You and Only You

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You and Only You Page 9

by Young, Brooke

  Berkleigh had a natural glow that gave away how deeply she was falling for Jack. “Did I tell you that you look stunning tonight?” Jack softly kissed her hand again.

  “You have a way with words, don’t you? Thank you,” she replied sweetly.

  The server returned, opened the bottle of wine and poured a small amount into Jack’s glass and said, “Sir?” waiting for Jack’s nod of approval.

  Jack swirled his glass allowing the wine to breathe for a moment, then enjoyed a sip. He closed his eyes, approving of the selection, truly appreciating fine wine.

  The waiter poured Berkleigh a glass, then topped off Jack’s.

  “Enjoy. My name is Jeffrey. I understand we are waiting for three others. May I get you an appetizer or two while you wait?” he asked.

  “Berk, you want something?” Jack asked as he held her hand.

  “The wine is fine for now, thank you,” she smiled at Jeffrey, he nodded and left.

  “So, you are hoping to get these international guys as your clients?” she asked Jack.

  “Yes, they would be incredibly valuable customers to the company,” he paused, “which is why my boss is pushing so hard to get them to contract with us. He doesn’t realize that you can’t act too anxious or it will never happen. He’s been out of direct sales for a while and forgets about the typical sales cycle, especially with large international banks.”

  “You could sell ice to an Eskimo, Jack. If I were a betting woman, I’d put money that you will seal the deal before dinner is over tonight.”

  Jack laughed, “Ice to an Eskimo, huh? Well, if I fail as a banking consultant, I will apply to be an ice salesperson in Alaska,” he teased.

  He lifted his glass of wine and Berkleigh did the same.

  “To something so beautiful.” He toasted his glass to hers.

  “I will drink to that,” she cheered then took a drink. She suspected he was referencing her, them, the walk on the beach, the waterfall, this afternoon in the shower, Maui…. everything that they had experienced in just a few short days.

  Berkleigh laughed out loud and said, “It’s crazy, if you think about the short time that we have known each other, it feels like I have known you so much longer,” she paused, “in a good way.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m so comfortable around you, like we’ve known each other for years.” He leaned over and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

  They watched as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the restaurant’s ambiance and romantic mood lighting perfectly reflected their mutual feelings.

  They spent some time talking about their high school years and their favorite childhood memory.

  “Mine would have to be this one time when my mom came home from a business trip, she brought me a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. We still lived in Colorado at the time. I was probably about six years old and she promised that her and my dad would take me and my brother to Disneyworld. The next year they surprised up with a trip to Florida. I had the best time ever. I guess, to me the Mickey Mouse stuffed animal ultimately symbolized how important it is that people keep their word, meaning and doing what they say. I still have it to this day,” she smiled fondly.

  “That’s really sweet,” Jack replied, “when I was about the same age, my dad surprised me with a yellow chopper mini-bike. It had a gas-powered motor, it was so much fun! I spent hours on that thing riding the trail behind my parents’ house with my buddies,” he recalled.

  Berkleigh noticed a twinkle in Jack’s eyes as he thought about that time in his life.

  He is so freakin’ cute.

  The hour alone passed quickly, and Jack saw the hostess escorting Vladmir, Ian and Fareed to their table. He stood up as the three businessmen approached and shook each of their hands. Berkleigh stood and Jack re-introduced everybody, she shook their hands. Jack noticed how charmed they all were by her. Her company should assign her to the International Division; these guys would melt in her hands like putty.

  They all took a seat and Jeffrey, the waiter, brought another bottle of wine. He topped off Jack’s and Berkleigh’s glasses, filled the three guys’ wine glasses and suggested a couple of appetizers. Jack ordered the Jidori Chicken Summer Rolls and their Hawaiian Islands Ahi Sashimi on behalf of the table.

  Once everyone was settled in and had an opportunity to review the menu, small talk began. Berkleigh felt herself relax as her newly filled glass of wine warmed her body.

  Not before long, Jeffrey was delivering the appetizers and asked if everyone was ready to order. They placed their orders and Jeffrey disappeared again leaving them to continue their conversation.

  “You know from an international standpoint; my company has improved our bank clients’ bottom line by 12 basis points on average. With the assets your banks each have respectively, we can commit to at least that basis point improvement, if not better,” Jack said smoothly and confidently.

  Ian responded with, “My company is interested in your services, our compliance department has done some basic research on your company, I think they are pleased with the return on assets you are committing to. I’m quite certain we will move forward with the contracts. When you get back home, Jack, shoot me the contracts and please have your due diligence package with financials sent to my attention.”

  “Will do, my friend,” Jack smiled.

  The other two just nodded which Jack predicted since their cultures were leerier about working with an American-based company. His goal was that they would be requesting contracts for review by the time dinner was finished.

  They chatted a little more about the recent banking meltdown in the U.S. and how some of the big players are coming back stronger than ever. Jack noticed Fareed and Vladmir glance peculiarly at each other. The encounter was so brief that Jack would not have seen it had he not been looking for it. A red flag was raised instantly though Jack knew better than to react to his observation. They took the bait, something is definitely going on. It certainly helps to be trained in identifying body language and interpreting micro expressions.

  As dinner arrived, the conversation moved from business to casual talk about families, Maui and the differences in cultures which turned into hysterical laughter at times. It also included a lot of flowing wine. Berkleigh hadn’t expected the business dinner to be so much fun.

  Everyone declined dessert, so Jeffrey dropped the check off, “No hurry, Sir, but I will take this at your convenience.”

  “Thank you,” Jack replied as he fished inside of his suit jacket for his wallet. He found his Platinum American Express card and slid it into the credit card slot of the leather bill holder.

  “Gentlemen, this has been an absolute pleasure,” Berkleigh beamed.

  “I think I can speak for all of the men at this table that the pleasure was all ours,” Vladmir smiled genuinely.

  They all stood, shook hands, Fareed kissed Berkleigh’s hand causing her to blush. As they exited the restaurant, both town cars were waiting to return them all to the hotel.

  “Thanks again for joining us for dinner,” Jack said as he and Berkleigh got into the backseat of the front car.

  “That went well, don’t you think?” Berkleigh asked.

  “I’m very pleased with how it went; you undoubtedly made quite the impression with them,” he kindly stated.

  “I had a wonderful time. Thank you for inviting me,” she said.

  “You are welcome,” he smiled, leaned down and swept her lips with his. She closed her eyes and accepted his long sweet kiss. At dinner, they avoided any public display of affection once their company arrived to maintain a professional environment. It felt good to be back in a private setting with Jack.

  She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he politely insisted.

  “Sounds as though I don’t have a choice,” she laughed, “but I’d love to.”

  Jack wrapped his arm around Berkleigh and she lay against his chest. They were both tire
d, so the ride home was relatively silent, except for the beat of Jack’s heart which almost lulled Berkleigh to sleep, feeling relaxed in his arms.

  She felt the car slow as it pulled into the entrance of the hotel, so she sat up and stretched, “I guess all of the fun we have been having is catching up to me,” she flirted quietly so the driver could not hear.

  “You can catch up on sleep when you get home,” he teased.

  New relationships are so much fun, but very exhausting. Sleep sounded wonderful to her.

  Jack helped her out of the car. They beat the other car back, so they proceeded to Jack’s room to call it a night. Berkleigh stopped in her room next door, took a quick shower and put on her sexy peach pajama shorts and matching top. The color looked even better on her since her tan had deepened from a day by the pool.

  She knocked on Jack’s door and made herself comfortable in his bed while she watched him power on his computer.

  “Working so late?” she inquired propped up on her elbow.

  “No, I want to book your flight to come visit me,” he told her.

  “Well in that case,” she leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone, “let me look at my calendar,” silently noting her own excitement that this budding romance will continue beyond the conference.

  “How does next week look for you?” he grinned.

  “I have meetings already scheduled. What about the week after that?” she asked.

  “How many days can you come out for?” he turned to her waiting for a response.

  “I was thinking 3 days would be good, over the weekend,” she told him.

  “Okay,” he paused, “How about you come out Friday, March 28th through Sunday, March 30th?”

  She double checked her calendar, “Works for me.”

  He input all her information, they agreed on the flight times and it was official, she was booked to stay with Jack two weeks and two days from that night.

  He stripped down to his boxers revealing his beautiful body and Berkleigh found herself more awakened, appreciating the view.

  After taking a quick shower, he climbed in beside her and wrapped his arms around her.

  She kissed him and very quickly her hunger for him became urgent. Her tongue explored his mouth deeper and harder; she let out a moan.

  Jack felt himself beginning to harden, jeez a little moan from her gets me going. It certainly had been a while since a woman had been able to impact him in such a way.

  He felt her hand gently caress his chest, muscular abs, and continue toward his lower half until it settled on his growing erection. She softly rubbed her hand back and forth; feeling him get harder with each stroke. She continued to kiss him with a fiery longing. Jack groaned as she worked his shaft. Berkleigh found herself turned on and ready for him. She took a break from kissing and stroking him to lean over to the nightstand and grabbed a condom. She opened the package and put it on him.

  She straddled Jack and aligned herself, so his large erection could enter her. The effect he had on her made his penetration easy since she was extremely wet. He still had to take it slow given his generous size.

  Jack loved that she was in absolute control. Berkleigh began to move up and down, his hips moving in synch with hers. She leaned forward a little bit, placing her hands on his chest; his hands cupped each side of her hips and guided her up and down on him. Jack felt himself enter deeper.

  Berkleigh offered constant affirmation that she enjoyed having Jack inside of her as she continuously moaned his name and kept whispering ‘yes. ‘Opening her eyes, they met Jack’s. He is the most beautiful man I have ever met. Her feelings continued to grow stronger for him despite the short time they’ve know each other.

  They held each other’s gazes as Berkleigh had one final and amazing orgasm, Jack came along with her. She gently fell on him and remained there for a couple of minutes with Jack still inside of her as her breath steadied.

  Sliding off him she laid next to him with her head resting on his still pounding chest.

  “Good night, Babydoll,” he whispered after turning the lights off and spooning with her, their legs completely entwined.

  Berkleigh’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of his assigned ‘pet’ name, “Good night, my incredibly handsome man,” she responded.

  They both fell asleep rather quickly and remained in that position the whole night until beams of light broke through the curtains the next morning. Berkleigh stirred and determined it was time to get ready for the last day of the conference.

  She kissed his cheek and said, “I will see you down at the conference.”

  He barely moved, his eyes didn’t open, but he smiled and said, “Okay, see you soon.”


  As Berkleigh showered, the last few days kept replaying in her head. She just couldn’t believe that they have hit it off as well as they have. Thinking fondly about Jack, she realized that she has not enjoyed the company of any other man to this extent, ever. Perhaps the same rang true for Jack with other women so it could be that they both finally found someone who was a well-suited match. She was excited about her upcoming visit to Jack’s home in a couple of weeks.

  Singing along to the music as she was getting ready for the conference breakfast she was interrupted by a text notification sound that rang on her phone.

  “Miss you. Hurry up and get ready so we can eat together” Jack teased.

  She grabbed her phone off her iPod player and replied, “It’s about time you woke up. I’m getting ready as fast as I can, I will knock on your door on my way out.”

  “Ok” Jack responded.


  Jack showered, got ready quickly and checked his email before Berkleigh returned.

  From: John Stevenson

  Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 5:57 AM (EST)

  To: Jack Ashford

  Subject: Re: TGS


  Someone has to work while you play and enjoy your ‘perks’. I have plenty of lady friends, thank you very much.

  Surprised to hear that you have invited this one out to visit, that’s a first for you. Glad to hear it appears that she is not involved, though we suspected that would be the case.

  Let me know about dinner.



  From: Jack Ashford

  Sent: Thursday March 13, 2014 1:32 PM (EST)

  To: John Stevenson

  Subject: Re: TGS


  Dinner went very well; they were all smitten with my lady friend, no doubt.

  Mentioned the recovery of big banks in America, noticed a glance between two of them. They didn’t know I have been trained to watch for the tiniest of signals. It was there. We should move forward as quickly as possible with TGS. When will I be consulting at their corporate office? I don’t think I will let my lady friend know that I will be there. It’s likely she will be on the West Coast during my time at corporate anyhow.

  I’m heading back to VA tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow or Monday.

  Take Care,


  Jack logged off and shut his computer down. It took him 10 minutes or so to pack his bag. He turned on the TV and waited for Berkleigh.


  She knocked on Jack’s door at eight o’clock on the button.

  “You are endlessly breathtaking,” he complimented her. I cannot believe this gorgeous woman was wrapped in my arms all night long.

  Berkleigh was wearing a navy-blue business jacket with a matching skirt and a baby blue top under her jacket that matched and accentuated the color of her captivating eyes. She had straightened her hair and looked very refreshed. There was a sparkle in her eye was that wasn’t there the first day he met her. He had hoped he was the reason for this change.

  Jack was dressed in another expensive business suit and looked as handsome as ever. Berkleigh thought he was the type of man that romance novels were written about. He encompassed the looks, masculinity, confid
ence and passion that women readers loved to fantasize about. I’m living it though.

  “Thank you,” Berkleigh replied with a smile, “and you look very handsome. Are you ready?”

  “Yep, let me grab my phone and wallet,” he said.

  She held the door as he grabbed his items, then they headed toward the elevator. He grabbed her hand and said, “I can’t believe we have to say goodbye later tonight. This next two weeks will kill me; I mean literally kill me. How am I supposed to get my cardio in with you out in California?”

  “Just when I thought you were going to tell me how much you’re going to miss me, you ruin the moment by griping about not getting laid?” she playfully punched his arm.

  “Seriously Berk, I am going to miss you,” he reiterated.

  “Yeah, Jack, me too,” she replied softly.


  They entered the breakfast hall. Berkleigh figured enough people would probably think something was going on between her and Jack given the amount of time they have spent together, had anyone been paying attention. Regardless, they both kept it professional and did not behave in a manner that might give something away.

  Feeling private when it came to her love life, she hoped that the fact she has experienced the best sex of her life over the last couple of days was not written all over her face.

  Fareed saw them enter and waved them over to their table after they got their food from the buffet. Are these international boys glued at the hip? They are always together. She smiled at him and pointed out their table to Jack. He followed her over there and they took a seat. Fareed had motioned for Berkleigh to take the seat right next to him. Jack sat on her other side.

  Jack texted her, “His culture loves blondes and their men also feel like if they want something, they get it. Proceed with caution, Berk.”

  Berkleigh’s phone buzzed so she peeked in her purse and read the text privately. She looked at him, smiled and nodded confirming she understood the message loud and clear.

  They made small talk during breakfast. The last day of the conference seemed to always consist of overly exhausted attendees due to days of drinking and entertaining. It didn’t help that most everyone felt a little bummed to have to be leaving such a beautiful place later that evening, so conversations were minimal all around the room.


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