The Devils Baby

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The Devils Baby Page 20

by Cilla Lee

  “Are you sure Niya, Colt looks pissed” she whispers and I look up at my husband and know him and the club will keep us safe

  “Come on, I'll show you your room”


  Christmas is a couple of days away and Logan has been an amazing baby, Zoey can't get enough of holding him and Colt and her fight over who gets to hold him longer. I'm so happy that Zoey has fallen in love with Logan and I see she's more and more comfortable here with Colt and I. She still goes to help out Colt at the garage on the weekends and has even made a few friends.

  “Hay Zoey you wanna do some Christmas shopping with Brandy” I ask her

  “Yeah that would be great” because she works at the garage Razor decided to pay her for her time helping the guys out which she loves. I mean what teenage girl doesn't love money, well women in general really.

  “Cool we'll head over to Maggie's and pick her up, she wants to do some as well”

  “Wicked” We get everything ready for Logan and head over to Maggie's, as we walk into Maggie's, Zoey and Brandy look at me than around the house and I know the look of utter surprise and shock written all over their faces.

  “I know she loves Christmas” I tell them both

  “Ya think” Zoey says and I laugh

  “Hay girls ready Lena not coming” Maggie asks

  “Yeah she's ganna met us their” as where pulling out I notice a new tree

  “Did you get another tree Maggie”

  “Oh yeah it's a solar powered one it plays music and lights up at night you should come by later and see it” I smile (women love’s Christmas) The rest of the day is spent in almost every store in town, I've bought a few things online so my Christmas shopping is mostly done.

  “I can't believe how fast the year has gone” Maggie says

  “I know right but this Christmas will be more special now we have more people to spoil and I look at Zoey holding Logan”

  “Yeah I think so to” Maggie says smiling.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “Hay dumbass you still helping me get the tree today” I ask Stryker

  “Yeah we takin' your truck”

  “No, yours” I tell him

  “Why? It's your fuckin' tree”

  “I know but your trucks bigger”

  “By a fuckin' foot”

  “Right” I say lookin' at him (no way am I scratchin' my paint job with pine needles)

  “Fine whatever” he says huffin'

  “Niya asked if you and Tiny are coming to ours for Christmas dinner”

  “We go to your moms”

  “Yeah but everyone’s coming to ours this year so you and Tiny coming or not”

  “Fuckin' yes is there any question”

  “Good I'll tell Niya later so come to mine after work and we'll go from there”


  “How's Zoey going with school”

  “Yeah she's loving it met a couple of friends so she seems ok”

  “Is she doing shop”

  “Yes fuckin' Mr. Torres keeps tellin' her stories about us when we were at school”

  “Fucker maybe we should pay him a visit” we both laugh Mr. Torres was always a laugh let us get away with anything but he was a great teacher


  It takes us a good hour to find the right one thanks to Lena, her and Tank where there when we got there and Tank looked like he was about to strangle her

  “Fuckin' hurry up babe” we hear yelled through the trees and Stryker and I recognize that voice and we walk towards it and see Tank

  “Hay brother what you doing here” Colt asks him

  “What do you think dickhead”

  “This one seems nice” we all turn to see Lena lookin' at a tree

  “Fine that will do let’s go” he tells her

  “No, I think it's too thin”

  “Lena fuckin' hell we've been here for an hour”

  “And” she says lookin' at him and he does a loud sigh “Hay guys getting a tree” she asks walkin’ up

  “Yeah Niya and mine, it's our first tree together” I tell her smilin’

  “Well it better be good, Tank just thinks you walk in a grab the first one” I frown

  “Well don't ya”

  “God, you men are hopeless, why do you think us women take forever to do anything” we all look at her and she rolls her eyes “Perfection takes time boys, even going to the grocery store. Us women are all sizing each other up, life’s a constant, competition boys” she walks off to look at another tree

  “Brother” I say

  “Don't I fuckin' know it, every fuckin' year I drag my ass here to watch her go through the entire lot” Stryker and me laugh “Don't laugh fucker you’re lucky Niya's not here cause if she was this would be an all-day event with the women together” I shiver just thinkin' about it

  “Come on Stryker I seen one over there that'll do” Tank shakes his head

  “Good luck and don't let Lena see ya she won't let you take a shit tree home to Niya” he laughs as we walk off this one will do and I pick it up

  “What are you doing?” I turn around and face Lena

  “Gettin' the tree”

  “That one” she asks me

  “Yes, what's wrong with it”

  “Colt it's not even look” she pulls me back a few steps and it's a little wonky

  “Lena it's fine”

  “Yeah I don't think so come on”

  The next hour we walk around until she finds the perfect tree, well according to her it’s perfect. To me they all look the same and Stryker and I pick the tree up. I flip Tank off as we walk past him and the fucker laughing

  “Yuck it up fuckhead, she still hasn't found your tree” I say and give him the finger and Stryker and I laugh all the way to the truck

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Ok I'm making Hot Chocolate who wants one”

  “I do” Zoey says

  “Yeah chicky me too” Brandy says, I make us all a hot chocolate while the girls are going through all the ornaments we bought today

  “How big do you think the tree will be” Zoey ask me

  “Hopefully not to big” I can just imagine what the guys will pick (dam I should have went with them)

  “I love the smell of a Christmas tree” Zoey says smiling

  “I wouldn't know I grew up in a care home and they always had one of those fake ones” Brandy says we both look at her and then I really have no idea what Christmas really about until I lived with Maggie and Razor

  “Oh, Brandy that's......sad” Zoey says looking sad for Brandy

  “I'm fine with it, you never know what you miss when you've never had it” she tells Zoey

  “Well we better make this the best dam Christmas for us all than Brandy and Logan's first Christmas my first Christmas with my sister and my first Christmas as a married woman so ladies TO FIRST CHRISTMASES” I say and raise my hot Chocolate and Brandy and Zoey raise there

  “TO FIRST CHRISTMASES” they both say laughing, we hear the truck pull up and Zoey runs to the window

  “Wow the trees big Niya” she says looking back at me

  “What?” I get up and the three of us walkout as Colt yells at Stryker

  “Fuckin' lift it dumbass”

  “I fuckin' am asshole” I shake my head at these two, because I think of Logan and what his first word will be asshole or fuck. The boys carrying the tree into the house and I try not to laugh

  “Where do you want it baby” Colt asks me

  “Just in the corner, I placed the stand there”

  They carry it over and place the tree into the stand and I get a better look at it (perfect) I look at Colt who's brushing his hands through his hair shaking the pine needles on the floor

  “It's perfect Colt” I tell him excited about our first tree in our own home

  “You can thank Lena for that baby she helped pick it out” I look at him frowning

>   “Now I know why they took so long” I smile the women is a perfectionist

  “Yeah she's fuckin' picky” I laugh because I know Lena all too well once when we were out shopping it took her almost five hours to pick new bedding

  “Well Colt she does live by the words of Coco Channel”

  “Coco who?” he asks looking at me

  “Coco Channel Colt she's a famous designer, anyway Lena loves her and she lives by her motto’s one of her favorites is”

  “A Girl Should Be Two Things Classy and Fabulous”

  “Yeah well I'm avoiding all shops if I know she's there” I laugh (I know the feeling) We spend the next couple of hours decorating the tree while the boys cook dinner

  “I can't believe you have him so trained so well” Brandy says


  “Yeah, he always cooks and helps with the baby, he works, he's a catch Niya your one lucky bitch” I smile and look at Colt

  “I am, aren’t I” I get up and walk over to my gorgeous husband and kiss him

  “What was that for baby?” he asks me smiling (god I love his smile)

  “Because I can” I tell him and he grabs me around the neck pulling me back to him and deepens the kiss making me moan

  “Oh god will you two get a room” Zoey says making gagging noises and Stryker laughs

  “I know sickinin' right squeak” he says and I turn and all three of them are smiling but Colt bends down and lifts me up over his shoulder and I scream as he stands

  “Sounds like a plan” he says slapping my ass and walking down to our room, Brandy laughs as Zoey and Stryker sigh. He closes the door and walks over and throws me on the bed making me giggle

  “Colt what are you doing” he jumps on top of me and I squeal laughing

  “Spending time with my wife”

  “Fuck baby I miss you” he says rubbing he's cock in-between my legs making me moan again, he kisses and sucks my neck making me hot and wet

  “Colt we can't” I tell him and he groans, the doctor telling me I had to wait six weeks before I could get back to having sex again and dam it was hard

  “I know baby I just miss you that's all” I lean back and he looks at me

  “We sleep together every night”

  “I know my dicks just a greedy fucker baby he misses you to”

  “He does” I say and he nods his head and leans down and kisses my neck again, I push Colt back so he's lying on his back and I straddle his legs

  “Baby what the fuck?”

  “I can't have my favorite part of you missing me now can I” I shimmy down his body pop the button on his jeans pull the zipper down and Colt lifts his ass, I pull both his jeans and his boxers down, his cock springing free and stands at attention making my mouth water

  “Now you've got it what ya ganna do with it baby” I look up at him and grab his dick, he's so hot to the touch and I lean in and taste the bead of pre-cum that appears on the tip. The saltiness hitting my taste buds making me moan

  “God, I love the taste of you Colt” he reaches for me, his fingers running over my cheek in a sweet caress and I turn into his touch

  “I love you baby” I smile up at him and lean in and surround the head of his cock with my mouth and Colt hisses (I love making him do that) I move my hand up and down his shaft with the movement of my head enjoying the taste, his sounds and the bite in my hair from him holding me getting me so wet. I reach for his balls and massage them gently and hum making him groan

  “Fuck baby that's it, suck my cock” I move faster, his hips moving to my movements and I know he's getting closer by his breathing and the way his grip on me tightens. I suck in my cheeks “FUCK BABY....god yes that's it I'm...... I'm” he groans loud as spurt after spurt fill my mouth and I swallow every drop of his cum. His grip loosens in my hair but he still holds me and I look up at him and he's smiles. He pulls me up to him and holds me tight “Fuck I love you” I smile at his words and I turn my head and kiss his chest as the baby monitor screams to life with the sound of our son crying and Colt laughs “That's my boy, waited until I blew my load before he cried” I slap him on the chest “What?” Colt says laughing as he pulls his clothes back up

  “Blew your load” he smiles getting up and walking towards me he grabs me and kisses my neck

  “Go brush your teeth baby I'll get him” I shake my head and go and brush my teeth as Colt walks out of the bedroom to our crying son.

  We eat dinner and the topic of conversation is of course Christmas and I watch Colt, Zoey, Stryker and Brandy all talk about when they were kids and I love it, I look down at Logan and I feel so blessed I have the best family and I love them all.

  “You, happy baby” Colt asks me later that night in bed he's always making sure I'm happy, I nod as I look down at Logan who's lying next to me and Colt lays down behind me and watches Logan suckling on my breast and he smiles “I love watching you feed my son baby”

  “You do”

  “Yeah” he kisses my neck “Our family baby you me Logan and even Zoey, I'm so fuckin' happy”

  “Are you Colt” I look at him and he smiles

  “I am baby, he leans into and after a few minutes I hear his breath even out as he falls asleep holding the both of us.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Christmas day is hectic, Colt's family Razor, Maggie, Tiny, Stryker, Brandy the two totally gorgeous Prospects and I are all here to celebrate the day with us. Niya hasn't done anything today with Colt's Mom, Aunts and Maggie taking over the kitchen, all the women are in the kitchen while all the guys are in the TV room we can here yelling every now and then. There all watching a football game, it makes me smile watching all of these women who are here for my sister. I just wish my mom was here she would have loved to have meet her Grandson and gotten to know all of the people, who have become important to my sister. I think of the letter that my mother wrote me, would she have mentioned this day spent, with these sort of people, I get up and know it's time.

  My hands shake as I open the letter, I sit on my bedroom floor and lean against my bed and take a deep breath.

  My Darling Zoey,

  If your reading this letter than the cancer got me and I'm sorry, when I look back at my life I feel blessed for having two beautiful daughters and when I found out about the cancer it scared me, who would look after you, I was angry that I will never see you grow into a woman. I will never see you drive your first car, fall in love or see you graduate high school or college or be there on your wedding day. I won't see you have your own children and I'm sorry. I really did fight hard but my body just didn't want to play ball. Thank you, Zoey, for choosing me as your mother, thank you for loving me, you are an inspiration Zoey you've watched me through this horrible sickness and you have never wavered so thank you.

  I know that as you grow your memories of me will become hazy but always remember my darling daughter I Love You Always and that will never fade.

  I'm sad that I will not be there to have two o’clock mojitos when your upset or go to the movies or just veg in front of the TV watching trash TV shows, I will miss you Zoey, so some wise words of life, take chances live life because we both know that it will throw you curve balls and I'm sorry I won't be there to help you through, but know that you are strong. I pray you make good decisions in life and experience the most out of it, take a jump Zoey when it comes to love, live life to the fullest take one day at a time but embrace it for all its worth. So, my last words my baby girl I love you from the moon and back with all of my heart, I will love you for eternity and beyond


  Love Always Mom xoxo

  I sit on the floor for a while and remember my mom her love of life and a tear slides down my face

  (knock knock)

  “Come in” I say wiping away the tears

  “Hay Zoey you ok” Niya asks me, she sees the letter I'm holding and comes in and pulls me in for a hug

y? Today” she asks me

  “I miss her so much Niya my heart still aches” I let the tears fall and Niya just holds me

  “It's ok to miss her Zoey” she lifts my chin up “She's always here” she points to my heart “In there she'll never be gone” I nod as we just sit there.


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