Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2)

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Your Bloodline (Featherstone Academy Series Book 2) Page 20

by KC Kean

  “Quality time with us, Roman,” he grunts at him.

  “Well if you’re going to be an Acehole about it, just forget it.” I don’t need him making a thing out of this.

  Glancing over my shoulder at Parker, he’s already looking down at me with his perfect smile.

  “He’s not being an Acehole, are you Roman?” Parker says, leaning around me to squeeze his arm.

  “I’m playing, I’m playing. How about you give me a minute to shower and I’ll come join you in the kitchen.” Another sweet kiss to my lips and he’s out of the door already.

  “Good morning, angel,” Parker murmurs as he spins me in his arms.

  “Good morning, Parker Parker.” His hands clasp my face as he pecks my lips before sweeping me up off my feet, carrying me into the kitchen. Casually holding me to the front of his body, our faces close together. It makes me a little giddy with how intimate it feels. Pulling a chair out he places me into the seat before starting the coffee machine.

  “Bacon and eggs?” He asks, glancing over his shoulder at me.

  I’m too busy gawking at him standing only in his boxer shorts to respond. His curly hair is extra messy this morning, and the dimples at the bottom of his back have my full attention. Until I catch a glimpse of his feather tattoo on his bicep, making me instinctively touch my own. Yes, please. He’s rocking my kitchen like he owns the fucking place. He smirks at me as I nod, but I stay silent enjoying the view.

  I want to ask him to stay with me instead of Roman, but I don’t know whether it’s too soon.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed as I sit and watch Parker start cooking the bacon and eggs, when Roman strolls in. He scoops his hand around me, squeezing my breast and catching me by surprise. Damn, that’s hot though. I grin up at him, to find him staring down at me in awe.

  “I love it when you don’t wear a booby holder, princess,” he says casually, before patting Parker's ass and taking over the pans.

  “Did you actually just say booby holder?” I ask. I’d expect that from Oscar for sure, but Roman? Clearly someone’s playful this morning. He looks back at me offering a wink and carries on preparing the food.

  Parker fills my vision as he leans in to peck my lips, before heading to get ready. I don’t care to ask though, too lost in all the attention.

  “I called Oscar and Kai, they’ll be here in a minute,” Roman says, but I’m still staring at his damp brown hair, tight white top and fitted black joggers. There are little droplets of water at the back of his neck, running down to the collar of his top. His skull tattoo that takes up his whole back peaks out of the top of his t-shirt and the dark outline can be seen slightly through it too. Topped off with bare feet, he looks fucking delicious.

  I hum in response, not really paying any real notice to what he’s saying. I just can’t get enough of him.

  “Fuck. Me.” I slam my mouth shut. Holy fuck, I think I said that out loud.

  “Princess,” Roman says with a clap, making me lift my gaze to his. Confident he has my attention, he continues, “I thought when you said you want to spend time together, that would mean you weren’t going to picture me naked the entire time.” He gives me a raised eyebrow and I can feel the flush creep up my neck.

  Clearing my throat, I look to the ceiling. “I’m sorry, you just look so fucking hot.” Trying to take a deep breath, I close my eyes. Only to have them blink straight back open when Roman bites down on my earlobe.

  “Fuck, baby,” I moan loving the hint of pain.

  “I didn’t say stop, did I?” He grins down at me. “We’ll just have to save it for another time. Just know that the longer we wait, you and me, the quicker it’ll likely be over.” Standing back from me, he squeezes himself through his joggers, giving me the perfect view of his outline, before turning his back to me. He lifts his t-shirt off over his head, offering me a full view of the piece of art that covers every inch of his back.


  He looks over his shoulder at me with a cocky grin, and just starts dishing the food out like he didn’t just set my pussy on fire. Fucking Acehole.

  A knock sounds from the front door, and Parker calls that he’ll grab it, while I just sit here and do nothing apparently. A girl could get used to this.

  “Good morning, Sakura,” I hear, as soon as Kai steps through into the kitchen, Oscar hot on his tail.

  “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Hey handsome, hey big mouth,” I say in return with a smirk. A weird emotion settling over me at us all being together, in this happy kind of bubble.

  Oscar charges past Kai, rolling his eyes at me as he pushes my cheeks together and slaps his lips against mine. Stepping back with a grin he takes the seat beside me, as Kai kisses my temple.

  Parker steps in with another kitchen chair, which he must have grabbed from Roman’s room. It doesn’t match the rest of the set and it makes me smile, the dark wooden back standing out against my chic white chairs. Placing it at the table he brings over a cup of hot black coffee while Roman puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me. It smells so good. I murmur my thanks, as the pair fill the table with coffee and food for everyone else.

  We all sit in comfortable silence as we eat our breakfast, just happy to be in each other's company. I’m glad to have this moment with them, with everything that has happened in the past twenty-four hours.

  When I finish eating I sit with my cup in my hands, eyes closed and face lifted up to the ceiling. I could really do with pulling out my yoga mat. It’s vital I train in the gym and with my weapons, but I could do with a relaxing session of yoga to help ground me some more.

  “What’s on your mind, Sakura?”

  A small smile takes over my lips at the sound of the nickname he gave me the first day we met. I can’t even understand why he had me tattoo my moon along with his own and his sister’s, but I know I need to delve into that a little deeper at some point.

  Releasing a deep breath, I tilt my head towards him directly across from me.

  “I’m just thinking I could do with some yoga to try and relax my body and mind a little.” The smile he offers in return fills me with warmth.

  “I love yoga. I think we could get Parker involved, but alpha Roman, and macho man Oscar are less likely.” I can’t help but chuckle at his choice of names for them. I glance at Oscar beside me who is pointing a piece of bacon around at everyone.

  “I can do yoga, you say the word and I’ll be there, baby girl. You know how flexible I am.” He gives me a wink before stuffing the bacon in his mouth. Parker is sitting next to Kai, and is already nodding in agreement with the plan to do some yoga. Looking to Roman, sitting on the chair from his room at the end of the table, I’m surprised to see him with a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Princess, I’m there. Even if it’s just to see your downward dog position.”

  I reach my arm out to hit his chest, but he grips my arm before I can. Prepared for the attack he knew was coming. His mouth comes down on mine in a quick, and punishing move as a knock sounds from the door.

  Reluctantly pulling away I check the time on my watch. It’ll be Trudy. Parker is already up and heading for the door before I can say anything. Roman keeps his hold on my arm as Oscar squeezes my thigh under the table.

  “Are you sure it’s a good idea letting her into your personal space, princess?”

  “It’s the only space I have that I have full control over,” I answer, which has the three of them nod in agreement.

  “Okay, then. Let the planning commence,” Oscar adds, rubbing his hands together.

  God, please give me strength to deal with these crazy Aceholes.



  Damn, we may have the world against us, but after her chat with Rafe yesterday, my princess seems just a little bit lighter. There’s a little more sparkle in her eyes, and her smile comes just that much quicker every time.

  She goes to start gathering the dishes from the table, but Oscar be
ats her to it. Parker steps into the kitchen with Trudy and Aiden following behind. I can’t control the growl at the sight of this asshole. I haven’t seen this little shit since the party when he touched my girl. I want to pin him to the wall by his throat.

  “Woah, big boy. No need to get growly, I was just testing your attachment to our pretty little Luna, that’s all.” He waves his hands up in surrender, the grin and waggle of his eyebrows only riles me up more, and he fucking knows it.

  I go to step towards him, but Luna is up out of her seat and standing in front of me in a flash. Her hand is pressed firmly against my chest to stop me from going any further. I can hear Trudy telling her brother to shut the fuck up, but I’m lost in Luna’s bright green eyes.

  My heart is pounding in my chest and I have the urge to hit something, preferably him. Luna steps in closer, bringing her body flush to mine, as she wraps her hands around my neck. My hands instantly find her waist, gripping tight.

  “Baby, we need this to work. If he’s still an annoying little prick to you when this is all over, you can beat the shit out of him then, just not now. Okay?” Her words are spoken softly to me, but it’s likely everyone can hear her. From the second she calls me baby, I know I’m done for.

  Squeezing her hips even tighter, I lean down and claim her mouth. She takes the brutality of my lips against hers, letting me claim her like my body screams too. I really need that alone time with my princess, and I need it soon.

  Finally releasing her lips, she turns to greet our guests, a little flushed from the little taster I just gave her. My hands remain on her waist as she rests her back to my front.

  “Thanks for coming, Trudy. We’ll go into the lounge where there’s more space. Aiden?” Hearing his name come from her lips spikes my anger again, until she continues. “Don’t poke the fucking bear, okay? I have way too much shit going on for you to add to it.”

  I fucking love being on a team with this girl.

  Taking her hand, I lead us past everyone and into the lounge. I can hear Oscar grunt something at Aiden too, while Parker and Kai observe everything. That’s not my priority right now. Sitting in the corner of the sofa with the best view of the room and outside, I pull Luna down onto my lap. I prepare for her to put up a fight, but she doesn’t. Instead she settles in against me, as her left hand finds mine against the arm rest, and she threads our fingers together.

  I give my fingers a gentle squeeze against hers, and she turns to offer me a soft smile. Parker takes the seat beside us, with Oscar on his other side, as Kai sits with Trudy and Aiden. Likely for the best, little prick.

  “So, now my brother has got being a dickhead out of the way, shall we discuss what it is you need me for?” Yes Trudy, straight to the point, and the fact she knows her brother is a dickhead only makes me like her more.

  “I hear you throw quite the Halloween party,” Luna says, looking at Trudy who nods in response.

  “It’s my best party of the year, the big money maker. What do you have in mind?” I can see Aiden wanting to jump in the conversation, but somehow he keeps his mouth shut.

  “I basically need an event big enough to cause a distraction, and a space where I can hold someone for a little while.” Trudy thinks on Luna’s words for a moment, tapping her hands on her thighs as she does.

  “In the orgy tent, I always have separate spaces set up for those who may want to get a little kinkier. I could hold one of those back for you?”

  “That would be perfect. On the day, when you have everything set up, are you happy for me to come and do a walk through?” Luna asks, leaning forward slightly on my lap. I see Parker look at me from the corner of my eye, and he’s smirking. Likely knowing what her little movements are doing to me.

  “Of course, whatever you need, Luna.”

  “Are you not going to ask why?” Oscar blurts out, actually asking a reasonable question for once.

  “There’s no reason to ask why. If Luna wants me to know, she’ll tell me. I owe her everything. If we’d been placed on Tyler’s side of The Pyramid neither of us would be sitting here right now.” Her mention of The Pyramid has everyone sitting in silence for a moment, reliving that eventful day. Luna is finally the one to break the silence.

  “I’ll need to have a few supplies at hand so I’ll bring them over with me on the walk through,” Luna says, not giving anymore away. Standing from my lap, Luna walks over to Trudy, who rises from the sofa too.

  “I’m making a move against Brett, the asshole who touched me at the party,” Luna’s words confuse the hell out of me yet I manage to school my features. “I need to make sure I can get him there. Does he always show up at your parties?” I’d love to kill that fucker, but that’s not what this is about, is it?

  “He always shows,” Aiden answers, and Luna nods.

  “Perfect, the rest I can take care of while I’m there.” Glancing at her watch, she speeds things along. “Thank you for coming over, I really appreciate your help with this.”

  Aiden stands from the sofa at the same time Kai does.

  “Let me show you guys out,” Kai murmurs, leading the way to the door.

  “See you around, Luna pie,” Aiden shouts as he steps out of the door, a wide grin on his face as he blows a kiss to Luna, and I want to punch him into next week. Parker has a hand on my thigh before I can stand, and they’re out of sight with Kia shutting the door behind them.

  “Why did you say this is about Brett, baby girl? And how do you even know his name?” Oscar asks, the question playing on my mind too, but it’s Kai that answers.

  “She’s testing her, right?” He asks, looking to Luna who nods. “You want to see if she can be trusted and will keep her word.” Luna smiles up at him as she stands in front of him, still over by the door.

  “Ten out of ten for my handsome,” she murmurs as she tips her head back for him to kiss her, which he does without question.

  “So how do we get Wren into the orgy tent?” Parker asks, resting his chin on his laced hands.

  “Roman,” Oscar murmurs.

  What? Feeling everyone’s eyes on me I look to each of them, trying to find the question they’re asking, and that’s when it hits me.

  “No. Hell no. Forget it.” They can fuck right off. I couldn’t stand the bitch to begin with, but I hate her even more now after what happened to my girl. “You can’t be fucking serious!” I rest my gaze on Luna, who looks torn.

  “Oscar makes a very good point except I don’t think I can cope with her hands all over what’s mine. I saw enough of it before this was really a thing between us, but now? No fucking way.” Shit, the slight tremble in her voice, has my dick hard. I love that she doesn’t want anyone else touching me, except Parker of course.

  “It wouldn’t need to be like that, baby girl. Think about it. All Roman would have to do is approach her at the party and offer to take her somewhere private. We all know she’d jump at the chance in a heartbeat. He could lead her to the room you have set up, end of story,” Oscar says, holding his hand out to her.

  “That actually makes a lot of sense, and would work too easily,” Parker adds, which does nothing to help me out here.

  Luna places her hand in Oscar’s, as Kai moves around the coffee table, but everyone’s eyes are on me. Luna sighs.

  “Could we make it a two for one? Roman and Oscar maybe? I know it would only be a few minutes, but I think it would be better to double up. Then if she touches either of you, I’ll torture the shit out of her even more,” Luna adds with a slight smile at the thought. I release a heavy sigh. Oscar nods in agreement, so that’s settled then.

  “Fine, but you all owe me for this,” I grunt, and everyone nods in agreement. “Luna, you better get those pretty lips of yours on mine, before I change my mind.”

  She throws herself at me, her mouth against mine as I forget everything, only knowing the taste of her lips.



  Wren doesn’t show her face at th
e Academy until Thursday morning. Walking out to the Rolls this bitch is standing waiting for us with a smug ass look on her face. I want to chop her fingers off one at a time for invading my space.

  It’s a dull day with the sky filled with grey clouds, and it’s too early in the morning to be dealing with her shit. Wren’s got her little gang around her, including Becky, and they’re standing by the fountain. She’s in front, of course, always thinking she’s a leader, with her little followers happily standing in her shadow.

  This time, they’re not trying to draw the whole damn Academy’s attention to us. Wren seems quite happy to just stand and smirk. Clearly no one has told her we know about the cameras. Fucking idiot.

  I need this Halloween party to roll around quicker. A week from Saturday, I’m on major countdown. I have plenty to do before then, but I’m ready to knock this bitch the fuck out. I want to know why they chose to break into my room and help Veronica, and I want to make her scream while I force her to crack.

  Maintaining my resting bitch face, I stare her down as I step into the car with Oscar behind me.

  “I fucking hate how bad her face smells,” he grumbles, sitting beside me.

  What? That doesn’t make any sense. I glance at him in complete confusion, but the waggle of his eyebrows tells me he knows he just messed with my brain.

  This is not the calm and relaxed atmosphere it usually is with Kai, but I laugh at Oscar's crazy presence.

  Since Red is in Ace, my little clan of Aceholes refuses to let us drive alone. Everytime we’re all going to the same lesson, they take turns escorting us both. I appreciate the level of care for Red, but I don’t need it for me. We have Weaponry this morning, which means Red is still in her room, and one of the guys will have to ride with Wren.

  Placing my bag at my feet and buckling myself in, I get comfortable for the short ride. Oscar grabs my hand and laces our fingers together on the arm rest between us as I watch the Academy grounds drift by us through the window.

  The campus looks even prettier now the leaves are starting to cover the ground. The trees blow in the wind as the leaves deepen in color every day. When I get a spare minute I want to get a good picture of it. The mixture of yellows, oranges and reds is mesmerizing.


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