Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 11

by KC Kean

  “Just whatever the most popular fruity refreshing drink is, yeah?” I’m annoyed with the fifty questions. She nods her head frantically and swipes my card quickly.

  “What names?”


  The fuck she on about now?

  “Sorry, what names do you want on the drinks?” She asks, clearly confused at my confusion.

  “Oh, princess on the coffee and … Acehole on the fruity,” I say nodding proudly at myself with that quick thinking. The barista gives me an odd look, but jots it down anyway.

  I move further along the line to where a few people are standing around waiting for their orders. All of them stepping back when I approach, again. I can feel Luna’s eyes on me. It’s bizarre how I know it’s her, but the way my skin heats up under her gaze is unmistakable. Tracking my eyes back in her direction, she’s staring at me while douche canoe talks.

  She’s not looking at me as though she needs my assistance, more that she likes me in her line of sight, like I want her in mine too. Who would have thought I’d be this fucking crazy over someone? Standing in line ordering frilly drinks and shit?

  “Princess ... and Ace ... hole?” someone calls, clearly unsure with what they’re reading. I turn to my right to find another server holding two drinks. One is definitely Luna’s cold coffee, but what the fuck is in that other cup?

  Stepping towards her, she nervously gulps at my approach. She likely knows who I am, and the look on my face will only make her more nervous. She stretches her arms out further for me to take the drinks, but I just stare down at them.

  “What the fuck is that?”

  “Sorry, what?” She frowns, confused with my question.

  “I didn’t order that,” I say, pointing at the other drink in her hand.

  “Oh, it’s … it’s a Dragon drink. You asked for a fruity drink, right? That’s what the slip says.” She holds the cups out further for me to take them, but I’m still standing staring at it.

  “It’s fucking pink, and what the hell are all of those floaty bits?” I ask more to myself than to her.

  She doesn’t know what to do or say to me, except continue to offer out the drinks. I look for some form of confirmation from the people around me. If I thought they were giving me a wide berth before, they definitely are now. I can hear the gossip mill now, ‘Roman Rivera goes cray cray over a pink juice’.

  For fucks sake, I’m starting to sound like Red. I snatch them out of her hands and storm over to Luna. How stupid of me to ask for the most popular drink on the menu. Of course, it’s fucking girly as shit. It better not taste like glitter, I swear to god.

  Luna is staring at me with her eyebrow raised as I approach, but I just shake my head. I know there are worse things to be dealing with here than the fact I have a fucking pink Dragon drink with floaty shit on top.

  Luna moves further round the booth to make room for me and I take a seat at the end. West is staring down at his hands while Luna casually grabs her coffee and sips away, without a care in the world.

  “Everything okay? What did I miss?” I stretch my feet out under the table and feel Luna’s leg rest against mine. The way it grounds me is unbelievable, at least whatever he’s said hasn’t turned her against me somehow.

  Luna clears her throat, offering me a small smile. “West was just saying how sorry he was for what I went through in The Pyramid.” The slight twitch to her fingers clasped around her cup tells me enough. She’s getting annoyed, and I’m all too happy to tell him why.

  “She doesn’t need your apologies, she needed you to fucking warn her this kind of shit might happen. You know, with all that time you had getting to know her again.” I bite out, still pissed with this whole situation.

  “I trained with her and showed her round all the weapons I could when Rafe was busy. I know she’s capable, I just wish she hadn’t had to go through it is all.” Cry me a fucking river. I just shake my head at him though, he clearly thinks training her was enough. It might have helped, but it’s not the same. I’ve already had enough of him, so I turn back to Luna.

  Lifting my straw to my lips I take a sip of this crazy mixture in my cup. Holy shit. What the fuck is in this? Forgetting the straw, I take off the lid and drink straight from the plastic cup, downing half of it in one go. This shit is good. Crazy good. I need another.

  I can see Luna smirking at me, and I stop what I’m doing. Getting back to what’s going on around me, I give her my full attention.

  “What do you want to know, princess?” I ask, softening my voice, and she relaxes her shoulders. This is hard for her, opening herself up to stories and memories her brain refuses to remember.

  “Who do I direct questions at first?” She lightly chuckles under her breath, but it isn’t with joy, it’s more nerves.

  She turns her stare to West and rests her chin on her hand. “You can start by explaining how I’ve known you for four fucking years and you never mentioned shit.”



  He doesn’t answer me straight away, instead focusing on his joined hands in front of him.

  “Come on, West. After I was attacked we sat in my kitchen and discussed shit with Rafe. Then you came over to tell me the Dietrichsons were trying to put a hit on my head. That’s when you dropped a bomb that you knew me when we were kids. You called me some shit like I’m ‘your moon.’ You’re still a coward, West.” I glare, trying as hard as I can not to slam my hand onto the table in frustration.

  He knew I would ask questions and he must have known they’d lead in this direction. Yet he’s sitting there still not giving me any answers, like he wasn’t the one who wanted to talk. I can’t help but scoff, making them both look at me weird. I’m not explaining my internal amusement and frustration to them.

  “Well? Are you going to answer me, or make a run for it again?”

  I meant it when I said I am not fucking around. I have too much going on to waste my time on his silence. His sigh is heavy as he finally brings his eyes to mine.

  “Everyone had been trying to track Rafe for years. We were told you and your father were dead and he’d just taken off. Rafe still held up his responsibilities to Featherstone, but never showed up to any gatherings or meetings. It obviously helped that Juliana held the seat at the table for The Ring and the Gibbs bloodline.”

  He takes a moment, clearly trying to make sure he doesn’t fuck this up anymore than he already has. I glance to Roman, he’s quieter than I expected. His little outburst earlier is what I was expecting throughout this whole group chat, but I can tell he’s trying to reign it in, for me.

  Laughter rings out around the coffee shop, drawing my attention towards the table near the entrance. A group of girls are laughing and chatting amongst themselves, like normal eighteen year old girls. Oh, to have it that easy, huh?

  I turn my gaze back to West, as I tap my fingers impatiently on the coffee table. He takes the hint and clears his throat to continue.

  “Then when I was sixteen I overheard a conversation between my parents. My mother was crying, repeatedly saying ‘she’s not dead’. It took me a while, but I realized they could only have been talking about you. They wouldn’t have been this emotional about anyone else.” He rubs the back of his neck as he finally starts giving me some insight.

  Roman clears his throat for him to continue, which just earns him a glare from West but he does proceed.

  “When I did finally approach them about what I’d overheard they swore me to speak no word of it to anyone else. They feared what would happen if Veronica got her hands on you.” He raises a brow, they were right to worry. “So I played along. I said and did nothing until I enrolled in Featherstone Academy. Then I used my classes to strengthen my skills. I trained day and night in Combat and weaponry to be the best soldier I could be. So Rafe would have one less reason to turn me away. Then, I came looking.”

  “Why?” I don’t understand the why behind it. I take a sip of my Frappuccin
o as I run everything he’s saying through my mind. I let the sound of the coffee machine distract me from this mess for a moment. It’s surprisingly quite relaxing listening to the grind of a coffee machine, you know if you want a permanent headache. Forcing myself to face West I wait patiently for an answer.

  He eventually responds, “Because you’re my Luna Moon.”

  “What is that supposed to fucking mean, West?” I can’t keep my volume down and a few people nearby glance over, but I just glare back.

  “It means he wanted you all to himself,” Roman grunts. I think that’s just his alpha jealousy taking over.

  “Shut the fuck up, Roman. It had nothing to do with that at all.” He sighs, trying to calm down before he turns to me. “Luna, I last saw you when you were six years old and I was ten. Did I have an understanding that I was expected to have a committed relationship with you? Yes. Did I understand I’d have to share you with Roman? Yes. Did I want to? Honestly, no.”

  I’m taken back by his honesty, I can see the truth in his eyes.

  “So, what do you mean by your moon?”

  “I mean you're my moon, the sister I never had. Tell me a time when I have acted anything other than your friend. I have never seen you in a sexual way, Luna. No offense.” He holds his hands up in surrender, and I think for a moment.

  The closest time there has ever been anything almost sexual between us was when I considered him an easy lay after my fight. Now that seems awkward as fuck, I cringe to myself, but other than that I do actually come up blank. I nod in agreement and he continues.

  “I remember the first time I ever saw you, both of you. I was four and not impressed by this brat always crying and wanting everyone’s attention,” he says, pointing at Roman. “Then came another baby, that didn’t cry and slept like an angel. I remember looking in your baby basket and your father crouching beside me.”

  He takes a moment at the mention of my father, but I’m okay right now. No breakdown, yet.

  “I’ll never forget his words, Luna. He said, “no matter what West, we do whatever it takes in this life to protect our girl. She’s going to need us even when she believes she doesn’t. We fight for our family, and no matter what, that’s what we are.”

  He goes to carry on when Roman interrupts.

  “I was not a crying brat, West the Pest, take it back.”

  I don’t register his tone or West’s response as I’m thrown headfirst into a memory.

  Glancing around the lake, I look back to see the large log cabin behind me. All dark wood with a slate roof, sitting two stories high and ridiculously wide. It’s like a castle to my child’s mind. I see my father, Rafe, and two other couples. One of the men looks like Roman’s father, Reggie Rivera. They’re all smiling down from the second floor balcony and waving in my direction.

  My small hand waves back as I sit on the small wooden dock, my feet dangling over the edge but not touching the water. I’m wearing a bright red swimsuit with little white flowers all over it.

  “Come on, Luna. It’s not deep, don’t be a baby.”

  I look out to the water where the voice came from to see the little boy with messy brown hair and bright blue eyes looking back at me with his hands in the air. Roman.

  We must be four, maybe five years old? I’m not sure.

  The nerves I feel in the pit of my stomach don’t allow me to join him, forcing me to stay exactly where I am. I want to get in and play, I just can’t.

  “What’s the matter, Moon?”

  Looking over my shoulder West comes into view, crouching down besides me. I look down at the dock, too embarrassed to meet his stare.

  “Hey, my Luna Moon is always talking my ear off. Don’t go quiet on me now.” He lifts my chin and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  “It’s stewpid, West,” I murmur, a small pout forming on my lips.

  “Nothing is ever stupid when it comes to you, Luna. Now tell me what’s wrong so I can help fix it.” I feel so relaxed with him, safe. Like I could tell him anything in the world and he would make it better.

  “I want to play with Roman, but I’m scared,” I whisper, glancing back at the water.

  “Tell her West, she won’t listen,” Roman groans splashing the water around him.

  “Don’t push her, Roman. She has to do things when she’s ready.”

  I don’t look up, completely embarrassed that I can’t just step in. I hear Roman mutter in the water, but West leans in with his hand held out.

  “Princess Luna Moon, would you like me to help carry you in? If you don’t like it, I’ll place you straight back on the dock.”

  I think on his words as I stare at the water. I can’t see the bottom and it makes my tummy go all queasy. Yet I nod my head slightly at his offer. I trust him when he says he’ll put me back up here if I don’t like it.

  He instantly drops off the dock into the water which barely goes past his knees. He reaches his arms out for me and I throw myself at him, wrapping myself around him like a monkey, as high up as possible. Scared to touch the water.

  “You okay?”

  I just nod against his shoulder.

  “Okay, I’ll walk us out a little to Roman, then I’ll kneel down in the water. If you want me to stop, just say the word, alright?”

  “Yes,” I answer quietly.

  As we approach Roman my heart rate picks up a little. West comes to a stop, and I feel him slowly sink to his knees, forcing me to squeeze him tighter. He doesn’t complain, he just continues to slowly lower us into the water.

  I feel the water touch my toes, and a small whimper leaves my lips as I fear the bottomless pit of water, causing West to freeze.

  “I can stop,” he offers. I shake my head feeling braver with him here to help.

  He continues and I feel the water rise to my waist. We don’t move or say anything for a moment, as I begin to relax.

  “Moon, I promise you. If you release your legs your toes will touch the bottom from here.”

  Feeling brave enough to lift my head off his shoulder, I look at him. He keeps his arms wrapped around me, but the softness in his eyes gives me the strength I need to try.

  I slowly drop my leg and my toes feel the floor. It’s full of stones, and not at all what I expected. I drop my other leg to stand on my own. I let go of West, but he hovers to make sure he’s there if I change my mind.

  Roman decides he’s waited enough and starts to splash the water again, and it gets me straight in the face. The shock has me stuck in place, as West glares at Roman.

  “Roman, stop being a brat and let her feel comfortable.”

  I run my fingers through the water, now the shock of it hitting me in the face wears off a little and a small chuckle escapes me.

  “She’s fine, stop being bossy, West … the pest …” Roman says, trying to argue back.

  “West the Pest,” I giggle, as I splash water at Roman.

  “Hey, don’t be a brat like this one, Moon. I can’t deal with two of you,” he smiles, as I splash water at him too.

  “West the Pest,” we both say in unison, making us laugh harder.

  We spend the rest of the day, playing and splashing and having fun like I never had any insecurities to begin with.

  Blinking a few times, I’m back in the café with Roman and West, who are both staring at me with concern. I clear my throat and gulp down my Frappuccino to avoid their gaze for a minute. God that was vivid, but I felt it. The care and gentleness from him, even at a young age trying to be the protector he promised my father he would be.

  Roman squeezes my hand resting on the table, forcing me to look at him.

  “Hey princess, a memory?” He asks softly, and I nod placing my empty plastic cup on the table. They want me to tell them what it was about, I can see it in their eyes.

  “We were at some cabin, and I was scared to get in the water,” I murmur, trying to find the right words to explain the rest.

  “West the Pest,” West says out loud with a small grin
on his face, understanding what triggered the memory, remembering where the nickname came from.

  “Yeah. I do believe you called him a brat then too.” I smirk at Roman as he catches up to the memory we all share.

  “I was not a brat. You were just a scaredy cat.” He grins at me, even when I glare at him.

  We all sit in silence a moment, remembering the bond we shared until West interrupts the peace.

  “So, no Luna. I don’t want to be anything more than your friend, your protector. I will protect you no matter what. Which is why when I showed up Rafe didn’t send me away. He allowed me to help train you in areas I specialized in better than he did. As much as he thought he’d protected you from Featherstone, we needed to be sure you could protect yourself when we couldn’t.”

  I believe his words, but it does leave me with a question.

  “When you showed up in Philly a few years ago when I was on a job, how did you really find out I was there?” I tilt my head to him as I lean back, Roman refusing to let go of my hand.

  “I started working at the Academy as soon as I graduated. It meant using my more extreme skills less, and allowed me to keep a little more in the loop. All galas happen here and I overheard a phone call with Patrick O’Shay. Someone was telling him about the skills of a thief, what I did hear all linked back to you. So, I followed you to be sure.” I nod along with his words, it makes sense.

  “Can we get to the part where you explain why you couldn’t fucking tell me?” Roman interrupts, reaching his limit for keeping quiet.

  West sighs before looking at him. “Look, Rome, it was never about purposely keeping you in the dark. I made a promise to Rafe that I wouldn’t tell a soul and he made me specifically promise not to tell you because you wouldn’t have been able to stay away.”

  “Damn fucking straight I wouldn’t have! All our lives changed that day, West. I may have only been six years old, but I still felt the same pain. I still wished she was here with us every single day.” He slams his fist against the table with his free hand as he squeezes my hand tight with the other.


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