The Devils Baby

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The Devils Baby Page 9

by Cilla Lee

  “You've got a kid” Stryker asks her, she nods her head yes

  “What did she threatened she’d do?”

  “Call the CPS on me and have my boy taken away, I only just got him back she said she would tell them where I live and how I made money, I can't lose him Colt he's my world my life, I couldn't risk it I'm so sorry” I just stare at her

  “You need to come with me” I tell her and she seems confused but I need Niya to know I never cheated on her and never would

  “To where?” she asks me

  “You know where”

  “Oh.... ok it's time she knew the truth” Getting back to the house I felt so nervous, Star rode with Stryker as we pull up Niya walks out of the house and I see her face drop and she just stares at the three of us


  “What the fuck is she doing here?”

  “Niya hear her out” Stryker says and she looks at him with hatred

  “Why would I listen to a fucking whore?”

  “Baby please” I go to reach for her and she backs away “Please baby it's important” she looks at me than at Star (If looks could kill)

  “Fine” she walks into the house, when we step in Niya's sitting on the sofa, we all take a seat and Niya just stares at us “Well?”

  “Star you wanna tell Niya something” Stryker says and we all look at her

  “Colt and I never slept together” Niya narrows her eyes at her

  “What do you mean you never slept together?”

  “We never had sex” she looks at me but I watch Niya

  “What the fuck is this Colt?”

  “The truth baby, I told you I never slept with her” she looks at Star again

  “Start talking” Star tells Niya everything about Pixie, the money her kid and Pixie's threat. Niya sits stunned not saying anything

  “Baby, are you ok” she just looks at Star a tear running down her cheek and she puts her hand to her throat like she's remembering something “Baby” I say again and grab her hand

  “She threatened me”

  “What?” I ask confused

  “Pixie just after I got to the club she pulled a knife on me and threatened me”

  “SHE FUCKIN’ WHAT?” I yell looking at Niya

  “A knife she cut me just here” I look to see a small scar

  “Fuckin' Pixie did that” she nods her head

  “I knew she was crazy, but god Colt” she stands up and I hold her tight

  Chapter Twelve


  I'm in complete shock, Colt and Star it was all a lie and I'm... stunned, I always knew Pixie was unstable but to do this all for what, I look at Star again and I feel numb but relieved that Colt never cheated on me “Why Star? Why would you do that you knew Pixie was crazy I’d seen her threaten you and Sunshine why would you help her”

  “I did it for my boy and my mom, she works two jobs and I give her everything I make and....... I'm sorry Niya I really am” as where sitting there I can see Colt getting angrier and angrier

  “Colt” I say and he looks at me

  “Why didn't you fuckin' tell me that cunt threatened you?” he says grinding his teeth

  “I handled it Colt I needed to do it myself”

  “She fuckin' put her hands on you and cut you, how is that handling it, I should put a bullet in that cunt” he says and I start to panic

  “Colt sit down” he stops and looks at me

  “That's why you started self-defense classes, FUCK Niya you should have told me, Pixies a club whore the Devils Soldiers property”

  “You should have told us all Niya” Stryker says from behind me and I turn and look at him

  “It's different for you guys, all the guys fuck the whores at the club and you all pass them around like play toys, us women the Old Ladies and girlfriends we have to make sure those bitches know their place, Pixie thinks she owns all your cocks and I had to prove I wasn't weak Colt, it may be all pussy and parties for some of you guys, but its fucking war when it comes us women. Those bitches have to be taught where they stand and who not to touch, I wasn't quick enough when it came to Pixie but I got her back”

  “Baby you’re my Old Lady, a club whores just someone the guys use for fun. There never ganna be anything but a fuckin' cum hole nothin' more, there's no competition” I shake my head at him (he just doesn’t get it)

  “Colt you just don't get it Pixie done this to me I had to prove her and to me who had the upper hand”

  “Upper hand” he says and I nod my head

  “Yes, Colt I won’t say sorry for not telling you anything, I done what I had to do”

  “Niya this needs to go to the club, Pixie’s club Property” Stryker says and I look at him and roll my eyes

  “You know what I don’t give a shit what you do, if you wanna tell the guys than tell them I don’t care. But I’m telling you I’m ganna pay that bitch back for what she did to me to us Colt”


  “No Colt I need to do this, I'm going to get her back. I may not know how but that bitch is mine” I look at all of them Stryker smiles but Colt just frowns at me not happy at all.

  “Niya you sure you don't want us to deal with Pixie” Stryker asks me

  “No, that bitch has to learn her place and I'm going to teach her a lesson she'll never forget” he laughs and places his arm over my shoulder and kisses my forehead

  “New you had it in you girl”


  “The first time I saw you all bruised up from your daddy, I knew you were a fighter” I smile at him and lean my head on his shoulder


  “Yeah darlin'”

  “You know I love you right” I tell him

  “Yeah darlin' I do” he squeezes me tighter


  The next day I called all the girls to Maggie’s house to tell them about Star and her confession

  “No fucking way” All the girls say sitting around Maggie's dining table

  “I can't believe that bitch would do that” Lena says

  “Yeah well, I always knew she was unstable from when she had me up against the wall with a knife to my throat, but what she did with Star that's just mind fucking in the purest of forms”

  “Dam, do you think she did it cause of New year’s night” I nod my head yes

  “Probably she was always making my life hell, she would always push me or trip me over when I walked past her, she ripped up a few of my books and even poured bleach on my cloths when I was doing my washing, acting like it was an accident. She was always doing mean shit, but I never let her get to me you know I just ignored her”

  “Niya she cut you with a knife, you should have said something to one of the guys” Sheryl says

  “I know I just wanted to ignore her and get on with my job at the club” I tell them

  “She's like a vulture always circling” Chelsea says and we all nod

  “So, girl what's the plan how you going to get her back” Lena asks, I shrug my shoulders

  “Any ideas” I ask them

  “I say we just put a bullet in her head” Diamond says and we all look at her

  “We could cut up all her clothes” Sheryl suggests

  “She walks around naked” Maggie replies

  “Why don't you let Razor handle her” Sheryl asks and we all look at her

  “Because I want her to suffer first”

  “Oh Oh, why don't we put itching powder in her knickers draw” Chelsea says and we all laugh

  “How about we hack into her accounts and steal all her money” Diamond said and I look at her again

  “You know any hackers” she nods her head yes with a big smile “You've got an evil mind girl” she winks at me (note to self never piss off Diamond)

  “Oh, why don't we have her declared dead” Jewel says

  “Or report her car stolen” Maggie suggests

  “What about making her feel self-conscious?” I say loving their ideas but
Pixie is a vain bitch

  “Mind fuck her back I like that one” Chelsea says

  “So Niya which one” Diamond asks me

  “How about we do them all” they all look at me

  “All of them, even the bullet to the head” Maggie asks

  “maybe we leave that one to the end” Diamond says

  “So how are we going to start this than”

  “Easy” Diamond says and we all look at her” Start off small whenever one of you are in the clubhouse say something, just small things at first you know like, is that a wrinkle Pixie, or is that a grey hair, have you put on a bit of weight, you know things all women fear and a woman who prides herself on looking like she's eternally twenty and who is vane as fuck those sorts of things can really mess with your mind”

  “Speaking from experience” Maggie ask her

  “Not personally, but Jewel will tell you too, working in the industry that we work in some of those bitches can be ruthless. We have to look good to make money we count on it and Pixie is just like those bitches who'll cut their own mothers throat if she thought she was competition, she's a snake in the grass and the only way to get rid of a snake is cut off its head”

  “Or put a bullet in it” Lena says

  “Exactly” Diamond says

  “Ok Jane Smith don't get carried away, we'll start off small” I tell them and everyone nods in agreement

  “Who the fuck is Jane Smith?” Chelsea asks

  “You know Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Mr and Mrs Smith” she nods smiling

  “Good one”

  “Ok so when are we going to start operation fuck with Pixie” Lena asks

  “How about next weekend, Razor's having his party at the clubhouse and we'll all be there to put our plan in motion”

  “Hands in girls” Maggie says and we all stand and place our hands in the middle and yell “TO OPERATION FUCK WITH PIXIE”


  Razor's party was at one o'clock the next weekend, all the girls where there and I was going to make sure I looked good even in my pregnant state “Oh, baby you’re wearing your jacket”

  “Of course, I am Colt I'm your Old Lady and I have to wear my jacket at the clubhouse” he grabs me and hugs me tight kissing my neck making me moan (I love it when he kisses me)

  “I fuckin' love it baby” to say, Colt wasn't happy that I wanted to deal with Pixie was an understatement but a little persuasion was easy on my part


  “I'm not fuckin' happy Niya that cunt needs to pay now” he ranted over and over

  “Colt I told you I need to do this please”

  “Niya every time I remember you not being here my heart stops and ….... I feel.... I fuckin' feel lost baby”

  “Colt I'm here and I'm not going anywhere, but that bitch is mine” I tell him ready play dirty like that bitch

  “Baby I need to do something”

  “Colt please” I lean up and kiss his neck and lick it “She's mine Colt she has to suffer slowly”

  “Baby” I reach for his shirt and lift it up and lick his nipples “What are you doing?”

  “Shh Colt” I slide to my knees and unbuckle his belt and pull his zipper down

  “Niya” I pull his pants down and look up at him I reach in and pull out his cock, my cock and lick the drop of pre-cum and moan (god I missed this) “Suck it baby” I kiss the tip and open my mouth scrapping my teeth over the head, he glides his fingers through my hair and tugs “More baby” I open wider and take him in further sucking in my lips, his taste is so intoxicating and I moan and suck him in more “More baby relax I want it balls deep” he pushes in further and starts fucking my face at his pace faster and faster, I suck my cheeks in harder and he moans. He pulls my head further onto his cock and I feel him slide down my throat, he fucks me for so long my jaw starts to ache

  “Fuck baby I'm ganna come” he thrust three more times pulling me further and further down until he releases into my mouth flooding me with his salty essence and I swallow and suck lapping up every drop from him until there's nothing more “Fuck your good at suckin' dick baby”

  “Oh yeah” I say standing up smiling, happy that I can please him

  “Yeah you want me to make you come baby” I'm so wet, I nod my head yes and he lifts me up and I squeal as he takes me to our bedroom and shows me just how good he is at licking and fucking my pussy.


  When we get to the clubhouse the parties in full swing the music up and the smell of the BBQ is mouthwatering, Colt leads me through the crowd, people are laughing drinking and having loads of fun when I see Maggie “Colt I see Maggie”

  “Ok, baby go” I walk over to where Maggie and Sheryl are talking to a pretty blonde girl and an older lady

  “Niya darlin' come here” she pulls me to her

  “This is Margaret aka Blade and her daughter Tilly there here with Scoop one of the other club Presidents

  “Oh hello” I put my hand out to shake both of their hands

  “So how far alone are you” Blade asks me

  “Six months”

  “Wow do you know what you’re having”

  “A boy”


  “BABY” I hear yelled and I turn around to see Colt motioning for me to come to him

  “Better go I'll see you around”

  “It was nice to finally meet you Niya” I walk over to Colt, Stryker and another guy

  “What's wrong Colt?”

  “Baby this is Greer he used to be a member of this Chapter”

  “Oh really” I look at him he's handsome tall blonde and very Viking looking with deep blue eyes and a long blonde beard that's plated down his front, I stick out my hand for him to shake

  “Nice to meet you Greer have you come back to the club to stay”

  “Nah I'm a Nomad now, the call of the open roads my home”

  “Oh, a Nomad what's that?”

  “We go where were needed if a club needs us where there”

  “Oh, how many are there” he turns and points

  “There's eight of us and he points to men in the crowd, that's Shadow, Jackal, Viper, Rider, Crash, Gin and” he looks around “And Stitch but I can't see him”

  “And you just travel around and don't live anywhere” he nods his head yes, I'm lifted up and I squeal as Cuff laughs

  “Motherfucker I told you to stop grabbin' my women” Cuff puts me down and Colt pulls me to him

  “I see nothin's changed between you too” Greer says and Cuff shrugs

  “I see your sporting your jacket Niya girl you forgiven this fucker” he asks me and Colt growls and I look at him

  “Yes, Cuff I've forgiven him”

  “What'd you do dipshit?” Greer asks and we all look at him and he puts his hands up and takes a step back

  “Never mind” I see Razor through the crowd and turn to Colt and the others

  “Excuse me” I say to them all

  “Baby where you going?” Colt asks me

  “To say Happy Birthday to Razor”

  “Oh ok” I walk off through the crowd, I see Pixie sitting on Nash's lap and I give her the evil eye as I walk past her (bitch)


  “Happy Birthday Razor” I tell him and he gives me a big hug

  “Thank you darlin' where's Colt” I point to where he's standing with Stryker, Greer and Cuff

  “How you feelin'”


  “Go and sit down with all the Old Ladies there around the side, I set up seats and everything around there for ya’s, go on put your feet up” I give him a kiss on the cheek and make my way around the side of the clubhouse and see all the girls sitting there


  The day goes by so fast and by night fall the party is in full swing, Colt's been in my line of sight all day not sure if he was keeping an eye on me or if I was keeping an eye on him, all I know was I felt better knowing I could see him

  “Ok I did it” Chelsea
says sitting next to me scratching her arms

  “Did what?” I ask her


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