Tempted by a Carrington

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Tempted by a Carrington Page 6

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Someone he didn’t know knew where he lived. It was a big deal to him. He sniffed at the envelope again and confirmed that it didn’t smell like any scent Lanier wore. His secret admirer didn’t pass the smell test.

  Dallas laid the letter on the glass coffee table and then walked into the master bedroom. He immediately picked up a stunning photograph of him and Lanier. He sat on the nearby chaise and looked at the photo, recalling their last passionate rendezvous of a week ago. He used a fingertip and traced the lips of the sweetest mouth he couldn’t get enough of.

  The ringing doorbell interrupted his sentimental mood. Agitated, he got up. After carefully setting the picture on the dresser, he walked rapidly toward the front, wondering who the visitor was. It had to be someone that security had permitted to enter his estate.

  Dallas snatched the door open and saw Houston on the porch. They gave each other a warm hug and a hard slap on the back. “Come on in. I was about to lie down and take a short nap. Can I get you something to eat or drink?”

  Houston shook his head. “Thanks, but no thanks. I only stopped by for a minute.” Following Dallas into the family room, Houston took a seat on the leather sofa. “I need your advice on something.”

  Dallas pointed at his ears. “They’re open and available.”

  Houston wrung his hands together. “I thought about what I wanted to say all the way over here, now I can’t seem to get it out…”

  Dallas looked concerned. “Are you okay physically? What is it?”

  “No, man, it’s nothing like that. My physical health is A-1. Not so sure about my mental state, though. This is so crazy, but I’m a little worried about my relationship with Kelly.”

  “Why are you so concerned? Did something bad happen between you two?”

  “It’s about our engagement. Believe it or not, I can’t pin her down on a wedding date. Everything in my personal life has changed drastically. I ran away from Kelly before, and now I find myself running to her every chance I get.”

  Dallas checked a chuckle. “What happens when you mention setting a date?”

  “She sort of brushes me off, saying we have plenty of time to set a date.”

  “Maybe she wants to make sure you’re ready to settle down.” Dallas laughed. “You weren’t an easy catch, you know. You gave her a run for her money.”

  Houston began to relax. “You guys just won’t let me forget that, will you?”

  “Not anytime soon. But when you fell, you sure fell hard for her.” Dallas paused for a moment. “I’m sorry. This isn’t something to joke about. Do you think Kelly may’ve changed her mind about marrying you?”

  Houston shrugged. “I don’t know. The subject seems to scare her all of a sudden. I’m asking for straight answers, but I can’t get any. Maybe I need to stop bringing it up.”

  Dallas pressed his lips together. “Maybe you’re overreacting. She accepted your proposal and she’s been with you ever since your first date. Unless she tells you she doesn’t want to get married, back off.”

  “Just like you’ve been doing with Lanier, huh?”

  Dallas grabbed his stomach. “Ouch! That was a hard blow, man! Lanier is not wearing a diamond engagement ring. She may never wear mine. But I don’t hand out ultimatums to anyone. I’ll wait awhile longer.”

  Houston raised an eyebrow. “How much longer?”

  “As long as it takes for me to realize marriage isn’t in our future. Love can’t be turned on and off like a faucet. I love her, Houston. I love her more than I can express.”

  Houston’s ebony eyes softened. “I know you do, man. Lanier certainly looks at you like she loves you. Does she tell you how she feels?”

  “All the time. I blame most of her fears on the dysfunction within their family. She only recently met with her estranged parents. She hadn’t seen or talked to them in years.”

  Houston moved to the edge of his seat. “How’d it go?”

  “I was surprised at how well it went down. Lanier showed a lot of courage. But growing up in foster homes left her terribly vulnerable. I’m not sure she believes I’m in this relationship for life.”

  “After hearing what you had to say, I’ll stop pushing Kelly. She’s had issues with her parents, too. I haven’t bombarded her with specific wedding dates, but I have shown impatience over her lack of interest in discussing it.” Houston stood. “I’m glad I came out here to talk. Austin wasn’t home, and Ashleigh was at Haven House for a business meeting with Lanier.”

  “Preseason started for Austin a couple of weeks ago.” Dallas said. “He probably wants to spend as much time as possible with A.C. before his travel schedule gets really crazy. But, before we know it, spring training will roll around again. I hope we go back to camp as winners of the World Series. We’re so close.”

  “Man, I pray that your team gets to the big show. There’s nothing sweeter than winning.”

  Houston walked over to the window and looked out. “I wonder if Kelly has changed her mind about making a life with me. She’s superbusy these days, and sometimes I feel like I need to make an appointment to see her. Her patients are her top priority. I feel like she has me on a back burner.”

  “You know better than that.” Dallas walked over to Houston and put his hand on his shoulder. “She’s a dedicated physician, little brother. There are doctors out there that don’t put a lot of care into their patients. Kelly isn’t one of them. Don’t you want her to be the best at what she does?”

  Houston frowned. “Of course I want that. I’m proud of her. At first I was happy she wouldn’t travel with the team. It didn’t take me long to change my mind. Is it wrong for me to want her to travel with me when she has a thriving medical practice? The thought of life on the road without her scares the hell out of me. I keep wondering when we’ll find time for each other. I hope I’m not making too much of this.”

  “It’s okay to be concerned, but whatever you do don’t let Kelly know you’re scared. Wait until your season gets underway and see how it goes. Don’t put the cart before the horse.”

  “I know what you mean.” Houston let out a sigh of relief. “If anyone had told me I’d be sweating a woman, I’d call them a liar. I feel like I’ve turned into a pansy.”

  Dallas laughed. “Oh, stop it, Houston. You’re the same tough jock who scores a zillion points a game. Give yourself a break. Kelly isn’t going anywhere, and I’m sure she still plans to walk down the aisle with you.”

  “If not, I wish she’d tell me. I know Kelly wouldn’t play with my heart, but I wonder if I’m setting us up to fail. She’s the only woman I’ve ever fallen in love with.”

  “Keep on loving her, Houston. It’s not like you two have been engaged for years. Give her space. It can’t hurt.”

  “Thanks for the sound advice. The next time we see each other will be at my house for dinner. By the way, your last game was great! You always manage to come up with the clutch hit.”

  “Just like you manage to hit all those buzzer-beaters. We’re winners. Dad and Mom pounded perseverance and excellence into our heads. They talked, and fortunately, for all of us, we listened.”

  Houston smiled. “You can say that again. I can’t imagine where we’d be without Mom and Dad.”

  “I don’t even want to.” Dallas thought about the letter. Picking up the envelope from the table, he handed it to Houston. “Want you to read this note I received in the mail.”

  As Houston read the letter, Dallas watched his brother’s expressions, laughing inwardly when both his eyebrows shot up. It was a nice letter if both parties knew each other, Dallas mused. Since he didn’t know the person, it was strange and possibly dangerous.

  “Man, this chick is really coming on to you, even knowing that you’re seeing someone. Maybe the note is from a dude,” Houston jok

  Dallas glared at Houston. “Don’t even play like that. It was sent to the house instead of the postal box. Think I should be worried?”

  “I would be. If you didn’t give anyone your personal address, you should be damn worried. Thank God you live behind security gates. No one can sail in and out of here at will.”

  “Close friends know where I live, so someone could’ve possibly gotten the address that way. Then again, I don’t think they’d give it out.”

  Houston nodded. “It looks like this is just the first note of more to come. You think Lanier sent it?”

  “No way! She wouldn’t let me think I’m in danger.”

  “Keep a close eye on whatever you get in the mail. Maybe there’ll be some sort of clue to an identity. Be careful, man.” Houston looked at his watch. “I’m out of here. See you at dinner next week.” Houston hugged his brother and left, more concerned about Dallas than he’d let on.

  A thoughtful expression on his face, Dallas sat back down. Houston was the last person he’d ever thought would have woman trouble. Going to Kelly with any of Houston’s concerns wasn’t an option. Dallas knew he’d have to wait until the couple solved it between them. Unless…

  The jangle of the phone redirected Dallas’s attention and he answered the call. Hearing Lanier’s voice made him smile. The slight huskiness of her tone warmed him. “Hey, you, what’s going on?”

  “You,” Lanier countered. “I miss you and called to hear your sexy voice. Are you free this evening?”

  Dallas was astonished. Lanier never asked him to spend time with her; usually he had to initiate their dates. Well, she had asked him to attend the luncheon meeting with her parents and to view the town houses, he recalled. He loved the demure Lanier and the deeply passionate woman only he got to see. She was becoming a lot more outgoing and bubbly.

  “As a matter of fact, I am free. Have something specific in mind?”

  Lanier grinned. “Oh, boy, do I! How does seven o’clock sound?”

  “Anytime is fine with me. Can I bring something?”

  “Your sexy body…and a voracious appetite. I plan to fix dinner.”

  “Sounds pretty delicious to me. Are you featured on the dessert menu?”

  Laughter trilled from Lanier’s throat. “I can be. Let me see. What dessert best describes me? What about a fudge brownie, dark and delectable, fresh out the oven?”

  Dallas laughed. “Hmm, I think you got something there. Since you’re a tad crazy, nuts should be added to the mix before baking.”

  “I like that,” she said, giggling. “A warm fudge brownie with nuts sounds heavenly.”

  Dallas laughed again. “What’ve you been doing?”

  “Ashleigh just left. We talked more about expansions for Haven House. I finally let her set up bill-pay on my computer. I hate writing checks.”

  Lanier went on to tell Dallas that she and Ashleigh were thinking of taking in emergency placements. “I was an emergency placement. With all the land we own, we’re considering adding on a larger dining room and a couple more bedrooms.”

  “I know you and Ash want to help as many kids as possible.”

  “The social service department knows we’ll have vacant beds come mid-September. But we won’t take in new kids until the girls are off to college.”

  “The next group bound for Haven House will be lucky. You and Ashleigh are excellent foster parents.”

  “Thanks, Dallas. Glad you see how much we care for our kids. I have to go now. I’ve got some grocery shopping to do, and…” She refrained from telling him she was dropping off her credit application. “See you this evening.”

  “I can hardly wait. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.” Lanier cradled the phone.

  Grabbing her purse off the table, she went out to the garage. The town house complex was her first stop. If she waited any longer, she might not get it all done.

  Dallas stared down at the phone, wondering more about this new Lanier. She had changed in ways he wouldn’t have expected. The entire night she’d spent in his bed and in his arms still had his adrenaline pumping…and more than a week had passed.

  Lanier could get way ahead of herself at times. Then she’d end up a bit depressed. He didn’t want her to get like that again. Comebacks were so tough on her because she was treated very badly by a couple of foster families. It was one thing to be abandoned by your own parents, but it was worse to have new families treat you unkindly. No one completely changed overnight, and he clearly saw her efforts. Dallas loved her as she was. He’d take her anyway he could get her, a testament to how much he truly loved her.

  Dallas got up from the sofa and headed to the bedroom. Spotting his mail carrier leaving, he turned around and went outside to collect his mail. He opened the front door and stepped out.

  Another pink envelope was in the stack of mail. Instead of waiting until he got back into the house, he ripped it open and immediately put the linen paper up to his nose. A totally different scent was on this note. It smelled like roses.

  Dallas lifted his head and looked down after the government vehicle.

  Could Tamara Hal, his mail carrier, be writing the notes?

  Tamara had never given him any evidence to think she was hot for him, so he tossed the question out of his mind. They had flirted innocently a time or two, way before he’d met Lanier. Now they were merely friendly.

  Then Dallas remembered the sweet-potato pie Tamara had brought to the door on Thanksgiving. A nice and thoughtful gesture, he surmised. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened, especially in the way of romance.

  Dallas reached the porch and sat on the top step to read the note.

  Hi, Dallas:

  Hope you’re fine. I watched you on television during the last game. I nearly went berserk when you hit the home run to put the Hurricanes ahead. It’s hard to keep my eyes off you. That’s how hot you are. I miss a lot of action in the game because I’m too busy watching you. I love your sexy swagger. You’re where all the action is. I can’t imagine what the team would do without their brightest!

  I’d be happy if I knew you enjoyed the scent on the envelopes. It is not perfume. I rubbed fresh rose petals over the paper once I finished. This is just a short note to say hello. I still plan to meet you soon. I hope you’ll be ready when I show up, ’cause I’m more than ready for you.


  Dallas didn’t understand this crazy mystery woman, and he had no desire to meet her. This mess was getting pretty scary for him. And Lanier was the only one he wanted a lifetime with.

  Casey scanned Lanier’s application. “Everything appears to be in order. We’ll run a credit check and a reference check will take place later. Because you’re self-employed, we’ll need your tax returns for the past two years.”

  “I only pay half the bills at Haven House. Will that be taken into consideration? My business partner and I split everything.”

  “I’m sure it will. Don’t worry. If we run into problems, I’ll let you know as soon as possible.”

  Lanier got to her feet. “Thanks, Casey. I appreciate the help you’ve given me.”

  “It’s been a pleasure for me, Lanier. How’s Mr. Carrington?”

  “He’s fine. I’ll tell him I finally turned in the application, after pondering it for weeks.”

  Casey closely eyed Lanier. “Are you two serious?”

  Lanier was surprised by the question and more surprised by the way it was asked. “We’re exclusive, if that’s what you mean. Dallas and I met on a Valentine’s Day cruise quite a while back.”

  Casey arched an eyebrow. “No marriage proposal?”

  Lanier sucked in a deep breath. “We’re fine the way things are.”

  Casey smirked. “He’s an athlete, ho
ney, a rich, successful one. Are you saying you’re fine with him having a woman in every city he visits?”

  Lanier ran a finger over her lower lip. “Your questions and remarks are personal…and I don’t like them. Stick to selling townhomes.”

  With that said, Lanier walked out. She no longer cared if she qualified for the loan or not if it meant enduring the likes of Casey Rayburn.

  Lanier shifted the car into Reverse and slowly backed out of the spot and drove out of the complex gates. She loved the town house, but she refused to deal with the kind of person she’d just encountered. Lanier made up her mind to ax the complex if anything like this happened again.

  Chapter 5

  Lanier rushed around the kitchen to check on the spaghetti sauce she was simmering. Dallas loved her recipe for his favorite pasta dish, which she’d gotten from an Italian woman in one of the neighborhoods she’d resided in. She had always liked to cook, finding peace in preparation. Whenever she was upset, working in the kitchen was calming.

  Dallas smelled delightful to Lanier. The new cologne she had given to him suited him. He always smelled good to her, but there was something about the new fragrance that had her nuzzling her nose against his neck.

  Dallas gently kissed Lanier and then handed to her a medium-size brown-paper-wrapped package. “Hope you like it,” he said.

  Smiling, her heart pumping fast, she went over to the sofa and sat down. After carefully situating the package on the coffee table, she ripped off the wrapping. “Oh, my goodness, it’s a picture of us! It’s beautiful. The frame is exquisite. When and where?”

  Dallas grinned. “Look at it closely. I think you’ll remember.”

  Her eyes suddenly lit up. “It’s from formal night on your mother’s birthday cruise! But you didn’t take any pictures of us.”


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