‘Quinn?’

  ‘Are you okay Dr. Wilson?’ she asks.

  ‘Leave me alone,’ he says.

  ‘Grandfather!’ Aiden says, his voice strong and commanding. ‘You sent me a message about the cure. What is it? How can I get it?’ There’s a tinge of desperation to his words. ‘Please.’

  ‘Cure? Pah!’ Dr Wilson mutters.

  ‘But the message…’ Aiden sounds broken as he says this.

  ‘There is no cure,’ Dr. Wilson says.

  Silent tears run down Aiden’s face. ‘What’s wrong with you? Grandfather?’

  ‘Aiden?’ Quinn says. ‘I don’t think he will say anymore. His eyes are out of focus and he doesn’t look like he even knows I’m here.’

  ‘Grandfather?’ Aiden says, ignoring what Quinn has said.

  I look at M, uncertain what to do, but he doesn’t look like he cares about Aiden’s grandfather. He looks pissed off. ‘Turn the comm off,’ M commands Gadge.

  ‘Wait!’ I yell, but it’s too late as Gadg
e has already disengaged the comm.

  ‘You didn’t let us say goodbye!’ I accuse.

  ‘There is no cure, I will not waste another second on this folly. You can both go now,’ M says.

  ‘You don’t know that! He must know about a cure,’ I say.

  ‘I will not waste another moment of our resources on a raving old man. Leave!’

  I grab Aiden’s arm and pull him from the office. He looks shocked and it’s not until we’re outside again that he even seems to recognise where we are.

  ‘Elle?’ he says, as we leave the tent. ‘Even if my grandfather had a cure, he’s in no state to remember and there’s no way for us to get in contact with him again. We have no cure and time is running out. I think Jane is going to die…’


  I try not to let Aiden’s words upset me, but they resonate in my mind. ‘Jane is going to die.’ I don’t even know the girl, but I feel such a connection to her and it could easily be me in her position right now.

  Aiden refuses to leave the clinic again once he returns to Jane’s side. Between him and the other doctors, they work around the clock trying to find a way to fix her. But days pass by without any change in her stats and I can see her lack of recovery is slowly destroying him. Sometimes she seems close to consciousness, as she mumbles in her sleep, but she’s yet to wake up, and I worry she never will.

  I commit myself to the tests the doctors here put me through, hoping desperately it will help. I only wish there was more I could do as there’s been little change to Will’s health either.

  April doesn’t come back to camp for days, so when she finally returns she can’t wait to have me back training to use my talents again. As I head towards the hanger to meet her I notice Gadge standing in the shadow of one of the trees watching me.

  ‘Gadge?’ I ask, slowly approaching him.

  He shies away and takes several steps back, allowing the shadow to further cloak him. Again, I get the feeling he doesn’t recognise me, which is strange. I only just saw him the other day.


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