Shining Armor

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Shining Armor Page 12

by Halle Dean

"He's not talking to you, Melody," Sophie said. "He's talking to his other self."

  "Oh." Melody tensed up. "That."

  Warner looked down as he walked. "Were you being truthful when you said that you caused it?" he asked her. "Or were you lying so that Mason would stop trying to kill me?"

  "I was being truthful," she said with a sigh. "I played with the wrong sort of magic and made a mess of both you and myself."

  "So your magic awakened as well?"

  "It did," she said glumly. "Well, actually—"

  "Stop!" Sophie exclaimed, spinning around. Warner paused and looked down at her, surprised, but she was staring at Melody. "Don't tell him!"

  "Tell me what?" Warner asked.

  "Don't," Sophie said again. "You mustn't."

  "Why?" Melody asked.

  Warner was confused. "What are you talking about?"

  "Melody, please," Sophie insisted. "Do not tell him anything."

  "Tell me!" Warner said, setting Melody down. "I want to know!"

  "No, you don't," Sophie argued. "You very much don't."

  I do, other Warner said, intrigued.

  "I must tell him, Sophie," Melody said. "He would realize eventually."

  "Realize what?" he asked, starting to grow annoyed.

  "That I am not Melody," she said. "Not the one you think I am."

  "Then…" he said, slowly realizing what she must have meant. "You are Melody's sorceress magic?"


  How is she the one in control? other Warner mused.

  "Why are you in control?" Warner asked. "Can I speak to original Melody?"

  "Please, don't tell him," Sophie pleaded again.

  "Why?" he asked. "What happened to her?"

  "She's not here anymore," Melody said. "I only took control once she died."

  What? How does that work? Other Warner was growing excited.

  "She... She died?" he asked. "How?"

  Sophie tried to cover Melody's mouth, but Melody pushed her away and set a trap spell.

  "Dammit, Melody!" Sophie exclaimed, slamming a fist against the invisible wall keeping her back. "Don't you dare tell him!"

  Warner's heart was pounding.

  Oh. Did I kill her after all? other Warner asked with amusement.

  "No," Warner breathed. "I—Did I? It was me?" Melody nodded.

  "No," he said again. "No. But… you're alive. I didn't kill you. I didn't! I only thought I did."

  "No, you did," she said. "It took time for me to gain control because, when she left, there was an empty space to fill and her body was… damaged."

  Perfect, other Warner said mirthfully. I knew I had truly killed her.

  "Stop," Warner said, dropping to his knees and staring at the ground. "Please. I don't want to hear any more."

  It's good it happened this way though. It seems like the little bit of hope you had has crushed you even further. Other Warner was laughing as he came to that realization.

  "Stop." Warner shut his eyes and covered them with his arm. He saw visions of that day again—visions of Melody.

  You haven't been so dispirited in a long time, other Warner said. You might as well let me take over.

  I… I don't...

  What's the point? other Warner prompted.

  What is the point? Suddenly, Warner felt a pair of arms wrap around him. He opened his eyes to see a mess of light brown hair. He blinked in surprise. "Sophie?"

  Damn, other Warner grumbled, retreating as warmth spread throughout him.

  "You are all right," Sophie said, tucking her chin into the crook of Warner's neck.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "Helping?" she said, sounding a bit unsure. "Is this not helping? Do you wish for me to stop?"

  She started to let go, but he threw his arms around her. "No," he said, pulling her back to himself. "Please."

  She hesitated for a second, but then relaxed and leaned into him. He held her for a long time, letting the pleasant feelings push back the darkness. Too soon, Melody interrupted them by clearing her throat. They both jumped back from each other, startled. Melody looked apologetic.

  "Sorry to end this sweet moment, but I thought we should keep moving," she said.

  "Y-yes," Sophie said, standing up. "We're not out of Coriander yet."

  Warner got to his feet as well and let out a deep sigh. "We should hurry," he agreed. "We need to be out of the kingdom before the anti-seeing spell wears off."

  "Are you all right?" Sophie asked him.

  He nodded. "I—I will be," he said. He looked down. "I really believed, for a short while, that I hadn't killed her," he said. He looked over at Melody. "At least we have a version of Melody."

  Melody seemed unsure of herself. "I'm sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I made such a mess of everyone's lives."

  "It was the original Melody that gave the magic consciousness," Sophie said. "So, you have no need to apologize."

  "It doesn't matter," Melody said. "It was still me."

  Warner nodded, understanding what she meant better than he wished he did. "You are still Melody," he said. "You are still my sister."

  No. The real Melody is dead, other Warner spat.

  Warner let Melody climb onto his back again, doing his best to ignore other Warner.

  "Let's hurry," Sophie said, leading the way again.

  It's Sophie's fault, other Warner said acidly. I nearly made it this time. I could have killed both of them. I was so close…

  It won't happen again, Warner assured him.

  We'll see about that, other Warner said. Before, I thought that I would die along with you in the event of your death. Now I know that I have a better chance of taking over. I only need you to die.

  I won't die then, Warner thought decisively. You will never have control.

  * * *

  "I can't get rid of the scars," Sophie told Melody as she began healing her. They had stopped a few hundred yards outside the Coriander border, inside a small wooded area so they were hidden from passersby. "I can repair your leg and heal any bruises, open wounds, or internal injuries. But scars are already healed wounds. They're a part of you now."

  Melody traced the scars on her face with her fingers. "That's unfortunate," she said. "But I understand." When Sophie was finished, Melody let out a relieved sigh. "That feels one thousand times better, Sophie," she said. "I cannot imagine a time I haven't been in pain."

  Your body was severely injured already when you took over, other Warner pointed out, for Warner's benefit.

  "I'm sorry," Warner said, hanging his head. "The first thing you felt was my fault."

  "It was my fault that—"

  "Oh, stop," Sophie said, sounding annoyed. "Terrible things happened. Everyone is sorry. We need no longer speak of it."


  "I have grown weary of this," she went on. "At the moment, no one is trying to perform erratic magic and no one is trying to kill anyone."


  Shut up.

  "Erratic magic," Melody repeated as Sophie scooted over to heal Warner. "That is one way to describe it."

  "What exactly did you do?" Warner asked, wincing as Sophie placed her hand over a particularly bad cut on his forearm.

  "I wished to learn more magic," Melody said. "I wasn't as skilled as you were." She folded her hands in her lap and looked down at them. "I was studying ways to increase my magic ability. I found an ancient spell. I should not have touched it, especially since there wasn't enough knowledge on it."

  "Why did you do it?" Sophie asked, moving to Warner's other arm. "If you didn't know what would happen, why would you try it?"

  Melody stayed silent for a moment and Warner wondered what she was thinking. "I wasn't going to," she said eventually. "I was planning to find another way. Then Warner came close to death at that celebration. I wished to make sure that would not happen again. He couldn't use magic openly or they would revoke his knighthood. I wished to help him, but I had to be more powerful. So, I
cast the spell."

  "What did it do?" Warner asked, using a bit of repair magic on his cloak to fix the holes.

  "At this point, I believe I know, for the most part," she said. "All the sorcerer and sorceress magic in existence gained its own consciousness. You, me, and several others. I'm not quite sure what happened to them. I was planning to go see after I made Warner sleep, but that made everything much worse."

  Ahh, what a wonderful day that was, other Warner said. Memories flashed through Warner's mind. He tried to ignore them—tried to think of anything else.

  "Hmm," Sophie said, checking Warner over to make sure she'd healed everything. "What about Ella? She already existed at that time, though she was not yet born."

  "That's your daughter, yes?" Melody looked thoughtful. "I saw everything that happened when I activated the spell. I saw myself, Warner, an old man in Milvona, a boy and girl in Deyinfor, and a few others in lands I do not know. All of that was quite clear, but I did see something vague. Perhaps that was Ella? That is the only part that never made sense to me." She shrugged. "Perhaps I would recognize the magic feeling if I met her."

  "We must return there anyway," Warner said. "I promised her we would be back as soon as possible."

  No, other Warner complained. We must go anywhere except for there.

  Melody looked jubilant. "I get to meet her?" she asked. "Oh my! I'm so excited! I can hardly believe I am an aunt!"

  "I don't believe it," a voice from behind a tree said. Everyone jumped in surprise. Warner materialized his sword from The Void, standing in front of the two women. "I do not believe that you two have a child. I cannot believe it."

  "Lane?" Melody said, pushing past Warner as Mason stepped out from behind the tree. "How long have you been there?"

  "I caught up with you some time ago," he said. "I've been deciding what to believe of this situation."

  "Your silent tracking skills have improved," Warner said, not without acerbity.

  "How long is 'some time ago'?" Melody asked, seeming nervous. "How much have you heard?"

  "I heard about the original Melody," he said. "I don't entirely understand, but I'm not… pleased that you kept it from me."

  "Why would she tell you?" Warner asked, vanishing his sword and crossing his arms.

  "Warner, be friendly," Melody said. She looked up at Mason. "I'm sorry I didn't say anything, but I was angry with you at first and then… it had been too long and I didn't know how to explain."

  "I suppose that is understandable," Mason grumbled.

  "Would it have made a difference?"

  "It would have explained your personality," he said. "And I would have felt less guilty, not thinking of you as the same Melody."

  "Less guilty for what?" Warner was still glaring at Mason.

  Well, well, other Warner said in surprise. You wish to kill him more than I do.

  "Stop," Melody said, rolling her eyes. "You have no need to be overprotective."

  Warner huffed. "You call him by his given name. He calls you by your given name—which is even more suspicious. And you both act as if there is something between you!"

  "There is nothing between us," Melody said, exasperated. She looked at Mason. "Correct?"

  Mason seemed hurt by her words. "Oh," he said. "I suppose—as you wish... I only thought—Apparently, I was wrong."

  Melody blinked in surprise. "Wait, no," she said. "What had you thought?"

  "It matters not," he said, shaking his head and turning to walk away. "I should go."

  "Wait, Lane!" She grabbed his wrist before he could leave. "I didn't realize…"

  "How could you not realize?" Sophie asked her. "We've seen you two together for less than a day and it's painstakingly obvious. Why do you think Warner is so upset?"

  "Well… I'm not sure," Melody mumbled.

  "You're more oblivious than your brother," Sophie said.

  "Now, wait," Warner said, looking down at Sophie. "You cannot condone this."

  Sophie shrugged. "It is not my place to condone or not condone what they do," she said. "They are adults. They can do as they wish."

  "Melody is a child!" he protested.

  "She's eighteen years old, Warner," Sophie said.

  "Nineteen," Mason corrected quietly.

  "In a sense, I'm not even five," Melody said.

  "This is not a time for jokes," Warner said. "I will not allow Mason do as he pleases with my sister!"

  "I haven't done anything," Mason said. "Well, I did kiss her once, but—"

  Melody's eyes widened and she cut him off. "What? When? You did not!"

  He looked at her in surprise. "I most certainly did."

  "I think I would remember that," she argued, crossing her arms.

  "It was only a few months ago." He sighed and looked down. "I suppose you aren't in the clearest state of mind near the end of the day… I didn't think you would forget that. Or… Do you even remember what I told you?"

  "Wha—No." Her eyes went wide. "What did you say? Tell me again."

  Mason glanced uncomfortably at Warner. "Munday might kill me."

  "He won't hurt you," Sophie said.

  "Don't be so sure," Warner growled.

  "Warner, you are ruining this!" Melody exclaimed, stamping her foot. "Let him tell me how he feels."

  Everyone looked to Mason, who was staring his feet. Warner had never seen him embarrassed before. He—begrudgingly—sympathized. Emotions were difficult.

  You cannot be serious, other Warner lamented. You still won't kill him? I thought this might be an enjoyable day after all.

  Mason shifted his feet. "You must already know..."

  Melody pouted. "You still must say the words." She took a step closer to him. "Please."

  He sighed and looked down at her. "Melody… I love you." She grinned widely and threw her arms around his neck. He hugged her back, smiling into her hair. "This time, don't forget."

  "I won't," she promised. "I love you too."

  Ugh. This is ridiculous, other Warner groaned. Humans are pathetic. If I didn't despise you so much, I'd feel sorry for you.

  Can you not think of a word besides 'pathetic'? Warner asked.

  There are other words, I suppose. Pitiful, stupid, useless.

  "All right, that's enough," Warner grumbled. Mason and Melody broke apart and looked at him. "I wasn't speaking to you," he said. "But, yes, you stop too. This is not right."

  Pathetic describes you so well, other Warner insisted.

  It does not! Warner argued.

  Half of the reason you don't wish to see them close to each other is because of envy, other Warner pointed out. Because you can't be that way with Sophie. Do you not remember her embracing you an hour ago? Why must you be jealous?

  Are you attempting to raise my spirits? Warner asked.

  I'm trying to show you how restricting and ridiculous your emotions are.

  It seems more like lifting my spirits.

  I'm not! other Warner spat.

  No need to be so upset, Warner was enjoying himself, just a bit. You are free to admit that you don't hate everything.

  Other Warner grumbled in annoyance. I only truly hate you.

  Twenty One

  The Void

  "Why are you here?" Sophie asked Mason. "Shouldn't you be preventing Edric from following us?"

  "I did," Mason shrugged.

  "What's stopping him now?" Warner asked. "How do you know that he hasn't followed us?"

  "In my experience, dead people cannot do that sort of thing," Mason said.

  "You killed him?" Melody asked.

  "It was far easier than I expected it would be," Mason said, nodding. "He didn't suspect me in the slightest. I should have done it years ago."

  "We should return to the castle then," Melody said.

  Mason shook his head. "No," he said. "The king's personal guard is still there."

  "Personal guard?" Warner repeated. "They're under your command, aren't they?"

" Mason said again. "Things are not the same as before. The king's personal guard is no longer comprised of knights, but magicians. They actually agree with his ways. They're dangerous and they use magic that I do not understand."

  "You followed us to escape from them?" Sophie asked.

  "I followed you for Melody," he said. He and Melody smiled at each other and Warner rolled his eyes. Sophie wondered why Warner was so against their relationship. "Although," Mason continued solemnly, looking to Warner and Sophie. "I did wish to learn if I could trust you. I don't yet understand what is happening, but I can't think of a reason for you to lie when you were unaware of my presence. I suppose that means I must believe your version of events."

  "I don't much care if you believe me," Warner said, crossing his arms.

  "You should," Mason said. "Before I killed him, the king revealed something interesting."

  Everyone looked at him in surprise. "What did he say?" Sophie asked. "What did it pertain to?"

  "He told me that it would be difficult to catch the princess' impostor again," he explained. "Apparently, barrier spells and the like have no effect on you."


  Mason shrugged. "He didn't know. He was planning to speak to the Magics Society about it. I thought it best to end his life before he could do any further damage."

  "Would the Magics Society know?" Melody asked.

  Warner sighed. "Perhaps we should speak with them. They may be the only usable source of knowledge. I don't trust the leaders, but there is much that I do not understand."

  "We cannot simply go speak with the Magics Society," Mason said. "If you are not an incredibly important person, the waiting list is months long."

  "Sophie should count as an important person, should she not?" Melody asked. "She is the heir to the Coriander throne."

  "She is believed to be dead by nearly everyone," Mason said. "I don't know that we could convince them otherwise."

  "We need not worry about the waiting list," Warner said. "I am a member."

  "How did you become involved in the Magics Society?" Mason asked incredulously.

  "He is very skilled with magic," Sophie said. She narrowed her eyes at him. "Apparently."

  "Uh, yes," Warner said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

  "That is not fair," Mason said. "Is it a necessity to be superior to others in every way?"


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