Rescue Mission to the Stars

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Rescue Mission to the Stars Page 11

by Philip R Benge

  Chapter Four

  New Mars

  The desert filled the land on three sides of the Galactic Traveller, as David Charlton took in the view from the open airlock, but he was not looking out to the desert, his attention was centred on the small number of buildings of the new township, and also on the alien starships that filled most of the sandy spaceport. Mind you, spaceport was a bit of an exaggeration, for in realty it was open desert filled with starships parked around it. There weren`t any of the buildings and facilities that Washington space port boasted, this space port had been hastily constructed by simply levelling out the desert, and for one reason only, to host this meeting between two alien races. Two hundred feet away from him stood the smart new Shuttlecraft that belonged to the space cruiser Intrepid. The Intrepid was still in orbit about New Mars, as the crew of the Galactic Traveller called this small planet, and there it would remain until they knew more about the aliens. The ambassador and his party of politicians had come down to the planet aboard its shuttlecraft. They had quarters somewhere within the small township, and made available to them by their hosts. David Charlton and his crew would have to sleep aboard their freighter, they were merely deliverymen, and of no importance to anyone. Sarah stood at his shoulder and looked out at the view, what she saw didn`t impress her much.

  “Well David, I have seen better places, but at least we will be able to go on our little trips unobserved from way out here on the side lines.” Sarah said thoughtfully.

  She had whispered these words across to David, as Steve Ryan had warned them to be extra careful whenever and wherever they spoke, for he thought that the aliens could well be listening in to every word that the people of Earth spoke. They would use the type of devices spies or newspaper reporters back on Earth used, when on a surveillance mission. This time though the whine of the ships air circulation pumps covered what she had said so quietly. These pumps were now about to go silent, as the doors of the starship were all opened to let some fresh air in, it would replace the recycled air that smelt a little of the disinfectant used in the scrubbers. They were now going to say anything relevant to their real reason for being here via their small android smartphones, which were all tuned into one another, and everything they had to say about their quest had to be laboriously typed in. The devices were the latest model of smartphone, and were going on sale back on Earth even as their designer used one to bring David and Sarah back inside. They had felt their androids vibrate and then read the message contained on the five by three inch screen. The range of the android was phenomenal, which would mean that wouldn`t be any problems regarding communications when they went to investigate the crashed starship.

  Steve Ryan looked up as they entered and typed in a quick message on the ship`s computer keyboard, which was also in the loop and made for an easier life. Their androids vibrated again as they received his message.

  “Somebody is trying to access our computer, not that they have a duck`s chance in hell, my new programming is equal to anything on Earth, and probably here also by the looks of our amateur hacker.”

  David smiled across at his tall friend and just nodded, all this typing would become a chore soon, so it was easier to nod or smile when that was all that was required.

  “Can you fit out part of the ship so that we can speak without the need of your toys Steve?” David wrote down on a small board that they also used when in proximity to one another.

  “Yes, I should be able to make an area a snooper free zone, without too much trouble. I will get on to it immediately.” Steve answered.

  “I will have to leave you to it, as it is time to check in with our overlords. I expect that Kennedy will want to give us countless instructions regarding our cargo and its disposal, and probably about our expected behaviour while we are guests of the Mazerens.” David said to the others before turning to Sarah.

  “Do you want to walk across with me to the Intrepid`s shuttle, Sarah, see if his lordship is there or has left any orders for us his menials. If you`re feeling up to it that is?” He said smiling. “It will at least help to pass some of the hours away that lay before us. Until dawn tomorrow, that is when we can ride out to the crash site and see if it answers any of our questions. Whatever the answers, it will only be then that I will be able to rest a little easier.” Regarding their plans for tomorrow David once again made use of the small board.

  “Sure, my leg is much better now, and I could do with some exercise anyway, and who knows, we might even find something of interest over there.” Sarah said smiling and immediately walked across to the airlock before turning back to look at David.

  “Well are we going for a walk or not?” Sarah had still been using her walking stick up until now, but for her first outing since Mars, she decided to leave it behind.

  “Yes, but you had better put on a warm coat first, I think you might find it a little cold out there today, and that lightweight dress is too light to keep out the weather of New Mars. Sarah was dressed in a pale blue cotton dress that made her look even prettier, but as she was aboard a small freighter with three other men besides David, she had ensured that her wardrobe was ultra respectable. It wouldn`t be fair to any of them to be cooped up with a woman that advertised her wares too much in such a confined space, and for so long a time as they would probably be together in the cramped confines of the starship. Sarah walked back to her cabin, collected a full-length red woollen coat, and put it on. Then she re-joined David, who had donned his black leather coat, he never wore or owned another coat other than a leather one, and they both exited the freighter to breathe in the cool northern air that was blowing directly at them from the nearby mountains. David looked up at the clear sky above his head, and saw that it had a reddish tinge to it; yes, he thought New Mars is a very apt name for this dust bowl. Turning his attention back to the spaceport he and Sarah then walked across the dusty spaceport towards the shuttle, and when they were almost there Sarah brought his attention to an extra large marquee that was being erected on the eastern edge of the small town.

  “Maybe they are going to have a party alfresco.” David said as they finally arrived at the Intrepid`s shuttle craft. David popped his head through the open airlock and knocked on the outer wall of the shuttle while calling out.

  “Hello, is there anyone home?”

  A man appeared from the stern of the shuttlecraft, he was dressed in the usual space department uniform, similar to that warn by American air force officers, except for the badges on his shoulders displayed an old fashioned rocket ship with an elongated arrow head running diagonally across it.

  “I`m Lieutenant Charles Williams, can I be of any help to you?” He was younger than David was; he looked to be about twenty-four years of age. He was taller though, with sandy hair and blue eyes, which together with his smile made him look quite good-looking.

  “I don`t know.” David replied. “I`m the captain of the freighter over there, David Charlton is the name and this is my navigation officer, Sarah Jane Hardin. We came over to introduce ourselves, and also to ask if any orders had been left for us regarding the cargo aboard our ship.”

  The lieutenant`s eyes took in Sarah and his smile grew broader before looking back at David.

  “Oh your Captain Charlton, yes I have a packet to give you. The ambassador left it with me with instructions to hand it to you when you finally deigned to call. Err they were his words not mine I might add.” Williams adding the final words hastily as the smile on Sarah’s face disappeared to be replaced with a frosty look that chilled him to the bone. “I`m very glad to meet you, how was the trip.” Williams said looking at Sarah anxiously and smiling. “Err... both of you I mean.” He added hastily once again as he was given a warning look by David Charlton. “I was under orders as to how I was to greet you upon your arrival, I am sorry about that. Actually, you only just missed the ambassador; he left to pay his respects to our alien hosts. Look can I try to make amends by offering you a coffee?” Williams asked as he tried to ma
ke up for his earlier words.

  “Yes thank you we would appreciate that; I can read our orders from our illustrious leader while we drink it.” David said smiling at the young lieutenant again as peace was made between them. David always made it his policy to try to get on with people, unless they were obviously not interested in his attempts.

  “Please sit down Ms Hardin, Captain Charlton, I`ll just go and get the coffee.” Williams said. They moved into the passenger compartment of the shuttlecraft and made themselves comfortable and David read their message.

  “It says here Sarah that the aliens will come across to our ship within the next few hours and collect our cargo; it seems they are going to set it all up within the large tent that we saw earlier, and that the goods are to be unveiled at a grand ceremony later this evening. We are to make ourselves available should we be required later today, or at any time during our stay on the planet.” David said. “Suits us doesn`t it Sarah, paid for hanging around by the space department.”

  They were being paid by the space department for transporting the cargo of gifts from Earth, and somehow John Blazer had arranged that they would be paid for as long as they were on the planet. In fact, they would be paid even when they were busy looking at the crash site for signs of the Blazer Explorer rather than actually working for the space department.

  “Look David, I`m sorry that I greeted you both just a little rudely, I was even under orders to take your orders over to your ship if you hadn`t shown up when you did, I was to tell you that the ambassador was most displeased with your lax attitude. I can tell you that some of the officers aboard the Intrepid hold your father in high regard, and wish you well in your quest, as I do. They would all have been willing to assist you in your search, but they are under strict orders not to do anything at all that might create a diplomatic incident. They are also under orders to ensure that you and your crew don`t do anything to harm this mission.” The young officer offered a sad smile but couldn`t add anything of a more constructive nature.

  “Yes I`m all to aware of how the ambassador feels about us, it goes way back and there is no way that he will change his view of my father and me now, so I suggest that you keep out of it, or your career in the space fleet will come to an abrupt and embarrassing end.”

  David and Sarah left soon after and returned to the Galactic Traveller to tell the others that they were soon to receive alien guests, and this information started the others discussing as to how the alien people might differ from those on Earth. Steve Ryan though was feeling claustrophobic after being cooped up for so long inside the starship, so he asked to be excused while he went for a walk around the town. Steve donned a similar coat to David, crossed the deserted spaceport, and on reaching the town, strolled between the rows of prefabricated buildings in search of something of interest. He came across a young alien male playing on an electronic tablet of a design unknown to Steve, but at a glance, he could see that it was way behind anything available on Earth. He decided that he would stop a while and see how the youth got on defeating the large bearlike animal on the screen, and it was a few minutes before the alien realised that anyone else was there, so intent was he on his game.

  “Hello, you must be one of the aliens from Earth.” The youth said.

  He looked to be about eighteen years of age, was tall and gangly with black hair and large brown eyes. Steve was taken aback by the young alien speaking to him in very good English, and without very much of an accent. He could easily have come from Earth. Steve decided to stay a little longer and find out just where the youth learnt to speak an alien language so confidently.

  “Yes your correct there, my name is Steve and I`m sorry that I intruded on you, but I design games very much like the one that you are playing, mind you on Earth we have advanced much further as far as games like that are concerned. In fact, I have my latest android tablet filled with all of my very latest games back on our freighter. I find it helps me to unwind after a hard days work.” Steve replied with a smile coming to his face.

  “Android tablet, what is that?” The youth enquired.

  “It is what you have there, but my one is much faster, and from the look of that one in your hands my one also has a far larger memory.” Steve said innocently, for he was leading the conversation round to where he wanted it to go.

  “You speak very good English for an alien, how did you learn to speak my language so well?” Steve asked with a very puzzled look upon his face.

  “I`m not an alien, you are.” The youth retorted. “And I learnt to speak your language on this android tablet as you call it. It has a full Mazeren English dictionary, in audio as well as in a written format, so you see it isn`t too bad for such an obsolete piece of junk, is it?” The youth replied angrily in defence of his people’s technology and demonstrated the devices capabilities to Steve.

  “No I can see that, and I didn`t mean to insult your people, they have obviously advanced as far as us in more important ways such as space flight, but as regards games then your people seem to be lagging behind us a little, if that one is anything to go on.” Steve stopped here for a moment as if he were considering whether to broach a subject and then as if he had finally decided he launched in to the reason why he had decided to spend so much time speaking to the alien youth.

  “Look I find it very difficult not being able to speak your language, how about we do a deal. I will give you my latest android tablet filled with all of my latest games, if you will give me yours with your dictionary in it, how about it.” Steve said putting on his most innocent of looks, for he could see that at some time in their quest for the missing starship, knowledge of the alien’s language could mean the difference between success and failure.

  “I don`t know, for I only have your word as to how good your android tablet is, and we have been told not to trust you.” The alien youth said haughtily. Although it was obvious, that he was interested.

  “Well how about if we meet up later and then you can try it out?” Steve offered.

  “Ok we can meet here in four of your hours, I have to go and do some work now, I am one of the crew which is erecting the tables where all of your gifts to us will be displayed, and I`m late already.” With that, the alien youth got up and as he hurried away, he stopped for a moment, turned round, and smiled back at Steve. “My name is Saranac, Steve; I will see you later.”

  Steve walked down an alley that ran between the buildings, and this brought him to the far side of the small town. He stood looking at the imposing mountains to the north, they had a coating of snow on the highest peaks, as it was this hemispheres springtime, and he was reminded of home and Veronica. He instantly regretted this as the pain of their separation hit him again, causing him to stop and wonder once again why his life had become so screwed up. Steve quickly put these thoughts away into the deepest recesses of his mind and concentrated on the mountains before him. Ten minutes later, he continued with his walk, but the fun had gone from it, and it slipped even further away when he saw the Phaser weapons that were fitted into the wall of the buildings for the entire length of the buildings that looked out towards the mountains. They were spaced out, one every fifteen feet, what could they need these for, and against what enemy? With this thought in mind he carried on with his walk back towards the space port where he saw that there were also guard towers around the perimeter of the space port, how he had missed them before he didn`t know. Thinking about what this may mean he walked back across the spaceport to the freighter. Once there he ushered the others into the ship`s shuttlecraft and then closed the airlock.

  “You can all talk freely in here, I have made the shuttle craft into a quiet room, neither the ambassador, or our alien hosts will be able to overhear what is said in hear, as long as the airlock is closed that is.” Steve then proceeded to tell them about his walk.

  “You have been busy Steve, and if you can get your hands on the alien’s android device then it may well come in handy. However, you will have to be careful tha
t none of the other aliens notices the exchange. When you go to your rendezvous we will shadow you discretely, and let you know if there is anyone taking any interest in you.” David decided. The last thing he wanted was for any of his friends to be hurt on his quest, or for them to be ordered home.

  “Why do the Mazerens need all of the defensive positions that Steve saw around the town and space port?” Sarah asked of everyone. “They surely don`t fear an attack from us do they?”

  No one had an answer for her, and the meeting broke up with everyone agreeing that it was time for a coffee. The rest of the morning went by without incident, the Mazerens collected their cargo, and lunch was as usual uneventful. Soon though it was time for Steve to meet up with the young alien, David and Sarah went out first and proceeded to walk towards the town. However, they stopped short to look at the starships parked nearest to the town, and they didn`t need to pretend to take an interest in them, for at least two of them resembled the Blazer Explorer, in that they were sleek in design however they also showed signs of possessing Phasers of some kind and were also slightly larger. There were even larger starships there, the alien’s version of the Intrepid that was in orbit above the town, and they looked very impressive. David wondered whether they were here to intimidate Jules Kennedy into not mentioning the Blazer Explorer, something he probably wouldn`t have done anyway, as it would cause a diplomatic incident even before diplomatic relations had been arranged.

  One minute later saw Tony Miles and Jimmy Fielding leave the ship, and they walked across to the western edge of the town to first gaze up at the mountains and then to look at the starships parked near to them.

  After another minute, Steve left the freighter, leaving it in the safe hands of Barney, who was under strict instructions not to allow anyone aboard the ship apart from its crew. Steve walked across the spaceport, and as he did he stopped for a moment to look at the activity around the marquee where aliens and earthmen busied themselves, for the presentation that was to start within the next fifteen minutes, and it was here that most of the attention was centred. Steve then strolled amongst the wooden buildings before stopping at the rendezvous site to play on his android tablet. Five minutes later Saranac appeared, and after just one minute of looking at Steve play on the android, he passed his own one across and took Steve`s one and pushed it straight into his backpack that he carried over one shoulder. With a smile at Steve he quickly hurried away, he knew that he would have to disguise it but he adept at painting, and the android tablet would soon display Mazeren words and decoration upon it, he would just have to ensure that nobody looked too closely at it until manufactured goods from Earth had become commonplace through trade. Steve too pushed his new android into his own backpack, which he slung across his own shoulder and then casually strolled back to the freighter where upon reaching the seclusion offered by its galley he immediately began to investigate his new toy.

  David and Sarah after seeing Steve safely back inside the freighter, had stopped near to the large marquee to listen to Jules Kennedy giving his speech to their alien hosts via an interpreter, but it was just the usual. No mention of their hosts actions on Earth obviously, and so becoming just a little bored with the diplomacy David and Sarah moved forward to pick up one of the drinks being handed round by the many waiters that had appeared. After all of the speeches had been made, each side toasted the other, but all David wanted was a used glass so that he could check the DNA of their hosts against that of the assassins back on Earth. David collected an empty glass that a Mazeren male had just put down on a nearby table while Sarah stood in front of him to shield his action from the view of Mazeren or Earthman alike.

  “David have you noticed, the aliens, either the Mazerens only have one sex or there aren`t any women here. I didn`t realise it myself until I began to feel their eyes staring at me.”

  “You are right Sarah and by chance even the crew who came down from the Intrepid are all men, either you are the only woman on this planet or the aliens have them hidden away. Come on let`s get back to the freighter.” David replied as he looked around the area searching for a glimpse of another woman.

  “Yes David, let`s go now for this feels creepy.”

  With that, they left the marquee and hurried back to the freighter, with Tony and Jimmy also returning with them for the whole thing bored them, even the free drinks Tony found to his disgust were non-alcoholic.

  Once back aboard the freighter they all joined Steve in the ship`s galley and studied the alien device, and after a few moments watching Steve play around with it without too much success, for all of the commands were in the alien language, David mouthed shuttlecraft. They all made their way down to the freighter`s hold where the shuttlecraft was stored and once inside and safe from spies, David suggested that Barney should try to interface with the tablet if possible.

  “Ok David, that sounds like a reasonable idea.” Steve replied and so Tony went and asked Barney to join the others in the shuttlecraft while he stood guard.

  “Barney are you able to interface with this tablet?” Steve asked the tall metal robot when he entered the shuttlecraft.

  “I will scan the device and see whether it is possible.” Barney took the tablet from Steve and looked at it as if scanning it for any written instructions upon it and then he began to hum which told David that he was working on the problem, it was after just one minute that Barney looked back at Steve. “I believe that I can, it has wireless capability to allow the user to download new programs, and using this access point I should be able to interface with the device.” Barney said, his metallic voice sounding weird in the small-enclosed space.

  “Well go ahead and try then Barney.” David said to the robot.

  The robot began humming again and after two minutes looked up at David.

  “I have downloaded the entire dictionary into my memory and I am now fully conversant in the spoken language of the Mazeren people, I am also familiar with the written language. As to the alien device I have reconfigured it to accept commands in the English language as well as that of the Mazeren language.”

  Steve then pulled out another of his own android tablets. “Thank you Barney but there was no need for you to do that, because I want you to copy the language programs from the alien device on to this tablet here, as my device operates much faster and is more efficient. I then plan to return the device to its original owner in case someone notices that he no longer has his dictionary.” Once again, Barney began to hum.

  “I don`t think that would be advisable Steve, you were lucky that you weren`t caught when you exchanged your device for this one, but to try to give it back to the lad would be foolhardy. No the alien lad knew the dangers and must live with the consequences.” David said and while the others agreed with him, it was obvious that Steve was worried about the alien youth.

  “I will abide with your decision for the moment David, but should an opportunity arise that will allow us to safely give the device back to the lad, then I will. I was not only thinking of him, for if he is forced to admit to having given us the dictionary, then we too could end up in trouble, we could be accused of spying.”

  With that, the subject was shelved, and minutes later Barney confirmed that the device owned by Steve was now a working translation device, which operated only when the correct verbal password was used, otherwise it was just a device for playing games on. The password agreed upon was Blazer Freight shipper to the stars and beyond. David then asked Barney to return to his duty as guard.

  David now pulled out the glass that he had taken with the alien DNA hopefully on it. He put it into the device that John Blazer had supplied so that they could confirm whether the aliens DNA held the same differences as that of the assassins back on Earth. After activating it, the machine just hummed quietly for two minutes, much as Barney did when he was working, but then it chirped and the display screen set on the front of the machine glowed and a message appeared on it. The second DNA sample holds the same differences as
that of the first sample.

  “I`m not a forensic scientist but this would seem to indicate what we all thought, the alien assassins on Earth are of the same race as these people on this planet.” David said thoughtfully.

  “Does the Intrepid have any scientists aboard her that could give us a qualified answer?” Steve asked.

  “I doubt it, and anyway that would alert Kennedy to our actions, and he would then demand that we left before we caused a diplomatic incident. No, I suggest that we keep it to ourselves for the moment. Anyway we promised Uncle John that we would only speak of it if it took us two steps forward, if we were to speak about it at this moment it would only take us sideways at best, or even backwards if Kennedy wanted to be awkward.” David said before mentioning the other thing that had brought Sarah and him rushing back to the freighter.

  “Did any of you see any women on the planet, apart from Sarah that is?” David asked of the others.

  “Now that you mention it, no, I haven`t seen any women or children either.” Steve said.

  “Well as this planet is just a large meeting hall then I wouldn`t expect to see any children, but you would have expected to see a few women about the place.” Jimmy Fielding said.

  “It must be a cultural thing I expect.” Tony Miles chipped in. He had returned when David had sent Barney back to stand guard.

  “Well whatever the reason I will lock the airlock from now on, I don`t want any unannounced callers coming by to have a better look at Sarah.” David avowed.

  “Thank you David, I did feel creeped out with all of those eyes upon me back at the marquee, I just didn`t expect a space travelling people to be so backward in their thinking.” Sarah said.

  “But it is to be expected Sarah, there are many examples of a male dominated culture on Earth so why not out here in space? But you should be careful, when you next leave the safety of the ship, for you never know what they might think about you.” Tony Miles said.

  “Look guys, I`m a little older than you others.” Jimmy Fielding said. “And I think that you should hold back on reaching any final conclusions until we know more about the Mazerens, your mind could just have been playing tricks on you back there in the marquee Sarah, and David you have a natural antipathy to them because you suspect them of being involved in the mysterious disappearance of your father.” Whatever reaction Jimmy expected to get from his thoughts on the subject he certainly didn`t expect the one he got.

  “Antipathy Jimmy I was in a coma for almost two years, my mother disappears under some of your mysterious circumstances, people died when an attempt was made on John Blazers life, and yes my father and his crew are missing, yes I have a natural antipathy to them Jimmy.” David words were loud and angry in response to Jimmy Fielding`s quiet voice, he looked as if he was about to take things a lot further but he forced himself to turn away and lean against the hull of the shuttlecraft.

  I`m sorry David I didn`t want to belittle all that you and your family have been through, I just wanted to say that we shouldn`t judge a people without knowing more about them, back on their home world we would probably find things much like on Earth.” Jimmy said, more than sorry for being the reason for David`s wrath.

  “You may be right about my mind playing tricks on me Jimmy, having noticed the absence of women on the planet may have caused me to be creeped out by it, but I still would prefer that we take the precautions David spoke of.” Sarah said.

  She was trying to bring peace back to her friends for she had never seen David quite so angry, she knew that he was anxious to visit the crash site and see if it was his father`s starship, but she hadn`t realised just how wound up he was. Sarah also didn`t want to condemn an entire people because of one meeting in a first contact situation. In fact this was all Ambassador Kennedy`s fault for being such an ass and she just wished that she could tell him what she thought of him.

  “I could sound out Saranac; casually ask if he has a girlfriend, brothers or sisters, that sort of thing?” Steve said, wanting to put a positive slant to the angry conversation that still threatened to get out of hand.

  “Yes that sounds like a good idea Steve.” David said as he brought his anger under control. He then turned to Jimmy Fielding. “Sorry Jimmy, I reckon I needed an outlet. All I want to do right this minute is to go and check out that crash site, and the one thing I can`t do this minute is exactly that, and it is eating me up, I`m just sorry that I took it out on you. I`m also just a little peeved at having to play let`s be friends with the Mazerens when we are all certain that they are the same people who attacked my father on Earth and probably are the cause of his disappearance somewhere out here in deepest space.” David confessed.

  “That`s alright David, I did speak rather tactlessly, and luckily we are in our ‘quiet room’. That last comment brought everyone’s humour back and everyone retired to the galley for a coffee to find Barney standing guard at his new post, by the locked airlock, if anyone wanted to enter the freighter they would just have to bang hard on its hull.

  Steve waited until the evening to slip out and go in search of Saranac who he found walking back to his room.

  “Hi Saranac, how are you enjoying your new games?” Steve asked.

  “They are very good Steve, you were correct when you said that your people are in advance of us in that respect.” Saranac replied with a grin on his young face.

  “I have transferred the dictionary over to one of my own devices; let me know if you want your old device back, I have it in my backpack.” Steve offered.

  “If you can let me have it back it might make life easier, I shouldn`t have given it to you, my people would disapprove strongly if they knew that I had given the android tablet to you.” Saranac replied. Steve looked cautiously around and seeing that no one was about he took off his backpack and slipped the android device out.

  “Ok Saranac, here you are.” Steve said smiling down at the young alien who quickly slipped the device into his own backpack.

  “Thank you Steve, I appreciate it.” Saranac said and returned Steve`s smile.

  “So tell me Saranac, how long have you been stuck on this dust bowl of a planet?” Steve casually asked his new friend.

  “Up until this moment I have been here for three of your planet`s months, Steve.” Saranac replied.

  “I bet you are missing your family and friends.” Steve said pushing the conversation along to where he wanted it to go.

  “Yes I am, especially my girl friend, I have almost forgotten what a woman looks like.” Saranac said wistfully.

  “How long have you known her?” Steve asked.

  “Counting the time that I have been stuck here on this planet it is almost two years. We were introduced by my uncle at a party he threw to celebrate thirty years of his own marriage. At this rate I will be lucky to even get married to Alicia.” Saranac lamented.

  “That is a beautiful name, is she too, very beautiful my friend?” Steve enquired.

  “Very, Steve, she is like the springtime, full of life and ready to do anything, no matter how daring or frowned upon it might be.” Saranac almost whispered these words as if scared that he might be overheard by one of his people.

  “Frowned upon?” Steve said questioningly.

  “Yes she loves to go for rides on my motorbike, but really fast. Something a woman is not supposed to do, for it is not considered correct on Mazere. Is it considered correct for a woman of Earth to do such things as that?” Saranac asked.

  “In most places on Earth a woman is allowed to do whatever a man may do. Is this is not how it is on the planet Mazere?” Steve asked in turn.

  “No Steve, there are certain things that are considered unsuitable for a woman, things that are meant for a man, do your people not believe that man was born to rule this universe, that and to protect the women of your world?” Saranac questioned.

  “Our world is split into different beliefs, amongst our people there are some who follow rules similar to yours and amongst others they diffe
r as regards the rights of women.” Steve replied.

  “And you follow the second group, a group that allows such things Steve?” Saranac declared.

  “Yes, Saranac, I believe that all are born equal. Both men and women, followers of one belief or another, they are all are equal, or they should be. However, I would never condone the forcing of one group to believe contrary to their own beliefs.” Steve said hoping that his words wouldn`t antagonise the young man before him.

  “Your people and mine will have much to discuss, and much to condone if they are ever to become friends, too much I fear for we are a very proud people who are certain of our position in the universe.” Saranac lamented.

  “Hopefully you are wrong my friend, for look our leaders are going to talk even now about just such a thing.” Steve said although he too had many doubts as to whether it would be possible.

  “Hopefully, for I would like to travel to new worlds, to see what else is out there in the vastness of space? Tell me Steve, do you have a girl waiting for you back on Earth?” Saranac asked.

  “I thought I did Saranac, but I`m not so sure now.” Steve said sadly.

  “You argued then before you left to come to this ‘idyllic world’?” Saranac said with a look of sadness coming to his young face.

  “You could say so, at least she seemed to think we did, me I`m not too sure just what happened.”


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