Rescue Mission to the Stars

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Rescue Mission to the Stars Page 26

by Philip R Benge


  Seventy miles away and hours earlier, a shuttlecraft approached the industrial town of Neon, it settled down in the middle of a scrubby heathland, and its crew slipped quietly out. They moved quickly north towards the filthy town and the headquarters of the area`s state police. As they approached the building`s northern perimeter wall, they heard sounds of violence coming towards them.

  The Non Citizens of Neon were killing any state trooper who got in their way as they slowly made their way through the squalid town. Fires were breaking out at any civic building that happened to be on their route, and the town’s fire brigade had long since given up the uneven battle. Many of the people of Neon were armed now; some of the weapons had been taken from the dead bodies of the troopers, while many more had been secreted away over the three years since the people had last attempted to protest at the treatment of the most wretched people of Mazere. The headquarters building of the region`s state police was situated at the very edge of the small town, and it would be a further thirty minutes before the people reached its high perimeter wall. The state troopers inside it though were not yet in a state of panic, in fact their superiors were relishing the forthcoming battle that would forever put these wretched people back in their place. Colonel Maric was in command.

  “Men, violence has broken out here during the last thirty minutes, but we will soon bring it to an end. The rioters are nothing more than a mob out to loot the town of anything not screwed down, I intend to show them the error of their ways, and I intend to do it in the only way they will understand. I will lynch any of them who we happen to capture, and who we haven`t already managed to shoot on the spot.” Maric stopped for a moment while his words were taken in by his men, then he continued.

  “Anything that you see moving, be it man, woman, child or beast you will fire at immediately, or else I will want to know the reason why.” Maric screamed the last part of the sentence out at his men. However, seeing that some of them were uneasy at his words, so he now reassured them.

  “Do not worry if your target is young or old, frail or strong, we have been advised by our fellow troopers that they are all armed. Fellow troopers who may even lay dead upon the ground, their killers free to kill again. That of course is if our men were amongst the lucky ones. They may have been lynched or even burned at the stake, which is what will have happened to our comrades if they were taken alive.” Maric looked around at his men before him and smiled at them, for he saw that his words had had the desired effect.

  “Right men, the armoured vehicles will take the lead and we will follow. Ten armoured cars then revved their engines and began to move out; these were followed by an equal number of vehicles carrying water canons. Senior officers around the walled enclosure then called to sergeants who in turn ordered their men to board the armoured personnel carriers and other lighter vehicles that stood in one section of the large yard, they were going to battle, and unfortunately, it was against their own people. Ten minutes later and the buildings that comprised the area headquarters were almost empty.

  David looked out from above the hillock, behind which he and his friends were currently concealed. Ahead of him, he could see an eight feet high perimeter wall that protected the two storey buildings within. They could see the large open gates through which a large column of armoured vehicles was streaming out from, until the final lightly armoured coach signalled an end to the exodus. What they didn`t know was how many more state troopers were left inside of the headquarters come prison buildings.

  “I will move forward and recce the way in, see if they have a guard left on duty and whether or not we can move in unnoticed.” David announced to the others. This was his show and he didn`t want one of the others to risk their lives for his quest.

  “No David, least ways not until I have edged around to that clump of bushes that is directly in front of the gates and scanned the area within.” Jimmy said. This he felt was a safer way that boldly walking straight up to the gates and peering in. At that moment, a couple of elderly uniformed men came out from the enclosure and pulled the gates shut.

  “I think that it is time for plan B, David.” Sarah said, glad that the enterprise had been delayed for a moment, for she knew that one or more of them could be badly hurt or even killed before the night was through.

  Tony was as always busy; he was looking for a safer way into the compound before them. At the far end of the perimeter wall, he noticed a large tree that grew near enough to the perimeter wall to make it interesting.

  “David, I don`t suppose that there will be much more than a skeleton staff left inside of those walls to keep out intruders. I think that we should be able to gain entry via that large tree over by the far end of the wall, especially with the night to hide us.” Sarah looked across at him and nodded in agreement. She at least felt a little easier within herself, for maybe the night would offer enough protection to ensure that none of them was killed that night.

  “Your right Tony” David said. “That does appear to be our best entry point. Jimmy you move round a little further to our right so that you can see the gates as well as Tony`s tree. We can keep in touch via our smart phones.” Jimmy nodded slowly, not quite in agreement yet, but in acknowledgment of David`s words.

  “Steve, you and me will climb up the tree and recce the area on the other side of the wall. Sarah, Tony, you two move to the far left end on this wall to ensure that Steve and I don`t get any surprises while we do our bit. Once we know what is on the other side of the wall I will give you all our plan of attack. Is everyone ok with that?” Everyone was ok for the moment, but if David thought that he was entering the police headquarters without them, then he didn`t know them at all well.

  Everyone moved to their designated spots, after receiving a wave from Sarah, David and Tony moved out of the cover of the nearby bushes, moved across to the tree, and proceeded to climb up to a position that allowed them to look over the perimeter wall without being seen by someone on the other side. From their vantage point, David and Steve could see a few lights showing through the barred windows, and even the odd figure moving around, but it looked empty enough to attempt a sortie with a good chance of success. They were high enough, here on the wall, to see the glow of a fire burning brightly a mile further into the small town, and the sounds of violence floated across the roofs of the houses to let them know that a suitable distraction was occurring that hopefully would cover their own operation. Down below them, the two men saw the means by which they would be able to gain admittance into the drab forbidding building. A door had been left open because of the hasty preparations by the state police to assemble and move against their own people. One other piece of luck was that this part of the grounds was in shadow as one of the floodlight needed replacing. Hoping for a continuance of this luck David now called down to the other three members of his team using their smartphones.

  “Jimmy, Sarah, is it all clear down there?” When he received the all clear from the other three of his team David gave them his instructions.

  “Ok everyone we think we have a way into the building. Jimmy you keep watch from where you are so as to alert us should the troopers return, Sarah, Tony climb up here fast, Steve and I will be on the other side of the wall ensuring that all is well.” Jimmy wasn`t too happy at being left behind but could see the sense in it, and anyway he being the oldest member of the team was the least agile.

  David and Steve tied a strong length of rope to a limb of the tree and dropped it down the other side of the wall; it easily reached the ground and lay in a small heap. Then the two men quietly climbed down and moved speedily across to the open door, inside was a short unlit corridor and then another door.

  “Steve, will you wait here for the other two, I`ll recce head of us?” David ordered.

  “Sure thing David, but might I suggest that you listen for signs of life on the other side of the door before opening it.” Steve suggested in a whisper.

  David looked just a little
aggrieved at this, but nevertheless acknowledged the suggestion with a nod, and then moved quietly along the short corridor to do as his friend suggested. Listening carefully for ten seconds brought forth no signs of other people on the other side of the door. David now pulled out his torch and ran it along the four sides of the edge of the door looking for signs of an alarm, for he felt that it was a possible security measure that any self respecting state police force might use, he found nothing. Sarah and Tony had both arrived, and so David edged the door open and peered inside. One the other side of the door was another unlit corridor; the authorities must be trying to cut down on running expenses, David mused. Steve now moved up to him and indicated the staircase at the far end of the corridor, it dropped down into the building`s basement.

  “The plans of the building showed that the cells were to be on the lower level David.” Steve whispered. David nodded across to his friend and whispered “Ok let`s go then.” With that, they quietly moved along the new corridor to the staircase at the far end, and then descended the steps to the lower level of the building.

  On reaching the bottom of the stairs, they saw before them yet another corridor. A sign before them told them what was to be found along either direction. Steve took a photograph of the sign and then using his android tablet, he quickly translated it. To the left along the short corridor was the cellblock. With there choice chosen for them, they turned left and soon after stood at a door, which had a small glass window, fitted at head height. David looked through to see before him a large room with five corridors leading off it. Sitting behind a desk in the middle of the floor were two middle-aged individuals, who were busily engaged in updating files on the computers before them. As David opened the door, they looked up. The older one said something that was cut short when he saw the four Phaser weapons pointing at them. Both men looked scared as the thought that sprang immediately to their minds was that they had been taken prisoner by a group of the NC`S, and they both feared that they would be shot out of hand. David and the others walked briskly across the concrete floor and Steve used his android tablet to question them.

  “We need you to show us which cells the following people are imprisoned in. Their names are Richard Charlton, Patricia Charlton, Christopher Anderson, Alan Lee and Millicent McIntosh. We want the doors to their cells opened. Do this for me and we will take our friends and go, if you chose not to help us then you will die.” It only took a moment for them to decide on what to do, they began to tap away on their computers, and soon had the information demanded of them.

  “We have opened their cell doors, if you will follow us we will show you where your friends are.” The smaller of the two men said in a pleading voice, which the android tablet captured perfectly.

  “Right, lead the way.” David ordered. The two men stood up and led them down the nearest of the corridors that was immediately behind the desk, and at the far end indicated a cell. David moved towards it and opened the unlocked door; the first person he saw was his father who cried out in surprise, but didn`t move for he was temporarily stunned.

  “David, you are well again, but what on earth are you doing here? Have they taken you prisoner too?” Richard Charlton finally managed to say, rushed to his son, and threw his arms around him in delight at seeing him well again.

  “Not quite dad, I`m here to rescue you, come on let`s collect mum and get the hell out of here.” David replied ecstatically.

  “But how on earth did you find us?” Richard Charlton asked as all they moved towards the open cell door.

  “Later dad, when we are safely on our way off this planet.” David replied before acknowledging the other two men in the cell.

  “Alan, Chris, good to see you looking so well after all you must have been through.” David said smiling at his two friends.

  “Not as good as seeing you David, but how on earth are we going to escape from here, the place must be teeming with state police?” Chris Anderson asked.

  “Later, let`s just get out of here for now.” David replied once again.

  Once outside of the door David gave hurried introductions, and then Steve ordered the two guards to take them to their last two prisoners. They soon arrived back at the main area and were just about to proceed down the corridor where the women prisoners were kept when they were confronted by Patricia Charlton, unfortunately, she was not alone and the man behind her had a Phaser pistol pointed at her head.

  “I thought it must have been you who unlocked your mother`s cell door Charlton, I don`t know how you found her prison but now you will join her here as our guest. Drop your weapons or watch as I kill her.” The man ordered. Patricia Charlton was beside herself with worry for her son, but quickly regained control of her mind.

  “Don`t listen David, fire you weapon now if he won`t surrender, he wouldn`t dare uses his weapon on me, he knows that you would kill him.” Patricia cried in fear for her son`s life.

  David stood rigidly still, unsure how to proceed but knowing that he couldn`t risk losing his mother again. David looked for advice from his father but he too was temporarily stunned by the sudden dramatic turn of events. They needn`t have worried for hearing the cell door unlock and then hearing all that was said from just a few feet away, for her cell was the nearest one to the main area, Millicent McIntosh slowly pushed open the door to her cell and stepped out. In front of her she saw the drama unfolding, before her she saw the Mazeren holding the weapon to the head of Patricia Charlton. Millicent immediately decided on a course of action, and moved quietly up behind the man without him even realising that she was there. Her hand now shot up and gripping the man`s hand jerked it up and away from Patricia`s head. A bolt of energy shot up from the weapon in the man`s hand and exploded against the ceiling, but before he could bring the weapon back into line with Patricia Charlton she had dropped to the floor allowing David a clear shot, he now fired his own weapon. The powerful bolt of energy whistled across the floor, the weapon was only set to stun so there was no danger to the three people before him, luckily though it only hit its intended target, the man crumpled to the floor with a groan of pain, temporarily disabled but otherwise unhurt.

  “That was nicely done Millicent, I owe you one.” Richard Charlton said in a very relieved voice.

  “That`s ok Richard, I`m not keeping score.” Millicent replied. “Now quickly lock the two guards and the man in my cell, it`s the nearest one.” Millicent ordered. Richard and his two-crew members forced the two unresisting guards into the empty cell while Tony and David moved towards the unconscious man.

  “Not him David, he`s the man responsible for so many murders on Earth, can we take him with us to pay for his crimes?” Patricia Charlton said. “David, his name is Malin Frandt. He was the commander of the Mazeren mission on Earth. He gave the order to stop the Blazer Explorer mission from going ahead. When you left Earth in search of the Explorer, he followed on. He thought that there could be a time when I might become useful, should you look like succeeding in your search, and so he brought me along too.” Patricia said. “He was in my cell to gloat; he was taking great pleasure in informing me about their plans for you David. Unfortunately, when he heard the door to my cell unlock for no apparent reason, he was quick enough to realise why. Luckily for us his thoughts didn`t include Millicent.” Patricia Charlton said throwing a smile Millicent`s way.

  “Yes it certainly was Mother. Well now, he can accompany us on our return trip to Earth. But will you tell me just why did he keep you prisoner for the entire three years that you were missing?” David asked, just a little mystified.

  “He couldn`t take the chance that I could identify them and so kept me locked up. He never harmed me in any way, and was a gentleman throughout my imprisonment. I`m lucky really, he could easily have killed me, I suppose there is a streak of humanity in everybody.” Patricia said thoughtfully.

  Richard Charlton then quickly searched the three men and took their communication devices away from them, while outside Steve had found the centr
al locking device on the computer console, and immediately his friends were clear locked the cell door.

  Patricia saw Sarah was amongst the party of rescuers and went across to speak to her. “Sarah what are you doing here, I`m a little surprised that David risked your life on this venture, though it is good to see you again.” Patricia said quizzically.

  “Someone was needed to ensure that David came to no harm, and I decided to take on the job, poor David didn`t have a choice in the matter.” Sarah said smiling at her fiancé`s mother. While they spoke, the men bound the cause of so much of the pain back on Earth, and then gagged him. The man slowly regained consciousness and so they forced him to his feet and the band of friends quietly left the confines of the cellblock and were soon standing in the courtyard. Just then, David received a call from Jimmy.

  “David it seems to be a lot quieter in the town now, you had better make tracks soon or risk the state troopers returning and finding you there.” Jimmy warned his friend.

  “We are on our way now Jimmy, hopefully we will be with you real soon.” David replied.

  Dragging their unwilling guest they moved across to the rope, and Alan and Chris quickly climbed up and then helped pull Patricia Charlton to the top of the wall. Sarah needed no assistance, and soon the two women were back on the ground next to the tall tree. Richard Charlton went next followed by their prisoner and then the rest of the party. Moments later, they were all running back to the shuttlecraft. Ahead of them a line of figures were seen moving towards them, but before David could decide on an action, a friendly voice rang out.

  “Don`t shoot David, the ambassador sent us along to ensure that the rescue mission was a success.” Lieutenant Williams called across to them.

  “Good to see you Charles, but as you see we are fine. You can however take charge of our prisoner, he was behind the attacks in Washington three years ago, and probably on the attacks this year on Sarah and me and of course John Blazer.” David said pushing the bound figure into the waiting hands of two of the Intrepid`s crewmen.

  “I am happy to oblige, David. Well if the fun is already over let`s get back to our shuttlecraft.” Lieutenant Williams said turning about and moving back the way he had just come.

  The two shuttlecrafts were soon back at the spaceport and safely stowed away inside of their respective crafts. Immediately they were back, Ambassador Kennedy came by to greet Patricia Charlton, and then he updated them all on the present troubles happening around the planet.

  “Listening in on the broadcasts made by the government and its military it appears that Admiral Stator engineered the riots so that he could stage a coup. Reading between the lines it seems that the state police knew of it. However not about the recording that went out on the state television or they would have stopped it. The recording has meant that things will never be the same on Mazere. The new government will probably want to drastically scale back their state police force, and give citizenship to everyone who currently does not hold it. The riots were planet wide, and a large majority of its people took to the streets to demand change. Even at this early stage, the government has surrendered and is sitting to discuss the situation. The present ministers have already agreed to stand down, and that new elections should be held as soon as is possible. The people behind the coup did manage to bring the government down; unfortunately, not in the way they wanted. Admiral Stator may have failed to take command of the planet, but he is somewhat of a hero for his unlawful part in the uprising. He and the other leaders behind the failed coup are all under arrest at the headquarters building of the state police in central Plakara. The building is surrounded by demonstrators led by the admiral`s daughter. She will be a major figurehead for any new government for her part in today`s action. She was the reason why so many people were on the streets. She is someone called Action against Tyranny, and that being so I ask that you David and Ms Hardin delay your return to Earth. In fact her first act as a member of the new unofficial government has been to ask if you two would meet her at her father`s home. She is eager to talk to you David, and especially to you Ms Hardin.”

  The people aboard the freighter couldn`t quite believe this request. They were even more astounded by the ambassador`s next words.

  “I know that we have had our differences Charlton, but I beg of you to delay your departure and to stay here to work with me.” Ambassador Kennedy said to the astonishment of them all. Richard Charlton was most averse to the Ambassador Kennedy`s plea.

  “Jules all we want to do is return to Earth, I for one have had enough of this planet.” Patricia Charlton and the other survivors of the Blazer Explorer all agreed with his words but the ambassador was not so easily defeated.

  “I understand that, and I am only to happy to see you leave for Earth. No it is only your son and his fiancée that I ask this favour of, for they could be the means to cement our two planets future into one of friendship.” Ambassador Kennedy argued.

  “But Jules, Richard and I have only just got our son back, how can you ask such a thing?” Patricia Charlton asked horrified at his request.

  “It will not be for long, and he will be safe aboard the Intrepid.” Ambassador Kennedy argued. It was almost as if David and Sarah didn`t figure yet in the decision making of their own immediate futures.

  “Well if they stay then so do Richard and I.” Patricia Charlton state quite forcibly.

  “Well in that case you will have to loan me the Galactic Traveller for I`ve had quite enough of this planet.” Steve Ryan said. “Life is a might too interesting here on Mazere.” Steve might have had other reasons behind his decision as Millicent had just whispered much the same thing to him and he was rather taken with her.

  In the end, it was decided that Alan Lee would take command of the freighter. Along with him were Steve Ryan, Millicent McIntosh who had been a prisoner of an evil regime for too long, Jimmy Fielding who hankered for a quieter time at his beach hut, Tony Miles who had had enough adventure for the moment and Christopher Anderson who also thought only of home. Barney would stay behind to act as their interpreter and their internet researcher of anything that they may require to know about the new Mazere, and of its dark past.

  David looked across to Sarah. “Well Sarah?” Sarah looked back and smiled.

  “A whole world may want our input, who are we to say no thank you.” Sarah said. David could only think of one more thing to add to all that had been said.

  “In that case Sarah, will you marry me here and now?” He didn`t need to hear her words for her eyes answered him quite clearly. The Galactic Traveller did not get to leave for another two days for the others wanted to attend the wedding as well.

  The End


  Colonies of Earth Science Fiction Series. All full length stories


  Galaxy Spies

  Time Storm

  Trial by Ordeal

  Horror Stories

  Strange Tales...This is a collection of three short, mild, horror stories

  Kidnapped and Bound for Hell

  David Charlton Stories

  Rescue Mission to the Stars.

  The Treasure of Altaraus

  Children`s Short Stories

  The Pirates Treasure

  The Haunted Abbey


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