Tempted by a Carrington

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Tempted by a Carrington Page 12

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Lanier’s forehead wrinkled. “You don’t find that strange? I’m the one buying the town house. How did she get in contact with you?” Lanier’s agitation was growing.

  Dallas’s brows furrowed. “She called my house.”

  Stunned, Lanier glared at him. “Why does she have your home number?”

  “Hold on! Wait a minute. You’re firing questions at me right and left. Did you put me down as a reference on your loan application?”

  “I’d never give out your personal information. I purposely didn’t use you as a reference. I’d never expose you to any type of sales people or to anyone else.”

  Ashleigh stepped off the porch as a van pulled onto the lot and parked. “Patricia is here, Lanier. Let’s go meet her.” Ashleigh gave Dallas a sympathetic glance.

  “Good idea. Let’s go.” Lanier shot Dallas a dark look before turning on her heels and walking away. “Did you hear any of that?” she asked Ashleigh.

  “I heard it all, Lanier. You were shouting. What do you think is going on?”

  “He says Casey called him to come to our meeting. Why would she do that? We’re not buying property together. This woman seems to have an agenda for Dallas. I won’t rest until I get to the bottom of it. She’s not getting away with her slick moves on him.”

  Ashleigh reached for Lanier’s hand. “Put your business face on. The Social Service Department trusts us to take care of displaced kids,” she whispered.

  Smiling, Lanier slid her hand into Ashleigh’s, squeezing gently. She then extended her hand to the social worker. “Hi, Patricia. Welcome back to Haven House. Come on in so we can start the meeting.”

  “Thanks, Lanier. I appreciate you and Ashleigh taking a last-minute appointment.”

  Ashleigh and Patricia followed along behind Lanier into the house.

  Lanier thought hard about the situation with Casey and Dallas. Was he to blame for Casey’s actions? Did he lead her on in some way?

  Lanier didn’t know if Dallas had done something to encourage this kind of behavior or not. Perhaps he had unwittingly flirted with Casey. There was nothing unknowing about the wildly flirtatious way that he’d come at her on the cruise. His involvement was questionable, but Casey was definitely a culprit in this situation. Lanier was pretty sure of that. This woman had somehow gotten Dallas’s home number, but it hadn’t come from her.

  Hearing Dallas’s car engine start up had Lanier fighting off tears. She didn’t turn around to look out the screen door, but she figured he was leaving. Instead of looking back, she moved farther into the house. Terribly grateful she’d left the meeting by the time Dallas had arrived, she sighed. She didn’t want to even imagine the anger she more than likely would’ve expressed.

  Dallas turned off his car a minute or two after Lanier was inside Haven House. He didn’t want to leave things this way. A chill was lodged between them, and he didn’t think either of them was responsible. None of it made any sense. And once again he needed clarity from her.

  Settling his head back against the headrest, Dallas closed his eyes, thinking about how Lanier must feel. He had decided to stick around to find out if she was okay. Too many people had left her behind already. He hoped Lanier had settled down by the time the visitor had left. She was seriously angry, and he wondered if she knew how loud she’d been. If he got a chance to see her, he didn’t want another verbal confrontation.

  Ashleigh and Patricia walked out the front door.

  Hearing the heavy door slam, Dallas opened his eyes. He watched the two women step off the porch. Were they heading toward him or to the van parked to the left of his car?

  Ashleigh stopped at Dallas’s car, motioning for him to roll down the window.

  He did as he was asked. “Hey, Ashleigh, what’s up?”

  “Not much. We just had a meeting about taking in emergency placements. I’ll talk to you about it after the social worker leaves. I’m glad you stayed. Lanier needs you. Go and see her.”

  “Ash, you know us so well,” he said, laughing. Wasting no time, he rolled up the window and stepped out of the car. “You really think it’s okay to go in? How do you think Lanier will react?”

  “Come on, D., you know how to handle that little girl. She won’t put up a fuss.”

  Inside the house, Dallas walked over to where Lanier sat. He knelt down before her.

  “Want to talk about what happened?”

  Lanier nodded. “We can talk upstairs in my bedroom, if you don’t mind.”

  They climbed the stairs and went into her bedroom. Dallas sat on Lanier’s bed, where he lodged his face in his hands.

  Sensing that he was hurt, she felt even worse for how she’d reacted. Ashleigh didn’t have to tell her how boisterous she’d gotten. Her voice had been full of anger, but had she been upset with the wrong person?

  Lanier joined Dallas on the bed and put her arms around him. “Sorry about how I reacted. Was I wrong in blaming you for what occurred?”

  “Dead wrong. The only part I played in it was filling out the visitors’ card and leaving it with Casey. I must’ve put down my home telephone number without thinking. I’m surprised I even know my house number, since I always use the cell.”

  “I recall filling out one of those cards, too. But it doesn’t mean employees can use that information however they choose. Casey obviously used it for the wrong reasons. Has she come on to you?”

  “I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary, not until now. I now realize I shouldn’t have been asked to attend this meeting. I’m not the buyer. It sounds like something devious is going on, but she has no clue how hard I play ball. She won’t get away with this.”

  “She’s already gotten away with it. But the one thing she didn’t plan on is me walking out.” She paused for a moment. “Because I don’t know her motivation for involving you, I wonder—have you led her to believe you were personally interested in her? Did you flirt with her or possibly give her the impression you were available to her?”

  “You don’t know the answer to your questions?” Dallas’s eyes narrowed to thin slits. “I guess you don’t. I thought you’d learned to trust me. It doesn’t appear to be the case. It seems we’re really making headway in our relationship, then it suddenly feels like we’re back at square one. What do you want from this relationship? Better yet, what do you want from me?”

  How many mistakes is it going to take for me to lose him altogether? She had to wonder.

  Lanier got up and dropped down onto Dallas’s lap. She kissed him deeply, and when he responded, she felt better.

  Dallas couldn’t help responding to Lanier’s kisses, regardless of his level of frustration with her. “Can I get an answer to my questions?”

  Lanier cradled her face in her hands, wishing she hadn’t made him feel bad. “I want our relationship to work. Above all, I want your love.”

  “You have my love, but you don’t act like you know it or believe in it. Our relationship can work if we both give it our all. I thought I was doing that.”

  “Dallas, you do give me your all. Perhaps I don’t know how to fully receive it. I appreciate your love and patience, but I still allow the past to influence my reactions.”

  “The past is the past, Lanier. Either let go of it or continue to be controlled by it.

  “Can you tell me why you left the meeting before it was over?”

  Lanier looked down at the floor. “Didn’t Casey tell you what happened?”

  Dallas sighed hard. “I’m not asking Casey, Lanier. I’m asking you.”

  “I was sure I’d put her in her place the day she asked me if we were in a serious relationship. This new shenanigan tells me differently. She said that as a homeowner, you’d be able to tell me what a good deal I got on the loan. I asked her why she kept bringing you u
p to me. She tried to come off as astonished, but it was an act.”

  “That’s all that happened?”

  “You say that like you think it was a trivial matter. It wasn’t unimportant to me.”

  “You’re assuming again. Anyone who sees the way I look at you would know how serious we are.”

  Lanier blushed. “You say the sweetest things.” She tenderly kissed his mouth. “Thanks for not leaving.”

  Dallas stood and brought Lanier up and into his arms. “Everything is fine. I’ll make sure we keep it that way.”

  Looking up at him, she winked. “You’re the one constant in my life. I’m glad I have you. I can’t imagine being without you.”

  “Don’t try to imagine it. I’m here for you whenever you need me or want me.” He pressed his lips against her forehead. “Let’s head back downstairs.”

  Lanier slid her arm around Dallas’s waist and led him downstairs and steered him toward the kitchen.

  Walking over to Ashleigh, Lanier hugged her. “I’m happy we both attended the meeting with Patricia. But, please, tell me anytime you think I’m making a bad decision. You don’t steer me wrong.”

  Ashleigh laughed softly. “Don’t want you to think I’m chastising you. Like I’ve said before, I want you to draw your own conclusions.”

  “She doesn’t think that about you, Ash,” Dallas chimed in. “She’s happy for your love and guidance.”

  Lanier nodded. “He’s right. I’m more grateful to you than you can imagine.”

  “We have each other’s back, no matter what. You did a lot to help Austin and me to stay connected. When I wanted to give up on us as a couple, because of his ex-fiancée, you made me see that he wanted only me.”

  Dallas grinned. “I love you two just as you are.” He looked toward the front door. “Let’s sit on the porch. It’s beautiful outside.”

  “I’ll join you in a bit,” Lanier said, and Dallas walked out.

  Ashleigh put a finger to her temple. “I was thinking about something, Lanier. It’s been a long time since we had a girls-only night. Maybe we should get together later on. A.C. is staying with his grandparents tonight.”

  “Sounds good to me, but I wouldn’t dare pull you away from your husband. I’m sure Austin wants you at home with him.”

  “Austin likes to see me spend time with my friends.”

  Lanier nodded. “I know he does. Why don’t we call Kelly and see if she can come? What do you think?”

  Ashleigh grinned. “Awesome!”

  Lanier glanced at the stove’s clock. “Kelly should be in the office. Why don’t we call her right now?”

  “Great idea!” Picking up the wall phone, Ashleigh dialed Kelly’s office.

  Lanier listened in on Ashleigh’s side of the conversation. By the smile on her face, it seemed things were going well. She thought it’d be nice to have friends over for an evening.

  Lanier rarely let loneliness get her down anymore because she’d been lonely all her life. Like she’d done with everything else painful, she’d sucked it up. That’s how she’d gotten from day to day. Still, she had to admit she’d been much less lonely over the past few years.

  Ashleigh hung up. “Kelly’s in. I’d better get out of here so I can take care of a few things I need to handle. I’ll bring along a couple of movies, and I know you have all the latest music.”

  At the front door the two friends hugged, promising to see each other later.

  Chapter 9

  Dallas came up the walkway shortly after Lanier had exited the house. A warm feeling shot through her body; seeing him lifted her spirits.

  A fleeting thought of having Dallas’s babies whizzed through Lanier’s mind, yet she couldn’t conjure up an image of her belly bulging. Being a Carrington was a legacy in itself, since the name carried a lot of weight and expectations, especially in Texas. Lanier wasn’t interested in the name, only in the man it belonged to. Walking to the edge of the porch, Lanier took hold of Dallas’s arm. She kissed him and gave him a warm smile.

  Back inside the house, the couple settled down in the family room. Dallas consulted his watch. “I’ve been here a long time.”

  “Is that a problem for you?”

  “No, Lanier, it isn’t. Why do you always go there?”

  “Because I’m silly and immature.” She looked apologetic. “I’m glad you’re here. I love being in your company.”

  “That’s more like it, babe. Thanks.” He blew her a kiss. “However, I’ll have to go shortly. There’s a team meeting at five. We’re having dinner and discussing strategies for our upcoming away game. Is there anything I can do for you before I leave?”

  “Not really. I’m fine. I just plan to take a bath and relax. Ashleigh and Kelly are coming here to hang out this evening.”

  Dallas wore a mischievous grin. “I’d like to help you with that bath. Is that okay?”

  “Sure.” She smiled. “I’ll go on up and run the water.”

  “We’ll go upstairs together and I can help undress you.” His smile was wickedly sexy.

  “You’re getting me hot over here. I’m sure that was your intention.”

  Dallas grinned. “No doubt about it. I am one lucky man and crazy about you.”

  “We’re crazy about each other, Dallas. Ready to go up?”

  “Ready as ever.” He took her hand.

  I can’t wait to have a wife and then babies. I only want to father a child with the woman I love enough to marry. When will it happen for me? When will Lanier accept that she is the only one I’ve ever given my heart to?

  Dallas was sure Lanier still wasn’t ready to take the big plunge. He had to be blind to miss the signs. Her personal uncertainties had made him stop talking about marriage long ago. Yet he still constantly hoped for a miracle.

  Lanier knelt down beside the tub and turned on the hot and cold water to reach the desired temperature. She liked her bath smoking hot. Getting up, Lanier walked over to the linen closet and pulled out a few towels. Once the tub was filled to her satisfaction, she turned to leave the bathroom.

  Leaning on the door frame was Dallas, watching her every move, wearing an astonishing smile on his face. As he moved farther into the room, Lanier’s heart careened. “Okay, baby, it’s bath time.”

  Keeping his eyes fastened on her face, his hands went for her belt. Once her jeans were removed, he slid off her panties and then swept away her top. She wore no bra, which was a treat for him. Lifting her into his arms, he lowered her into the tub and knelt down beside it. Tenderly stroking Lanier’s flesh with a white washcloth, Dallas was in heaven. His tenderness made her super hot for him. The steaming water was no match for his fire-breathing hands, and Lanier loved how they heated up her entire body.

  “Can I impose on you to wash my hair, Dallas?”

  Not wanting to miss out on a single second with Lanier, Dallas quickly retrieved the shampoo from a cabinet under the sink. He liked how sweet and soft her voice had been when she’d made her request. Dallas wished he could capture the loving expression that crossed her beautiful face.

  After Dallas washed her hair and massaged her scalp, Lanier decided it was time to get out of the tub.

  Once Dallas had her out, he wrapped a towel around her body and carried her into the bedroom. Lanier was drowsy and sexually aroused at the same time. After he laid her upon the bed, he grabbed a bottle of baby oil and began applying it to her skin.

  “I hope my hands feel good to you. Relax and enjoy the master at work.” Rubbing his hands together, he gave her a flirtatious smile.

  Dallas squirted a good bit of lotion into his palms and rubbed them together, spreading it evenly on her skin. He massaged the soles of Lanier’s feet and also tackled the flesh in between her toes.
  Lanier pulled down Dallas’s head and kissed him full on the mouth. “You’re the man. I guess there’s no end to your surprises.”

  Like an artist in the process of painting a priceless masterpiece, Dallas appeared intent on making every day special for them. Every time she smiled at him his ebony eyes shone with love and tenderness. She kept his world spinning.

  Did Lanier see him as a hero? He wanted to be hers—and much more. What kind of future stories would they one day tell about their love? Would they be filled with love and joy, or pain and sorrow?

  Dallas could only wonder.

  Dallas hoped that his and Lanier’s stories were nothing like the horrible ones she had from her childhood. It had taken her a long time to stand up and take ownership of the story about being removed from her family home. It had taken her an even longer time to feel at ease with a man. And not with just any man, Dallas knew. She had told him he was the only man who’d ever brought her peace.

  After massaging in the last bit of lotion, Dallas lay down next to Lanier, mentally promising to always be right there to catch her should she fall.

  Again and again, Dallas made Lanier feel as if she was the only woman in the world for him. He was the only man for her. She had showered with Dallas before, but he hadn’t ever bathed her or washed her hair. They both knew it was special that she’d finally been able to surrender to his care.

  Dallas tousled Lanier’s wet hair. “Where’s your blow dryer?”

  Lanier gave him a flirtatious smile. “I can take care of it. I’d rather you take care of my other physical needs.”

  “And what might those be?”

  “I want you to make love to me. I need you.”

  Rolling on top of her, he wrapped her in his arms. “You’re a wonderful woman. You’ve taken exceptional care of the girls, and now you’re sharing all your love with me. Do you know what a large capacity you have for loving unconditionally? If you don’t know, I’ll be right here to tell you. You are a remarkable woman, and I’m happy you love me.”


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