Tempted by a Carrington

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Tempted by a Carrington Page 2

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Less than an hour later everyone had finished their meals.

  Taking the napkin from her lap, Lanier placed it on the table. “Are you still living in Clear Lake? If I recall correctly, it was in the return address.”

  Barbara gave a hint of a smile. “We recently moved to Dickinson.”

  Lanier felt a small surge of anxiety overtaking her. Dickinson was a few miles from Haven House. Trying to regroup and calm herself, she covertly drew in deep breaths.

  “Dickinson is a nice place,” Dallas said, hoping to give Lanier time to recover. “Most areas in southeast Houston are great places to live.”

  “We like it there,” Joseph remarked. “It’s not far from where we used to live.”

  Yeah, from where the state was forced to remove me from the home I once loved, Lanier thought, only to send me to places that were worse.

  Joseph had begun drinking early on in the marriage, but it was a few years before Barbara had joined him. Hating the negative thoughts invading her mind, Lanier quickly shut them down, reminding herself she’d moved on and had made a brand-new home for herself.

  Lanier made a pretense of looking at her watch. It didn’t matter how much time had or hadn’t elapsed, she was ready to go. “I hope everyone enjoyed their meal. I know I did. Maybe we can do this another time, but I need to get back to Haven House.” She stood quickly.

  Taking Lanier’s keys from her hand, Dallas opened the front door to Haven House. Slinging his arm around her shoulder, he led her into the residence and headed to the family room. They both felt lethargic and were ready to relax, but he would get his cues from Lanier.

  The family room was the girls’ favorite hangout, and its emptiness caused Lanier’s heart to ache. She knew it was silly of her, but it didn’t ease the gut-wrenching pain she felt deep down inside. Making her way over to the leather sectional, she dropped down onto a reclining end.

  Lanier peered up at Dallas. “Can you stay for a while? I’d like to talk to you.”

  Dallas shrugged. “Not a problem.”

  He scooted next to her and she took his hand into hers. Lifting it, she kissed each of his fingertips. “Thanks for today and every other day we’ve spent together. How do you think I did at lunch?”

  Dallas tilted his head to the side. “How do you think you did?”

  Lanier pulled a comical face. “I handled all of it very well. It was strange seeing my parents after all this time, but I wasn’t bitter or uncomfortable.”

  “I thought you did great. I was surprised a time or two because of things I had assumed.”

  Lanier raised an eyebrow. “Like what?”

  “I assumed they had extended the invitation to lunch. You came across as very confident, but I expected you to be nervous and antsy. When we’ve talked about your parents in your past, you always ended up crying your heart out.”

  “It still hurts, but I’ve found constructive ways to try and deal with it. Not thinking about it all the time helps the wounds heal. I’m much happier, Dallas, and I am more confident.”

  Lanier talked about all the things she’d done wrong in their relationship and how it had related to the pain of her past. “I couldn’t pull myself out of the fire back then. I took everything out on you, causing so many problems in our relationship. Unwittingly, I tried to run you out of my life. I expected you to also abandon me.”

  “I’m glad you know the truth. I stayed because I love you, Lanier. I saw past your pain.”

  Fighting off her tears, her gaze dropped down to the floor then back to him. “Do you ever think of getting a new girlfriend?” She grimaced. The words hadn’t come out right.

  Dallas looked puzzled. “I’m perfectly happy with the one I have.”

  Lanier grinned. “That’s nice to know. Still, I’d like to introduce you to a woman who is reinventing herself. You deserve the best.”

  Dallas frowned. “Did someone slip something into your drink at the restaurant? You’re talking crazy. What’s happened to you?”

  “You happened to me, Dallas Carrington.” Capturing his lips with hers, Lanier kissed him passionately. She then laid her head upon his chest. “Thanks for letting me know you’re happy with me. I couldn’t be any happier than I am when I’m with you. I’m the new woman I’d like you to meet. I’ve done so much work to try and improve me.”

  Lanier hoped she wasn’t coming off as a lunatic.

  Making a show of wiping his brow, Dallas smiled. “Now you’re talking my language. You had me worried there for a minute. I just happen to love the woman you are. Any improvements might be too much for this man.”

  Lanier pursed her lips. “Hmm, I never thought of it like that.” She grinned. “But I think you’ll be very interested in meeting this person. The new and improved me, transforming by my own design.”

  Wrapping her arms around Dallas’s neck, she kissed him deeply.

  Dallas wiggled his brows. “A new you, huh? I guess I can agree to meet her, but only if you promise to send her away immediately if I don’t like her.”

  “I promise.” Lanier gave Dallas her brightest smile.

  He ran his thumb over her lower lip. “Are these the things you wanted to talk about?”

  “It’s part of it.” Lanier wrung her hands together. “Lately, I’ve done a lot of thinking about my future. It feels so strange around here without the girls. I miss them.”

  “They’ve grown up, Lanier, but they won’t forget you. Those girls are yours and Ashleigh’s for life. You two have created an unbreakable bond with the beautiful young ladies you helped raise.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I know. You know how I tend to second-guess myself. It just seems like I’ll be throwing them out in the street come fall. I’ve been where they once were and also where they’re going. I don’t want them to ever feel abandoned.”

  Dallas pulled Lanier closer to him. “That won’t happen. They know what love is because of you and Ashleigh. You won’t lose a single one. Going off to college will be good for everyone.”

  Lanier managed a half smile. “I hope you’re right.” She paused for a moment. “There’s something else I’ve also thought a lot about.” Her eyes narrowed slightly. “I’ve never lived alone. In every foster home I’ve lived in, there has always been at least five or six other kids.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that. Once my brothers and I went off to college, we only came home for holidays and school breaks, no matter how much we missed our parents. After college, we bought our own homes.”

  “How did Ms. Angelica cope with all of you leaving home at once?”

  “Oh, she missed us a lot, but Dad constantly reminded her that we were no longer little boys. They’d raised us to become men. Setting children free is a normal part of life. Just remember that the girls might not have gotten an opportunity to go to college if they’d been placed elsewhere. Not all foster homes are like the one you and Ashleigh have created.”

  “I know that, and it’ll eventually be okay. Once the girls are off to college, I think I should get my own place. Working and living here with the kids is all I’ve known since I resigned my social work position. I want to experience life on my own. I’m thinking of asking two of our assistants to move in here before any new kids arrive. I’ll still work here ten to twelve hours a day, but I want to be able to escape sometimes.”

  Dallas sat up straight. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you? I didn’t know you wanted to live anywhere but here.”

  “I didn’t either, not until recently. But I want to reinvent myself, so I need to make substantial changes in my life. I’ve never lived alone. Before I moved in with Ashleigh, I had college roommates. After graduation, I shared an apartment with two other women. Ashleigh lives at home and works here…and she’s satisfied with how well it works
out. I’m excited about looking for a place of my own.”

  Dallas liked the plan, but he couldn’t help wondering what this might mean for their relationship. He wasn’t sure if she was ready for a major move, but the one thing he didn’t want to do was put shackles on her dreams. She was a grown woman who obviously needed to be free.

  “Would you consider living with me?” He knew he had said the wrong thing as soon as the words had left his mouth. He realized she needed to do this on her own and should’ve offered his support.

  Massaging Dallas’s cheek with the back of her hand, Lanier’s heart raced. “I know why you asked that question. But please believe in me. I know what I want to do, and I know exactly why I feel that way.”

  Closing his hand over Lanier’s, Dallas halted her nervous tapping. “I’m sure you do. And I do regret it—it wasn’t a supportive remark. You’re a big girl now and you can take care of yourself. If you can’t, I’m positive you’ll ask for help. Speaking of help, do you want me to help you find a place? I know the condo Houston bought a while back is empty and he doesn’t stay there nearly as much as he’d thought. Maybe he’d lease it.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t want to lease from your brother. I’d like to live close to Haven House, not in downtown Houston. I’d love for you to house-shop with me.”

  Dallas looked pleased. “Just tell me when you want to get started.”

  “This weekend? When can you manage to get away for a few hours?”

  “This is the playoffs, and game dates are set as teams advance. I’ll look into it. Hopefully, we can get you your own place before the finals.”

  Ashleigh popped into the room just as Dallas and Lanier sealed their deal with a kiss. She normally called Lanier first, but her cell phone battery had died.

  Lanier sprang up and took baby Austin from Ashleigh’s arms. “Hey, little A.C. Heard you’ve been hanging with the ladies today! I know grandma had a ball with you.” She kissed the center of his forehead. “Where’d you guys go?” Lanier asked Ashleigh.

  “Baybrook Mall. I just dropped by here to collect figures for payroll. I plan to print checks at home again. Is that okay?”

  “However you do it is fine with me. Dallas and I just finished making plans for him to help me look for a place.”

  “Austin and I can also help out if you want. I can’t believe preseason is almost here. Austin has enjoyed the baby so much that I think he may have a hard time getting his mind back on football.”

  “I know he will,” Dallas chimed in. “He’s having the time of his life with A.C. All he talks about is his wife and son. I get a real kick out of hearing him gushing over you two.”

  Dallas came over and stood next to Lanier. As he reached out for the cooing baby, she carefully handed him over to his big, strapping uncle.

  Watching Dallas intently, Lanier saw how sweet and tender he was toward his nephew. He rained kisses onto the baby’s shock of copper curls and A.C. cooed even more. His hair was just like Ashleigh’s, but the deep dimple in his chin was a Carrington trait.

  Lanier couldn’t help wondering what a baby from Dallas would look like. She hadn’t always wanted to become a mother, but after mothering teenagers, she had thought about it.

  Since alcoholism was hereditary, Lanier wondered if the awful addiction would plague her own children. She had always been able to control her personal intake of alcohol; an occasional glass of wine or a frozen margarita was all she drank.

  Seeing how engrossed Dallas and Lanier were with her son, Ashleigh cleared her throat to grab their attention. “It’s time for me to get on home. There are at least a couple loads of laundry waiting for me, and Austin requested a beef rib roast for dinner.”

  Lanier sucked her teeth. “I don’t understand why you don’t use Ms. Stella more. Austin pays her no matter what.”

  “I love taking care of my family, so I just save Ms. Stella for special occasions. Austin really appreciates whatever I do around the house, but he’s always telling me to use our housekeeper more.”

  If they were to ever marry, Dallas wondered if Lanier would rather have a housekeeper than take care of things herself. Either way was fine with him. His father, Beaumont, had more than enough money to pay for help, but Angelica had done everything. She had used caterers only on special occasions.

  Beaumont had always helped out with kitchen duties and laundry, and Dallas could remember him and his brothers laughing at the variety of aprons their dad so proudly wore. He wasn’t afraid of tackling any domestic chore and loved working alongside his beautiful wife.

  Ashleigh reached for her child. Baby Austin grinned broadly, stretching his arms out for her. “I’ll see you two soon. Carrington family dinner is next week, and I’m counting on you both to be there.”

  Dallas and Lanier nodded, laughing at Ashleigh’s attempt at sternness. Walking over to his sister-in-law, he laid his hand loosely about her waist. “I’ll come outside and help you get A.C. settled in.” Dallas turned to Lanier. “I’ll be right back, sweetheart.”

  After opening the rear door to the Mercedes SUV, Dallas tucked Austin into his car seat and secured the safety belt. As the baby cooed and blew spit bubbles, he had to laugh. He hadn’t given much thought to having children before his nephew had come along, but now he thought about it too often.

  Lanier was the only woman Dallas had ever imagined as the mother of his babies. Not wanting to pressure her, he’d never asked her if she wanted children. But, before any of that, he’d first have to find a way to get her down the aisle.

  Crossing his arms, Dallas leaned against the door of the SUV. “What do you really think of Lanier getting her own place?”

  Looking thoughtful, Ashleigh pressed together her full lips. “I support her one hundred percent. She lived in foster homes with other children and always had a roommate as an adult. Experiencing life on her own terms may be just what she needs. What’s your take on it?”

  Dallas raised an eyebrow. “Mixed emotions, I’m afraid. I want to support her, but I also wonder if she’s ready to live alone. She’s certainly changing. In fact, she promises to introduce me to the new her.”

  Ashleigh laughed. “That sounds just like my girl. She does have a creative side. I suggest you go along with her plans. What’ll you do if her mission fails?”

  Dallas shrugged, thinking of the angry Lanier who seemed hell-bent on self-destruction. Having faith in no one but Ashleigh had made it hard for him to earn her trust. Her unhappiness loomed over her like a terminal illness. She didn’t have faith in him in the beginning, but his actions and unyielding support proved him worthy of her trust.

  “Love her as much as I do now. More than anything, I want her to love herself, unconditionally. I don’t want her to make any changes for me. It’s all about her.”

  “It is about her. But if she falls again, be ready to catch her. She’s confessed to changing her negative way of thinking about life before. She was sure she could rid herself of the rage she felt inside. We both know how badly those episodes turned out when she couldn’t stay the course. Lanier may truly be ready to embrace a more positive attitude this time around. I’ve seen quite a few changes in her already.”

  Dallas stroked his chin. “Like what?” Dallas had seen major changes in Lanier, but he wanted to hear about the differences in her that Ashleigh had observed.

  “You’ll have to see for yourself, if you haven’t already. You will recognize them on your own. It’ll mean more to you and her.” Standing on tiptoes, Ashleigh kissed Dallas’s cheek. “See you soon, shortstop,” she said. “Are you aware that Houston is hosting our family dinner?”

  Dallas laughed. “So I’ve heard. He’ll either get Mom and Kelly to cook the food or leave it up to his caterer.”

  Ashleigh climbed up into the SUV, leaving the door open. “Do
n’t be too sure about that. Kelly cooks for Houston, but she also has him help. I won’t be surprised if they manage to get everything taken care of between them. Ever since your brother and Kelly got engaged, he’s become a changed man.”

  “As hard as it is to believe, I think you’re right.” Dallas turned down his mouth at the corners. “I guess we’ll wait and see what happens with Houston and Dr. Kelly Charleston. Drive carefully, Ash. Tell Austin I’ll call him later. You guys are coming to my next home game, aren’t you?”

  “Of course we are. We already got a babysitter.”

  Dallas blew Ashleigh a kiss. “See you soon.” He waited until Ashleigh had backed the vehicle out of the driveway before returning to the house.

  Dallas reclaimed his seat on the sofa. While waiting for Lanier to return from the kitchen, he gave more thought to her plan. If he had his way, she’d live in a gated community with security guards. But he had to be careful not to dictate his wants to her.

  Carrying a plastic tray laden with two glasses of ice-cold raspberry lemonade and warmed-up takeout food, Lanier slowly walked back into the family room. She set the tray down on the coffee table and handed a glass to Dallas. “I hope you like this new recipe.”

  Taking the glass, he smiled. “Thanks. It looks delicious. I know I’ll like it simply because you made it.” He took one long gulp.

  Lanier chuckled at how he’d nearly drained the glass in one swallow. He was a big man, and it still amazed her that he could down an entire quart of milk during breakfast or over a late-night snack of cookies.

  “Are you familiar with the brand-new town houses on Clear Lake City Boulevard?”

  “I’ve seen them a time or two,” Dallas said. “Want to check them out?”

  She nodded. “I’ll call first to check out the cost. I don’t want to get there and end up embarrassed if I can’t afford it.”

  Dallas began eating, polishing his food off quickly. “It’s time for me to go.” He got to his feet. “I’ve got a few things to take care of. Walk me to the door?”


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